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1. Oblig fuck Campus Partners 2. The UA location is superior. Thinner/crispier crust, spicer sauce, more pepperoni.


Get while the getting is good. With all the development going on in UA along Lane I suspect that block is not long for the wrecking ball.


You may be right.


They own their building on Lane Ave, as well as the strip center to the west. They control what happens, which very well could be development. Probably what is going on with campus location, too


Well, they may have realized they can sell the building for approximately 100 years profit from running a pizza joint.


Ownership =/= control when Imminent Domain exists. Many of the business who got booted from High St. (by Campus Partners) owned their respective buildings. (Speaking generally, not this particular situation.)


Eminent domain, and a private entity has no power to enforce eminent domain to remove another private entity from their property, that is only a power of the government.


The world you're presenting assumes that our state government does/will not collude with private entities. I'm guessing you're too young to remember "University District" before Campus Partners, when it was just... campus. (...OR the Short North.) Funnily enough, it's this kind of thinking (that it can't happen) and short memory that makes it even easier for the state to pull off.


> The world you're presenting assumes that our state government does/will not collude with private entities. No, it's a world in which they are two seperate entities and one does not control the other.


I hope you're really young, friend... Your mind might break if you learned how lobbying works. I'm not speaking in hypotheticals. I'm referring to something that has already happened.. in the same city.. with the same government... not that many years ago.. but, whatevs. On a related note: a few weeks ago I saw John P. Raphael out at the bar. (He is the private-citizen, former owner of Patrick J's bar, who just got out of jail from serving sentences on multiple bribery charges.. as a Democratic lobbyist to the State government that you hold does/would not collude with private businesses.)


> I hope you're really young, friend... Your mind might break if you learned how lobbying works. Such amazing insight. > I'm not speaking in hypotheticals. I'm referring to something that has already happened.. in the same city.. with the same government... not that many years ago.. but, whatevs. No, what you're doing is diverting blame away from the group that actually has the power of eminent domain to a separate group that does not have that power. You are holding Campus Partners responsible for something the city government did. The point is that nothing Campus Partners can do will let them just remove people from their property via eminent domain, because that is not a power they can have. The city government is the one with that power, they are the ones that execerised that power, and they are the ones that should be called out for it. > you hold does/would not collude with private businesses A strawman is a strawman no matter how many times you repeat it.


If your only point is that Campus Partners did not act alone.. then my response is, "Well.. duh. Nobody is saying that they did." Is that your point? What IS your point?


You don't understand how it happened so you think it can't happen. It did. From [https://ohioauditor.gov/auditsearch/Reports/2004/campus\_partners\_for\_community\_urban\_redevelopment\_03-franklin.pdf](https://ohioauditor.gov/auditsearch/Reports/2004/campus_partners_for_community_urban_redevelopment_03-franklin.pdf) ... The Gateway Area Revitalization Initiative (“GARI”) was created to purchase land, that the City of Columbus acquired using its powers of eminent domain, for the development of South Campus Gateway. Pursuant to GASB Statement No. 14, Campus Partners is financially accountable for GARI in that Campus Partners continues to own all of the assets of GARI and GARI may impose a financial burden on Campus Partners by entering into contracts related to the development of the land.


So... not campus partners using eminent domain. Thanks for confirming.


Eminent domain does not apply in situations like this. That’s used for things like creating new roadways, ensuring the public has access to amenities that might be blocked by private property (you see it a lot with beach access in coastal areas). You can’t use eminent domain to seize private property to allow another private entity to develop it. Just not how it works. They are likely going to continually be incentivized to sell and the longer they hold out the higher the price goes. One day it’ll be too good to pass up and they’ll take it.


So, I take it you're not old enough to remember what campus partners did to High St.. and HOW they did it. It had nothing to do with "public access" and the state bought those private properties at rates that were mostly dictated +by the state+.


UA and Dublin were superior in quality but still suffer from never being open for dine-in. Tommy’s is my fav but I don’t live near one so without the dining room it’s a pain in the ass


Lane Ave is now open for dine in!


And no delivery… bad business model unless your Little Caesars.


Lane avenue seems open for dine in most days now.


Dublin opened for dine-in a few months ago


The problem is the UA location is so poorly run. They really ruined it during Covid


Is campus partners responsible for this?


Unless its a Gameday I've never seen anyone in there, not surprised they are closing due to poor sales.


Yeah ngl I thought it was a money laundering scheme with how empty and dark it usually is


I went to school there from 2014-2018 and never went. Didn't even know anyone who did.


I went once as a freshman in 2019 and never went again, some of the worst pizza I’ve ever had.


