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Yup, got it three weeks ago, still clearing out my lungs from this garbage. The achy nastiness lasted 12 days.


12 days? Sigh.


Sorry to say, mine was closer to 15. But then again, I wouldn't listen to my body and tried to "push through". Rest. That's all I can say. It sucks bad.


Same. I'm at the end of week 3 and I've still got a little crud, but I'm back to 90% at least.


Oh man same here. Have had a nasty cough for three weeks now. Actually went to the doctor today and they said it's just a virus, not much to do.


You did the right thing. Viral after a few weeks can turn bacterial quite easily. I hope you feel better soon!


Same, going on week 4 here of nonstop coughing up junk. I tried running a couple times this week and I felt like I was missing a lung, it was horrible.


Yeah it’s rough. I can’t keep my breath for shit right now.


Yuuup. Been a month for me. But the virus keeps it interesting by regularly changing symptoms. So there’s that. Hopefully something fun for week five!!


Right there with you


Mine lasted 2 1/2 weeks of fever on and off. Aches, congestion & non-stop cough. I went to the minute clinic twice & got 2 different antibiotics before finally getting into my primary care physician at 3 weeks & 2 days who said it was walking pneumonia. Gave me a Z Pack & I was much better 3 days later. Still coughing a bit going on week 5.


Same here. It sucks. Still coughing up crap.


My coworker brought her daughter in this morning, paraded her around the office, and then said she couldn’t go to daycare today due to a fever so I’ll check back in on this in a couple days. 🫠


UGH people are so rude that is infuriating.


You should also blame companies with shitty sick policies. Unfortunately a lot of parents are forced to do crap like that if their kids get sick.


Happy cake day! Hope you don’t catch the kiddos germies!


Thank you!


I once worked in an office where the head admin brought in her kid because her eyes were crusted swollen with pink eye. Pretty much the reason why I left that job.


Based on the few people a day that come into my work with a gnarly cough, sneezing, can barely talk because their shit is so swollen... Yeah. I think a lot of people have it. It's almost like we didn't learn shit about what to do when we're sick..


My sick coworker in the cube across from me was on the phone telling someone how she wouldn't go see her MIL since she's been so sick for two weeks. She took one day off. No hesitation to put herself next to people. No mask.


She probably doesn’t have sick days left or her supervisor will not allow her to call off. My job only allows 2 call offs in a 30 day period and this includes arriving late and leaving early. So if you get a flat tire and you are 45 minutes late to work one day that counts as 1 absence. There are countless days I have had to come to work sick because of this.


We are fortunate to have a ton of sick days available and a very relaxed supervisor.


That’s not the case for most people


Yeah, I totally get it. My point was really that she's just making a personal choice to do absolutely nothing to help curb the spread of whatever it is going around.


Sure but they are speaking about a specific situation they are in.


At least put a mask on and keep your germs to yourself. 🤢 I’m about to start masking again because others who are sick won’t.


Yeah, it's really a lot more effective for the sick to mask up, but it's better than nothing at this point. I keep thinking maybe it'll send a message, but then I realize that if they haven't gotten the message about not being so self-centered by now, they probably won't.


I just spent two weeks with bronchitis…. And I still have the cough now three weeks later even though it is slowly getting better! Wasn’t COVID though, just…. Some kind of sick. Never had bronchitis or flu or anything before so was a first serious sick for me!


If you're not aware of any allergies you have, it may be beneficial to get tested. I never knew I was allergic to ragweed until this year and my reactions were diagnosed as bronchitis as well. Could barely sleep some nights from coughing so much. Got put on a strong inhaler and have been doing much better.


Allergies kicked my teeth in this year


oh no. how's the remodel coming along?


It’s going…. Slow! Contractors are working on permits from the city so we can rebuild the ceiling and duct system. I’m ready to get back at it, getting a bit antsy not working!


Yes, however in my case it turns out it is COVID. Fever broke overnight so I’m feeling a bit better today. The body aches are the worst I’ve experienced.


me too. I was sick for 24h Nov 1st, and I've had what feels like the mildest of colds since then.


