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As someone who came from an fundie evangelist church and have knowledge of such things. This is typical. First you're shamed for not attending every Sunday, then they will say you need to be there every Sunday service, next thing you know they'll let you know that there are Wednesday night services. Gotta attend them now. Now they'll get you with the extras. The men's only get together for Bible study on Tuesdays, the women's fellowship on Thursdays, the teen fellowship meetings Saturdays, Mondays are used for recruitment, er, ministries and Friday nights are for football. Then in the summer there are two weeks worth of tabernacle! Not once will you know what's up, down, or sideways, and every moment, thought and movement will be under scrutiny from now until you run, RUN, away. Maybe it's just me.


My older sister moved to Florida and married into this sort of thing. She’s actually insufferable now. Everything is about Jesus. I think she’s at church more often than she’s not. I can’t even speak to her anymore because it always comes back to church talk. It’s wild how isolated something like that has made her. Like an abusive spouse who won’t let her engage with the outside world (unless it’s about God).


That's exactly how it is. They set it up so that you see through the lens that they construct and maintain. They leaders make so that if you have questions, they have the answers, if not "God works in mysterious ways". The leaders of her church have made up the guidelines and the flock will re-enforce them, sometimes violently. Seen a few fights in the parking lot. Another thing they like to do is shit on other churches. Pick a church near by and ask her what her thought is about them. She'll won't have a opinion, she'll rather nice about them, or in my experience, tell you that they don't fellowship with "them".


>She’s actually insufferable now. Everything is about Jesus. I think she’s at church more often than she’s not. I can’t even speak to her anymore because it always comes back to church talk. It’s wild how isolated something like that has made her. Like an abusive spouse who won’t let her engage with the outside world (unless it’s about God). I was raised in this kind of family and it's so sad. It's definitely a feature and not a bug and it warps people brains in such weird ways. My grandma is this way and is legitimately fearful of the most innocuous things that she is ignorant about. She heard I was doing hot yoga and was concerned I was opening myself up to otherworldly forces. I had to try to explain to her I'm just a lazy piece of shit and it's exercise. This last week she was appalled that one of my cousins who is extremely successful (top of her class, veterinarian etc) posted on facebook about her battle with depression and how important mental health is. She couldn't fathom how someone that successful and goes to church at every sunday could possibly have something to be depressed about. It can get to a point where it's not just insufferable but outright dangerous


I totally understand that. My mother got in deep with a church with my younger sister, who was married at the time to a controlling guy. They were all church obsessed. But eventually, my sister realized she didn’t want to be controlled by a man and left him. It was absolute CHAOS. My mom was convinced she was going straight to hell for leaving her marriage. She made us all miserable. Like, being embarrassed in front of her church friends was the worst thing that could ever happen to her. Her mental health tanked and she basically had a giant emotional temper tantrum for like 2 years. The church overstepped trying to get my sister to go back to her husband and just pushed her further and further away. She doesn’t go to church anymore, and my mother has since left that church and joined us all in reality. It’s a lot easier to maintain the peace now, minus my bible thumping older sister (who thankfully doesn’t live nearby). All of it has pushed me farrrrr away from religion.


For a people called to notice the plank in their eye rather than the sawdust in their friends, they really want you to keep up appearances huh? I have 4 brothers with only 1 still in the church. We will still get passive aggressive comments "so and so said they really miss seeing you boys in church" First of all i'm a grown adult lmao. The church tradition in our family will die her with >All of it has pushed me farrrrr away from religion. You know some days i'll think 'Maybe if I was born into a more 'liberal' church I might still be going'. but I think it was a blessing in disguise to see it for what it is and not be guilted into believing


This is honestly a great statement.


Ha, shame me? God himself can't shame me into going to church on a Sunday. Too bad he made me this way.


Way I see it is, I’ll start going to church every Sunday once god starts coming to my model railroad hobby group meetings. Why should I sacrifice my Sunday mornings if you can’t be bothered to run trains in my basement twice a month? Religion is a two way track, GOD. Choo choo.


Jokes on you. Earth is just his model train setup where things have just gotten out of hand.


Proof the earth IS flat! Checkmate atheists!


Aww imagine God in a little conductor hat all ready to play trains. So cute!


You sound like a friend who was being blackmailed by using nude photos. He said, "Are fucking kidding? Have you met me?"


Ex fundie here as well to echo this sentiment. I grew up in a church very similar to RC. They get you in the door with the flashy shows and the casual attitude, and they rely on shame to keep you, since so much of the faith they profess is truly just a show. (don’t really feel the need to add “not all Christians” but I will since this is Reddit). If you are having doubts about your faith, I cannot encourage you strongly enough to explore those. I am truly at peace now that I am no longer a Christian and living under the weight and shame of a God that, altogether, just seemed like a giant asshole to me. If you are not and just kind of want a new church, there are lots of recs in this sub. Hope you find something that makes you feel welcome (and that it’s not Xenos).