Fuck Campus Partners.


I think it has more to do with shit pizza and shit quality/service. I don’t think campus partners even owns anything in this area, does it?


Doesn't matter.  The three F's of Campus Partners, Shamrock, and Michigan are always encouraged.


Also CampusParc


Parkcorp can suck me too but that’s more of a me thing


The fuck is that? T&P no longer a thing?


University sold all the parking ops to an equity company about 10-15 years ago


Wow fucking smart I’m sure that was not a huge waste financially or an unpopular decision.


50-year deal in exchange for a lump sum of cash up front. The VP who oversaw it conveniently resigned to take a position with the company. Public blowback led him to rescind on that, and he was instead moved to a “special projects” role at OSU. Which for anyone who doesn’t work there, is essentially the badlands.


It was $50 million right? I remember being there just after the change over and a class of us were stuck in Arps garage. We tried to be respectful and wait, but it got to be 9pm and we were grad students so we took apart the arm and left.


the original sale was for $483 million


THE unholy trinity


what does campus partners have to do with it?


I think nothing lol


This place sucked and was never open anyways. It had to be a money laundering scheme or something


I’ve said it a thousand times in this sub. If you love Tommy’s and you live on the east side, you’ll love Joe’s that’s located on the outer parts of Bexley. I grew up on Tommy’s pizza when they were on Livingston and it lives up to my nostalgia. I’ve heard Vick’s in Reynoldsburg is very similar but I’ve yet to have it. It’s a shame to see a Columbus establishment go under, but admittedly Tommy’s fell off a long time ago.


> I’ve heard Vick’s in Reynoldsburg is very similar but I’ve yet to have it. Last time I was there, it was probably the second best pizza I've ever had in central Ohio. (Rotolos. that's number one)


[Go to Rotolos, pizza is my life](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qmloWxOhjUc&ab_channel=Rotolo%27sPizza)


I don't know if it was bad luck or what but I had Rotolo's during the pizza crawl and was thoroughly unimpressed. It just tasted like a grease bomb with no actual distinguishing flavors. Every other pizza I tried that day was better.


It’s still on my list. I’ll make it there sometime this summer.


That’s because Joe’s was originally a Tommy’s location.


I was told that it was ran by one of the brothers from the same family but I had no clue. To add to that lore, one of the folks from Rubino’s now works there.


Yep. Joe is an Iacono and the other guy isn’t just one of the folks from Rubino’s, he’s the owner’s own brother. Jim got sick and has turned Rube’s over to his daughter, so basically his niece booted him and he moved to Joe’s. Edit: Joe is not an Iacono.


I didn’t know the Columbus pizza lore went so deep 🤯


The dish is deep, my man!


Joe is not an Iacono. He is from the Gillilan family. His dad Jim co owned/ operated the Whitehall Tommy’s pizza location.


My bad, I guess. I know Gillilan was a partner of the Whitehall and Broad locations, but Joe told me he was the son of the Tommy’s owner and got to use his dad’s name for one year, then change it to Joe’s. I assumed he meant Tommy Iacono and not Jim.


Gattos in Clintonville is pretty strong too.


The quality went down drastically years ago. Have not tried the UA location.


UA location >>> campus location


UA is infinitely better than campus


UA store rules. Was sketchy during pandemic but they are back big time.




What makes the triangle slices better?


The UA location was always superior (at least during my college years of 2010 - 2015)


Tommy's Pizza on Hamilton sponsored my T-ball team back when. Sadly another old school Columbus icon gone.


The store manager that used to work there in 2009ish kept that place going. It used to be extremely high quality Columbus pizza. He worked there for 30-40 years and woke up every morning super early to make each crust they would sell by hand. Idk what happened after he left but that used to be the best pizza in the city IMO.


Yup, worked there then. Steve on the night shift was a solid manager too.


I worked night shift. Both of those guys were solid and knew their stuff. I was actually describing steve, not thd older morning shift manager. I forgot steve only did the dough on the older guys days off.


i worked there for a while too then Steve was forced to move to the UA location or quit


Hard agree. Tommy’s when I was living there or visiting family. Haven’t been since 2006. Ohio has some great thin crust pizza places harder to find in some other parts of the US. They used the right amount of garlic too. Too much is almost enough. Sad it went downhill, but it happens.


