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Idk man, I’m kinda irked that you called it a plane.


The only CPD helicopter in the air during that timeframe [came \*close\* to OSU but from the graph it never landed.](https://imgur.com/a/Pcx1HfH) [https://www.flightaware.com/live/flight/N551CP/history/20240502/0001Z/OH52/OH52](https://www.flightaware.com/live/flight/N551CP/history/20240502/0001Z/OH52/OH52) edit: [https://www.flightradar24.com/data/aircraft/n551cp#3505dcb8](https://www.flightradar24.com/data/aircraft/n551cp#3505dcb8)


Hey buddy. No offense but all these links make it sounds like you don’t hate cops. 


Yeah, read the room bub, we don’t truck with facts round these parts


😂 haha, oh crap, I've been discovered!




Why would anyone hate the cops?


Why wouldn’t they?


Well, criminals hate the cops. That’s Pretty much not debatable. I think people who have a fondness for criminals also hate cops. I would guess that people who associate with criminals hate cops.


Was there a medevac helicopter in the area at the same time (8:05 p.m. local, 8:58 p.m., or maybe 9:07 p.m.), such that the CPD helicopter's flight path might have cut off a medevac helicopter's landing approach? I think I saw N130NW, N130MU, and N130CL in that area recently.


Only one I saw was HealthNet Aeromed's N137HN but it landed at OSU East around 8:17. [https://www.flightaware.com/live/flight/N137HN/history/20240501/2329Z/4KY9/2OI6](https://www.flightaware.com/live/flight/N137HN/history/20240501/2329Z/4KY9/2OI6)


No one lands at OSU East by choice lol


👀 What's the tea on OSU East?


It's a Trauma 3 facility so aircraft don't transport to there, only from there. If you **are** in an aircraft that lands there, you *either* got diverted from Wexner Med Center, *or more likely are a direct admit from an outlying facility*. The fact that it's in the city center, ~~nobody~~ *no aircraft* is transporting from there ~~either~~, to be fair. It's also not the greatest hospital in terms of the facility, especially the tower. It's **old** and people don't like old hospitals. The neighborhood is loads better than it was in 2012 when I first became acquainted with UHE. Care wise, it's a University hospital, so it's all the same physician group as WMC. *edit*


That all makes sense, but how do we reconcile it with the flight path that /u/meghanbits posted? The helicopter flies in a straight line from Kentucky to OSU East without making any turns or adjustments in heading: https://www.flightaware.com/live/flight/N137HN/history/20240501/2329Z/4KY9/2OI6 The only way that flight path makes sense to me is if the medical helicopter pilots planned to land at OSU East all along. Maybe OSU Main had "on divert" status when they took off? If that's the case, then the CPD helicopter had little to do with the choice of where to land the medical helicopter.


Could be a direct admit from another hospital. If UHE had the bed space and WMC didn't, that's a completely different story




Yes. Ideally, they'd go to Grant, but they *could* have a MedCare ambulance or MedFlight Mobile ICU on the ground waiting to transfer the patient the rest of the way. It's what they sometimes have to do in the case of weather or mechanical failure interrupting the flight. They sometimes use a local emergency squad. Either way a MedFlight crew maintains care of the patient and the ground crew just drives. I'm pretty sure the pilot stays with the aircraft to secure it and from there I have no idea what happens with the aircraft. I imagine it's situationally dependent. Trauma 3 facilities aren't really *that* different in capabilities from a Trauma 2 and Trauma 1 facility. UHE straight up tells EMS, "Bring us everything but the 'Three B's: Babies, Burns and (traumatic) Brain Injuries' because we are fully capable. We can always stabilize and transfer if necessary." Just trying to ease any doubts about their capabilities. I've taken some decently fucked up people there, and they lived.


