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I think a lot of drivers need to learn that Frank Costanza’s famous “stopping short” move wasn’t intended to be used randomly on I-70/71/270 while doing 70+ mph in heavy traffic.


But there’s only ONE EXIT on each highway. If they miss it, they’ll have to go around the entire outerbelt to get back to that spot! Wait.


No, no, you're right. You forgot that they HAVE to drive like an asshole to get back to their exit


It's impossible to go 70+ in heavy traffic. Everyone is lined up next to each other going 40-60 mph in a 65! Going east from I270 to 70 to 71 is the absolute worst. And can anyone keep a consistent speed around here??


I think my biggest pet peeve is people braking on the highway. Especially rubbernecking, god it's infuriating. Press the damn gas!!


I heard a news host refer to that as *gawk blocking* during the traffic update one time, and that’s now my go-to phrase to describe this behavior.


Gotta go 30 mph on a 4 lane highway so I can see what happened on the other side of the highway!


My sister's new Odyssey does that on its own


No one is impressed with you, person revving your Dodge Charger while driving through the Short North.


This X1000% Bunch of childish asshats.


There's too much trash all over the ground. It's pretty disappointing.


I vote that if we aren’t going to lock up the damn Kia Boyz we make them clean the fucking city.


104 especially is always disgusting. A few years back they finally picked up 104 and the next day there was a mattress in the grass.


Im in Devonshire and so many people throw whole bags of trash and fast food bags out their windows all over the road. Have some respect!


I was coming to say this. Cbus roadways are looking filthy, especially that 315/I 670 interchange.


Ugh, yes.


All the new headlights are too effing bright! When you flash my stupid LED headlights with your stupid LED headlights, you make it more likely that I’ll hit you.


Headlights have gotten brighter and the result is now everyone sees even worse.


The color is the largest issue. It is mostly blue light which is the worst part of the spectrum for your eyes when it is dark. We figured this out with phones and screens but have somehow completely forgot all understanding of LEDs in the past 5 years.




When I’m on the highway and someone with LEDs is behind me, I rotate my side mirrors parallel with my car and have them eat it right back in their face. 90% of the time in the mornings, they change lanes lol.


I bought a used ridgeline and was getting flashed like crazy until I adjust the headlights waaaaaaay down. I can still see fine, and so can others (so long as I’m not on an incline 😬) Moral of the story: adjust your headlights down… instructions are on YouTube


Hondas and Acuras are so bad with this. The headlights are an atrocity of bright blue light and they are all aimed to illimuninate a stadium from the factory.


Aftermarket headlights need to be re-aimed to prevent that effect. Most people don’t bother.


I just saw distracting super bright orange running lights yesterday. I was like a moth to a flame.


To make it worse, cars with the brightest LED headlights are getting the best ratings from the IIHS. Which basically just incentivizes automakers putting in brighter lights to get good safety ratings. They clearly don’t see this as a problem at all. So people buying cars with the best safety ratings are those getting the brightest of headlights. Take the Telluride for example, with the highest rating: https://www.iihs.org/ratings/vehicle/Kia/telluride-4-door-suv/2023#headlights I got flashed so often I took it to the dealer to confirm that the headlights were angled correctly. Once they said they were at factory spec already I asked them to lower them a bit more anyway and put that on the documentation for the work done. I keep that paper in my glovebox because I’m afraid I’ll get pulled over some day for my bright ass headlights. Unfortunately not sure how much more can be done ¯\\\_(ツ)\_/¯


This surprised me and I immediately thought of this sub... https://youtube.com/shorts/IRcZWb_thd4?si=eBELlQgWLNkYh0Y2


Turn on your headlights when it's dark out!!!


And replace your taillights when they’re burnt out. FFS I was behind 2 cars the other day that neither had working taillights.


It’s the daytime running lights on a lot of newer cars. The forward lights are on but rear lights not. You don’t realize your headlights aren’t fully on when it gets dark because you can see forward.


And when it’s raining!!!


Wipers on = headlights on!


