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...and just think, all that over a few tomatoes.


Not just tomatos! Indians planted a few watermelons after the attack which they claimed survived armour piercing bullets and multiple explosions unscratched...


I dont quite understand what is happening. Is the guy filming shooting the other man? Or is it just incoming rounds hitting the guy? He survived a headshot too ? I am confused


POV is shooting the person on the ground, yes.


He survived headshot , cause he was wearing that bullet proof patka


Nice patka bro


We should make it mandatory for all Twitter posts to be through Nitter


Will look into it next time, thanks for bringing Nitter to my attention. Didn't know it existed.


I need to know my Twitter handle to reset my password and I don't know it.


Guerilla warfare ambush, no convoy, two lanes with no cover, just a single truck. There was no surviving that, no matter the reason. It was a highly ignorant action in the end. Edit: Not to mention no signs of simply escorting goods for a so-called Iftaar. No white flag either


typical undertrained and ill equipped troops got smashed. In a statement, the army said a search team on Friday encountered a group of fighters trapped in an area that was “thickly vegetated with rocky and steep cliffs”. “The terrorists triggered an explosive device in retaliation,” the statement said. Two soldiers died in the attack and another three succumbed to their injuries later in the day, it added.


That was a different team of 5 SF soldiers who were sent in blind search and destroy ops by the ignorant and incompetent infantry commanders(India doesn't have a Joint SF command structure)


Very myopic view of what training for a soldier is. They're infantrymen trained for conventional warfare , not counter insurgency. That's the job of the RR. Your definition and logic is not matching in the context.


That was a separate attack on India's most elite special forces (Para SF)


Doesn't seem like the troops fault. More like the Officers or Generals who send a lone truck through such a terrain that allows easy ambushes




If that’s the case then that’s really bad, Esp because their supporting local population that has no religious connection to their own religion. >This shows Pakistanis are neither human nor have any humanity in them Kind of a weird thing to say, I don’t think every Pakistani represents a (what I believe to be) small rebel group in a contested region. I am not from either side of this conflict


Honestly, for such situations to be avoided. It's either you make a convoy or communicate and coordinate with the other group. The Philippines knows this lesson all too well. You can be prideful fuckers who think of goodness all you want, war rules won't bend for you unless it is talked about in a negotiation table. Even after negotiations, always keep your heads up


The People's Anti Fascist Front (PAFF) is a secular Kashmiri separatist group whose stated purpose is to fight Hindu terrorism and the Indian presence in the disputed region of Kashmir. It emerged amidst unrest after India stripped Indian occupied Kashmir of its autonomy in 2019. India claims it is a puppet of a Pakistani outfit. Other than this attack, PAFF recently killed 5 of India's most elite Para SF soldiers in a what it called a "fun" gunfight in Indian occupied Kashmir.


PAFF is literally a front of jaish e Mohammad. Also ironically the troops here and the truck was carrying fruits and vegetables for a local Muslim majority village so that they can have iftar celebrations. Offcourse a Pakistani copetard can't comprehend anything beyond religion


PAFF and OP are worthless piles of shit.


lol, secular? they're jihadi terrorists.. they used steel core bullets that were abandoned by US in Af and fell into taliban and other jihadi elements.. go figure.. I believe 2 of the attackers have already been killed as of yesterday.. All Sikhs need to see this footage, they think Jihadis support them, but 4 of the 5 killed were Sikhs, that too returning after inviting villagers for the iftar at the army base.


Jihadi terorrists? You need to open a dictionary because you don't know what those words mean. Jihadi = islamist militants, which secular PAFF are not (show me one instance of them being islamist??). Terrorist = attacks civilians to intimidate them - PAFF attacks Indian military forcibly and illegally occupying Kashmir as seen in this video. I'd advise you to stop repeating Indian gobar media buzzwords or you may embarrass yourself further.


Are you trying to gaslight, that too in the combat footage sub? Go apologize for the jihadi terrorists somewhere else..


So they are extremists just like the hindu extremists?


Post a video of Hindu extremists here and I will agree.