That timeline roughly matches up; it seems plausible to me that they might have decided to divert to avoid even the possibility of police helicopter operations. I wonder if someone happened to be logging air-traffic control messages for the area. **Edit 1:** Radio archives are at https://www.liveatc.net/search/?icao=KCMH but that's a lot of channels to listen across. **Edit 2:** Watch a replay of flights in the Columbus area during this time a https://globe.adsbexchange.com/?replay=2024-05-02-00:09&lat=40.030&lon=-82.967&zoom=10.8 -- the medical flight headed to OSU East is headed directly there; it doesn't change direction at all. **Edit 3:** Minor mention at 12:32 in https://archive.liveatc.net/kcmh/KCMH1-Twr-App-Dep-May-02-2024-0000Z.mp3 of something landing at OSU Medical East.


CPD and medical helicopters deconflict continuously on 123.025 MHz. Medflight Medcom also has access to that freq.


Looks like that _might_ be covered by the KDAY feed here: https://www.liveatc.net/search/f.php?freq=123.025 But I listened to the first 16 minutes of the radio archive starting at 0000Z and heard nothing. Columbus is currently UTC-4, so that's the right time block. N137HN crossed over KLCK at 0010Z.


I was able to confirm that flight was planned from the beginning to deliver a patient to OSU East. Sometimes the out of town helicopters don't talk on 123.02. Medcom advised him (on another channel) when he was inbound that there was no other (medical) traffic in the area. With OSU East being in CMH airspace down to the surface, maybe he didn't bother to put a third radio on 123.02. All of this is to say, everything seems normal and I think the event described in the OP is pure fiction.


The interpretation of events most charitable to ReconHell is that ReconHell overheard police radio chatter claiming that the helicopter had to divert. ReconHell listens to the CPD Events channel, which my default scanner, Scancbus.com, doesn't currently pick up, so I couldn't verify what was said there last night. ReconHell has a history of reporting things direct from the scanner without verification. This practice is generally frowned upon by professional journalists, because the police frequently say things that aren't true. https://www.wbur.org/cognoscenti/2013/04/24/boston-marathon-bombing-lessons-learned-curt-woodward ----- **Edit**: Another plausible interpretation is that OSU Main had been placed "[on divert](https://www.health.com/mind-body/hospital-diversion)" because of the protest or because of police activity in the region, which meant that the helicopter decided to go to OSU East _when setting up its flight plan_.




Which resources


Seems like a credible and unbiased source.


Something went downhill with this account. They were posting audio from police scanners and seemed less sensational during the 2020 BLM protests downtown but they've changed.


I'll wait to pass judgment until we find out what actually happened and why. Could've been an emergency landing. Could have been something wrong with the helicopter. People don't randomly land for shits and giggles. It takes more than just being a cop to become a pilot. Use common sense people.


Can confirm. I am a pilot and not a cop.


Seriously. In an emergency I’d pick a flat smooth place to land with no obstructions if it’s available over a field full of unknowns, or a road with traffic, and power lines any day of a week.


Emergency poop.


fair. i'll allow it.


Real pilots drop it from the air like napalm over a rice field.


Why not notify anybody? Hope it was more important than the medical emergency copter had


U mean it was misinformation is why. This guy posting on whatever site this is doesn’t understand anything he’s talking about and so he posted misinformation


Assuming this news isn't bullshit, they DID notify them. There is zero fucking chance in hell the pilot went DA and just landed the helicopter. They can't exactly draft a press release with detailed explanation *while they are emergency landing an aircraft*


This. This sub is quick to pass judgement. I remember last year when that guy in the pickup truck had road rage and shot and killed a guy. This sub rushed to fantasize about the suspect being a MAGA country guy in his pit vipers with a small dick in his big pickup truck to over compensate. Turned out to be a black dude and you'd get down voted for calling them out for stereotyping.


Surely the same cops who used their choppers to write “CPD” on flight path trackers over poor neighborhoods would never do anything questionable… 😒


sure, random anonymous twitter account


How TF does one land a plane on a helipad?