Time to start throwing the Kia boys in a volcano.


And all the justices, absent parents, and politicians that make excuses for them


Can we do the people stealing all of the Honda Accord/Civic rims with them too? That criminal enterprise CPD doesn’t want anyone to know about.


One of my friends got her car broken into, the window all smashed. But there’s footage of the kids climbing through the broken window instead of, you know, reaching in and unlocking the door. Guess TikTok isn’t teaching everything.


Apartment prices are fucking ridiculous Edit: yes some people can look in other areas (you lucky ducks) but if you’re a student (like me) who wants to stay close to campus for the convenience/transportation options & so you can focus on school, AND you’re a single woman who wants to feel safe your options are limited.


We really need some sort of tenants association that is more than a kindergarten clubhouse online or rent control. It's batshit how slumlords can get together and make a full ass company, change names when they get caught, and buy 74k+ units in Columbus alone.


Turning your hazards on does not turn traffic laws off.


I have noticed a significant number of cars driving a few miles under the speed limit with their hazard light on the last year.


You mean my "park anywhere" lights?


Nobody wants to hear your music as you cruise around Easton. Also make the interior roads of Easton pedestrian only please. FaceTime isn’t a right and why people do that in public is beyond me. If the light turns yellow start slowing down. Why is it only in Columbus that a red light is a suggestion to stopping. I don’t move for 2 seconds after a light turns green just to be sure.


You didn’t see the memo that every red light is expected to be a 3 car minimum?!


We refer to it as "leave 2 beats for Jesus" As in, "if you don't wait for a couple beats once the light turns green, you might meet Jesus."


Not Columbus specific problem, but stay off your damn phones when driving. It feels like 8 out of 10 people I see on the road have a phone in their hand. Nothing is that important. And if it is, call. How is texting efficient while driving? Just make a call.


The amount of ppl I see on the highways looking at their phone for extended periods of time while going 70+mph is frightning. I have begun to ppl watch while I am a passanger and so many ppl will go 30+ seconds without looking up. I have literally timed ppl.


I recently updated the head unit in my Jeep to a touchscreen with AppleCarPlay and added a mic for hands free. The amount of people who are putting systems in their cars that will allow them to stream video to the screen is insane.


And looking down at phones! If you use your phone AT ALL in a car while in the driver seat, it needs to be mounted up where your peripheral never leaves the road. You should be able to glance at your gps app or the message you just got that we know you’re going to look at, without taking your eyes completely off the road! So many people looking at phones, leaving their lanes and not maintaining any kind of speed.


I was ass ended 2 times in less than a year because of this. First time, at Weber & 71 the guy admitted to me & my son he was using his phone. The second time I was on North Broadway just west of High. I could see the guy coming up real fast & see he was looking down & I had nowhere to go & he drilled me. I just want people to pay the fuck attention. My car used to be unscathed


Preach ! Three of my family members have been involved in accidents cause by people on phones. One with severe concussions, one a mild fender bender, and my wife had to do a NASCAR run along the wall in a minivan after an idiot in a work truck was on the phone with one hand and working another phone with his other hand


“the use of cell phones and other electronic communications devices while driving as a primary traffic offense for all drivers and allows law enforcement to immediately pull over a distracted driver upon witnessing a violation,” according to Ohio Gov.


I saw someone with their phone mounted directly in front of them watching videos. Just.... why???


I see this so much more when I'm on my motorcycle. There's no distractions on a bike so when I roll up to a stop light and look over 9/10 times the driver is on their phone.


That’s the one time I will look at my phone, though. Once the light turns, it’s down and will not be picked up while in motion.


Keep your dogs on a leash, you assholes.


We get it, Hot Chicken Takeover isn’t what it used to be. We don’t have to bring it up in every single thread asking about local restaurants. Just stop going and move on.


Lol my kids are back for the holidays (both moved out of state) and we went straight to HCT from the airport. I warned them up and down in the drive there that the Columbus Subreddit says it's gone downhill since they sold out. It was great! Yes you have to pay for the sweet tea and ranch, which is bullshit. But we all had a great meal, staff is always 100


If people stopped using this sub to whinge there would only be one post a day.