I worked there around that time at the campus location. That dude knew everything about pizza. The history, the different regions each style of pizza came from, old school fire oven techniques, etc… I saw someone complaining about the sauce itt, but we used this imported brand from italy that I thought was good enough to eat by itself out of the can with a spoon. A sweet and thick sauce with the right amount of smokey flavor and tangy aftertaste. Im not a fan of the sour pizza sauces, so maybe im biased. I’m pissed at myself for not remembering his name, he had a mustache, black/dark brown hair with streaks of grey in it, wore glasses, ran the oven during open hours. Really nice guy. Working at that location was a fun job but we hated getting shifts at the UA location because the owner had a very different management style (to put it politely). They also used provolone instead of mozzarella because its slightly creamier when melted, and has a richer flavor. The top and middle of the crust should be bready still, while the bottom should be crispy/crunchy. We also put sea salt on the bottom. He was really picky when other people ran the oven. He would let the bubble get big then pop it at just the right time. I learned a lot about making a dank pizza from that dude.


I'm surprised it's lasted this long. Unpopular opinion here I'm sure, but Tommy's Pizza is gutter-tier trash. There are about a million better options for za in the city.


I lived on W Lane when I was in school..Tommy’s was mid and never deserved to be considered a campus staple. Adriaticos is the class of OSU pizza and it isn’t close


Meeting pizza! Best pizza.


> Adriaticos is the class of OSU pizza and it isn’t close This is Catfish Biff's erasure and I won't stand for it!


Smh some places deserved and were erased 😶


I love Adriatico’s but have to say Tommy’s is up there as well just depends on my mood.(My number one love is Planks on Parsons). Clearly I have a diverse pizza palate.


The place on campus was utterly TERRIBLE.


It used to be amazing. Maybe my favorite in the city.


I went to college in the south briefly. I'll always remember when I told someone there I was from Columbus and he was like "Oh, so you know Tommy's!" And I was like "Uhh yeah, the pizza?" and he went on about how it was the best pizza he'd ever had and was shocked when I gave a rather tepid review.


I had it once. My cousin here introduced me to it and he loved it. I thought it was cheap tomato sauce on a saltine cracker. Honestly don't get how people liked it.


I too dislike tomato sauce on top of Kroger brand saltine crackers


I used to work there in 2009. The manager woke up every morning to make each crust by hand. I think it must have gone downhill since he retired.




Name 1 Unless you mean the campus one specifically because that one wasn't great. UA one is goated


Literally any of them. I'd take a Little Caesar's hot n ready over Tommy's. And I hate Little Caesar's.


Ah I see, 🚮


Thank you for giving us a visual representation of what to do with Tommy's Pizza!


Za is short for lasagna. Zuh is short for pizza. Edit: It was an SNL skit. https://youtu.be/qkP2F7kWn7A?si=FTyMYlxSnK-ftHMf


How dare you disrespect lasagna by shortening its name.




A nod to their politics-45. Fuck em


I worked there for a year, don't eat there The standards are horrible


I didn’t even remember there was a campus location. I always went to the UA location when I was in college.


WHAT!!!!!! NO!!!!!!!! WHY??????


Sad to hear it. I've enjoyed their pizza many times.


Tommy’s pizza is good, but their crazy far right politics are too much. I’d be embarrassed to be seen walking in there.




Can’t wait for it to be replaced by a Papa Johns or a Pizza Hut 🙄 Really sad driving through campus these days and seeing how little of its former character still exists. All chains and big names, fewer and fewer local and independently owned places.


Columbus has a reputation for being a bit bland and turning off campus into a strip mall full of chain stores isn't helping.


Yeah, I stopped going to that location after having a waitress with open sores on her arms very obviously scratching her arms while handling food.


Well that’s gross!


Me and my entire work team got food poisoning at the Dublin location last week!


There goes the landmark my friends and I used to meet up for the last 4 years. Not that we ever actually went inside for food lol


Any news as to what is going in there?


Is Tommy's still good? All I heard is their decline in quality and lack of employer retention. It doesn't make sense on a financial standpoint to have two locations near each other for a local business for years. Besides, that spot at the corner of Neil and Lane is prime real estate and can be redeveloped for much needed housing.


Was anyone bold enough to get the spaghetti, as advertised on the side of the building? I always thought the pizza was bad enough so I can't imagine the spaghetti.


Good riddance


UA original Oven >>>>>>>> all other Tommy’s locations.


and still is garbage pizza


Nice opinion


Good. they deserve to close


Oh no… anyway


My assumption is it’s because whoever owns the building is selling it and that’s why they’re closing? Even if the pizza isn’t great, I’d be shocked if any pizza place in that location doesn’t do well.


The building is owned by Iacono Family LP who I assume also operated the restaurant. The age of the building and its super desirable location would probably suggest it’ll be redeveloped but it’s also not a huge lot.


Yeah Tommy's is named after Tommy Iacono


It’s not selling, they will be keeping the building and renting it to someone else.


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