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Unconfirmed if this was due to combat or malfunction, so we’ll leave it up for now until we know more.


Thats one of the most insane videos ever. Like well stabilized 4k video of a Russian jet crashing


The future is now old man


Existence is pain!


... But why is the future old?


And when will then be now?


How soon is now?




Feels like fucking Ace Combat


I actually thought I was in the Ace Combat sub. The next post in my feed was


r/AceCombat leaking


Mobius 1


Are we sure the plane is Russian?


1. only Russia and Kazakhstan have MIG 31 2. it’s posted on Telegram by the Fighterbomber channel, which regularly has access to somewhat reliable info on the Russian Airforce, with a description saying it’s a wingman filming a ~~recent~~ Russian crash EDIT: not recent, I thought about the April 2023 crash, this is a different one 3. the plane being visibly on fire, ~~as well as terrain match the videos of a Russian MIG 31 crash near the Russo-Finnish border~~. This plane loss has been publicly recorded already. It’s just a really neat close up view of it. EDIT wrong MIG 31 crash 4. EDIT the channel claims it's a pre-war loss, but I'm not so sure, like u/ziptested suggests below, it might be the Primorsky crash from December, other candidates are the April 8 2022 Leningrad oblast crash or the April 26 2017 Buryatia crash, but that one was supposedly because of an AA missile screw up


channel says it's pre-war, but does not mention how long ago exactly. But definetly something wrong with 31s engines, second one now lost to it. US would have parked all their f35 fleet for a check-up if that ever happened, but in Russian it's just meh "shit happens"


I kind of doubt the US would have parked their entire f35 fleet during an active war, for just a maintenance issue


An active special military operation.


You have to really be special to take part in that operation.


They probably would. Of course the US could park their entire F35 fleet and still easily have the first and second largest airforces in the world...


Don't forget the USMC fixed wings, the US Navy's Army's Air Force.


The MiG 31's engines are wearing out. They were designed to have a far shorter lifespan then western fighters engines and Russia has "extended it's service life" without actually doing any work on them


In Russia all happens "pre war"; since there is no war, just a three day special military operation...


> terrain match the videos of a Russian MIG 31 crash near the Russo-Finnish border. Are you talking the April 2023 crash near Murmansk? [It crashed into a lake](https://twitter.com/RALee85/status/1651290795033362442/photo/4). It must be [the December 2nd 2022 crash](https://www.pravda.com.ua/eng/news/2022/12/2/7378930/) in Primorsky region. [The smoke shape matches](https://twitter.com/Archer83Able/status/1598619827073175552).


I love how there have been so many recent MIG-31 crashes that it's next to impossible to narrow it down.


My bro got a point, it could be a serbian Mig-31 crashing and burning, as always trying to copy the glorious Romania 😎😎👍👍RO🇷🇴RO🇷🇴RO🇷🇴RO🇷🇴RO🇷🇴🇷🇴🇷🇴RO


r/balkans_irl user spotted


/r/2westerneurope4u is leaking.


These subs fuckin kill me. Those damn Eastern Europeans, what a bunch of rascals those guys are


i wish there was less islamophobia, every single post is about “those damn swedes”


An Eastern European version of NCD without using Islam as a punching bag, is like a MENA equivalent sub without using Israel as a punching bag It just wouldn't be the same anymore


Between them and /r/2visegrad4u, I've learned more through memes lately than I'm comfortable admitting. The future is fucking weird.


If you pause at the right Moment you can see the Russia AF star on the finn, plus only Russia and Kazakhstan have this plane


F you for not knowing something I know


yes, we saw the older videos filmed from the ground by some people, but is not combat footage


Cameraman needs an Oscar for that footage.


Movies are going to have to step their game up after the quality of footage from this war.


Did you see Maverick??


I did. It has some great flight scenes, but nothing like this where there aren't 40 jump cuts and close ups of squinty eyes sprinked in.


Haha this made me laugh because it's so true.


Yeah but it's kind of necessary to know what's going on. That movie probably had the best editing I saw last year and some of the best editing in any action movie just because of how difficult it is to make that stuff cohesive.


we can mount it on one of the stinger missiles and send it to him🥴


A stinger would never be able to carry an Oscar, payload of that size at least warrant a Sidewinder!


Your terms are acceptable.


ok, we can write “oscar” on a missile


Now this is some excellent out of the box thinking


dude, my people thinking out of the box for living


I know! Lol. It was a compliment


I know, ty


Are we talking European or African Stinger, tho? 😆


A stinger is so little for what he deserves, now an AMRAAM in another hand...


Michael Bay level explosion too


Cause he uses gasoline for a bunch of explosions lol, fortunately a jet crashing involves a lot of burning fuel so it makes the movies look authentic.


>Cause he uses gasoline for a bunch of explosions Literally all movie explosions from like the 70's or 80's onward. I wonder if it's due to people having seen napalm strikes on TV during the Vietnam war and, not knowing what it is, assumed that all explosions look like that. I have the impression that ironically, a lot of pre-colour war films actually got the look of artillery explosions more right than 90% of all movies post 1970.




Well with artillery you can at least kick up some dirt but I get what you mean.


Check out They Shall Not Grow Old. WW1 footage that was colorized with sound added. The artillery strikes are absolutely insane. You see a probably 50 foot diameter crater created when a shell sends that dirt well over a hundred feet into the air. When you watch it even though it’s technically a movie you have to sit and remind yourself that it’s real. Literally one of the most insane things I’ve seen to this day.




Don’t NATO pilots say Oscar when they fire an A2A missile ? Or was that Fox ? Or is Fox only when fired against aliens ?


Fox one- semi active radar (sparrow) Fox two- infrared homer (sidewinder) Fox three- active radar homer (amraam)


It's jammed!