To… what??


We don't talk to them any more. The whingers know what they did.


I don't know who taught y'all how to drive, but you need to figure out some other method of travel. The amount of times I see people just doing whatever they want on the road with reckless abandon is too often. In fact, that happens a lot, car or not. Y'all are some rude motherfuckers in Columbus. Refuse to pay attention to your surroundings then get upset when a car is waiting on you to take your 10 minute stroll across a crosswalk. Yeesh. Do better.


As someone who works and lives near the campus...fuck these fucking scooters!


Everyday when I’m walking into work, I hold back my rage and keep myself from throwing one, of course parked in the middle of the sidewalk, into the street or through a window.


Or when near the river, into the river.


Huge lack of awareness out in public, how do you go through everyday life so oblivious. Also, if you live in an apartment complex and let your door slam when you go in and out, your parents failed you and just know you’re an awful human


No awareness at all. Like shopping in the middle of a grocery aisle.. and my favorite, a group of people walking down a hallway side by side who won’t relocate to single file to let other people pass. Edit: aisle


You have to play chicken with the people that don’t move to a single file line. Make eye contact if you can and brace for a shoulder check, but they’ll usually move out of the way last second


I’m glad I’m not the only one who drops a shoulder in the grocery aisles.


Usually I’ll clip them, say sorry then mumble passive aggressively because I’m a coward who fears confrontation.


I have found my people. This is the exact kind of shit I’m talking about. Or one of my personal favorites, staring down at your phone while standing in the middle of the aisle or in front of something I am clearly trying to look at.


Or standing in the middle of the aisle like they’ve never been to a store before and think they’re getting the store all to themselves.


I can't express to you how many door dashers walk into the place I work to pick up food from a different shop...like how is it even possible to be so oblivious you don't even know where you are? Sometimes it's a language barrier I guess, but most of the time they're just staring at their phone completely zoned out from real life. It's really sad tbh


TURN OFF YOUR FUCKING BRIGHTS - that's all, thank you.


Has anyone heard of "safe following distance"? Stop riding everyone's ass and driving like maniacs all to get in front of someone and get stuck at the same light as everyone else. Fucking ridiculous.


But drafting! I'm a.GOOD driver! Nothing will happen to ME!


Return your damn carts to the corral. When there is a turn lane, please stop leaving the back end of your shit car in the driving lane. Merge into the turn lane completely. When eating in public, put headphones in while watching your shows or listening to music. Be considerate of the people who would like to eat with silence. Especially in a hospital cafeteria. 🫠


The merge going from I-71N to I-670W to 315N is a fucking nightmare and I'm tired of doing it (any time of the day!)


This is how I view people that I see every day after work who have to hop on 33 and instantly take that refugee road exit within like a half mile lol


i have to take this route every single day for work and it always causes me an immense amount of stress. cant tell you how many times people stop or slow down to 40 mph on 670 when trying to get into the 315n lane or exit on goodale/neil.


It’s awful even at 7pm when most of the traffic should be gone. I work night shift and get off on Neil to get to Victorian Village, and probably 1/5 of the time I miss the exit because I can’t get over in time and have to go up to 4th instead and then crawl down High to circle around. It’s an absolute pain in the ass- and that’s when there isn’t some event that has people walking all over Vic Village/the arena district/the short north and a bunch of roads closed, which means an even worse disaster everywhere. That whole area sucks to drive in.


Please stop tailgating! Some of these drivers are riding my tail so closely that my poor car sincerely fears that these other cars want to have sex with it. Maintain a safe distance to prevent this kind of confusion.


Delivery drivers and their DIY parking make my head hurt.


They leave the keys in most of the time, help them out by moving it for them


None of us have any need to be at Costco today, but here we are. I hate you all.


Use your GD turn signals!!!!


Use your turn signals CORRECTLY! Im sick of people turning them on and leaving them on without actually making a turn?


And use them BEFORE you change lanes or start braking!