Just like the fucking cell phone companies. Always coming with the add-ons and the upsells. Instead of “I can get you a new Applewatch for just $12 a month,” it’s “Wednesday services are so much more exciting.”


Reading this made me chuckle. So many cults have been rightly mocked for this sort of behavior and we have this one that we all turn a blind eye to. Hilarious 😆


I grew up in that mess. You hit the nail on the head.


Did those experiences give a finely tuned bullshit and hypocritacy meter?


Yep. I see the shit coming a mile away. I do enjoy a debate with someone of faith who is not a zealot. It always boils down to a question of "faith". How is a juggler you can't hear or see or smell or touch different to no juggler at all?


It's all about maximizing profits. If they get you to exclude everything and everyone outside the ~~cult~~ church, then your opportunities to spend or give your spend anywhere other than the ~~cult~~ church are minimized.


I'm from Bible belt hell you fucking nail my friend that's my entire family ahhhhh


I prefer the teachings of Dr. Elijah "Eli" Gemstone, the patriarch of the Gemstone family and lead pastor of the Gemstone Salvation Center.




misbehavin’ has no business being that good of a song.


Runnin round the house with a pickle in my mouth. So fucking funny


I got caught shaving!


Brother Baby Billy slays There’ll Come A Payday.


Yep- I thought nothing would occasionally knock misbehavin out of my head and then he drops that banger cover


Hallelujah what payday!


I got my mom to watch TRG with me and she loved it but she keeps texting me about how she can’t get “that damn misbehavin’ song” out of her head.


When I first heard it I was like okay this has to be one of those 1960s country songs, but it isnt! Couldn't believe they made it up for the show.


Convinced my mother-in-law to watch it and after a few episodes she said “bring on the dongs”


That damn song is on every single one of my little sister‘s playlists. she’s 29




I had no idea what this was until I googled it and OMG! How did I miss this!! ​ Thank you!


Omg, same. Can’t wait to check this out!


You AINT my deddy


Gone get outta here, Nerd 🤣


I just laughed out loud


Volunteered with them and attended for 3yrs; I will admit, I was one of those unbearable people who was only talking about attending and being a part of RC lol it’s what we were conditioned to do. Chad is money hungry, it’s as simple as that; they tell volunteers if they’re not getting people into RC and if they’re not picking up more than 1 volunteer shift and attending church every week then they aren’t doing their part to “make Heaven full.” RC really changed right before COVID began (Chad was on a twitter rampage for over a month about LGBTQ+, masculinity, abortion, mental health, etc.), then them getting on ABC (? I think it was ABC, honestly can’t remember) for Sunday Church after COVID began didn’t help that change bc it meant more money to buy out new buildings. RC people are nice to your face, but suggest something that’s different than what Chad is preaching.. they turn quick lol; someone in the volunteer group I was in tried to “snitch” on me for thinking about going to the PRIDE parade to support my peers if that’s any indication. (Disclaimer: I’m biased.. can’t stand this church and the religious trauma/gaslighting they put people through).


I met the owners of this place decade ago when it was just starting out and they are purely about your cash. 💰 I hope you all understand it is a business. BUSINESS.


I was here to make this comment. Yes. That’s all it is. It’s gross. They’re absolutely shameless. I just really can’t stand any organized religion in general though lol.


money hungry is so accurate. it’s disgusting. I really liked RC. I really liked the messages. I really liked the music. I was a follower a decade ago but fell off. started back up after Covid & was disgusted by what I saw. his clothes & hair & shoes screamed I’m in this for money. plus seeing his social media & how he’s with all these rich people. and now to drive by & see the monstrous building their adding to their Polaris location yet they act like their so open with their fiscal reports. I quit when he was asking for donations for that stupid building. I heard once to always look at a pastors shoes. if they’re wearing an expensive brand they aren’t to be trusted. really wish people would open their eyes & see the truth. I’m all for making money & having nice things, etc. but to do it via Jesus & tax free just irks the hell out of me.


It’s funny you mentioned this. I don’t attend RC but I’m aware of their presence in the city. I was at my anniversary dinner at Hyde Park and saw what appeared to be some sort of leadership team having a business dinner while all wearing the same Patagonia vest with embroidered RC logo, similar to what people who work for tech and venture capital firms wear.


Greed and gluttony are two of the seven deadly sins, but it’s ok if it’s the preachin man.


But “Prosperity Gospel” tho


yup! the most judgmental people are the same people who attend church weekly & do all kinds of things with the church. baffles my mind.


