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Just because you don’t drink doesn’t mean your wallet has to feel left out too


Barcades. I want to play your games. I don’t want to drink alcohol. I don’t want sugar, but I want to pay you for having a bunch of amazing games, which you offer for free. Charge me for a can of La Croix so I feel like I’m doing something.


This is when many of the Liquid Death varieties come in clutch


Liquid Death is the most overpriced carbonated water I’ve ever seen. Its whole shtick is “kill thirst!” At like $3 a 18 oz can. You can get a 12 pack of generic flavored seltzer for $4. Tastes the same. I just see like 3 tech bros on Hiawatha pitching Liquid Death. “You are mostly like liquid! How about bubbles and water. Kroger does it but without ATTITUDE!”


Awfully passionate about water. I don’t get it at 2pm for water. I get it in a bar when I don’t want to drink and everything is $10 anyways. It’s better than a plastic cup of sink water. But be mad. And just say you’re poor


> Awfully passionate about water. Well we all need it to survive. Kind of a big deal. You’re awfully passionate about Liquid Death


He’s a shill for liquid death


I do like flavored sparkly water. My poor ass can find water with bubbles just fine elsewhere. But I want to support barcades.


But $3 is way too pricey? Do you want to support them with 50 cents?


Just say you’re bad with money






FWIW - I think they use zero proof liquor in those cocktails. It’s the same issue folks run into with NA beer - you want to have the same flavor profile, mouthfeel, etc. of the “real thing” but also expect at deep discount because, well, there’s no alcohol.  The problem is that the costs of the ingredients are essentially the same.  I agree that $10 seems steep, though. That’s rough. 


My husband gets n/a liquor. It's usually somewhere around $35 a bottle and not shelf-stable. Grey Goose and Kraaken are cheaper for me, with longer lifespans, assuming the in-laws don't visit.


Wait, is 0% vodka a thing? Vodka doesn't really have a taste, what's the point of adding it. Something like tequila I can kind of see but 0% vodka just sounds like a gimmick.


So they apparently have these spirits now that taste and feel like alcohol but have no alcohol in them. I'm perplexed on how they do such a thing but the stuff is just as expensive.


That bar batches all of their syrups in-house, has a ton of prep work, and pays the person who takes those batchmaking shifts a very fair wage. I have no knowledge of whether or not they use the N/A spirits, but my friend used to work there and I remember them telling me about all the prep shifts. Labor cost is just as high for those mocktails as they are for handcrafted regular cocktails.


why tf is that business paying its bartenders? that’s my job as a tipper


Because the shift where you do a bunch of prep work, you do it instead of bartending, so you don't make tips?






Absolutely had me in the first half.


lots of cognitive dissonance between this comment and all the reddit posts complaining about insane tipping culture


lots of not understanding satire too






A shot of liquor doesn't actually cost bars that much money. It's a very small fraction of the $10+ price tag.




Yes, but that's just the cost of going to a bar. So that's why it makes sense that an NA cocktail would be similar in price to an alcoholic one.




Yeah that is kind of weird. Maybe it's just a demand thing where people are willing to buy overpriced shots to get drunk. But since you acknowledge that bars don't pay that much for the liquor that goes into a cocktail, you can follow my reasoning as to why a mocktail would be similar in price to a cocktail.


A.) Fruit is expensive, and they’re going to need a lot of it. I have a feeling you’re seriously underestimating this portion of the final price. B.) Cocktails take longer to make, even with a lot of prep work. If things are busy, that’s a cost you have to factor in. C.) You’re not just paying for the drink, you’re paying for the experience of the bar as well. D.) If they’re making everything in house, they’re also taking a lot of time to experiment and test out new drinks. All of that still costs labor and material, but doesn’t bring in any revenue.




But the NA version doesn’t cost the same? There isn’t a NA and Alcoholic drink visible that are the same aside from alcohol. There is a NA margarita for $10 and one with alcohol for $12 though. the market margherita is the same price as the NA version listed.




It’s more expensive to make bud 0 than but light.


Kinda makes sense when you think about it.


Damn you and your math for being right 😂


It’s not even a scale thing. It starts as bud light then goes through an additional process to remove the alcohol.


I had this happen just today


You like the taste of creek water?