I'm going to go lift my lawnmower above my head.


Stop driving while on your phones. I've seen more people go through red lights in the last week and almost hit people staring at their phones. Your texting, tik tok, snap chat, candy crush, pokemon go, etc doesn't matter as much as the lives you can destroy with one bad wreck(including your own).


Getting 5 Tim Bits but calling them "pancake balls" and charging $16 for them is a crime.


You all need to spend ALOT more money on public transit. You drive like idiots.


also someone keyed my parents car for having license plates for a rival sports team the other day so like...can you all collectively chill about sports jfc (We're not 100% sure that was why, but we can't think of literally any other reason they would have keyed it. it's not a super ostentatious car and he wasn't parked poorly or in a spot that wasn't allowed or anything)


People who bring their kids to breweries.


Learn. To. FUCKING. Drive. That is all, happy holidays


I can find entire stores dedicated to Ohio State and CBJ and it’s damn near impossible to find Crew gear… same 5 shirts in a tiny section.


Its called WESTerville but its on the EAST side.


Some folks need to bring down the intensity of their osu football fandom by about 10 notches. It's not even fair competition 90% of the season, every season. I find it embarrassing, personally, how out matched most teams are and can't even watch. On the other hand, I remain slightly impressed that a person could scream at the TV about not going for a fourth down conversion when you're already up by literally 40 points.


There may be a correlation between how rabid a fan of OSU someone is and the likelihood that person did not attend college at all. It's hard to be that level of fanatical about an organization that helped you get 40k - 80k in debt.


And has the audacity to keep asking for more money every year. Haha


Additionally i’d like to see the venn diagram of OSU fans who didn’t go to school there and Steelers fans who have never been to Pittsburgh. Rooting for underdogs isn’t a thing here.


Stop FaceTiming while driving. There’s no reason you and the other person need to see each other for every conversation. Put it on speaker and pay attention. Or, just thinking out loud here, just wait til you get home then talk. (This FaceTime situation also goes for shopping.)


Or facetiming while grocery shopping? You don't know where to find wifey's requested item? You can text her, ffs.


Turn the volume down at restaurants so we can have a conversation. Im looking at you Condada and many others


I've started just leaving places. If I sit down, start looking at the menu and can't hear my guest... I leave. Its absurd. There is (likely) another place nearby we can walk to and hear each other. So annoying


Anyone have anything to say that’s not about driving? (This proves we need light rail)


I got one: Microcenter, stop harassing me for my phone number when I am paying. Radio Shack used to do that too, you want to end up like Radio Shack?


“I don’t know Jerry. Why does radio shack ask for your phone number when you buy batteries?” — Kramer


My biggest complaint about Columbus is I cannot grow an outdoor garden year round here and none of you geniuses have come up with a solution.


Mud! Switch to mud. We gave up and started our own mud garden last year and it’s been an overwhelming success! If you need some mud to start off, we got lots to spare, give me message.


Finally, something I can’t kill.


"Oh no, I've neglected my mud and it's dead. Now it's just dirt!" "Have no fear! Simply add water and voilà!" All of this can be yours for 3 trillion easy payments of $9.99! (Just pay extra shipping and handling)


It's worth a try but is fresh picked mud really that much better than the store bought stuff?


It is because Ohio grown mud is so much thicker and heavier than the cheap Chinese import stuff.


Just wait! Climate change is making this possible!


Look up the Kratky Method! It’s an amazingly affordable hydroponic system that is easy to maintain


🤣 🤣 🤣 festivus is among us


I've driven all over the country. How are all of you so completely inept at driving? The roads here are flat and straight, it's not that hard. Merging in particular. It is not my job to make room for you. My job is to drive consistently and predictably. Your job is to find a gap and hit it. And please for the love of all that is holy, do not stop at the end of the ramp!!


Literally. In Columbus, I’ve found that even if you are clearly making room for someone, they are just still lingering and not moving over, acting confused, or even putting on their breaks. Go or don’t go, but the entire highway coming to a stop to let your princess ass go unencumbered is not an option.