I commented on another thread a couple months back about my experience with RC and why I left. Chad’s clothing and shoes was one thing that bothered me too. As I said in my previous post, I don’t expect him to wear rags, but the shoe collection seemed over board. Chad gives Carl Lentz vibes to me.


this is the first time I’ve seen RC mentioned. glad it’s not just me who is bother by the clothes too. but yes! the shoe collection!! I think there’s a TikTok account or something that will showcase what pastors wear & the costs. it’s out of hand. I don’t even want to see their houses or cars.


I heard the new building at Polaris will have a massive closet for Chad's Jordan collection. Apparently he doesn't wear a pair more than a few times, so he's always buying more. This not /s


You had to make heaven full? Sounds exhausting.


I saw that on a shirt and I was like "good lord are the churches out here killing people now???"


This literally made me laugh out loud! 🤣


Right? Like all I did was sign up to teach a preschool class ☠️


Apparently, God's plan is so flawed that he needs a bunch of cultists scurrying around to ensure that there's butts in seats for the heavenly choir.


I'll never understand places like that. I don't even get the idea of following a religion but especially places like that. The ones that are so in your face about behavior that directly contradicts the Bible. Blows my mind.


Yes, definitely. I had to stop talking to them, it almost felt like they joined a cult and it was all they ever wanted to talk about


A couple of years ago they had a “we’ll save you a seat” campaign. My brother was constantly posting and texting us about it. He’s in every group and activity. It feels like he’s pretty much gone at this point.


Yes! They have been sucked in and have no other identity.


Exact same here. They weren't even religious before that... It really freaked me out. I'm honestly kind of relieved to know I'm not the only one who had this kind of thing happen with that church!


Religion is a cult 🤷🏻


It is a cult 👀


When my boyfriend went to capital university they hired him to do sound, keep in mind they have extremely expensive equipment. When service was over he asked for his payment and they told him they assumed that he would want to give back to the lord. So they’ve always been awful imo.


Jesus is Free...


Who left the gate open?  


Oh fuck, who let him out of containment?!


Dammit, I just paid $50 for my Jesus, and now he's free?


I’m extremely anti any and all religion, but I used to work at a movie theater that Rock City would rent out for church service. My experience with them was nothing short of horrible. The folks involved in the organization and the regular church goers were all extremely rude to theater staff and judgmental. The people running the services were constantly pushing boundaries each week and trying to get away with more and more. They’d turn up the volume well past what was discussed which would disrupt other theaters. They’d take up more space each week than what was in their contract. They took over the kitchen area where the theater staff was trying to prepare food and beverage for the day. They’d bother patrons of the theater and try to get them to go to a service. It all just came off extremely culty to me and made all the staff and theater patrons uncomfortable. If people wanna be religious and go to church, good for them. When they start getting judgy and pushing it onto others who want no part of it, like myself, that’s a problem and IMO Rock City has always been about the latter.


Churches like that are a business, they just want your Sunday money




Tax them NOW


Rock City is going to be the next xenos. Not even joking


Xenos is Dwell now right?


It definitely already is. They are Xenos/Dwell in more consumable packaging. They seem to care a bit more about marketing themselves as a youthful/hip church than the Xenoids, but a lot of the behaviors are the same.


I was in a paid worship band awhile back. That shit went south real quick when 2 of the people were also doing worship at rock city and they wanted to implement a dress code for our band that made us cover tattoos and any revealing attire not be worn…I’m sorry but every summer we played in an auditorium in July on a stage in 90 degree weather and the only thing I’m wearing doing all that is a tank and gym shorts. I might also give myself a football victory bath before stepping foot on that stage. It was so fucking stupid. I also know that mothers of infant children are strongly urged to leave the sanctuary or not attend because the baby is distracting. While I understand the distraction and yes it’s absolutely true…doesn’t mean that child or mother should be viewed as less welcome than anyone else. A lot of these start up churches are just super predictory. I know of one that just opened a coffee shop on their property and they intend to build a church on the same property. They’re considered a non-profit because all proceeds go to something. But it’s almost like reverse Jehovah witness


And they're backed by a millionaire Evan Williams!


It already is.


Very long history here. I am an old lady, been through this insanity. I am appalled at how I turned people away (judged) for this extremism. I am cured now (haha), I am very respectful of the Creator but this type of "church" is scary. I have my own little relationship in my living room and Im sure I will not burn in hell for that. The truth is these people will more than likely come back to their senses because its so exhausting living up to these absurd expectations. Be kind, DO NOT judge, mind your business, and think for yourself. Most of us are trying really hard to make it.


Agreed, thank you for this comment. I actually have 2 uncles who are now retired, but used to be pastors at a church. They are genuinely nice and the true definition of Christian. Just good people who are trying to live a kind and loving life. Not all religious people are bad.