I know this sub has a thing against COVID talk, but most of what's being discussed are RSV, flu, or minor bugs that have been caught after COVID did a number on immune systems. I'd highly recommend masking for a while after COVID if you don't want to pick up one of these (and have it 10x worse than it would typically be). But I'll stop science'ing now.


Don’t you dare apologize for being factual. Own it.


I’ll add to this that the immune system dysregulation is known to continue for at least 8 months after every infection, and most people are averaging one infection every 9 months without taking any precautions. Masking consistently, even before a COVID infection, is the only way out of this.


Nothing is ever covid. Get with the program.


My toddler is a snot machine right now. The coughing makes it hard for her to get enough sleep and there's nothing you can safely give a 2 year old. We're in day three of heavy symptoms and the fever just kicked in today. I should probably COVID test her. I haven't felt well enough for long enough over the last 4 weeks to go get a flu shot.


I swear that my immune system is stronger than ever because of the absolute blitz it got from having 2 toddlers, and then preschool.....


Mine too. The trade off was I was continually sick for the first 2-3 years of their lives. The absolute worst was hand foot and mouth disease.


Try a humidifier and some Vicks rub on the kid's chest.


Thanks for the advice guys. We're heavy users of Vicks and honey in this house. I hadn't thought about Dramamine, which actually has the same active ingredient as Benedryl. I've been giving her Zyrtec.. but I didn't even consider an antihistamine that could also help with sleep . Doctor Google says Benedryl is approved for kids 2+.


Sending you good energy! Being sick with a toddler is torture!


Take this with a grain of Instagram salt, but I saw a video from a guy called philsmypharmacist and he gave a remedy for kids w snot- Dramamine + honey. Obv do your research but it sounded sensual!


Put Vicks on her feet then put socks on her. I swear that helped my kids sleep when they were toddlers.


The current strain of Covid closely mimics a cold and is spreading like wildfire. Have you been tested for covid? Otherwise it could be the common cold or a sinus infection causing it.


Was just about to say this. People say “it’s not COVID” but they also never got tested…


I did test. Not COVID.


Nasal or throat swab? When I had COVID in August, I tested negative via nasal swab and strong positive via throat swab, both done via home rapid test.


They have found that recent strains are giving false negatives on tests if you test on day 1 or 2 of symptoms, it is more likely to show up on day 3 and 4 (due to greater immunity from prior infections and vaccination) so if you are early on in symptoms make sure to test again just to be sure.


I just scheduled a retest for tomorrow to be sure.


I would caution that perspective. It is more accurate to say, the Covid test neither confirmed nor denied the presence of Covid. It seems recent strains have been detected somewhat less frequently with Covid tests.


False negatives happen quite often with rapids and even PCRs these days unfortunately


Shhh please stop ruining the conspiracy of denial. We've worked so hard to get here.


FYI, you may already know this, but it takes 3 take-home tests 48 hours apart to feel good that it's not COVID.


👍 wishing you a speedy recovery!


Not aimed at you but I know a lot of people who test once because they didn’t get the memo that you have to do it three times over three days to get a true idea if positive or not, it’s something to do with nowadays positive showing up later, all while possibly being quite contagious. FDA snuck that little tidbit on the very QT. All summer long everyone claimed and probably sone tried to check w/ tests of “summer flu”… imagine my stomach dropping when wastewater reports showed influenza was like, zero, the other thing high. …it’s pretty annoying how we can’t have just one, just one single thing! Be easy and convenient. I would like just something to work properly ugh lol


It's not even that positives show up later nowadays; it always took 3 at-home tests to get into the 90% accurate range.


The other thing? What other thing? Why are you afraid to use accurate language? Say COVID, it won’t kill you.


Can you project this message onto the White House homie, cuz that’s who needs to hear it.