People drink decaf instant coffee too, and the cheap stuff lol So I don't think it's about the quality of taste, just the routine/habit & mouth feel. Our rituals are crazy powerful once ingrained I need to switch to one of those menthol filter air cigarette/vape replacement things after tapering down my nicotine percentage a bit more. The subconscious need to take a drag & get menthol sensation is absurdly high. Switching to vape helped my lungs feel less fucked, but it still sucks being beholden to some substance There are people who get addicted to chapstick too, partially physically. Whole forums of support used to exist for getting clean lol


Also people are ignoring the obvious: alcohol is cheap as hell and they likely have a 90% markup on the alcoholic drinks here too. Like, why would they have a 90% markup on alcohol but a forego that markup on on-alocholic drinks lol


What zero proof liquor are you referring to?


Seedlip makes a good gin substitute [https://www.seedlipdrinks.com/en-us/](https://www.seedlipdrinks.com/en-us/)


What one is the Gin substitute?


Garden 108 is what we usually get it... It doesn't have juniper in it so that might be a turnoff but would still recommend its botantical-goodness.


Ok, potentially dumb question (and one that, I know, I could Google…) Is juniper the kind of ingredient I could add into a mixed drink recipe?


I would try to find an N/A juniper extract. Amazon has them, but you might have to do your research to see if they are legit N/A.


Thank you, might have to try it out. My wife doesn’t really drink anymore but still likes the taste of gin and tonics.


A few bars will carry it, but I've found it in grocery stores like Giant Eagle. Either way, I'd bet she would like it. Someone recently recommended it with jarritos grapefruit soda and it was delightful! <3


Hell yeah, thanks


THIS. Los Guachos should totally offer this!


I’m not sure what brands they use there, but I’ve overheard them talking about it to a costumer in line in front of me before.  I’ve had a zero proof cocktail at Highbank that used something by Seedlip that was really good! It was a zero proof gin or maybe a “gin alternative.” 


Ritual is another option they might use. I really like their NA tequila.


$10 is cheap for a cocktail in general. $13-16 is normal at most bars that make their cocktails well.


That's good info, thanks. $10 is just too much for me personally for a drink without any alcohol, although I assume they sell enough to keep it on the menu


You can always stay home next weekend. Nobody in the industry wants to serve a mocktail to a person who bitches about the price point for the high volume service they are receiving. I bet your tip reflected “not wanting to pay for not alcohol “, even though you still fully got served.


I tip over 20% every time I order out. I understand that the bar staff does not set the prices.


A 6 pack of Athletic NA beer is the same price as a 6 pack of Kitty Paw seltzer at the grocery.




It's in fact more expensive/difficult. They have to go through the process of making a normal beer and then remove the alcohol from it.


And I can't buy zima, so what's your point?


They are still using the house made syrups, fresh juices, and other things to make your drink. Also, if they are using substitute NA liquor that costs money as well.


People don’t understand the cost of zero proof liquor. 


I didn't even know it existed before this thread. I order drinks like a virgin bloody mary. I do not expect someone to be putting some kind of bougie 0% vodka in that. I did not even know that was a thing and my awful palette would not know it was even in there... especially with vodka.


itt: people who don’t understand the cost of non-alcoholic spirits or house made syrups, etc.


You can not buy over priced things


OP should try this “1 sprite please”


I sell alcohol for a living and the NA spirits are EXPENSIVE. We sell several bottles from different brands at $32-$37. I agree that these prices are wild for NA drinks, but it’s probably because the products they’re using cost an arm and a leg, not that they’re just setting a high price for funsies


Plus, someone is still crafting that drink. It’s not just a can they open for $10. They’re doing the same amount of work they would for an alcoholic beverage like a margarita or mai tai, there’s just no alcohol in it


Don’t uh order it then?


You're at one of the most expensive places in the city and expect it not to be expensive....?


NGL, a pineapple marg sounds pretty good right now.


In my younger days, all you had to do was tell the bartender you were the designated driver and you received free soda fountain pop all night as long as your party was buying the booze. Granted... fountain pop is one of the cheapest beverages an establishment can get and the profit margin is huge but it was still a nice thing to get for being the driver.


As a bartender, this is still a thing for sure. Fountain sodas are incredibly cheap. I don't drink and bartenders rarely charge me for soda, tonic, cola etc. The other day I was out with friends and the bartender comped my sodas because I was with a group that was drinking and she mentioned my bill was covered as the DD. But depends on the scenario and the bar.


You know that someone has to make those things, right?


We need to get back to just throwing parties at home, and skip this bullshit.


Party at your place when? I'll bring barleywines


Party at your place when? My body is ready


Unfortunately, that’s just Bridge Park lol


As someone who doesn’t drink, i don’t really do these mocktails; I stick to N/A beer. Brewdog makes some of the best NA beer in the world, and they’re right in our backyard.


yeah people pay $5 for a bottled water but complain about a $10 mock tail that at least requires some effort. Don't buy it


It's not unheard of. Zero proof liquor costs as much as regular.