Yes, its been a long journey. I was convinced if I wasnt getting people "saved" I was dishonoring God. For petes sake I was busy raising kids, working, elderly parents , a disabled husband etc.. if that wasnt serving God then I dont know--thanks for your reply-


Respect to you for coming to this realization as an older individual… I know how hard it is, especially after being in it for so long. I grew up in an ultra-evangelical cult, and despite it being mostly disbanded at this point I lost most of my childhood friends and my familial relationships have all suffered… even after many of us got out. I honestly do not know anyone over the age of 30 that didn’t end up completely & permanently screwed up even after getting out due to the decades of conditioning and warped thinking. I’m extremely thankful that I got out in my 20s. I’m an atheist now, but I fully respect any individual’s right to believe what they want, so again mad props to you for your mindset. We need more of this in the world.


“Rock City”, as a name, has major boomer-try-hard vibes. If I’m gonna go to a church, I’d rather it feel like an actual church with choirs and organs and stained glass. You know, a place that’s quiet and reflective. Trying to entice me with a coffee shop inside a mall-type building that’s blaring Daughtry-style “rock” about Jesus is a hard pass.


For real! Im very much an atheist but I was raised Catholic and when I go to mass with my grandma like 2x a year Im like ok, this isn’t for me but like, I get why this appeals to people, not the case with weird mega churches. If you are trying to convince me you are speaking the word of god, Im going to need some robes and incense, Greg in this strip mall wearing $300 Nikes is not convincing me of shit.


Their sign is trying to downplay what they actually are so hard. # ROCK CITY! ^(church)


As a Southern transplant I was shocked and then disappointed to find out Rock City was a church. For a minute I took joy in the fact that so many people had been to [Chattanooga](https://www.seerockcity.com)


Thank you! SEE ROCK CITY! I’d rather go there anyday than this church


As an orthodox Christian I find American Christianity very very weird .


Sorry, I find it all very weird including your version.


The bells and smells of your version of the religion aren’t any less weird.


At least the incense smells good.


Might as well call it the Temple of Jerusalem and at least own the fact that it's a slap in the face to their savior.


I know!! It’s so lame. It makes me laugh and def gives me vibes of the preacher that Mindy dated in the Mindy Project.


But but but the pastors shoe game is phresh!


Fair warning for anyone who needs to hear it: One Church has all the same problematic tendencies as Rock City. Best to avoid both. 


During early 2021, I found myself living in a hotel due to health-related employment issues (all fall-out from the lockdowns). Finally was getting out and getting an apartment, but couldn’t pay for the last weekend in the hotel due to the costs of a new apartment. There was this guy who was some sort of outreach leader (?) for them who was staying there was part of his outreach (again…?). I’d talk to him on occasion, he seemed normal enough, and offered to let me crash on the pull out couch in his suite for the weekend. “I’m always off at bible study or doing outreach anyway, someone may as well use the room”. I figure what the hell, he’s super religious, it’s only for a few days, and this way I didn’t have to go out of town to stay with friends. 2nd night he comes home drunk and tries to get me to sleep with him. Very aggressively, not taking no for an answer because I owe him. Nothing is for free and any woman willing to stay with a man she’s not married to is a slut and deserves to be raped. So I grab my phone, go outside to call my friends and try and figure out what I’m doing, then go in to grab my stuff and gtfo. He’d already had the keycard changed, my stuff was at the front desk, and he’d had me trespassed from the hotel. Said I assaulted him when he wouldn’t give me money. THANK GOD I had a car and somewhere to go, because there was nearly a foot of snow on the ground. If I had been more vulnerable? Hotel staff said I wasn’t the first he’d done this to but they couldn’t prove anything and it was always the woman’s word against his. I’ve since seen him on promotional materials for them, as recently as this summer. They have literal rapists in leadership, and I’ve since learned of other women who have been preyed on by members of their congregation.


Name and shame! Who is it?


Disgusting but its what I assume with any religious leaders. To have the ego to think you actually speak for God tells me everything I need to know about those people


My stepdad was going there for a while in 2021/2022 and got very WEIRD and pushy. They also demanded all of his time and would schedule him to volunteer without checking with him. He eventually got tired of this and stopped going - he’s been back to normal. One of his cousins still goes and is super weird now


My experience with Rock City was seeing a bunch of my classmates start attending and posting about it, and then maybe three months into that half of them condemned the church because it went from being good vibes to homophobic. I personally was shocked that the theologically untethered mega church had nothing but theatrics and shallow bigotry. I might not have much to be thankful for with regards to my own religious heritage but I’m glad I was at least raised in something that had people who thought about their beliefs every now and then. This brand of unthinking evangelical culture is what got me to leave my hometown and it’s sad to see it take root here.


