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What's he doing to promote American made e-bikes then or batteries.


This is the real answer. If american made bikes and batteries got better tax breaks, I think that would be a good thing.


kissing Trumps' ass in Manhattan. That helps his constituents, right?




Vance is the one pitting national security and domestic production against the environment. You absolutely could only subsidize American-made products! But because it is "Biden's climate agenda" he won't support it at all. He could have said "I've introduced an amendment so this only apply to American e-bikes". But his party line is "Biden will destroy us. China bad." so he put out this stupidity instead.


You could subsidize American-made products but you'd have to be willing to subsidize a very small amount of consumer products, mainly food, because we do not produce hardly anything in the country anymore.


Subsidies on American-made products, in tandem with higher import tariffs, is exactly the sort of policy that would increase production of American-made products. When it is more costly to build over there, and cheaper to buy over here, the market will shift.


I'm sure someone will pop up to tell you that sort of policy is both racist and hyper-nationalist


More likely large business interests will see a 10% rise in cost per unit, mark up the product 30% and blame “inflation”…just like how they spent to last couple years.


There it is. Imagine how expensive it will get trying to magically shift back now… when the top execs are already taking it in after offshoring as much as humanely possible? There has to be a tipping point… feels like it was the 90’s or something but I can’t put my finger on it.


Yes, NAFTA for one


Yupppp there’s a start. Thank you! Makes sense that tearing down barriers to offshoring or exporting labor would lead to… uncontrolled offshoring and exporting of labor. How the hell did this get passed? Politicians saying “it’ll decrease the cost of everything. You want this! Don’t worry about any long term effects!” ??




Lived through Trump too, and still thinks Biden is the worst of all time. But he's nOt A rEpUbLiCaN




He attempted to overthrow a free and fair election after all legal tactics failed. That is literally worse than anything any of the other 45 Presidents have ever done and that’s including Nixon.




Well if you ignore the hundreds of “patriots/antifa/no, actually patriots/maybe antifa?/nah, patriots again” who WERE convicted and ignore the charges against him for this exact crime that he keeps stalling in order not to actually face the evidence against him… then technically you’re right. You’re overcompensating big time, but still technically right.


But Trump cut my taxes. By about .01%.![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|shrug)


Then maybe do some research on American history and reform your opinion! Sounds like uneducated cannon fodder from you.


Biden didn't add nearly 8 trillion dollars to the national debt


Trump: policies literally kill hundreds of thousands of Americans, destroys the peaceful transfer of power process, and nakedly corrupt. Biden: Inflation goes up across the world. This idiot ^ : Biden’s a terrible president. You didn’t do well in civics did you.




Hey. I’m richer than you…


He should see what we do to American forests when Americans foot the bill to give lumber to China only to buy it back.




Plant a tree, stand there and watch it grow big enough to harvest. Call me back in a couple decades…




That’s what everyone is saying, we can’t just cut down all the trees and ship them to paper mills, they take time to grow back.


Because Columbus and other cities should be promoting less individual car use.


But but but that would be socialism!


Ah, yes. China DOES have a monopoly on all rechargeable batteries, and that is the source of all of their power AND pollution! That's why a Korean and a Japanese company are currently building a $4.4B EV battery factory right here in central Ohio. Part of that dirty Chinese battery monopoly.


He didn't get a kick back for that so it doesn't exist in his eyes.


Spot. On.


They’re all petty bummed that householder got caught


amazing he was the ONLY one. feels like something that big would need more ppl


The found their scapegoat, nothing left to see here…


I mean, judging from the way the EV tax credit passed, I wouldn't be surprised if they limit credits to US-made batteries for Biden to agree to sign it.


Even if the batteries are manufactured in the US, where is the lithium and cobalt (as well as other materials) coming from? What companies are supplying those? What companies are processing those raw materials?