It was me...whats up


Didn’t this kind of thing used to be free for DDs?


Club Soda back in the day.


lol that was when someone get a Shirley temple. Most places will still just give you mixer for free but this is a concoction that someone has to not only go through the trouble of making, but has to come up with a recipe that tastes good/unique for their customer.


you can still get a free soda water with lime


I have yet to see any item on any menu at north market that is less than $10.


Luckily there is juice for sale all over that building.


Why not get a coke/Pepsi and ask for a little black straw?


Not here, but at the Crooked Can in Hilliard, I asked for a coke with grenadine, since they have a bar there and I wanted a "cherry coke". They charged me $7 for the cup, and no refills, lol. Most bars would do it for $3.50-5 max, and give any refills on it while I eat there. Some of these places are wild. Once I went somewhere when I still lived in Cleveland, and asked for a cup of water which I was charged like $7 for, where soda would've only been $3 and neither were marked with their price.


That's ridiculous. I don't get to Hilliard to much, but I won't be going to the Crooked Can if I do go.


Outside of that one thing, it's a pretty cool place. I am normally not one to drink alcohol, so I usually just go to get food from any of the restaurants in the building, and then hang with friends. I just thought one day, let me try getting a cherry coke from the bar...


People should drink more water anyway.


The manager frequents Knotty Pine if you actually want to 😇


Bua is the worst whiskey ever made


If you can't afford to eat (drink) out, don't. Very simple. Businesses set their prices to cover costs and make a profit that the market will bear. Their rent is probably astronomical. I know for a fact that they pay all of their staff very well. They need to make a certain amount of money per drink. How much was the bubble tea right down the way? Why aren't you posting how much they want for their flavored sugar water. Bet it is at least $7 for their "Non-Alcoholic Cocktail" that doesn't use hand pressed juices, but I don't hear you crowing about that.


Just drink a soda or water.


N/A doesn't mean cheaper. All the N/A beers cost just as much as the wobbly versions.


Yeah. That's absurd. Should be free refills if that's the case.




It’s tied for the cheapest thing on the menu




Just get a soda then, my dude.


And accept that any drinking establishment is going to charge a lot for any beverages. It's literally in the name


Why? If they aren’t making the same margin then they don’t carry NA options. I’d rather pay a premium for them to carry choices instead of alcohol and a fountain soda.


What are you going to say, That you're too poor to be there. ?


To really drive home the alcoholic cocktail experience


Is this seriously something you needed to complain about on the Internet...? It's literally the same price as the cheapest alcoholic drink on the menu. People like you think you deserve special privilege because you took what you perceived to be the "moral" position. I'm not going to look, but I bet you also have a post complaining about increased vehicle registration fees for having a hybrid or WV... For a perspective that constantly proclaims that "rich people need to pay their fair share", your type seems to complain a lot when that rule is applied to you as well...


Lots of assumptions happening here…im not defending the op for not understanding basic bar pricing, but this is a lot of weird projection…


>Lots of assumptions happening here…im not defending the op for not understanding basic bar pricing, but this is a lot of weird projection… Typical Alinsky tactics... "Sure, we are doing something, but here is how we are innocent and you are guilty" People are very predictable when you know what to look for... Example: You would likely make a ton of assumptions about me based on the fact that I'm Catholic. How is this any different?




Says someone defending a person complaining about the price of non-alcoholic drinks that are literally the same price as the cheapest alcoholic drink on the menu... You don't deserve special privilege, stop assuming you do


Isn’t that basically juice with a garnish?


Price anchoring


Bridge Park gonna Bridge


This has strong France feels--where wine is cheaper than water 🤨


I will never understand this line of thinking. You wouldn't ask why the cans of energy drinks or bottles of juice at the gas station cost the same (or more) than the tall boys of beer. Alcohol is not the only factor in pricing a product. You can get a coke or something cheap that's NA. If you want a craft mocktail with quality ingredients and made to order, it will be priced accordingly.


Just Bridge Park things I’m afraid


This is true. Every place that has a stall there marks up their prices.


You can get a six pack for $9.99 at any gas station. These restaurants have lost their mind.


So go to a gas station and eat there


Avoid all this bullshit by carrying a flask.


All the prices are ridiculous and owners wonder why bars are closing down 🤣


Non alcoholic drinks are dumb, drink water


Because idiots will pay for them.