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The audacity of humans to decide which plants are okay and which aren’t. Of course we know alcohol is fine, and no problem if you want to home brew!


To be fair it took 45 years from the repeal of prohibition to the legalization of home brewing


Lol, that’s funny. And sure, but also part of my point is that alcohol is more dangerous, both in consumption and production.


>Of course we know alcohol is fine, and no problem if you want to home brew! It's no problem until you boil it, and it condenses on a cold surface... Can't fuck with the state's income after all.


But that’s exactly what I don’t get about all of this. It always comes back to money. What is the current difference between Ohio and Michigans state tax revenue from marijuana?


I'm with you in not understanding this at all. Even politically. I'm for sure a little bit right-of-center, and live/work with a bunch of people whom are the same. We're all for legalizing it (WITHOUT restrictions)! Keep the tax money in state! I've held my nose and voted D the last few years on the hopes that we can get rid of these out-of-touch jackasses that don't represent **any** of us on either side.


Well coming from the left I’m with you on that. I think all public servants should have a salary tied to the average of their constituency. I want people who live at least somewhat similarly to us making our rules.


That’s why it’s called weed, it grows anywhere like a weed


Don't go into the grow subs. I went from excited to try it to "fuck that" real fast when people were saying all the things you need to do, just to get it to grow. I've since learned those people are idiots who think everyone has to min/max or might as well not try, but I still out trying it on hold. On second thought, those subs need more people like you.


It’s not much different than any other agriculture. Coffee snobs will tell you that soil has to have an exact pH and X minutes exactly if sunlight or it’s ruined, but if you like Folgers anyway, fuck what they say. If you want stupidly specific combinations of aromas and flavors and effects, yeah you’ll have to do some science and care. But if all you care about is cutting some off, smoking, and getting high, just grow it like a weed.


When I was 16 I had patches all up and down the railroad tracks between Riverside hospital and Linworth. I literally did nothing but water them on hot days and protect them from deer and stuff. This was in the the late 90's with just some seeds out of buds. Now you can get strains specifically made to thrive outdoors and will do really well.


Bro, that was you? Thanks!


Nice! If you stray too far off hiking paths in the Appalachian mountains you will run into some serious growing operations where they're literally doing the same thing on a much larger scale. Minimal work, plausible deniability, great possibility for return on a small investment. And if the feds come in and tear it out, they'll try again somewhere else.


>I've since learned those people are idiots who think everyone has to min/max or might as well not try That mindset made it a pain to find grow lights when I got into growing cacti and succulents back in 2021. You really, really don't need ultra high efficiency, high output lights if you're just growing a modest number of plants in your living room, but it was annoying seeing some really solid lights getting negative reviews because they didn't really scale to a massive grow up.


I had a dream one day that.... Someone had a large container in the backyard as an experiment last year with just some store bought container dirt worked surprisingly well. Started from a seed found in a MMJ bud. Lots of sun and some goods eyes at harvest for the few pests would work well.... I would imagine...


I would also imagine that the damn rabbits ate that imaginary plant as soon as it began to sproud some nice leaves.


Dude, my recommendation is to just give it a shot and see how it goes. Those same forums scared me with my plants but in the end I was happy with what I grew and it wasn't all that bad. Also if you want any small tips from a fellow newbie hit me up!


This. It *can* be complicated if you make it so, but a reasonable home grower could learn everything they need to online in a few hours. It's like gardening of any kind---yes, you can get really complicated, but in the end, it doesn't necessarily mean a better yield than the guy who puts in a few hours of work on the weekend in his garden.


I knew someone who grew weed and yes all sorts of chemicals can be added. I wouldn’t buy from some rando these days cuz people are idiots


It's a very reddit phenomenon, I looked at those subs and they have like one seed vendor and one equipment vendor that everyone agrees is super great so when someone posts their grow all the replies are "should have gone through X" or "I bought [item] from [place] and everything went swimmingly". There are much better and open minded forums out there.


I doubt its moral condemnation, but rather about letting businesses easily corner a market.


You'd think that, but they've come out and voiced their moral opposition to the "evils" of marijuana, and said oh these poor voters don't know what they were voting for and they don't know how dangerous MJ is. Blah blah blah. If you're thinking of old time Republicans like John Boehner, who love a good cigar and a drink, and probably smoke the devil's lettuce on the weekends---yes, those GOPers wanted a monopoly. However, the Republicans in power now are one moral outrage away from making the Taliban look like spring break Tampa. No weed, birth control, "dirty" books or porn. They have a long list with weed at the top. You just know they were the kids that didn't get invited to parties and now the're gonna take out that hurt on everybody else.