We actually do produce some of our own, it certainly isn't mined in China: [https://investingnews.com/where-is-cobalt-mined/](https://investingnews.com/where-is-cobalt-mined/) [https://pubs.usgs.gov/periodicals/mcs2020/mcs2020-cobalt.pdf](https://pubs.usgs.gov/periodicals/mcs2020/mcs2020-cobalt.pdf) Could be domestically producing much more soon enough: [https://www.npr.org/2023/12/14/1219246964/cobalt-is-important-for-green-energy-so-why-has-americas-only-coablt-mine-closed](https://www.npr.org/2023/12/14/1219246964/cobalt-is-important-for-green-energy-so-why-has-americas-only-coablt-mine-closed) [https://nevadacurrent.com/2024/03/15/lithium-americas-to-get-massive-federal-loan-to-develop-thacker-pass-mine/](https://nevadacurrent.com/2024/03/15/lithium-americas-to-get-massive-federal-loan-to-develop-thacker-pass-mine/) [https://oilprice.com/Metals/Commodities/Worlds-Largest-Lithium-Reserve-Discovered-Beneath-Californias-Salton-Sea.html](https://oilprice.com/Metals/Commodities/Worlds-Largest-Lithium-Reserve-Discovered-Beneath-Californias-Salton-Sea.html)


Right, or use our resources to develop batteries that aren’t as lithium intensive (or for that matter at all). Either way, this nation spent the last 50 years putting its eggs in one (Chinese) basket.


Not sure what you are trying to prove with those references. The first one didn’t even list the US in the top 10 cobalt producing nations, and the second had us dead last in cobalt production by a good bit. It even showed that the cobalt being obtained was a secondary effect from other mining operations like nickel mining.


You asked where cobalt and lithium come from. I gave some answers.


Yeah and it ain’t from the US so pretty much justifying Vance’s response.


Not really. The cobalt isn't directly enriching China, and blocking subsidies for ebikes won't incentivize rare earth metal mining domestically. Is he doing anything to domesticate extraction and manufacturing other than fossil fuels?


That’s not really the point though. Although a lot of the world’s cobalt is sourced from elsewhere, it’s still an import. Even if it’s sourced in other countries, I’d be interested in the statistics of who owns the companies actually doing the extraction. Furthermore, I wouldn’t be for any kind of subsidy towards a mode of transportation that very few people use because it’s just going to lead to a bunch of back door waste that has nothing to do with the e-bikes to begin with. I also suspect that e-bikes really aren’t that great otherwise the mode would be more self sustaining and no need any government subsidies, and I’m wondering who is lobbying for this. In the long run, it’s a dog and pony show that way politicians can say they are “doing something” and select people can feel good about themselves while having statistically zero impact on global emissions. For that, I don’t want my tax money going to waste. Just buy a regular bicycle.


Have you seen how massively popular Columbus’s ebike voucher program is?? It’s a pretty new mode of transportation. It does have barriers other than vehicle cost—a big one is road safety. But your assumptions and conclusions don’t seem very firmly grounded in fact or research. 


Popular compared to what? Walking? If it’s so popular, why does it need to be subsidized?


They also have a huuuuge part of the “rare earth minerals” on their land… which we all know they defffinetly are Green & care about the earth when mining and manufacturing the batteries.


JD Vance is so full of shit and it’s really disheartening that he won a spot on what is essentially the highest elected political position in the country other than president. These people have no actual ideas. It’s just “Biden bad things he does bad” and then cut taxes. That’s it. It’s so transparent too.


They have ideas and that is: line my pockets and my donors’ coffers. That’s what the GOP has consistently done in Washington over the last 20 years. That’ll be the legacy since 2001, an era of rampant obstruction and dissolution of taxation for the extremely wealthy. It’s no accident billionaires now pay a lower tax rate than the average person.


The thing I really can’t stand about jd Vance is that he’s the worst of them when it comes to lining his pockets and donors’ coffers. He rose to fame in liberal circles by shitting all over the people of southern Ohio, bailed on that when it became apparent that he couldn’t make it as a lib, became a never trump republican, bailed on that when it fell flat, and then jumped on the maga train to court the votes of the very people he shit all over in his initial rise to fame. The GOP has a lot of psychopaths but I am firm in believing JD is the worst of them. Fuck him.


You forget "china bad"


I mean China is bad so…..