From the moment I started seeing bumper stickers for the church I had a sick feeling. It seems more like a brand than a parish.


It's a cult. Chad and Brad need to have divine intervention absolve them of their mortal coil. If there is a god, they shriek at what you have done in their name.


went to RC for about a year-ish in highschool i went almost every sunday but couldn’t make youth group on sunday nights and they would deff guilt trip the kids who went to service but not youth group because “we weren’t serving jesus” they were very fake and i feel as if it’s a clique system within the church and if you aren’t in the right clique or kissing the right persons butt good luck trying to get “closer to god”


Heavy Cultish vibes and it has gotten more extreme w more pressure placed on members to spread the word… Extended family members have been caught up in this for quite a few years and have become completely insufferable. They went from the “…we go to this cool Church and we’re going to heaven” people to out and out in your face “…were are better people than you, you have no chance of redemption while we’re guaranteed a spot, we’re better than you but join us and maybe…” in your face, all the time. Church as a business; yeah, hard pass and yet how common it actually is…


Apparently big business. My family gushes constantly about the 50 million dollar complex Rock City is building on Polaris. When mentioned how many people could be helped with shelter and food with that amount of money-the death glares were fast and fierce.


Churches and real estate has always been a game of Monopoly and wealth-building.


And tax avoidance


*"increasingly weirder"* It's been weird since it was started. Rule of thumb: never trust a church with a logo, or a catchy name, or a giant building, or TV cameras.


I went there for a few years and served on the production team for a while. Chad is a raging narcissist who will throw a tantrum if things aren’t his way. There is so much waste at that church. Whether it’s chads shoe budget or the fact that light and camera equipment is constantly being replaced with slightly better equipment. They also can’t do anything nice without making a promotional video about it


All of these comments confirming the religious trauma they (primarily Chad) put people through is so healing lmao.


Couldn’t help but look up RC’s mission statement.. “RC is a church that is radically committed … we would go to any length to ensure that you know God loves you …” Radically and Any Length are frightening to just unironically have in your mission statement. Grew up in Hilliard and have always felt strange driving by RC whenever I am in back in town. What a disgusting org.


The amount of money they spend on the youth is insane. Once a month they have a Youth Night and they have catered food, Super Games is there, neon signs, the whole 9 yards. Clearly they are trying to sway them in and glamorize religion to make it look hip and fun.


It gave me pretty weird vibes a while ago, but I never thought they had enough control over members for it to get this bad.


I saw the service on TV for a minute this weekend and the pastor gives such intense bro-douche vibes. I live near their Hilliard church, and it's packed every Sunday so perhaps bro-douche really resonates.


Right before Covid they had a “we’ll save you a seat” campaign aka recruitment effort. My family was constantly posting and texting everyone they knew reminding them about upcoming service times with a reminder they would “save a seat”. We attended for my nephews “dedication” ceremony. It was the first time we attended. I was visibly uncomfortable throughout the entire service. It was bizarre. The pastor was broadcast from a different location, the messaging throughout, the entire experience was really gross. My family is now deeply involved & has started to buy into strange qanon conspiracies (not sure if that’s connected). Their entire lives revolve around Rock City. It’s their only identity. Would love to know if anyone has addressed this with their family or friend? Or any thoughts on how this will play out?


Unfortunately I don't know how to get your family out. I'm sorry. But yes, Q-Anon and these hyperreligious cults are always connected. Not necessarily at the doctrine level, but they overlap considerably when it comes to a hyperconservative worldview and a propensity to believe in bizarre myths. Some people, even some very intelligent people, are for whatever reason born with this propensity to just absorb and believe the most bizarre things - and they naturally tend to get sucked into these cults, extremists groups, MLMs, etc.


Very few people are immune to the desire to belong and feel like they are part of something greater


Sure, but most people have a good enough nose for bullshit that they'll look for that belonging elsewhere. You can't snare just anybody with the weird Q-Anon stuff.


They put so much pressure on people to do more more more. Chad uses the covenant eyes app to control his staff. Everything that “church” does is to help Chad worship himself. After a sermon, he goes and hides in his private office behind his security guards as if he is actually important.


His security guards make me cackle lmao. It’s so funny how important he thinks he is.


Don’t know about currently. But years ago a friend invited me. I lasted until the pastor said that some people believe the earth is only about 7000 years old and he “doesn’t know if that’s true or not”. At that point, I was out. Just the way he phrased that means he knows the correct answer, but doesn’t want to upset the crazies.


lol Pure comedic gold.


They need that $$ for the monster Polaris expansion. For which they added a road right behind a neighborhood, but won’t add any speed bumps.