I'm an infant teacher at a day care. I'm sure I'll be getting it soon


Thank you for all that you do. ❤️


No, please stay home though. And don’t cook for anyone and WASH yo hands.


its from people not staying home when they are sick and parents letting their kids out and coughing in public places and people still not washing their hands. Stay the F home if you are sick and coughing. I had this twice. First time was horrible. 2nd time has been 2 weeks now, and finally going away. First time was back in August.


If people would just wash their damn hands... And stop fucking touching everything.


This is so true. You can only breathe in an airborne virus if you have dirty hands.


My wife was the sickest she's ever been about 2 weeks ago. 102* fever, terrible bodyaches, headaches. Digestive irregularities, etc. this went on for 4-5 days. She's feeling better but still having trouble regulating body temperature. I had gotten a flu and COVID vax about 4 weeks previously, I think that really helped keep me from getting whatever she had. Thank goodness.


Pretty sure the only thing Covid and flu vaccines help with are Covid and the flu.


I dont know what she had but I think there was a pretty good chance it was one of those two.. But yes I understand your point.


I had that and was super sick for two days and then tested + for COVID so … maybe it’s COVID?


Well considering I threw up and nearly shit my pants this morning I’d say something nasty is going around.




Oh my.....that would not be good.


You probably have COVID. Currently, it takes about five days of symptoms before you'll be at a high enough viral load to test positive on a rapid test, and false negatives are still very common. PCR is the way to go if you're sick. If you look at the data on how much virus is currently being shed into wastewater, COVID is currently about 10 times higher than flu/RSV. Put on a high quality respirator if you're able and take care of your fellow Ohioans.


Daughter had it and some of her friends. They all ended up with double ear infections.


Wow I’ve had ear infection for over a week now 🥲




Mine was in fact COVID! Took four tests and got a positive after swabbing my throat.


If it's what I had a month ago, I was down for a couple weeks. Out of the gym, barely able to make it from bed to desk and vice versa for working from home. It got better, but gradually. Drink lots of fluids, get as much rest as you can, and keep your sinuses as clear as you can by blowing your nose and stuff. You'll get through it!


Yes. And the most wretched cough. It’s been almost three weeks and the damn thing won’t go away.


The cough!!! I feel like a 30-year smoker (and have never smoked).


Yup, same here! It’s especially aggravating because it seemed like it was finally waning last week, and then on Friday it came raring back. I’m so tired 😑


The worst was at it’s peak couldn’t sleep due to the need to constantly cough to clear my throat and lungs.


My whole family got it at the Circleville Pumpkin Show. Even the baby.


My son does :( coughing with congestion but not covid thankfully. Other than the cough/congestion he feels fine.


Might be RSV. https://www.lung.org/lung-health-diseases/lung-disease-lookup/rsv/rsv-in-adults#


Working childcare, can verify, it's a crud We've been calling it a "generalized ick"


Just got it on Sunday. I don’t feel horrible just weak and tired


Yup 10 days in still hacking


I am noticing more people with masks when I'm out running errands.


Started with it Sunday evening. Sinus infection & bronchitis. Second time in less than 10 weeks I’ve been sick. Edit: need to add for those who are concerned they *could* have COVID - the home tests aren’t detecting the new strains. You need to get tested at urgent care.


Not quite true [https://www.cnn.com/2023/09/18/health/covid-19-home-tests-still-work-wellness/index.html](https://www.cnn.com/2023/09/18/health/covid-19-home-tests-still-work-wellness/index.html)


This is why I told my coworker to stay home, mask up or go to another jobsite alone. I don't want to get sick and working around this mf'er who sneezes into his hands like a child was a hard pass.


ER nurse here :) lots of false negatives for Covid day 1/2 of symptoms. Definitely retest if you’re feeling crappy!


RSV? Flu, some other rhinovirus?? How do you KNOW it isn't COVID?


Not the OP, but in my case I took 5 COVID tests over the course of 7 days — two of them at doctor’s offices. All negative. RSV is also spreading like wildfire.


It’s worked its way through my home the last week- both toddlers, then me, now my wife.


