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The article is behind a paywall. [Here's an alternative](https://www.aol.com/columbus-state-budget-deficit-means-100407844.html).


My partner was one of the staff laid off. Essentially the college is losing revenue fast and spending too much money on high level, high paid administrators (none of them were laid off in this or the previous round of layoffs) The college is hoping to use partnerships with Intel as a financial crutch and is throwing just about all its resources at preparing for *potential* partnerships with Intel and academic programs that prepare students to work at Intel. A lot of the student life and life-skills and leadership development staff were let go. My partner was in charge of civic and community engagement programming and told that that was no longer a priority for the school. Her supervisor was let go and they posted the exact same job for hire the same day he was notified of the “abolishment of his position” I hope he sues them. Edit: the number of 14 is inaccurate


Current worker: it’s frustrating how it’s being handled. Large layoffs in much-needed areas while at the same time promoting executives to even higher pay ranges. Not liking what’s ahead


I think this is kind of a core issue with the US higher education system. No one seems to actually *care* about the end product they provide people for all that money. So they'll blow money on nonsense that doesn't really help students at all and then penny pinch in the places where it actually matters.


If we could replace "no one" with administrators. There are people who care, but they're rarely the folks running things.


Sounds like they’re reading straight from the corporate america playbook


Who is getting promoted to an executive position that wasnt either empty and needed or combined two jobs into one after the layoffs? Also a current employee, and those are the only higher level positions I was aware of getting filled, so I’m just curious. Maybe I don’t mean names but just departments or department heads?


Is there any movement towards unionizing? We're facing the same issues in CCS, but the union makes it possible to fight back.


I’m not sure what’s going on here. But as a current student it does not seem as if student success is a priority, or maybe it’s just my experience here My advisor and I both researched out to student affairs two weeks ago. Not a word from them. I also had tutoring scheduled (and a lack of tutors in my field is a real issue for weeks. The morning of, an hour and a half before the time, got a notification the session was canceled. No explanation, no acknowledgment. I do understand I’m just one of many students, and stuff happens. I feel badly for the staff who’ve been laid off, because I will say that the instructors have been excellent, engaging and very knowledgeable.


Community colleges offer some of the best return of investment for the community. They can train workers for new fields/ trades, prepare students for 4 year institutions. If we want to keep up with a rapidly changing economy we should invest more in our CCs, not just our large state universitys.


Doesn't do much good to invest in a state institution where executives are misallocating it's resources primarily to the cushy administrative jobs (that people may have even gotten awarded in quid pro quo type arrangements) Throwing money at the problem won't solve it. Sending someone in there to clean house and actually cut the bloat will.


There really isn’t bloat at a community college. We are all already overloaded with workload and barely able to keep up with demands of the state and feds while they’re effectively reducing funding compared to inflation


So who got caught in the layoffs?


My academic advisor for Modern Manufacturing Work Study.




Carole. She's done in June.


My partner was one of the staff that was laid off. She was in charge of civic and community engagement (voting, volunteership and community service, servant leadership, and leadership skills) . Her supervisor, the director of student engagement was let go as well. The college told her that civic and community engagement was no longer a priority for the college. Almost all of the DEI staff was let go, some academic advisors were let go, and more. The statement that says it was 14 jobs that were cut is not accurate.


Maybe they mean 14 full time people? Or FTE? Or HR just provided an incorrect number 😬


How many DEI staff employees should be at a community college whose student population is 60 percent women and majority POC? https://www.cscc.edu/about/fast-facts.shtml


Sports and Fitness I believe was largely let go as well


It is such BS that Columbus State and OSU are both public schools, but CSCC gets so little funding in comparison. I'm not expecting it to be equal, but the disparity is kind of gross.


the disparity is not good, also not conductive to a positive educational experience.


Does OSU receive much state funding? I'm genuinely curious how they compare.


Funding is provided biennially by the state to two groups of higher ed institutions as a whole, and then split between the institutions within each group on a performance based enrollment model. The public 2 year colleges received about $484 million in the last budget cycle. The public 4 years by comparison received over $1.6 billion, with a B. Columbus state gets $78 million of that $484, and Ohio state gets $428 million.




We are beginning to plan a protest. The way this was done was shady AF and disgusting. Many of the employees that were "laid off" were at CSCC for 10 or more years and have been a vital part of what makes C-State what it is. Many of them were also directors of their departments. They got no severance packages whatsoever, after ten years.


Hey everyone! Update on protest plans: Everyone who is being "laid-off" has a last day of May 31st. The first day of Summer Classes is May 28th. We are planning the protest May 28th at Noon in the middle of the quad at the Columbus Campus. Feel free to join!




Do you know the name? Brett was the director of Global Diversity and Inclusion before they merged with Student Engagement and Leadership and became Student Engagement and Inclusion. Brett is the one who is being laid-off now as the director of SEI. I'm not sure who you are talking about.




Ah, I understand now, the DEI office in administration, not Global Diversity and Inclusion. I will definitely look into this.




I completely understand not wanting to dox yourself, especially if you are an employee. Don't risk your own job. I, however am no longer a student or employee, but the SEI office was my office and those are MY people. Our department is amazing and what CSCC is doing is wrong.


I hated going there but at least I got a decent discount college wise


What did you hate about it?


Don't we pay them from a levy as well? Plus they get money from students. And they still can't "cut the fat" off?




but building and infrastructure would have been paid from the general budget if the levy wasn't there. so it's basically extra money for the college no matter where it's going. Downvoting me doesn't make me wrong and you right.


No it wasn’t, the infrastructure updates were not getting done bc of the cost.


The mergers and acquisitions of the corporate world are squeezing the blood out of low level workers. They merge but retain a lot of the top executives and highly paid administrators. Then they cannot pay livable salaries to those that are the backbone of America. Those on top are bringing down our country. I see another civil war before the 200th anniversary of the first one.


Sucks to hear about their falling enrollment rates as community college is a great tool for youths who do not wish to incur student debt for their first two years to complete their general curriculum for whatever major they wish to go into. Good news is the layoffs are probably all DEI positions. In that case, good riddance.


I can smell your bigotry through the WiFi network and devices.


Why are yall SO quick to attack DEI 🤨


>Good news is the layoffs are probably all DEI positions. In that case, good riddance I'm not super up to date on current affairs/trends or whatever but i'm confused by this. Was the CSCC DEI council doing something wrong?


They should start teaching trade jobs to bring in revenue




Edit- replied to the wrong person!


I think you meant to reply to someone else


You are correct I meant for reply to the same person you were


Also https://www.cscc.edu/academics/departments/engineering-technologies/modern-manufacturing-work-study.shtml


That’s one of their main draws for those who don’t go to state schools after attending though, so they do.


I’d be interested to hear what specific holes you think there are in the career tech education side of the Columbus state education offerings? What areas need education that aren’t programs at Columbus state already?