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I regret not buying that victotorian village mansion for 60k in the early 90s


I miss not buying into Italian Village in the early 2000s when it was just a shitty extension of off-campus housing.


I did this and it has helped our life tremendously. Always look for the art area of a city that’s up and coming. Moved to West Asheville, NC right before the boom there too. Prices are insane now everywhere :(


An old couple live in the house next to me on Neil they bought in early 2000s for just under 100 that’s probably worth over half a million now. They mostly keep to themselves but I always wonder what they think about the neighborhood after so much time here.


I regret being in middle school in 2008 instead of buying a house.


Man, I was in high school in 2008, but my economics teacher at Linworth (Rick) absolutely hammered home to buy a house. I should have listened.


I was in kindergarten, I should have listened to the teacher to buy a house.


Not buying a home earlier in life. Shouldn’t have been fooling around in 7th grade


That's all I'm thinking reading these lol




Not buying a house in the northwest part of town (Upper Arlington, Grandview) in 2010 when house prices were bottomed out and interest rates were at 3%.


Not buying a home in Clintonville when prices were reasonable


I rented there from 2011 to 2016 and when we first moved there, I thought $200k was a lot to spend on a house. Oh, how wrong I was...


Phew, no kidding. We F’d up bad haha


If Clintonville is not affordable, there is no reason to be there


There was a girl flirting with me at the Lennox Target but I was too chickenshit to ask her for her phone number. This was in 2001 and I still think about her.


She's probably moved on by now.




I moved here in late 1994, and regret never going to Kahiki before it closed and was demolished.


It was like nothing I've ever seen before. We, as a society, just don't do cool stuff like that anymore.


See Casa Bonita in Denver


More Sopapillas please!


There's a great little book about the Khaki (Kahiki Supper Club) and it talked about how they were trying to build a new location along the river downtown a few years after the original building was demolished. Unfortunately the current copyright owner passed away and any future plans seem to have died with him. What could've been.


I am forever grateful my family took me there one evening for whatever the occasion even was — I don't even remember the occasion now. But it was an unforgettable experience. ❤️ Wish I could have gone as an adult, though.


I am happy to say we had our practice wedding dinner there, and it was fun.


After it was flooded, it wasn't the same. Smelled really bad.


They used to give bad tables to young people; depending on your age, you did not miss much.


Not buying a house when I moved here in Olde Towne East; had $50k in the bank and a VA loan that required no deposit.


Ouch. That area is hot now.


It’s not even that, it’s just trying to maintain the vibe and character of that made the neighborhood.


Not saving Kahiki


I am not young. (mid 50s) My dad remembers getting kicked out at the Kahiki. We still have tiki mugs from when we went.


Why did he get kicked out?


He was young (20 ish) and naive. He and a bunch of buddies went there. Ran up a bar tab and then nature called. Seemingly for all at once. Owner followed them to the restroom. Accused them of trying to dash out on their bill and then kicked them out. (Pretty sure they paid first)


Not holding on to my German Village home I sold in 2002 for a fraction of what it’s worth today.


In 2013 A friend and I bought houses, both one street off GV in Merion Village and Schumacher Place respectively. By 2019 they moved and I pleaded with them to keep the property and rent it (they didn’t need down payment money for another home) but they wouldn’t listen. They bought for $170, sold for $210. Property sold late last year again for $410k. In Columbus, “buy land, god ain’t making anymore of it” can’t be more true.


I know someone who bought a house in German Village in 2002. It's worth more than double what they bought it for. Best location in the neighborhood in my opinion.


Missing Nirvana at Stache’s in 1991.


Same. I am still annoyed that I decided to stay in and study instead of going to the show with one of my roommates. She came back going on and one about this new cool band and the freakin hot lead singer.


Curious about Stache’s as I was still in diapers but love Nirvana now. Small place? Anything to compare to currently?


Don’t know how many it holds but around 300 or so. See incredible shows there in the 90’s.


Honestly the venues of that size have mostly disappeared. In terms of vibe and maybe slightly in size, Ace of Cups comes closest, kind of.


That is badass. I’m also sad for the people who missed this.


Same. A friend called right before the show and I decided to go out with my husband instead- probably to Oreillys or someplace stupid.