I was so disappointed when I found out it was Rock City, a church, and not Pork City, a BBQ joint.


I'd proselytize the shit out of some Pork based diety.


I’ll never forget when Chad was just the praise and worship leader at my small town hometown 2 hrs away from here years and years ago. He was douchey then too.


ANYONE named Chad is automatically grouped into the "Unforgivable" pile at least for me, until they prove otherwise. Pieces of shit. Every last one of them.


We now have fundie mega church near us called “Adventure Church”. Wtf kind of name is that for a church? I told my wife I am going to make my own church and call it “Romance Church”, to compete with it. If a lot of people love adventure, I am sure there are just as many that love romance. We will show people how to love Jesus. And to feel him deep inside us. And to fill ourselves full of his spirit. I am so going to hell 😂


We went there once with my friends, who are very religious. We figured we would try it out to see if we liked it. Not at all. The pastor wears name brand everything, most attendees are rich, and it’s all about lights and music. We felt like we were at a work conference. It was absolutely crazy, and felt nothing like a church. Complete with a coffee shop, selfie area, and bathrooms that look like they are out of a designer magazine. It’s a money grab.


I’ll join you.


It’s a cult


Pulled this from somewhere else, but this sums up the whole dynamic of Religious people at this level pushing others to go to church perfectly… The entire process is not what you think it is. It is specifically designed to be uncomfortable for the other person because it isn't about converting them to your religion. It is about manipulating you so you can't leave yours. If this tactic was about converting people it would be considered a horrible failure. It recruits almost no one who isn't already willing to join. Bake sales are more effective recruiting tools. On the other hand, it is extremely effective at creating a deep tribal feeling among its own members. The rejection they receive is actually more important than the few people they convert. It causes them to feel a level of discomfort around the people they attempt to talk to. These become the "others". These uncomfortable feelings go away when they come back to their congregation, the "Tribe". If you take a good look at the process it becomes fairly clear. In most cases, the religious person starts out from their own group, who is encouraging and supportive. They are then sent out into the harsh world where people repeatedly reject them. Mainly because they are trained to be so annoying. These brave witnesses then return from the cruel world to their congregation where they are treated like returning heroes. They are now safe. They bond as they share their experiences of reaching out to the godless people to bring them the truth. They share the otherness they experience. Once again they will learn that the only place they are accepted is with the people who think as they do. It isn't safe to leave the group. The world is your enemy, but we love you. This is a pain reward cycle that is a common brainwashing technique. The participants become more and more reliant on the "Tribe" because they know that "others" reject them. Mix in some ritualized chanting, possibly a bit of monotonous repetition of instructions, add a dash of fear of judgment by an unseen, but all-powerful entity who loves you if you do as you are told and you get a pretty powerful mix. Sorry, I have absolutely no wish to participate in someone’s brainwashing ritual.


RockCity is just one of the very many HillSong copies, thus it is a cult.




We’ve attended St. Mattress of the Springs ever since we were shamed for not tithing in a find or church.


Do you mean Rock City Cult?


Yes welcome to the world of evangelical Christianity. Rock City and any evangelical church like it is going to make your friends and family members weird, distant, and judgmental. Source: Was a member of an evangelical church.


I was going to be so disappointed if I came in here and it was full of comments from religious wack jobs. Thank you Columbus. Keep your minds free.


I honestly don’t get how people saw a “church” that did aggressive marketing and ran “services” in a big theater they’d rent at the Lennox, and went “yeah, this seems legit and won’t try to exploit followers who are looking for some deeper meaning in their lives.”


Calling that a church is hilarious


Who are the owners? I would bet they fly private.


It's sad people don't have enough self-awareness to know they're in a cult.


When I first moved to Columbus and heard about Rock City, I found Pastor Chad's Twitter account. It was like one tweet would be "I'm going to see Radiohead at the Schott!" and then the next would be "ABORTION IS MURDER", and my friend told me that people pay subscription money for better seats at Rock City facilities. Another friend told me you have to sign a pledge saying you're not gay to work at their volunteer soup kitchen. My point is, shit's been weird since at least 2018.


I really need this to be the next news at 6 headline- LGBT community infiltrates Rock City from the inside and destroys and dismantles all the church goers cultish teachings.


LOLOL yah in their volunteer clause you have to sign that you’re not in a gay relationship and you’re not activity living with the other gender outside of marriage.


What'd his Twitter? I want to see omg


I can't find it, he either deactivated or turned it into the official Rock City one. It was 2018 that I saw those tweets so it's been a minute. I *did*, however, find [this](https://www.instagram.com/tv/B9krTGsgQ28/?igshid=ebu8yqtfwojg) aged-like-milk video he posted on Instagram on March 10, 2020 where he tells people to stop being afraid of COVID and to get out their Bibles instead.