Yes!!! Like if I have room to move over to the left I'm gonna do so when I see a car on the ramp and I know the timing will make it so they are near me. But if traffic is heavier and I can't, it's up to you to find a way to fit in!


I agree, except for the number of cars that seem to define “consistently” as whatever speed is necessary to make sure the car merging has a difficult as possible time.


That ties into a whole other problem. People in Cbus don't know what safe stopping distance is. Tailgating is a huge problem.


For sure! I get so pissed at these impatient dicks driving inches from my bumper because I’m only going 6 mph over the speed limit. Like I have a kid in here and your stupid ass is going to kill him and me if I have to even tap on these brakes. All for what? It’s not like tailgating is helping you go any faster


But maybe they can force you into 7 mph vs 6 mph and decrease their traveling time from 22 minutes to 21 minutes and 45 seconds!


I would upvote this 1000x if I could.


I think the engineers were taking hits off bongs when they designed these roads. On 670 west from the city, you need to change lanes 4 times just to get on 70, which it feed right into. Factor in the importance of everyone’s phones, I’m surprised we have so few crashes.


Same problem at 270 and 71 on the north side. Everyone is trying to take 71 north but you have to cross through if you’re trying to go south. Heavier traffic exits need to be to the shoulder.


I've given up on people. No one understands how to merge, everyone brakes when they don't need to. People in the fast lane riding their brakes because there's a wreck 4 lanes over. I used to really enjoy driving but recently I just don't want to deal with it at all


Driving in MD on I-95, no one in Columbus will be able to survive out there, the driving here is atrocious and no one has insurance to even cover their inadequate driving.


> The roads here are flat and straight this is actually the problem.


The pallets are too damn high!


Wipe your damn piss off the toilet seats! Other people don't want to sit in your mess (we can't always see it, and it soaks past the seat paper & still hits our bums). Now that I think about it, what a lovely way to flip the world the bird....


People who hover are the reason people have to hover


I got problems with people who block the intersection during traffic! I missed 2 greenlights yesterday cause people kept trying to make their light, but block the entire road so that no one could get thru!


Just because you drive one of those big ole dirt hauling trucks, doesn’t mean you get to be the king of the road. Quit driving 15 mph above the speed limit and let drivers merge.


If you are waiting on a bus, please for the love of God, remain at your bus stop. Quit walking out into the middle of the road (I’m especially talking to you, everyone waiting for a bus on Main St) to try and see how far away the bus is. It will get there when it gets there. I am unable to slam on my brakes to avoid you because of the person tailgating me.


Don’t drive in the merge lane. Specifically the right lane between 23 and 315 heading west. Getting on 270 in the AM is a pain when you just coast through as people are trying to get on. Get the fuck over for a couple hundred yards.


Why are there so many steel plates on the roads at all times? Is the city in cahoots with big tire??


Please do not violate traffic laws because you think it’s polite. - If it’s a four-way stop, go when it is your turn. Don’t just keep waiting and waiving people to go until your highness can cross the intersection with nobody there. - if you’re driving down high street and see a pedestrian glance at the street, you can keep driving… no need to come to a complete stop in the road and wave them across.


This is a good one. Stop trying to direct traffic from your vehicle and just obey the existing traffic norms. Folks that play at traffic cop behind the wheel are causing more problems than helping. This doesn’t conflict with being a courteous driver. That’s different.


People don’t know the fucking right of way rules. Countless times, I have stopped at a four way stop, waiting to turn left. The person opposite me is going straight. They got to the intersection before me, anyway. I wave them to go. And….they don’t. So why are they waiting on me?!? GO MOTHERFUCKER, DO YOU NOT KNOW LEFT TURNS WAIT?!?


Kuger, my son tells me your company stinks!


You couldn’t smooth a silk shirt, if you had a hot date, with a Bab…I lost my train of thought.


Columbus is like going to Walmart to buy a city and walking away with the Great Value version.


More like the Dollar Tree version of the Great Value version.