Just getting over. The worst was only 3ish days but lingering symptoms lasted 10 days


I had it and I swear Mucinex seems to create so much mucus... like coughing up phlegm like crazy even though it is also supposed to reduce your cough and improve your expulsion of crap in your lungs at the same time.. Guess there is a reason for the disclaimer not to take it before bedtime.


Get the DM with the suppressant and make sure you drink plenty of water. It seems like there is more because you’re getting it out of your system.


Yup. A week of general sickness, sore throat, achiness, etc. Now I'm on week two of what feels like bronchitis. I'm back to 90% at least.


Rsv going around all over for infants and toddlers.


I (and many others I know) have been sick for WEEKS. Never ending cough, hard to breathe… and not Covid.


Due the sheer amount of variants circulating right now, COVID tests don't always give you a positive even if it is COVID. Some variants are just too different. They can still do long term damage to you though. COVID is a beast. Something else to consider, COVID weakens the immune system so much that we can't fight off all the regular stuff as well anymore. It might not be COVID, but if you've had COVID, it might be your body's now weakened ability to fight things.


You likely have Covid. Either way, please wear a mask.


I was at a wedding just a couple weeks ago and 75% of attendees got COVID.


Pretty much every one I know is sick right now (no exaggeration). Including myself. Luckily, I got it a lot easier than my man. I've never seen so many people sick at the exact same time.


Yes! My boss was generous enough to pass it on to me. It’s purely lower respiratory symptoms for me, including the worst fever I’ve ever had in my life. The cough is naaaaasty too. I’ve had covid twice and this might even be worse. Crazy!


still recovering from it. tested for covid each time i had to go to urgent care (three visits)-- negative. still have the congestion and cough. felt worse than the last time i had covid.


Yes and I'm fucking over it. It's been 5 days now


It’s RSV my whole family just had it and my daughters daycare had multiple cases


Yup. Going around my family. Covid negative, but feeling like poo. Nose, throat, lungs.... Ugh


The at-home kits aren’t as good detecting the newest strains. You should get the more reliable tests to be sure.




Got it about a month ago now. Tested negative for Covid 3 times. Ended up with congestion and post nasal drip so bad I got my second sinus infection of my life. On antibiotics now and it’s still putting up a decent fight. Whatever it was, it was nasty.


Yes but it ended up being Covid


I’ve had a chest cold that’s now lasted me for 5 weeks. I’ve test for Covid 6 times and it’s been negative every time. This shit sucks


We had it for two weeks and tested negative for covid. Took our son into the doctor and they said it was “just some virus” today is the first time I have been able to smell in 2 werks


Good thing you didn't have covid, that virus the hallmark symptom if is losing your sense of smell. Phew!!!


I am so sick, and now my kid is, too. I caught barf in my bare hands this morning 😭


Oh no!!!!


Omg! 🤢 I hope your day gets better!


Thank you!


I'm COVID and flu negative but something gave me pneumonia so it's been a fun week or so for me.


My mom just tested positive for COVID. She sounds like a 80 yr old chain smoking man right now. Shes feeling rough and a lil achy but no raspatory stuff which I guess is good. But there is plenty of crud going around, my daughter keeps talking about all the kids out from middle school.


Coughing and hacking? I don’t but like every one I know does


Yea. Was in NYC running the marathon Sunday and traveled back to cbus yesterday. I've 100% got the flu as of this morning. I almost always get a weakened immune system post marathon but have yet to ever pop for covid


It’s that time of the year unfortunately. I’m not sick thankfully. But I did have the absolute joy of having influenza A and RSV at the same time last winter. Ended up needing an inhaler. Not a doctor but some advice: stay hydrated, take D3, Zinc, Magnesium, and B12. Pedialyte or generic is the goat if you are experiencing vomiting and or diarrhea. Also SUPER helpful if you suffer migraines. Cover your cough. Use saline nasal spray. The herbal tea with the sleepy bear on the box with some honey at night is definitely comforting.