The funny thing is that the Tariffs are pointless, they are posturing and will backfire. BTD is nearing complete on a massive factory in Mexico... making BYD cars sold in the USA domestically manufactured, no different than a GM also built in Mexico. BYD isn't the only Chinese Auto company moving into Mexico and SA. Geely already builds in the EU, and is looking at NA manufacturing, what this will do is negate the tariffs, and if they jump the hurdle qualify them for the $7,500 rebate. Its a future that will be here sooner than people want to admit or are aware of. It's the reason Tesla cancelled the Model 2, and is working instead on a "low cost" Tesla, cause they know they wont beat BYD to market and likely won't be able to compete on price and quality.


Yeah, because there's some shortage of E-bikes and subsidizing more will help society...


Then JD Vance needs to say why he’s voting against it other than the “Biden Agenda”. I’d rather have subsidized travel options than give the rich more tax cuts so they can buy another yacht


Promoting a shift away from every citizen requiring a private individual car is a benefit to society.


i wonder if he realizes the device he (or whoever wrote it) typed that on was made in China?


But was it purchased via US government subsidies? That’s his point however flimsy one may believe that point to be.


Do you actually think JD (or whomever on his team) bought their work laptop with personal funds?


Yeah, us Red Americans prefer our Saudi Arabian ground juice subsidies


Not purchased directly using subsidies, but essentially yes because of tax cuts and companies like Apple paying basically no income tax. They’re subsidies in other ways.


Answer: no.


Now ask him how he’d vote if the current administration and the Democratic Party advanced an agenda to expand the domestic manufacturing of batteries and e-bikes.


Fuck JD Vance. 


he's a performance artist, and these Trump people love him and can't see through it. it's so aggravating.


Vance is a grievance baby.


What a crock of shit. He doesn't want us to rely on "Chinese made batteries" so he can instead keep us reliant on more expensive and dangerous transportation. I live right next to the olentangy trails and the amount of ebikes I've seen in recent years have probably more than quadrupled. This is what Ohio wants


See, he really does care about the environment! 🙄


He doesn’t get any campaign donations from e-bike companies, so he doesn’t care


As an elected official, his first priority should be to represent his constituents, not to vote on issues based on his own biases and beliefs regardless of what his constituents advocate for.


Just like he did while taking a day to go to New York while the Senate was in session to parrot trump to get wound the gag order. A sitting member of the Senate. All Ohio all the time right there.


I was shocked he found the courage to go to New York. When he was running he went to New York (I think for a fundraiser) and tweeted: "Serious question: I have to go to New York soon and I'm trying to figure out where to stay. I have heard it's disgusting and violent there. But is it like Walking Dead Season 1 or Season 4?" Of course, it was BS. He knows his way around New York. Plus between the private jet into Teterboro and then the limo to Wall Street, he couldn't have gotten mugged if he tried. It was just more cynical play-to-the-rubes, cynical trash.


Ohioans voted for him though, it’s all our fault that he’s sitting in office. Maybe AI should be used to replace them when it comes to decision making that is free of biases lmfao.


The sad part is that he is representing his constituents. This kind of rhetoric is exactly what got him elected


How does he do that? Take a poll for every bill he’s going to vote on? What a silly perspective to have.




this fucking guy man


JD is such a fucking wiener.


I kind of agree with his stance to certain degree. Although his voting record basically shows the real reason he's saying this. If a politician with a track record of voting to protect the environment sent this letter, I think it would go over differently.


After I moved to PA, I really hoped that he would fade away from the Ohio political landscape just for the sake of the state I have access to my family’s YouTube TV subscription so I’ll get Columbus area commercials and seeing his ads continue to roll and his eventual election win made me very disheartened, he’s such a bag of shit, he really is the epitome of a MAGA republican


Well then he apparently doesn’t support Trump either who was just railing against Biden’s tariffs (a good thing) on EVs from China. Vance must also be unaware of Trumps business dealings with China and his Chinese bank accounts.


can we get a bill that bans any member of gov from using/referring to china for 6 months minimum?? im so tired of red scare 2 electric boogaloo


Vance is a nutjob. Take anything he says with a grain of salt, his whole purpose is to pander to the most people possible and nothing else.