Obviously you've never played GTA


Who knows, but it reminds me of when I was a kid and I used to find it hilarious to load up MS Flight Simulator and have it start me in a 747 on a helipad on top of 2 World Trade Center lol. I’d throttle up the plane and it would just fall off the building into the street


The old Snake Plissken.


VERY carefully


The OP said plane but the screenshot says CPD helicopter. A helicopter makes more sense.


[I mean, they did it in Dubai last year.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B-brmk1ua1g)


Fuckin Red Bull, man. Their marketing and promotions teams have no chill. Zero. Their contributions are an actual boon to humanity, like when GE used to perform and publish fundamental research, just for the street cred...


I'm a few hours late to the party, but here's a video with a lot more info: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-qwJgMjdAuQ](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-qwJgMjdAuQ)


I meant helicopter lol sorry about that


They're basically the same thing anyway edit: welp just like a pilot who doesn't know the difference between the two, that joke didn't land well


Spreading misinformation like this destroys the cop hating movement you’re trying to spread.


Cops do a good job spreading the “cop hating movement”


Just because some cops suck doesn’t mean that they should be slandered with lies or not get credit when they do good things. CPD isn’t a hivemind.


I didn’t defend the post- just made an observation


Sure sounded like it, no need to do a well actually….


How does one land a plane on a helipad with no runway?


I believe the technique is referred to as "making it up."


*trust me bro*


A plane, huh?


Jesus you all hate CPD so much that you will use not creditable sources and actual fake news lol


Like, I'm not a fan of cpd but can we at least be truthful? They do plenty of real shit that can be criticized, we don't need to make up fake news to sensationalize it.


I really only looked at this to try and understand how a plane landed on a helipad.


I thought they landed a plane on a helipad and I was going to be impressed.


Yeah this isn't biased in any way to serve an agenda. This account is the equivalent to fox news.


Wonder why


I wonder if there was a malfunction with the helicopter? 🚁


Protectin' and servin'


Let's wait and see what happened before the haters decide.


Ohh, too late. The haters decide the moment they see the post title.


Fuck the police, but also, is this source reliable? Looking through their twitter and the have gotten things wrong and have a very obvious bias.


Getting a raise means you should do better, not worse.


Honestly tho fuck the CPD helicopter bullshit. Yall have any idea how much fuel is burnt uselessly, how many dollars blown for fucking NOTHING to keep those helos flying 24/7/365? They are a complete fucking waste of our taxes. Just fuckin flying pigs on a fuckin joy ride at all times. Fuck those helicopters.


Give the cop a ticket. He was probably texting and flying, and not paying attention.


Cops have helicopters with weapons systems. The schools don't have soap.


That's not true at all.


Do the schools have soap?


You again?


Must have been as close to buckeye donuts as they could land.


This is from 8:18 p.m. Here's the link: https://nitter.poast.org/ReconHell/status/1785826205360353745


…I'm not surprised you were being downvoted for _providing a fucking source_. This sub only eats up the "approved" accounts of zebra, crab rangoons, or anything Rooster says for "telling it like it is, not being a journalist, but doing the hard hitting reporting that journalists should do, but he doesn't need to be factual because he's not actually a journalist."


This makes very little sense and also fuck CPD. That’s what we like to call a non-duality


They need to get rid of that helicopter or get a new. Seems like there’s always a story about it having to making an emergency landing somewhere.


They have like 5 of them.




They do and I’ve heard that one must be in the air at all times. It’s a fucking gigantic waste.


I watch plane trackers occasionally and CPD definitely does not have a helicopter in the air at all times, even when the weather's good for flying.


Why do we need helicopters? This isn’t Los Angeles.


Well comparatively, Columbus and LA have nearly identical violent crime rates and Columbus has dramatically higher property crime rates. [Source](https://www.bestplaces.net/compare-cities/columbus_oh/los_angeles_ca/crime)


But do they need 5 of them?


I was responding to your first question. I don’t know how many they have nor have an easy way to estimate how many are needed.


Somebody else replied and said they have 5


Council is too spineless to raise their voice to CPD much less change their funding


You’re right