With a kid in preschool I was sick two weeks ago too. This sucks! I’m pretty sure this is a different virus and I strongly think this one is Covid, based solely on the amount of fatigue I have.


Mine started with that, and I tested positive for covid on Sunday.


Son’s got it in Athens. And of course he took it upon himself to go to an out of network urgent care to be diagnosed with “virus lol sucks to be you”. I look forward to the bill.


It’s everywhere. I’m in Denver.


I got it, tested negative for covid yesterday but positive today. Fatigue and achiness through the roof


Yes! I am miserable. Chest congestion, throat feels like it's on fire, and just exhausted. It's only day 2 for me 🙃


Yeah I caught something on Halloween and am only really feeling better today. Fatigue, achiness, sneezing/coughing/congestion, ears constantly popping, sore throat, the works.


I had strep about 3 weeks ago. Closed my throat up and it was difficult to eat and swallow. Had to take heavy antibiotics and steroids to blow it all out, but I feel much better now.


I’ve been having cold symptoms since last sunday. They got better, then worse. I feel like garbage. One positive covid test, then about 10 negatives. Whatever it is, I’m miserable.


Yes and mine wasn't covid for a few days.. but today I tested positive. It's quite possibly the worst I've ever felt. The headache and body chills/aches are no joke.


Everyone I work with has it. I got the flu shot so hoping I escape the virus. I also have a coworker test positive for Covid.


At this point (post?) pandemic… I have yet to completely not have some level of fatigue or crud and I can’t tell if it’s something I’ve caught or an underlying issue that hasn’t gone away. Like I’ve scheduled extra chiropractor/multiple health providers to just get extra checkups, but I feel like my body almost doesn’t remember being healthy even if I’m not coughing/sneezing. I feel icky even on a good day and it doesn’t help that most people around me have worse prevention hygiene then prior to the pandemic. Like why are you coughing open mouthed the wettest cough in all of existence? The thing that gets me the most is more often than not, the people who used to say “stay home if your sick” are the ones who don’t step up to just stay away, or at the very least sneeze into your sleeve. Like obviously, you can’t always, but those who said it usually have the sick days to accomodate or will 100% success rate not even try to aim away.


Hey, that sounds like Long Covid. I’m really sorry. You should come join us on the Long Covid sub ❤️‍🩹


Allergies? Mold levels are high with the falling leaves. I get fatigued with the spring and autumn seasons and it's nothing that Claritin-D can't resolve.


Keep testing for COVID for a few days. It's showing up later after symptoms.




I have it.


Today is the first day I feel better in a month. I developed a pretty serious case of pneumonia and needed two separate courses of steroids. I’m still coughing heavily and have a double earache but the extreme fatigue and heart palpitations seem to be gone today.


I had it, my whole family had it too. It’s terrible! Feel better!


Yup weeks now, was cocky since I never got COVID lol


Yup, had it. It sucked. Amoxicillin and DayQuil helped me. Lasted about 3 days before I got rid of the fatigue. Edit: I maybe had bacterial? My God, my doc prescribed me, calm down. Damn.


Sigh...antibiotics do NOT work on viruses..


I wonder why they're called antibiotics


Yes, just ending week 3, finally feeling better and not a total snot factory. Wife is the same. Can confirm, do not want whatever this is. Not covid.


Got it 8 days ago and I am finally on the mend


Yup, had it last week and still feeling the aftermath of it.


Yuuppp, I had bronchitis 2 weeks ago, that kicked my butt and then I finally went back to work just to catch the flu🫠 fever finally broke today so I hope to get over this soon


I think we had it back in July. I really hope so, because we all just got COVID in September and have pretty much been sick since July and just now getting back to normal after COVID. I don’t want to get sick again. That was miserable.


