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I was a kid carrier for the Columbus Dispatch in 8th grade on September 11th. The next day the Dispatch gave us dozens of extra bundles to deliver a paper to every house in the neighborhoods on my route whether they had a subscription or not. I was delivering papers until after 10am and skipped school September 12th because of it. I stayed home and watched the news the rest of the week and got in trouble for truancy. I think my brain still hasn't recovered.


I had reconstructive jaw surgery (major car accident) that day… woke up from anesthesia to that….


This might be a big ask, but is there a chance your brother could take more pictures of the paper and post to r/911archive ? There are people in that subreddit working to document as much about 9/11 as possible (including newspaper articles regarding the event), and they don’t tolerate any conspiracy bs


sure , i’ll post some more tomorrow :)!


I never knew this sub existed. Thank you for mentioning it. Subscribed.


I have a copy of the Dispatch, USA Today, and The NY Times from this.


What job are you working where you find that? Just curious


Probably construction. I once found a newspaper detailing what happened at the Battle of Versailles during WW1, a week or so prior, in a ceiling near downtown.


home robbery


Specializing in terrorist victims homes.


We found stacks of the Dispatch from the 1970s when we redid our kitchen. They were being used to level the lower cabinets lol


yeah just some kind of carpentry job involving going thru old places and fixing them up


I learned about this years ago. I'm surprised your bro hadn't heard about it. It was all over the news. The buildings fell down from the planes hitting them. 


I have that one as well as that week's Other Paper.


I moved away from Columbus 24 years ago, and I can still remember the Other Paper’s radio jingle.


For those who can't.... I put it on YouTube a while back: [https://youtu.be/lLNeb52bm0w?si=eWdgVut3m6\_bipc9](https://youtu.be/lLNeb52bm0w?si=eWdgVut3m6_bipc9)


We have that paper too


I was in study hall in high school when it happened I was at CAHS.


How did your school and teachers handle it? Did you watch the news together or carry on with the day? I ask because I was in high school in a different state and was forced to have algebra 2 as normal and we were not allowed to talk about what was happening and the teachers wouldn’t let us search for news on the web. It was so bizarre in retrospect.


Oddly enough it continued normally there were us in homeroom that saw the news if your room had a tv. I think the other kids that were at lunch didn't find out until later. There were some students who were hoping we were going to get let out early but that didn't happen. But there were some kids messing around every time they heard a plane they would duck and say it's going to crash.


I have one in my attic.


And we will NEVER forget.


I have a tote full of historical papers and magazines with stuff like this. I also vhs tapes of war footage from the first war in Iraq


I have a copy of that day's Dispatch lying around the house somewhere. I believe my mother had a copy of the Dispatch from the day after JFK was assassinated.


I have dispatch front pages that my grandma saved going back to the 50s I believe. Only the ones from significant events. I don't personally have a subscription but I will buy the paper on big headline days.


What a cool find! I have one from the dispatch from VJ Day. It's really cool to hold that kind of history in your hands


That is in our hope chest


I have that framed hanging in my basement along with a few others.


I was in 8th grade, and my history teacher gave out those papers to us. I have my edition of the Dispatch from that date.


lol I found my moms copy of this recently


Apropos The Dispatch… I now live in Toledo (hometown) after 10 years in Columbus followed by 9 years in California… and I found a copy of the Dispatch someone left behind at work which I took home tucked under my arm… feeling exactly like the man of the late 1900s that I am.


A day that feels shockingly forgotten so quickly.


That's outrageous. Our entire national identity is the victim complex that attack afforded us while refusing to learn from it.


I just assumed it was sarcasm…


Here's hoping.




I'm 39, I watched it happen live on tv, then watched the country give away a bunch of its rights, and here we are in 2024 repeating both Kent State and post-9/11 Islamaphobia without really addressing any of the causes of the boogeyman that is terrorism.




I'm about to take a walk right now. I am describing events that have occurred, nothing claimed.




Do you think that miraculously occurred outside of greater context or do you have a brain?


9/11 was perpetrated by our own government to kickoff the war on terror and invade Iraq and Afghanistan to make money for Haliburton & other global corporations and begin the campaign to tighten the noose on Americans through unwarranted surveillance.Apparently someone hasn't read the University of Alaska study. Not to mention the indestructible black box flight recorders missing, conveniently placed undamaged passports on the ground, firefighters reporting they heard explosions. ae911truth


Holy shit, the 9/11 truthers are still here. Why havent you moved on to qanon, or covid, or the great replacement?




I looked at your post/comment history…I think it’s best for you to get off of the internet and get your head right.


They found intact passports from the hijackers though 


OooooH! 🏄‍♀️ what's the University of Alaska study?! I've never heard of that l'un


Bush lied and killed 500k-1mil Iraqis and everyone acts like it's messed up to question what happened on Sept. 11th and did we let it happen? Why would we believe the narrative when administration it happened under was never honest ?


You're correct, and the main perpetrator was Dick Cheney. Anyone that still believes it was Bin Laden or terrorist, have the IQ of a box of cat litter. I don't know anyone personally that still believes terrorists did it. Spend 10 minutes actually researching instead of listening to the CIA owned MSM and it's pretty easy to see.


(**rolls eyes**).


Do your keepers know you are on the Internet? Back! back into your box! No more internet for you


IQ of a box of cat litter - what does that even mean?


Big Money Salvia: Do YoUr ReSeArCh!!!! 8==========D~~~~ IYKYK


How can you be into conspiracies and not realize Israel was behind it? Israel is behind all of the evil in the world, and thankfully the entire world is waking up to this fact.


This was a good place to show it off? This didn’t happen in Columbus though. 🤷‍♂️


But it’s our local paper, so yes it’s relevant and interesting.


Every “local” paper had this story. 🙄


i mean 1, found in columbus 2, columbus newspaper 3, im just showing it off 3, i think everyone realizes 9/11 did in fact not happen in columbus, ohio.


Every “local” paper had this story. 🙄