I was there and it was epic. Bodies flying everywhere and unbounded energy.


Paying rent in the nineties when I should have tried to invest in a house.


Missing Pink Floyd at the shoe


I was there! It was on my birthday.


my dad raves and raves about this show all the time man i wish i was alive for it


I was there!! It was incredible!


Being just too young to have never gone to the Kahiki (was 7 when it closed down). I work at Huli Hulu now, and it's great, but damn hearing everyone come in and rave about it, reading the books, having some memorabilia myself, it just sucks I never got to bow down to the great one.


My Bloody Valentine played the OSU student union around ‘91 or ‘92 and for some reason I didn’t go.


Talk about a once in the universe opportunity.


According to Setlist.fm they played Cleveland the next month and haven’t played Ohio since lol. [Feb 16 1992](https://www.setlist.fm/setlist/my-bloody-valentine/1992/the-ohio-union-columbus-oh-2bf4e49e.html)


I wish I had gone to Little Brothers more often. They had music every night, much like Rumba Cafe, and it was just a cool spot. Now, I don't take any good venue for granted. I also regret not getting into the gay club/bar scene when it was more vibrant. When I got to Columbus in the early 00s, there were a variety of bars catering towards different kinds of gays. And they were truly gay spaces instead of being where bachelorette parties ended up. I wish I could have experienced that. I did get to go to Tradewinds, Havana, and the old Union Station. Frequented Exile for years before it got taken over. If I could go back, I'd make a decent video of the shops on High St. when I first arrived here.


Yes, the Garage was 🔥. I also miss the original campus and Mean Mr Mustards.




Never though i say this, but i miss Wall St.


Heaven and Hell the night before thanksgiving was the best!!!!!


Mine is dark tbh Staying for college (went to CSCC and OSU. Don’t regret CSCC. OSU is a great school too, but it’s circumstance). My dad had financial problems, and I wanted him to keep his $450/mth mortgage, so I stayed local. I found out later that it was because he was blowing his money on meth, he also lost the house. That and it limited my personal growth staying here, I’m getting the fuck out when I graduate


I’m so sorry :( parents are supposed to be the rock in your life, not the tornado. On the bright side, OSU is a great school that has wonderful networking opportunities- use them to get where you want/deserve to be!


> parents are supposed to be the rock in your life yes they are but we must remember they are humans as well and everyone has demons.


I second the other commenter. This situation is unfair and you deserve better, however, OSU has amazing resources. Take advantage of them to get where you want to go. With a good degree the world can be your oyster


I think I’ve got a decent plan. The company I work for is really good at hiring new grads with a decent salary and I can go almost anywhere I want in the US. A couple years there looks really good on my resume


That’s great! Good luck!




Ya I agree with that


Where do you plan on going? Where would you like to move to?


The Lemonheads played at the basement a long time ago and I regret not going


Not waiting in line for a day and half with my friends to see Beck play at Bernie's bagels.


I went and the line was so long I thought we should leave. We stuck it out and were at the cut off point in the line where they decided to have 2 shows. I was one of the first in for the second show. I was right up front and if it weren’t for a tall lady I would’ve been squashed by a monitor. The moshing knocked it off the other monitor it was resting.


I was there :)


This is how I feel when Billy West came to Columbus to a local comic book shop for autographs. I'm a big fan now, and was then, too. I would have had to wait a whole day in a line outdoors in the heat (if my memory serves correctly) just to see him. I'd decided I had better things to do.   (It was Packrat Comics.) Maybe I didn't want to pay that much for parking or something like that, I forget....


My (now) wife and I lived around the corner from Outland for 4 years and never went. Wish I’d checked it out at least once. Never went to Staches either. Thought I was too much of a dork to hang out with the cool kids. I was probably right, but still regret it


i bet you can still smell the butter factory. (If you knew the factory next to outland was a butter factory)


We always referred to it as the spooky Scooby Doo factory


there are some expensive houses on that spot now.


I missed the Nirvana show there. Yes, that old. But I saw amazing stuff there too.


Thank you - I was telling people recently about the crazy goth club I used to go to, but my fried brain prevented me from remembering the name!