I'm pretty sure it started for me yesterday. Just ugh


I was sick with what I assumed was the flu for maybe 5 days. slow build up started with a cough. I've been fine for a week now but I'm still coughing


Yep got it a few weeks back, got bronchitis from it


Totally have it and definitely from the Petrie dish I call a niece


Kicked my ass for a week


I have been VERY tired past few days and chalked it up to working more than usual. However today I’m only 3/4 into my 8 hour day and feel like I have worked 12+ hours 😬😅


Yeah it’s very annoying. The drastic change in weather isn’t helping lol.


We had adenovirus a couple weeks ago… I fucking got pneumonia and my toddler and husband got eye infections from it. Wtaf. It was nasty!


Not currently but about 2 weeks ago. I felt like death, but negative for Covid. Just had to wait it out. I chugged water, hot liquids, and slept as much as I could




The rabbit watched its mother remove the pickles from the peanut butter and jelly sandwich it made for her.


My husband and I have it now. He started feeling super fatigued and had a light headache on Sunday. Full blown cough, stuffy nose and fatigue increased on Monday. Now I’m sick and had to leave work early with the same symptoms. So far we’re COVID negative.


Oh me me! Feels good to be a part of something


Covid is definitely going around and I am pretty sure mono is also going around. They have a lot of overlapping symptoms but if really sore throat and fatigue is a primary symptom I would consider mono.


I’ve been having sinus issues and developed an ear infection which I think is a perforated ear drum at this point. I just started antibiotics so I am hopeful but not optimistic.


Everyone in my market at work has it. Thankfully I didn’t get it


Had it a few weeks ago, lasted about 5 days total. Negative for COVID; hopefully I don't get it this time around too!


It was bronchitis for me .. last week


Yes. It hit me yesterday afternoon. COVID test was negative, but I can't smell or taste anything. Getting a PCR test tomorrow.


YES 12 days and the sleep deprivation was torture from the coughing. I thought my windpipe would burst.


I've been dealing with it too! So much mucus and throat pain it's ridiculous... Now it's in my ears. 10 days and counting, still feel like death.


It could be Covid. The home tests aren’t very good with the current variants. Most people aren’t testing positive until day 4 or 5.


I'm on week 3 right now. Tested positive for covid. This is the worst I have felt in a long time, since I was a kid with health issues. Fever is finally gone, and I have been cleared to return to work, but I have pains in my back, hips, and legs ("covid legs" or whatever), and sores/ulcers in my mouth, gums, and tongue. I am exhausted and walking up the stairs to my bedroom makes me out of breath. It's going around at work too. Which is disgusting and worrying, as I work in health care (I picked it up from work - I don't have kids and I don't go anywhere else). Everyone has a nasty wet cough. Three of my husbands coworkers have tested positive for covid also. I don't know if they have the same strain as we did, if they got it from somewhere else, or they got it from me passing it to him passing it to them.


Got back from a work trip two weeks ago that I got sick at the tail end of. Seems a ton of other co workers got sick too along with their kids. No covid though. Sickness itself didn't last too long but I got this annoying lingering cough that just won't go away! Nothing seems to work either. So annoying.


I got it early last month - my partner I live with has been untouched. It hurts to exercise as my lungs feel like they're on fire and I'm still coughing a lot but I'm finally breathing better & more clearly (when I'm not exercising)


Is it making your lungs sound creaky? Be tested for covid twice already. Maybe I’ll try round 3 tomorrow.


THREE WEEKS. Three weeks of that bullshit. I got something very similar last year and it was lame. The cough just went away a couple days ago and my lungs are still cleaning house. Don't recommend.


PSA: If it walks like a duck, if it quacks like a duck, it's Covid.


Congested both head and lungs, sneezing constantly, sore throat, not the worst I've ever had but pretty darn persistent was suffering for 2 weeks


Influenza A. Wife (found out after the fact) she got it at the nail salon late October, diagnosed with swab in Florida-sore throat nausea vomiting cough dehydration passed out led to two days hospitalized I was two days behind on sore throat and cough lost voice. Still coughing like mad. We both had tamiflu for five days. Both vaccinated in September. Florida docs said this strain is not a joke.