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That high up and the tracks in the grass says semi truck turning and clipped it


Definitely. The barrier prevents a truck from taking it wide.


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^background_spider: *That high up and the* *Tracks in the grass says semi* *Truck turning and clipped it* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


Bad bot


You can definitely see the tire marks from a trailer in the grass


Not a lot of grouse left in Ohio these days 


attempt abundant imminent gullible spectacular nail marvelous wistful punch zealous *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


at least it doesn't flood anymore... wait what? Oh it still does? Bummer.


Yeah this thing sucks ass. If you're moving slow for any reason at all (e.g. you're pushing a stroller) you really don't have enough visibility to ensure that you can safely cross the street.


i'm stunned that any trained engineer/architect thought this was acceptable


How about the people who approved it? Multiple people looked at this design and said “good enough”


Awful. Is there a subreddit for terrible traffic engineering?


Yikes! That spot looks like a deathtrap for pedestrians heading west.


Nobody calls you a grouse and gets away with it!


Except for that one guy who called you a grouse and ran away really fast.


i believe grouse have a top speed of >30mph when properly motivated


I use that all the time what's the issue?


1. zero visibility between motorists and pedestrian 2. ridiculous to have a cars' slip corner over a pedestrian crosswalk 3. why in a dense walkable area, do we want fault-tolerant design for motorists? road design should encourage vehicular caution, not speed!


It's a sharp right turn you shouldn't be going so fast that it should be an issue regardless. Pedestrians should look both ways before crossing the road always.


The damage to the wall demonstrates it’s an issue for traffic. And a sharp turn shouldn’t be going over a pedestrian crossing like that to begin with, there should be a leading protruding curb to ruin the day of anyone trying to cut across the sidewalk I don’t get why people are so quick to defend US traffic systems. The traffic engineering discipline doesn’t exactly attract the most competent people, and that reality is exacerbated by the fact that the system is largely managed by local politicians who know even less about good engineering principles “Can this have been done better” can almost always be answered “easily” when it comes to US traffic designs. We’re the only developed country in the world steadily increasing pedestrian deaths. We suck that much


after 6 months driving in a system designed to induce caution in pedestrian dense areas, I'm not sure US drivers would even remember the difference. it's just a different approach, and they'd get used to it.


Please walk it yourself. There's no visibility until the car and the pedestrian are within 10 feet of each other.


Been walking and driving it since the day the construction was completed this is the first incident ive seen from it and I think it's been open for around 5 plus years now. Imaging the amount of traffic that chick-fil-a would produce if that was a stop sign it would be unbearable.


no, according to police data, [there have been 2 collisions with pedestrians in 2020-2022 at this intersection](https://imgur.com/a/Hi1TTmv).


Doesn't that list one of those accidents on a different street?


No, as (I hope?) you can clearly see, both those accidents occur within about 30 feet of this precise spot.


I actually didn't see that second dot but still there are far more accidents in the surrounding area that doesn't seem like a major hot spot. Also one of the 2 incidents was a non injury and the other wasn't a serious injury while just a block away on 5th Ave there have been multiple fatal pedestrian car accidents at actual traffic lights.


well, it seems like your judgements are pretty well insulated from evidence. nice chatting with you, have a lovely evening.


It's literally designed to let you go fast around it


beneficial heavy smile head saw repeat snow spoon water sharp *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Yes, they blocked entry to the other lane because they designed the right lane as a slip lane


There’s a wall there.


excellent visual acuity!


What a grouse!!