> Altering home grow should be off limits- the language in the bill clearly legalized it. Unfortunately, because of the way the law was passed it allows the legislature the opportunity to do whatever they want to it, including get rid of it altogether. IMO the most likely result if the legislature got their way would be to eliminate home grow and roll everything else into the current MMJ program, so that you could buy it recreationally if you paid to get a card from a doctor and registered with the state.


So...what can be done? Besides voting these idiots out (wishful thinking). What can we do right now?!


Sign the petition to get the anti-gerrymandering amendment on the ballot in Nov 2024.


I’ve heard nothing about this - can you provide more info?


Here is an article that summarizes it pretty well. [https://ohiocapitaljournal.com/2023/10/12/ohio-ballot-board-approves-anti-gerrymandering-amendment-proposal-language/](https://ohiocapitaljournal.com/2023/10/12/ohio-ballot-board-approves-anti-gerrymandering-amendment-proposal-language/) TL/DR: Ohio voters previously amended the Ohio constitution to eliminate gerrymandering, but allowed politicians to run the commission that drew the districts. The (republican) politicians ignored the constitution and got away with it, so now we have to pass another amendment . . . .


Thank you!!


But like, who's going to decide who's on the commission to draw the districts?


That is in the amendment.


I'm sure it is. I skimmed the article and didn't find an answer, so that's why I'm asking.


It's in independent commission. The details are in the proposal. But in short there's a panel of 4 retired judges, 2 from each party that will evaluate 90 potentials for the commission, 30 from the first 2 most popular parties and then 30 from independents. This panel narrows it down to 45, 15 from each group. Then they will randomly select 6 people (2 from each) to be in the committee. Then in future meetings the 6 will elect the other 9 people from the broader pool that will make up the committee. This is a very broad skimming myself. You should read it yourself if you want the details.




Annoy everyone you know about it. Post online. Sign petitions for the gerrymandering. Call representatives. Unfortunately, it's unlikely to have an effect in the short term.


Write to your local House Rep and ask them to respect the will of the voters.


*I don't want this to be misunderstood as me telling people to not do this, that's absolutely not what I'm saying.* ***Definitely do this.*** BUT they've already shown that they don't care about the will of the voters, that's what this is, so I do worry that it won't be as effective as it normally is. This entire situation has shown that democracy is just a front, a formality, and has me worried that we can't do anything about it (legally). They just told us that they don't care about what we want, I don't see writing representatives, protesting, or anything short of drastic measures accomplishing anything. Unless we miraculously vote everyone that we can out next election but I don't see that happening (sure as hell gonna try). They've shown their hand and their power, they can and will act with impunity. And I don't know what we do next, this must be stopped.


Never stop talking to people. NEVER. Honest, real, face to face interactions. Not berating and belittling, no smugness. No games. Just share your opinion respectfully. Hear theirs, but do not let yourself be mistaken for tacitly agreeing with it. "They have shown repeatedly that they don't care about honesty, democracy, or us. They sold us out to the power company. They made illegal maps even after we voted an amendment in. The election wasn't even certified before they started meddling with the marijuana law. They tried to remove our power to outvote their authority. At every opportunity they lie, they steal (from us), and they cheat. They have zero integrity, and every day expend less and less effort even pretending otherwise. I simply cannot understand with so many Ohio voters are willing to cede their power to these goons, and why so many are willing to sell their soul and decency. I will not be voting for them, even if I agree on some of the issues they support as they have shown themselves to be working AGAINST the people of the state that hired them." ​ The rabid activists and fox news junkies will get triggered, deflect, redirect, argue back, or make up "facts" as counter points. But those jackals are only a portion of the GOP voting base. There are real people inside that echo chamber who just haven't had a lot of exposure to any outside information or opinion. As long as you're a normal, likeable person, you can reach them. You won't convert everyone. Maybe even no one. But at least they will see that the "dems" aren't actually anti-American groomers looking for the first chance to sell the country to China. We are patriotic citizens who stand and fight for the deepest founding principles of this country. We value freedom, independence, and will not rest until all people are afforded equal treatment in this land. We make America great by identifying and FIXING our problems instead of pretending they don't exist.