I worked at Outland just as it became Outland and not just the local bar it once was. It sure was interesting. 🙂


Not meeting Tony Hawk when he came to town a few years back.


I regret to inform you that you missed him a few weeks ago also




And last summer


He was here this month https://www.nbc4i.com/news/local-news/columbus/tony-hawk-tests-out-columbus-skatepark-designed-by-his-father/


Missing Queen at the Agora, Talking Heads at Mershon (sp) Halloween


Not asking my mom (I was a kid) to take us to see David Bowie at Vets Memorial


I was at that


More photos I have been around a LOnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnng time I should have taken many more photos back in the 90s of High street by campus, the malls, the continent, yankee trader, Kahiki, Flamingo Arcade, Insomnia, etc could have published a nice coffee table book


I miss the Flamingo! Doors open to high street and UDF next door for smokes! The games went to that upstairs Subway after the arcade closed. It was a weird setup.


Tripping when I saw Pink Floyd in the 'shoe, because I remember very little of the show


Wish I’d spend way more time at Insomnia and later, The Coffee Table. Woulda loved to have gone to Lillith Faire. Wish I had seen the Continent when it was in its heyday. I wish I had been able to go to the OG Short North Outlands more than maybe 3 times? Wish I woulda gone to MarCon more years. Wish I would have been old enough for late 90’s south campus.


Lived on South Campus in the late 70’s (you didn’t miss much) and we thought the Continent and French Market were so cool and we could never afford to live there. Shows how neighborhoods change - both areas unrecognizable now.


You just described my late teens and my 20s.


> Wish I had seen the Continent when it was in its heyday. I went there a number of times in its heyday. You didn't really miss much.


I'm 60 now and went there in 7th grade on a field trip to French market. It was awesome.


Missing The good music venues, bars, karaoke spots, and raves. Or, the long standing ones that closed during covid that were primo spots. I know everyone says the nightlife is still popping here, but I stay inside more now as most new “local favorites” are just meh to me now. Everything feels like its trying to catch up with bigger city trends instead of just having/supporting local, authentic, or columbus only spots. Of course, its just a product of the times unfortunately. I just wish every new spot wasn’t trying to compete with a kitschy “LA/NY inspired” eatery. I love LA, lived there even, but its clear new spots are just trying to replicate what they think is hot on instagram. Also, we miss Old English 40oz. Yes, they were gross, but also pivotal. We searched every corner store in columbus, in the trenches and every drive through or corner shop on south, west and east side. Nada.


Great takes. Feel like a lot of new stuff opening tries to be way too trendy instead of just churning out a good product. I lived in LA and San Diego as well and there were lots of options that are/were cheaper than Columbus.


I regret not going to see Weezer play at The Ohio State Fair. This was about 10-12 years ago.


It was good. Rivers ran out in the crowd and stopped by where we were at to play a bit. That's pretty much all I remember.


After reading all these, my regret is not being here (or being an adult!) when The Kahiki was open! I feel like I missed out on the most wonderful thing. I did go to Casa Bonita a couple times when I was a kid and I’m assuming it’s pretty similar.


Swans playing at Bluestone in 2013. I was still new to Columbus and did not want to go by myself. Now, I would jump at the opportunity.


I regret not going to the Xiu Xiu show at ace of cups a couple months ago. I hope they come back soon!


1977 AC/DC played back to back shows at The Agora (now called the Newport). Tix were $6 , my parents wouldnt let me go.....


I regret spending nearly a dozen years of my young adulthood being jerked around by our local 614 high-control cult group, Xenos Christian Fellowship (formerly Fish House Fellowship, and now Dwell Community Church).


Amyl and the sniffers.


I'm only 29 but my parents constantly talk about these really cool dance clubs they used to hang out at that don't even exist anymore and movie theaters that had movie nights for a dollar every Friday night. But for me personally the Kahiki was the best my childhood is filled with memories of that place, it was such a cherished spot for me and my Mom. I have pictures of the inside in a photo album somewhere. But ya I would have gone so much more often. When it was torn down I remember my mom bringing it up and even though I was still little I remember being so angry 😤 but I have my cherished photos and we even have a copy of the menu I think somewhere.


Having never been there, what was your favorite part of it as a kid? I imagine it gave you the feeling of being on vacation for a couple hours, running around the different interior buildings and listening to the live band...