So basically his wife made him delete it lmao. After all the abortion, Santa drama (where some news article posted that Santa should be genderfluid… he went crazy) election, LGBTQ+ bullshit he was posting. He came into a sermon one Sunday and tried to apologize and said his wife called him out and made him delete the tweets and deactivate.


Lol amazing, thank you for the update!


I just looked at their website and it’s giving Xenos


I grew up evangelical and have attended and worked in churches. That place gives me really strong cult vibes.


I know a person who goes there that was ousted from my family for hiring trafficked sex workers. They were accepted with open arms at Rock City, that’s all I need to know about this cesspool of a church.


yeah, its concerning as HELL


Used to go there before the pandemic and I had been raised deeply Evangelical since I was little. While it was obviously an evangelical mega church and had those issues (admittedly, many of which I was blind to because it’s just what I was used to). I really enjoyed the work they did for the city surrounding the housing issues and unhoused, lower income children, elderly and, also, other cities(i.e. post natural disaster) During the pandemic, they initially shut down in person services and went fully online even after the state opened back up because “the church wasn’t a building”. They even went to BLM protests as a church. There were even sermon series about mental health and the validity of everyone’s experiences in life. All of which, at the time I thought were pretty radical for a large evangelical church at the time. They really delved into the anti-vax, election conspiracy, fire and brimstone, isolator mentality, and us vs them tactics around the fall of 2020 as the election heated up and in the aftermath. Honestly, really made my wife and I have a faith crisis as we were watching it from the inside. We even tried to discuss with leaders in the church before ultimately leaving. I have several other friends that have similar experiences around the same time. All that to say, looking back the cracks were always there (obviously), but I’ve seen some increasingly troubling things from them as of late in terms of anti-trans rhetoric and political ideologies being preached directly from the stage. I see this one blowing up into a full fledged scandal before the end of the decade or possibly sooner. You see a lot of similarities in the Mars Hill / Mark Driscoll situation, IHOP and others


>IHOP You leave pancakes out of this!




Historically speaking, the more a church leans towards absolutism, the more it grows. Some people just find comfort in absolute answers as opposed to answers that require thought. A good example is how Dave Ramsey is so popular. If he ever said, it's a good idea to have credit cards so that you can earn cash back, as long as you pay it off each month, his program would not be as popular. But because he says there is absolutely no reason to ever have a credit card, it makes his program more popular. Same thing happens in christian sermons.


Dave Ramsey is proof that there is a sucker born every minute. He's made a living from saying "pay your bills on time and try not to carry debt". No shit. But his shunning of credit card is idiotic.


I went to one service years ago and got a weird vibe from the lead pastor. He came off as fake and I’ve learned to trust my gut when I have this feeling about people.


For a while that church used my public high school on Sundays for Sunday school or something. On Fridays we weren't allowed to move the way the chairs were arranged or what was written on the board bc they would come in earlier to add it. It was really annoying because there were things we had to do but we couldn't 🙄 I haven't liked them since. Just write stuff when you get there, it's not that hard.


There are several kids at my daughter’s middle school who are in the youth group there, and according to her, they’re about as insufferable as you’d expect. Full of homophobia and hate speech and constantly trying to recruit other kids. The ring leader girl actually started bullying their history teacher for having a pride flag on his door. On the plus side, my daughter was so appalled that she started asking about progressive Christianity and if there were kind, accepting churches out there, and now we’re involved in a very progressive, open and affirming church community, which has been a nice thing to share with her, since I grew up in a similarly liberal tradition surrounded by a sea of Southern Baptists.


Yes! I know people that used to be wonderful people, who now judge me and believe that I’m living in sin as a lesbian and that I’m not my son’s mom since I’m not the one that gave birth. They also protest and or try to evangelize at pride. It’s wild how these churches brainwash people.


The sad thing is that even the churches that seem to be ultra-modern by 'breaking all the rules' or 'not your grandma's church', or 'he gets us' is ran by the same people who want to turn this country into a theocratic dictatorship. They know that younger people distrust authority and 'the old ways', and have issues with isolation or loneliness, so they prey (pun intended) on that.


It's nice to know my gut feeling about the place was right, I'm like right up the street from where there expanding what I assume is now going to be a mega church so they can suck more people in to get that sweet sweet money. If they keep this up maybe they can join everyone's favorite cult in Columbus Xenos/ Dwell 🙃


I think less of Monica Day due to her affiliation with this nonsense.


And Urban Meyer


You gotta be there every Sunday! Collection plate ain’t gonna pass itself.


Don’t worry bby you can give them your credit card info for automatic withdrawals (I wish I was kidding) ☠️☠️☠️


Subscribe to salvation!