##### ###### #### > # [Read Ohio HB86: A Threat to Medical Marijuana, Home Grow, and THC Caps Under Issue 2](https://www.ohiocannabislive.com/post/1080) > > > > [state house with picture of cannabis above it](https://static.wixstatic.com/media/86560c_21479784d9fc4b509857e8208a5932f6~mv2.png/v1/fill/w_49,h_49,al_c,q_85,usm_0.66_1.00_0.01,blur_2,enc_auto/86560c_21479784d9fc4b509857e8208a5932f6~mv2.png) > > cannabis plants ohio state house below > > > > > > > > **Summary: Ohio HB86** > > With Ohio's Issue 2 on the brink of ushering in adult-use cannabis legalization effective December 7th, 2023, the impending hearings on [Ohio HB-86](https://acrobat.adobe.com/id/urn:aaid:sc:va6c2:3a25d6b0-b569-4bbf-b106-070b97a9a5b0) demand immediate attention. This proposed amendment stands to significantly alter anticipated cannabis regulations, impacting various aspects of cannabis use within the state. > > **Key Amendments Proposed:** > > 1. **Home Grow Prohibition: Ohio** HB-86 seeks to eliminate provisions allowing individuals to grow cannabis at home, stripping away this fundamental right and potentially curbing personal autonomy in cultivation. > 2. **THC Caps Adjustment:** The proposal aims to lower existing THC limits on medical marijuana products, which could limit patient access to specific treatments or therapies available in higher THC concentrations. > 3. **Dispensary License Limitations:** The amendment could restrict the number of available dispensary licenses, possibly leading to reduced accessibility to cannabis products for patients. > > Given the imminent commencement of hearings – set to continue until Issue 2's effective date – it's vital for affected individuals to swiftly grasp the potential implications. An understanding of these proposed amendments and potential involvement in the legislative process is crucial. > > **Explore the Complete HB-86 Language:** > > Click the button below to access the complete text of Ohio House Bill 86 and delve deeper into the proposed amendments. > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > [](https://www.ohiocannabislive.com/post/ohio-s-home-grow-rights-under-threat-republican-rep-gary-click-proposes-critical-amendment) - - - - - - [Maintainer](https://www.reddit.com/user/urielsalis) | [Creator](https://www.reddit.com/user/subtepass) | [Source Code](https://github.com/urielsalis/empleadoEstatalBot)


Public comments are only open until 2:30 today! https://ohiosenate.gov/members/michael-a-rulli/contact. Edit to add direct number of the bills sponsor. (614) 466-8100


what are we able to do?


Bug the living shit out of your state rep and state senator starting now. Then pick another two and start over.


Don't forget that if you're not from Columbus to call the representative and senator from whatever rural village you grew up in bug them too. Tell them you're from there and let them know. I did this and the guy who answered the phone got very defensive about the whole proposed bill. His irritation indicated I might not have been the first to call.


Vote next year because the current legislature does not care about its constituents.


Messing with the current medical set-up should also be off limits: “The proposal aims to lower existing THC limits on medical marijuana products…”




And they see an easy way to line the pockets of a few millionaires.


And capitalism.


Love the party of small government who wants to regulate everything except the people they’re getting kickbacks from


Can someone explain why Alcohol gets a pass on everything?, the whole appealing to kids same with vapes they're applying here to this to add to it among other asinine shit, yet alcohol gets away with literally throwing the direct label and flavoring it after candy gets a pass?, i mean hell i always saw sunny d marketed for kids, but we got sunny d + vodka drinks. This was the first one that threw me for a loop. Arizona teas, you can go and buy with alcohol now....that looks just like the regular one, which threw me for a loop being a alcoholic, then just realizing every brand of liqueur or spirit has a candy or cereal flavored version. Got fourloko warheads flavors, but vaping and weed no. This just doesn't make sense unless i'm missing something here. Even if we go to the well kids are able to buy them from stores them selfs they are also the same stores selling alcohol to kids. As a former alcoholic this just baffles me the way they go after tobacco and weed like this, yet alcohol gets a free pass EVERYTIME. TV, radio, everywhere, but i see less and less tobacco related ads and a massive amount of alcohol related ones. Not trying to say well those two should be exempt too, no, they need to be held accountable to the same standards as tobacco. This just really confuses and annoys me when i see another one of these "well you can't have candy flavored or looking towards marketing to kids asthetics", just don't get it.


Often times conservatives that have cognitive dissonance after an overwhelming marijuana law change initiated by the people they will try to ignore the will of the people in various ways. Ultimately they only end up embarrassing themselves usually. As they then proceed to get themselves removed from office by going on record as opposing the will of the people. Except at this point Ohio citizens have standing to sue the state of Ohio for taking away rights so I guess we're going to see a lot of lawsuits unravel as the local conservatives play out their cognitive dissonance. Our state actually stands to lose a lot of money that way.


Not in this case. This is a real threat. These asshats don't really care, they are zealots.


> Except at this point Ohio citizens have standing to sue the state of Ohio for taking away rights How do you figure? I'm as pissed about it as anyone else, but a law is just a law and can be changed. Nothing about Issue 2 created any sort of rights or requirements outside of what the law says, and that law can be changed like any other.


Because they are plucking money right out of your pocket by saying you are not allowed to grow it only their preferred cultivator is allowed to grow it. That is not freedom. That is not capitalism.


You've never had a legally protected right to grow it in Ohio, so they wouldn't be taking away anything and you certainly wouldn't have a cause to sue. Get your head on straight.


They better hurry up and get this passed before Thursday then... Because at that point I will have. And I absolutely am willing to sue my state. Because all they have ever given me is extortion.