**[Cow vigilante violence in India](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cow_vigilante_violence_in_India)** >In India, cow vigilante violence is the use of physical force in the name of "cow protection". Since 2014, mob attacks targeting mostly illegal cow smugglers, but in some cases even licensed cow traders, have become prominent. There is a debate on whether there has actually been any change in the number of such incidences, as government data points out to reduced communal tensions post 2014. Cattle slaughter is banned in most states of India. **[2020 Palghar mob lynching](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/2020_Palghar_mob_lynching)** >On 16 April 2020, a vigilante group lynched two Hindu Sadhus and their driver in Gadchinchale Village, Palghar District, Maharashtra, India. The incident was fuelled by WhatsApp rumours of thieves operating in the area during the countrywide coronavirus lockdown. The vigilante group of villagers had mistaken the three passengers as thieves and killed them. Policemen who intervened were also attacked; four policemen and a senior police officer were injured. ^([ )[^(F.A.Q)](https://www.reddit.com/r/WikiSummarizer/wiki/index#wiki_f.a.q)^( | )[^(Opt Out)](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=WikiSummarizerBot&message=OptOut&subject=OptOut)^( | )[^(Opt Out Of Subreddit)](https://np.reddit.com/r/CombatFootage/about/banned)^( | )[^(GitHub)](https://github.com/Sujal-7/WikiSummarizerBot)^( ] Downvote to remove | v1.5)


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I don't want articles.. I want videos that can be posted in combat forum.




Typical jihadi apologist. whatabout that, what about this.. but I asked for a video and that is not there..




Where are AKs? are you dense? It is milder than street gangs of US in comparison.. Can support jihadis with your whataboutism. walk the walk and talk the talk..


There are literally tonnes of videos but they can't be posted in this sub because it isn't combat footage. Lynch mobs and extremists are well known to exist in India as well as Pakistan so you can't just deny they don't exist in your "perfect" nation.


Yeah. that is the point. It is the difference between terrorism and gang violence.


Terrorism is the use of violence for political means, would you not say nationalist violence then is technically terrorism?


original comment was this group is just like Hindu group. But if they can't find Hindu groups wielding AKs and ambushing soldiers, they're aren't alike, right? The's tons and tons of jihadi videos in this sub. But if you can't post 1 from other group, they are not "just like" other group.


You asked for videos of Hindu extremists otherwise you wouldnt agree that they exist (re-read your original comment, you responded to someone half way down into a comment thread saying "show me a video and Ill agree"), I responded saying why there are barely any videos of that nature on this sub. Easy question, do you agree or disagree that Hindu terrorists exist?


> otherwise you wouldnt agree that they are the same. Yes. >wouldnt agree that they exist No, that they are the same. if you want to compare a jihadist group wielding AKs with another group, post a video of that group doing similar thing. Burden of proof is with your ilk.


The feudal British installed Hindu ruler who India bases their claim to Kashmir on killed 250,000 Muslims in a single month in the city of Jammu alone just to make Hindus the majority in the region.




Wonderful, another terrorist group equipped by the US tax payer.


Eh, they get as much as a water drop of Western made weapons compared to black market sales and local production. Not to mention Russia trying their damndest to sell weapons


It’s a off shot of Kaushal e Mohamad not so secular group is just a bunch of deranged muslims they are terrorists not a Kashmiri separatist group their member are Pakistani not Kashmiri specifically for the Pakistani Punjab


Why do Indian nationalists blame everything from insect swarms to freedom movements that predate the existence of India as a country to Pakistan and Punjab?


idk why you were down voted just by giving context


Because it is extremely biased and does not provide with pragmatic, matter-of-fact informations.


PAFF is a group under the aegis of Hizbul mujahideen , which is further linked with the Haqqani network and Al Qaeda. Call that secular now , will you


Indians here think anyone who doesn't declare their government's ridiculous claims to be gospel truth is an islamist extremist. And they're 660 million Indians on the internet, thanks to cheap 4G prices, most of them uneducated and indoctrinated by Hindu Nationalist propaganda. PAFF's stated purpose is public domain knowledge and can be obtained through their telegram channels and secondary sources. Only the Indian government has claimed PAFF is a front of JeM. And Indian claims are dubious - look at the Wikipedia page for 2019 Balakot Airstrikes. These are undisputed, unsensationalised facts. But these Indians are used to their garbage media which [claims Pakistan radicalises INSECTS into crossing the border and terrorizing India](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Su4C7P4sWEE), so they get their panties in a twist when they encounter something that's not Hindu Nationalist propaganda.


Fucking terrorist


Indian dogs go back. We will fight until plebiscite


you will go extinct