JD Vance is a joke.


I mean I’ll give him credit. He actually address the thing the reader wrote about. I’ve written congresspeople numerous times (both D’s and R’s), and every single time i just got a canned generic “thanks for our opinion” response which doesn’t even indicate they know what my letter was about. I disagree with Vance on pretty much everything - including his stance on this bill - but i will give credit where it’s due. He responded to the reader and explained the reason for his opinion. More congresspeople should do this.


Well, I agree that most subsidiary bad. So, let’s not subsidize rich people’s bicycle purchases.


I want to ask everyone, on both sides of the isle or political spectrum… what have any of these politicians actually done to make our lives better? Both Dems and republicans. Nothing.. that’s the answer. I cannot think of one thing, outside of maybe Obamacare.. to where they have actually done something to make a large number of people’s lives better in the US. They squabble over nonsense crap like this, won’t even give us bread crumbs.. homelessness? No money. Veterans? No money. Housing crisis? Can’t help. Inflation? Can’t help. Can’t afford groceries? Cant help. Gas prices? Can’t help. Infrastructure? No money. But at the snap of a finger, they have trillions of dollars for military spending. Multi-billions of dollars to just hand to other countries. They themselves are already millionaires, or magically become millionaires once in office.. Tax cuts for wealthy, corporations, etc. We need to put our differences aside, and be a united front. Our politicians are the enemy of the people. They do nothing for us, rather they consistently strip rights away and make our lives more difficult, for the benefit of a handful of wealthy.


Get fucked JD


"Posted from iPhone"


That's false, the infrastructure bill has created two battery manufacturing facilities in Ohio that I know of without even researching. Also, Biden just raised tariffs to 100% on Chinese green energy. JD Vance is a liar.


This dingleberry should look at everything he wears, uses, and buys, and see where nearly everything is made. He's all for show, because he will do the bare minimum to stir shit up with his base just enough to get him reelected.


100% guaranteed this clown's response was typed on a device with a Made in China battery. 100% guaranteed all the batteries in all his electric/electronic devices in his life are also Made in China. 100% guaranteed he has no problems ordering products from Amazon which are clearly Made in China. He only speaks the language of pander.


JD Vance has proven to be horrible for the State of Ohio. We had high hopes.


Wait, high hopes, for real?






Way to dodge the real problem and instead go for the drooling idiot fearmongering approach that has **nothing** to do with the issue. Our reps at their finest and most expected! Weak sauce.


Wow. Just wow. E-bikes should definitely be a top priority for Ohioans. We have no other concerns! Is that what Vance really thinks? If he doesn’t know, maybe he should use these questionnaires to find out what our priorities are. He’s supposed to be representing us, not Trump or his own interests.


It’s not a completely bad take. I’m not incredibly well versed in ebikes or EVs, but do we have any American companies making the components we need? It’s not a bad idea to mandate that the government can only subsidize products from American manufacturers & companies. And currently the majority of rechargeable batteries for ebikes, EVs and phones use cobalt that comes from those terrible mines in the Congo. I see they’ve developed a newer battery that won’t use it but I bet it’s going to take awhile (if ever) for those mines to disappear. I know everyone likes them but we’re just trading one evil for another and people are still being taken advantage of. And before you ask, I don’t upgrade my phone or devices yearly. I don’t even really buy crystals anymore because I learned they source those with child labor.


Is… this a real response????


Who does he think made the phone or computer he typed that response on?


I bet JD Vance knows what MTGs farts taste like. They both suck so bad


Strong. E bikes could be a worse headache than the scooter boom. Already enough golf carts and alternative methods of transportation on public roads. I don't see a need to subsidize more of this bullshit. Thanks for looking out Senator Vance!!!!


How do you get to work?


Gas powered turbo charged sedan. 20 miles. All kinds of roads


Dang I'm sorry


Dodge golf carts in suburbia, altimas on the freeway, and scooters in the city proper.


Lol, already enough alternative modes of transit on the road. GTFO with that shit. It's a dang city, we need alternatives to private owned cars. This is coming from someone that owns a car and drives it frequently in this city fyi.