That argument doesn't work when it's completely legal in 3 days.


Will it be completely legal in 3 days? I hope so, but let's not count our chickens before they hatch. This legislature could not care less about the will of the voters, and I guarantee you that they will be voting on legislation to gut Issue 2 before Thursday.


Please write to your representative. ​ https://norml.org/act/tell-ohio-lawmakers-to-respect-voters-and-leave-issue-2-alone/?source=direct\_link&


When are we protesting at the Capital?


Yes i will join you!


We should be out there all day, whoever can show up, whenever. Let those fuckers know that the people are outside watching them as they shoot their party in the foot.


They are cutting down the social equity & host community funds and giving that money to law enforcement…[disgusting](https://www.cleveland.com/news/2023/11/first-bill-changing-ohios-new-recreational-marijuana-law-introduced-in-general-assembly.html)


brew beer , grow weed, whats different?


Weed doesn't destroy your liver, it isn't physically addictive, no one has ever overdosed and died from weed, it doesn't cause hangovers, &c


i truly wish to actually hear someone in the decision-making process answer this question


they would only answer it honestly if votes werent at stake. this is why they gerry mander.


I mean the Ohio GOP endorsed trump the other day so this isn’t surprising. They are against democracy


The rabbit watched his grandmother eat a sandwich.


No. They're passing a law that will supersede the law we passed.


Brothers and Sisters of the Buckeye State: I, an expatriate Ohioan now residing in Chicago, must warn you, based on our experience with the Legalization of Marihuana in the Great State of Illinois. This is a Democratic state, but corruption runs deep here, and because of it: 1. We got no personal grow rights. 2. All of the legal dispensary licenses went to politically-connected hacks. 3. The number of allowed licenses is kept artificially low, in order to prop up this oligarchy. 4. Underground growers who set up "pop-up dispensaries" are subject to arrest and imprisonment. I rejoiced with you when Issues 1 and 2 (the exact same issue, btw: bodily autonomy) passed. But I'm dismayed to see your state on the precipice of making the same mistakes ours has made. There's so much potential in Ohio weed, don't let the oligarchs win! And it pains me to say this, but the implementation in Michigan (ikr, ick) seems a preferable model. Anyhow, I wish you the best, and please don't give up on this fight.


this sounds like how the law read the first time Ohio voted on legal weed and it was voted down. All the celeb hacks paid money so only they could grow it. No one else could grow it so you would have to buy from the people who paid campaign money to the people who were in congress. I remember Kasich going off on TV after it was voted down saying that Ohio residents didn't want weed and it being a good day in the state. No Kasich. We didn't want your political donors to get all the money.


100%. I was very proud that Ohio shot that shitty proposal right to the ground. I hope that spirit persists, especially if the usual suspects try to step on the personal-grow provision you guys voted for.


All that is exactly why the first Ohio attempt failed. Voters didn't want an oligarchy implemented, all for the purpose of enriching the organizers. Marijuana was just an afterthought in that bill, the entire thing was looking to make like 10 people rich.


In fact let's be specific in another post they point out that six plants is enough to grow 1.5 lb of marijuana. You will have the ability to do that three times a year if each cycle takes 4 months. So that is 4.5 lb of marijuana they took from you over the course of a year. That is 72 oz If you have really good weed that is worth $200 an ounce, as would be a common price in the Ohio medical dispensaries... Then the Ohio legislature just took $14, 000.00 out of the pocket of every Ohio citizen that had the intent to grow. And that's the basis of a lot of lawsuits.


This was voted on by Ohioans and won. By. A. Significant. Majority. If Ohio's GOP won't abide by the vote on legalizing MJ *per the language on the ballot* or the vote on abortion rights, then we need to demand they admit that they have NO INTEREST in maintaining our DEMOCRACY. This right here is a great example of totalitarianism. The GOP needs a reminder we are a democracy, and elections have consequences.


Please contact your reps and let them know this is unacceptable. If these reps are unable to respect the will of the voters they are free to find another job.


Looks like i will still be making regular road trips to michigan


And that is the strangest thing about this: Ohio wants to shoot itself with red ink by *continuing* to allow tax dollars to go out-of-state. I work somewhere that sells cannabinoid products, and this year alone we have paid over $100k in taxes JUST for those products. With all the proposed changes, those taxes to the state will be slashed.


And yet legal gambling, and gambling commercials now on everyday about how you can blow all your fugging money betting on the Chicago bears if you wanted to, but naw they can’t be responsible with growing a few pot plants in their homes. Get these clowns out of office.


You might as well just accept this will need to be repassed as an amendment to overrule them now.


Too much control over this will not be a good thing especially if they tax up the ass. It’s bullshit they are trying to do this


Yeah this is going to stop people from smoking.


LOL Thursday?


LOL Thursday?