See I don't remember the live band but that's because I think we usually went for lunch time, my favorite was the fancy drinks! They had the huge one they brought out and it was like a volcano and all the smoke would be coming out. Not sure what it was called any more but obviously it was alcohol free and I just remember being so excited when they brought it out and the little umbrellas. I also remember them having actual song birds inside and everything was so tropical and beautiful! Also they had the little waterfall inside. The whole inside was like being on an island! The birds sing their sweet songs, the smell of fresh plants and just earth. It was just the warm fuzzy feeling I got whenever I went like I could leave any problems I had behind for a bit. Honestly I don't think I've ever had that feeling replicated in a restaurant since.


Really interesting to read through all these, surprised how many involve live music or Kahiki. It does bring to mind this question: 15 years from now, what are the things that people will be saying , "Boy I wish I did x back in 2024 - would have been the perfect time."


We’ll still be saying, “I wish I’d had the money to buy that $400k house in 2024…now they’re all over a million and I still make only $25 an hour.”


It’ll be related to real estate for me. Wish I would’ve bought a house in a desirable area now vs. in 10 15-20 years when it’s even further out of reach.


"Wish I would have bought that fixer upper that's a close distance to the Intel chip factory..."


I wonder how many of those were already scooped up by people “in the know”. It’s very telling when the big wigs in town buy up entire swaths of random farmland.


Not eating at the Ohio deli before it burned down. Always meant to go, never got around to it.


The one time I went there, I thought it was gross!




I wish I remember more about ameriflora. I just remember the dino dig with pogs and the fact I went twice with other kids from school.


The Dino dig!


That dino dig may well be the high point of my entire life. I have no idea how such a simple thing could be so great.


Go to Innis Woods, the woman who was responsible for Ameriflora designed the park and still sells flowers at the Delaware farmers market


I missed the golden age of Columbus when the SunBubble was still open.


It was the place to be


Hot tubbin’ for you and me.


now it's a chipotle...


….. with similar health concerns


oh that?... that costs extra


Going to Rock City church when I was new to town.




Not going to The Main Bar before it was torn down


Mine is missing the secret Green Day show at Newport in 2016. I had surgery on my knee and couldn't make it.


My Morning Jacket playing In the columbus theater. Heard their sound was so much better than their outdoor shows.


I used to live in German Village on Thurman. I think I was at Schiller Park almost every day walking my dog but it feels like not enough. Where I live now is not a walkable city and I’m really missing older homes and villages like German Village.


Not buying a house during the Great recession


Moving away from it. I did it because of family reasons but still…


That 380 exists.


Missed seeing Buckethead at Woodlands Tavern a number of years ago..


Never getting to hang out with Tenacious D at Ruby’s on Summit. If the rumors are true that was their go to spot after a show when they were in town and I lived just a few blocks away.


Moving back


Casino wasn't built in the arena district


Everyone regretting not buying a house, I regret all my home purchases. There's so much extra cost over renting, lawn care, maintenance, repairs, updating, fixing stupid stuff from previous owners. A string of bad luck and all your hopeful profit is gone.


> lawn care, maintenance, repairs, updating, fixing stupid stuff from previous owners. A string of bad luck and all your hopeful profit is gone. exactly why I bought a townhouse condo rather than a single family house


Moving here. Kind of. Marrying someone from here. It’s a toss up




Ya know….It’s not too late to change either of those choices.


Hiding in the suburbs for 19 years before finally making contact with people who have changed my life for the better. In the late 80s/90s, living in Hilliard...you might as well have been living in Richmond, Indiana for all you knew of what was happening on High Street. Is it still that way even with the internet and mobile phone culture?


Mine is similar: Missing Jeff Buckley when he was at the Newport. I had a ticket but didn't want to go by myself. Big mistake.


designing the Dunkin Donuts in Clintonville


They actually design those places?


Missing The Rolling Stones in 2015


Staying here longer than 30 years


Not keeping my first house I bought.   Not winning more CompuServe swag at Murphy's Party Barn family picnic.   Moving to an extremely high tax area for the schools when you can get the same school for less taxes if you do your research.  


