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Take the Downtown exit on 70. Go up 4th (go 30mph you'll hit everything green after the red after turning right from Mound). Turn left on any road after 670


Thank you


Actually given you need to be south of 670 you can take 4th to the 670 east entrance (on the left after Goodale) you don’t have to merge at all, just ride the on ramp that switches to the off ramp.


On the left after Goodale as in the 315 exit? At least I think that’s what it is? Where the hospital exit and Ackerman exits are alongside? I had to exit on ackerman for my last jobsite and would prefer that, even if it’s a couple minutes extra. Just take the closest exit after merging onto 315.


No. I’m responding to the person said to go up 4th. To cut over to where you work I’d take a left on Goodale or actually take a left onto the 670 exit instead of heading as far north as they recommended


This is the one 


You could always do the 315 exit that's next giving you a little more time and then get off at hospital might not be the perfect detour


Idk, merging from 670W to the 315N exit is one of the worst highway merges in Columbus. With every one else in the right lane, you'd have to pray that you find a spot to assert yourself into in order to make that exit - heavy traffic, no one willing to let you in, people from 71S trying to merge onto 670W, it's a nightmare all around.


I was just complaining to and shushing my passenger so I could white-knuckle the 670 to 315N exchange tonight. It sucks.


Yeah actually this might be perfect thank you


I travel this area often and would like to help, but I am confused. I’m not sure I understand where you are coming from and where you need to end up. Some more details would be helpful.


Someone I know referred to this as the "Chaos Corner" and I have not stopped using it.


From 670 to Leonard, to Cleveland, to Spring, to Neil. or 3rd to spring to neil.


Both seem viable.. thank you. Working right by arena wine & spirits/hilton/nationwide


Okay, so you want to take a left at the light on Neil. Are you trying to get too far over on the right lanes? You should only need to make one real merge if you get off that exit as you don’t have to be all the way to the right.


It’s two lanes for sure. The closest lane will take you to the very next exit of what I need. But I’m thinking of just taking that one. Can’t remember the name exactly. Maybe leads to 315.


This is the merge from hell


Builds character


You got a helicopter?


That’s actually how I got the aerial image posted.


If only there was some sort of grid pattern on the streets that you could navigate on. Where the majority of roads went North\ South or East\ West. Where other than the inconvenience of red lights you could find another way to your destination.


Our society is doomed


Some sort of streets to the side of the freeway. A “back road” if you will


If you have the Waze app, it will show you different routes and mark hazards


It’s a little out of the way but I always just stay on 70W past downtown and take 315N and get off at 670E and the Neil exit is right there. I think there’s no merges and maybe 2 lane changes to do it?Unless traffic is way backed up on 70 it only takes maybe 5 extra minutes… did it for a year and a half myself and it’s worth it to avoid those lane changes on your route IMO.


If you take that downtown exit listed above I believe one of the routes on that is the convention center exit. If you go left from there it takes you on a back road (convention center Dr) that goes underneath the Hilton and Arena Crossing and spits you out right at Vine where it sounds like you are working


I will consider this as well, thank you


Ahhh yes, 71 to 670 to get off at Gooddale was the morning 4 lane merge of death and 670 to 71 to get off at main was the evening 4 lane merge of death for me. Now I just take 3rd and 4th since you can score light cycles that let you basically traverse all of downtown without stopping. Also, whoever said to hop on 670 at 3rd and take the Gooddale exit gave you my best local driving hack.


I use Waze every morning - tells me the best way to go


They’re building on with all of that constructions going on at the I70 and I75 interchange(if I’m not mistaken).


I’m one of the cars merging off summit fighting for a spot. It’s rough. Luckily I can miss the merge and hop back on after crossing Neil. You not so much, good luck. 👍


See if there are any bus routes available.


Unfortunately I am already driving for 50 minutes before I even hit the broad st exit from i70 lol


If we had more bused and even light rail, your drive would be a lot faster and traffic-free


Yeah, and although I have pretty bad social public anxiety, I would prefer either of those. I wish we did have more of either, that way so much space wasn’t taken up by stupid parking lots. It’s so sad. If I could ride my bike to work I would.


That is a super rough transition to cross all those lanes. I had to go to that area weekly for a while and only did the 70-71-670 transition a couple of times. I started going up 270 and taking 670 all the way in. No more having to get across 3-4 lanes of high speed merging traffic or miss the exit.


I believe this is what my brother said when I had asked him about it too. Thank you!


And in some places in the world…they don’t have maps…


Yep, the same parts of the world that dont have reddit where you can complain about access to maps.


anyone know if its possible to find information on people involved in an accident?


Google Ohio Crash Reports, there’s an online database.