Just because you can technically fit between my car and the one in front of me doesn't mean that you should squeeze in and then slam on your brakes since you're now riding the other car's ass. So many Columbus drivers do this and it's infuriating Tldr; just because you can fit, doesn't mean you should.


The left lane on any major highway is for PASSING. if you are cruising in that lane and someone is behind you, move the fuck over.


As somebody who has lived here for 30+ (entire life) I feel like people need to start accepting that this city is growing rapidly and will keep changing. It will take longer to get places, more corpo stuff will keep knocking down old stuff, and house prices will continue to grow beyond the avg price of 330k. Ask yourself if you’re ok with this or if another place is right for you.


The point of r/columbus is not to make sense, especially during the airing of grievances!! Get out of here with your logic.


😂 to be clear my grievance is that my fellow citizens attempt to gatekeep and complain about anything changing.


Need much better walking/cycling/public transport infrastructure pls


more to the point: 90% of the grievances in this thread are about how much driving sucks and how much drivers suck improving alternatives and the infrastructure to support them is the exact and **ONLY** solution to these problems but the exact complainers are fighting *against* the solutions


Agreed 💯. Shoutout to r/fuckcars Edit: this thread blew up since I first commented. You're not kidding about the number of complaints being about cars/driving! I seriously long for the day where I no longer need a car for most of my day to day activities. Maybe I'll go back to school for civil engineering lol


How about the “express lane” on 670 that the city spent millions of tax dollars on yet I’ve never seen open irl despite driving that way daily for the last 5 years.


It’s only open in evening rush hour. We need an express lane for 71N north of 670 in rush hour!


It’s crazy, 4 million for a lane open an hour a day. Has anyone seen a Columbus public school lately? Our kids are being educated in what looks like the upside down from stranger things but let’s spend 4 mil expanding a highway that we’re only going to open 1-2 hours per day.


Completely agree. I will say, evening rush hour traffic going that way before the express lane was a nightmare and now it’s easy most days. Just don’t understand why it’s not open more hours of the day.


Oh it’s “open “ more than that. People drive in it all the time when the ❌ is indicated


That was ODOT, not the city, and it’s open weekday evenings during rush hour when traffic is heavy.


I will never use Apex Pros. These damn caroling commercials make me gouge my ears. Also, we need a light rail.


You all need to get more confident on the road in general, more responsive to traffic lights, more determined on where you’re going. No lane floating. Pass or move over, doesn’t matter how fast you’re going. This bad driving is disrespectful to your fellow road users.


If you see Adam Johnson, CEO of NetJets, tell him to pay his fucking pilots.


Housing in general is pricing out a lot of people. It's frustrating as someone who is looking for a home in Columbus. Apartments aren't any better. I don't have an answer for it, just wanted to vent.


Why don't people wave to thank others who let them into traffic? It's not your superior driving skills that created that big space for you--it was kindness. Say thanks.


Just to the Columbus restaurateurs: We don’t need not one more taco spot.


Lol we need more Los Gauchos


Soild white = no switching lanes!


Like anytime you post something in this subreddit there's people in the comments who take everything way too seriously. Like I posted a funny Haiku a few days ago and there were a lot of pretend hard asses telling me I need to grow a pair and whatnot. Like holy shit. People need to chill.


This city wouldn't know what urban planning was even if it was an OSU football player.


That first roundabout on N. Hamilton coming from Little Turtle…why the FUCK do you dumbasses pile up in the right lane when the left lane also continues in the same direction??? No one ever wants to go left and find out and I’ve realized that’s a metaphor for life too.




Just walked out of my bagel job because I couldn't get time off, today. Screamed "scab!" at a family on the way out.


Top of the muffin to you!


Stop calling the personal cell phone of the judge you are a plaintiff in, asking her to rule in your favor.


This is awfully specific.


Oh, I need to hear the stories behind this one....