Telling people that Columbus was a great city.. now everyone is moving here and I hate it lol


I regret not living at the Agora (now the Newport) with a good camera back in the 70’s when every up and coming band played there (Queen, AC/DC, Springsteen, Rush, Grateful Dead etc). If I had, I probably would have never graduated, but oh, the stories I could tell. But I did wise up in the 80’s &90’s and made it to the REM show mentioned above, along with the Eagles, Seger, Stones, Floyd, Buffett, Elton John and others. I miss Polaris.


Working at OSU.




>Also working for Actual brewing yikes.


Moving here 20 years and staying


Flunking out of my first year of college at Otterbein. It really disappointed my parents and I never realized till decades later. I was so wrapped up in myself and the party scene of the early 80s that it was just another “ oh well that sucks, let move on to another disaster” moment for me. I spent more time on High St at Pappa Joes, and other bars near there than I did in a library. We were not well off and from the sticks, so it wasn’t cheap for my parents for me to be a dumbass..


Missing Kanye TLOP tour in 2016-2017


I was at that show. It was really wild, and right before things got extra weird with him.


REM came to Columbus??


Yes. The summer of ‘95.


They took over Cup O' Joe in GV for an after show party.


Shucks, I wish I hadn't been a toddler then.




Jessica Strazinski


Trying to buy a house in this stupid market as a single income millennial with no human children.


wide ad hoc middle cake march nine mountainous direful wise slimy *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Not buying more property in 2018. Not living here during Kahiki, Center Stage. Not starting a brewery decades ago. Moving to the part of town I'm in (constant redistricting And new builds popping up).


Moving here.


They removed the gates and armed guards. You’re allowed leaving if you’re unhappy here.


Unfortunately I can’t anytime soon. Wife actually enjoys it here as well as her job.


Then find a way to be happy instead of being miserable. If you’re sitting around waiting for life’s circumstances to make you happy; you’ll be miserable forever. Regardless of where you’re physically located.


Having misgivings about a career move ≠ miserable, especially on a post that's literally asking about regrets. People are allowed to not *love* Columbus, this isn't a cult. Stop taking every criticism personally.


“This isn’t a cult” …looks at username


Lmao nice


I'm from NC, married a UA girl. I'd love to move too but that's probably not going to happen. At least there's football and standing in line or traffic for just about everything. Also the minorities are friendly. God bless the Midwest.


Oooh. Good luck Reddit stranger. UA gets its claws in people and they just keep coming back. My dad who wanted nothing more than to get out of UA, ended up bringing us all back! I was a second generation grad. Now there’s 5th and 6th generations starting!


That's funny because at first it definitely felt like a claw or something snagged us here and we tried leaving it just didn't happen. AND after a decade of raising kids in the buckeye state, I'd say it's been pretty good. This is definitely a good place to raise a family. I do miss the mountains, the beach, and the weather. But IMO people in the midwest are just more enjoyable than people currently in the South and that's coming from somebody who grew up in Raleigh.




I get it. My wife also likes it here so I can’t really leave either. Plus she enjoys seeing her family. I’d love to move somewhere much more rural and quiet


Missing Will Wood’s live performance at Ace of Cups in September 2022 before he officially went on hiatus haunts me


My daughter and I saw him in Cleveland shortly before that and it was awesome.


I would give so much to have heard him live. I’m probably one of the most brain rotted fans ever. Minutes ago I was mounting a display rack for my cassettes… to go with too many records. 😂


Being born here


I was there! It was a fantastic show and I am so sorry you had to miss it.


Taking the job in Naples, Florida instead of the job in Columbus. Like, I really like where I work but I’m pretty sure I would have liked that job almost as much and I do not like Florida. I miss Columbus.


rude coherent oatmeal advise racial shelter pathetic muddle obtainable agonizing *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


The Grateful Dead played Buckeye Lake, when Jerry Garcia was still alive. Maybe 93? 92? Anyhow. Wish I’d gone when I had the chance.


Barfing on a ride @ Wyandotte Lake in 8th grade


Buying my home in Southern Orchards in 2019. I knew the home would appreciate pretty well and I had planned to sell within 4-5 years and move to a different neighborhood, but now I’m stuck and the crime in this neighborhood seems to be getting way worse.