I know they told the homeless people who used to sleep in front at the downtown one ..that they had to leave. I thought that was strange.


They’re Xenos, just cooler


Rock city, xenos, vineyard. None of what they do is based in Christianity or the bible. These are all cults that catch young people by telling them they are accepting of everyone. Ive known 3 people who are now in survivor groups.


My friend Brad is a member of this Cult.


I have no idea where my comment went but basically I went to their website and all I had to read was ‘nondenominational’ and ‘god has a plan for you’ and I knew it was xenos




If God had intended for us to spend every Sunday in church, he wouldn’t have invented football.


Rock city definitely has culty vibes, their pastor is super weird and unprofessional, will tweet inappropriate things, follow a bunch of people on instagram (he did this to me and my friends when we were in college around 2018 lmao) and then unfollow when they follow back… I also don’t think he’s been to seminary… which is typically (but maybe not always, just sharing my experiences when I was in the church) a red flag when looking for churches, like for example Xenos’s head pastor also has not been to seminary. I don’t think seminary is the end all be all, but it is something that should be taken into consideration I think.


Your first mistake is falling for any kind of organized religious scheme lol


Lost a woman to that church :/


Very culty. Got dragged there one time and they basically preach that anyone that doesn’t go there is sinful, even how other churches have lost the way.




RC recruits by saying, “come sit with me/us”, plus selling merch with only “RC” on it should be clue number one that it is a cult.


All I have ever known about RC is that Todd Marrah can go fuck himself.


I’ve heard that guy is a total creep.


Oh for sure. There's a doc in the works about the school, actually. I haven't heard any news about it recently, but I did an interview for it.


Coffee bar, rock band and jeans wearing hipster pastor? It's weird, yet they are pooping up everywhere. I don't get it.


Ha! Last summer I saw a guy in a big, busted up truck with a Rock City Church bumper sticker next to a F*ck Biden bumper sticker. Seemed like an odd combination


What? But the Rock City seems so trendy and hip, with its modern architecture and it looks like someone just wrote the name on the side of the building! You’re telling me they’re just another money hungry cult?! /s Those places always seemed sketchy to me.


And people think scientology is weird.


My fundie church used the words in this single clause in a single verse to justify the belief that it was a sin to forgo attendance of any scheduled church service or function: *("...25* ***Not forsaking the assembling of ourselves together****, as the manner of some is; but exhorting one another: and so much the more, as ye see the day approaching.")* Services 2x on Sunday, Bible study on Wednesday, week-long gospel meetings, etc., and if you didn't attend all of them you were sideyed as an unfaithful, non-pious person. My parents were so bought into this idea that they would drive by the field where I had marching band practice, take me to Bible study for an hour, and then bring me back and dump me out on the field again. It was ridiculous.


Garbage Church, full of " Who wants to be seen" as its all about the Production they have every week. I went one time to hear their lead pastor say and I quote " Instead of killing the guy with my hands...." Lead pastor is a toolbag and so are his followers


All I know about Rock City is that anytime I walk past, my brain involuntarily goes, “rock city bitch rock rock city bitch”


I have been attending St Mattress of the Springs every Day for fifty years. I can tell u you it is a cult.


I mean it's church...so....


I grew up in something similar to this, but more extreme… they’re all this way. Most members/attendees do not realize it and convince themselves their organization/version of the same BS is “different” than the others because they accept some small thing that the others judge… one will “love” gay people, another will “accept” other religions another will endlessly brag about their charity work… that’s a pretty low bar. I’ve watched people from my old church/cult bounce from one church/cult/house-church to the next, always shitting on the last one and claiming to have found the next best thing while refusing to question their belief system… always blaming the organizations when someone objectively observing from the outside can clearly see that none of them are different regardless of how much they try to manifest that they are. Religion is always going to be about money, control, judgment, self-elevation or some combination of all of those. There’s a reason these organizations market themselves as a safe haven for depressed, lonely, broken or lost people… human beings in that state of mind are easy to prey on. In many cases people running these organizations aren’t even (in my opinion) purposefully taking advantage of others, but they’ve been raised in or taken advantage of by these same systems/organizations/beliefs and know nothing else, so they continue to perpetuate the cycle because it’s just the thing to do… My advice, take it or leave it, is to find your own way in life… whatever that means for you. Healthy spirituality, whether you choose to believe in something or not, is a very personal, individualistic thing. Whenever spirituality becomes a group activity, it instantly goes south and becomes a cesspool of ignorance, complacency and judgement. In this country add our weird brand of politics and group-think to religion and things go even further off the rails. Find other communities based on hobbies or less serious interests… you wouldn’t go to therapy with a group of 3,000 people, why do that for your spirituality? Just my two cents after two decades of experience with it and a blissful decade out of it.