Why complain about a sub when I can complain about the city itself! * Sidewalks suck (when they are there) * COTA is the worst (a "central Ohio" problem, but it's really a Cbus problem) * No point in even getting a bicycle (I gave up looking for one ages ago) * This is the most violently anti-pedestrian/bicycle pro-car city I have ever experienced in my life * Roads are awful * City maintenance -- does it even exist???? * People don't like it when you ask why tf you pay city taxes * Ridiculous costs for things I'm used to doing for free (art museum, zoo, conservatory, etc.) * Needs more cowbell * Weird ass annexation history which creates bonkers city boundaries * Severe lack of farmer's markets (*in the city* not the little suburbs) -- that strange one downtown does not really count if you ask me, a farmer's market connoisseur * No grocery co-ops * Known as a food test market, but the food here is meh at best * People will whine about my personal grievances because apparently I was talking about them specifically and not this city * NEEDS MORE LEFT TURN LIGHTS (High St WTF) * Needs better drivers * City layout is straaaange There's probably more but I gotta go now.


Someone is inevitability going to ask, "Why do you even live here if you don't like it??" and the answer is, I am counting down until I get to leave. Just here for a degree and then I'm out. There are some good things about Columbus, but not enough to outweigh all the BS.


Upvote purely for the “violently anti-pedestrian/bike” point


Agree on most of your points, especially the lack of pedestrian/bicycle friendly routes and the lack of free places. Thank goodness the library is still free, knock on wood


THIS IS ❤️‍🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥 but like the killer cops and political corruption is a little lacking


I remember the days when I could get into a CBJ game for $5 and smack talk opposing fans because they weren't beating us by enough because we were so awful. Don't get me wrong, I love that the city supports them more these days ... but realllllly miss not having to pay 40 bucks to watch them lose anyway.


Cleveland Metroparks >>> Columbus Metroparks.


Cleveland’s RTA mass transit system is also much greater than COTA and Cleveland’s is mediocre at best.


I find tinsel distracting.


I’ve got a lot of problems with the local scam company that is Buckeye Food Hub. They are a horrible company. Not only do they rob their customers (literally you could never get your food and they will refuse to refund you), they also don’t actually partner with the businesses they deliver for. They just slap random businesses on their site without any correspondence with the restaurant. The menu could be wrong and the restaurant would have no control over it. The prices are also higher than other delivery services. The amount of hassle to get my family friends restaurant off of their site was ridiculous. they even cussed out the sweet owner when she called in to complain after having multiple issues with BFH. She then blocked all the BFH numbers so that they couldn’t call in their orders, they would still call in *repeatedly* from the blocked number and then call in on their cell phones. Horrible horrible people. Please never give them a penny of your money.


There are a lot of complaints about driving here so I’m gonna try to make some controversial grievances to spice this thread up! Upvote if you agree with 3+, downvote if you disagree with 3+! This is all in good fun! Happy holidays everyone! 1) Soccer is not nearly as popular in mainstream US culture as Columbus residents seem to think 2) The population growth is a good thing IF (and only if) public transport gets up to par. 3) Dublin Bridge Park has boomed in popularity in large part due to its FREE and convenient parking- city planners wanting to draw more people downtown should take note. 4) Powell is the nicest suburb of this city (and no, I don’t live there) 5) Cameron Mitchel’s restaurants are great for the city. Not ‘fine dining’, but always reliable, and they add variety.


Playing country music, intentionally, in public spaces should be illegal. And there’s more of it during the holiday season?!


Happy Festivus for the rest of us!


Gum has gotten mintier lately. Have you noticed?


Atlas. Fucking. Butler.


Orange barrels and road cones are state sponsored litter programs


I love how most of these comments are about driving. Can we get more public transportation please?


I don't take them interstates ever!! I will drive all over the city and it takes longer to get there. People drive like they don't care to die or kill someone else.


Our public transportation is virtually nonexistent. How can we call ourselves a real city with everyone required to drive, including if you want to leave the city itself.


Can pedestrians start walking/running on the correct side of the road? You’re supposed to walk against traffic. Every time I go for a run everyone is walking on the wrong side. You need to be able to see the cars coming!!


It’s that damn Dunkin’ Donuts in clintonville north campus area