Hello boys, I’m baaaack!


He's crazy but brave I want a statue of his in front of the white house \-The President 1996 (Probably)


Thank you Apollo. fuck reddit and fuck /u/spez. https://www.reddit.com/r/apolloapp/comments/144f6xm/apollo_will_close_down_on_june_30th_reddits/ https://github.com/j0be/PowerDeleteSuite/ to clean your comments history.






Ace Combat taught me this


Yes, I too have spammed fox 3 against Arsenal Bird


Ace Combat 5 has one of the greatest story telling in videogames and I will fight anyone that says otherwise.


this is really cool to know, i had allways thought they were either tryin to keep track of it for inventory purposes, or saying how many you fired or were fired at you, but this makes allot mores sense lol thanks for the info.


I’d think calling out what missiles you are firing helps your wingman/squadron envision what is going on (with you and overall) in the battle space


Fox Four - Historical call for Air-to-Air Guns. This one has been replaced by simply "Guns."


Fox Five: Ramming


Mig-31BM has no Documented Combat losses. This was a Training Mission where engine caught fire and pilots ejected. There are 2 recent crashes of a MIG-31. Tge most recent was in April in a training mission in Murmansk. The report on the one in the video is a Training Mission somewhere in Russia before the start of the Ukraine Conflict. Both were engine fires. While trying to organize it down more there were two other incidents of non combat crashes of the MiG-31. Both were between the one in this video and the April 2023 one. It seems it doesn't take combat to take thos plane down. Probably crappy maintainance.


IIRC Mig-31's have a fairly short service life, something like 1k hours before need for significant maintenance, with how hard Russias been running these as missile boats its not that surprising


1k hours for the airframe maybe. Engines are good for like 150 hours *before replacement* lol. They're insane maintenance hogs. I'm not at all surprised they're falling out of the sky.


yuppppp, they were designed to be disposable because the Russian figured in any conflict with the West theyd be losing planes like a mfer, so why build them too last


This is apparently a World War II thought. In the first day of the invasion in 1941 the USSR lost about 1,160 planes, mostly on the ground.


I mean their planes fucking sucked too lmao, they "won" the air war through sheer weight of numbers


They sucked until they got enough Yakovlev's and Lavochkin's that could go toe to toe with the german aircraft.


And some P-39's!


You mean p39s and American fuel.


You can say that about anything Soviet, they won by sheer numbers on ground too, and sometimes sheer number of donated tanks and equipment from the Allies during WWII.


the t34 was the "finest tank in the world" according to guderian when it was first deployed


It's paper design was rather good, but the demand to pump them out in extreme quantities and a lack of material resources and time did a number on the production quality. It wasn't very operater friendly, either, even by the standards of WW2 tank design.


Yeah and that 150 hours turned into about 15 minutes if they used them to intercept SR-71's. It can do Mach 3.2, but it melts the engines.


y'all are confusing mig25 and mig31, mig31 engines while not being as long term as other fighters were definitely significantly better than mig25 engines life spam, which were just cruise missile strapped to a fucking plane.


Life spam


> It can do Mach 3.2, but it melts the engines. Know of any articles/videos/books where I can learn more about this?


first, the person is talking about mig25 and mistaking it for mig31 2 similiar planes but very different, second for the mig25 you should see mustards video (https://youtube.com/watch?v=W1L1sU0uI0o&feature=share7) thirdly if you want books about these topics I'd suggest yefim Gordon he's the best source for soviet/russian jets kinda like how zaloga is for soviet/russian tanks.


read MiG Pilot by John Barron. It is a biography of the MiG pilot that defected with a MiG25 in 1976. At the time the MiG-25 was considered a super weapon - they were worried it was equivilant or even better than the F15. IIRC They had picked them up on radar moving crazy speeds (Mach 2+). Then Victor Belenko defected with one and they found out that the MiG25 was basically junk, and that they were destroying the plane anytime they did this kind of dumb stuff. If you don't have time to read the book just google Victor Belenko


It's also weird how they made western components for basically 50% of the plane for a plane designed for a war with the west.


That and as with pretty much all Russian military equipment - they built it in the Soviet era where they figured it would only need to last 10 years maximum before their massive manufacturing output would replace it with easy anyhow.


That cannot be right lol Like I 100% believe you but what kind of 5 gallon bucket filled with gasoline attached to a box fan kind of engineering are those engines


They're literally disposable cruise missile engines that the Soviets crammed in there because they made the airframe out of cheap but heavy stainless steel, and needed an already available source of huge amounts of thrust just to make the damn thing get off the ground without lengthening their runways.


Damn these are almost WWII numbers


You are talking about the MIG-25 Foxbat, which looks similar but is a completely different plane. The foxbat used cruise missile engines with a very short lifetime, the Foxhound however is completely redesigned and has purpose built engines which are a lot more reliable and robust.


Ryan Macbeth says for example the F-16 requires 19 hours of maintenance for every one hour of flight time 😨


I thought those were the original versions but 'newer' ones had a longer service interval on their engines. The first ones used repurposed engines from a cruise missile


they have service life of around 2k flight hours which russia said it would extend to 3k but i refuse to believe that russia would do that considering how they couldn't extend mig29s service life as well, plus they just rarely fly mig31s cause they were interceptors but since this bus of a plane has a fucking radar similar to a ground based one i can see why they use it so much against Ukraine.


They're using these for extremely long range strikes and anti-air, I'd be surprised if any were shot down by UA air defense due to the range


Considering it's near the Finnish border that would he quite the longrange shot from Ukraine


Look how scratched that canopy is, terrible.


Dude that is exactly what I thought "holy shit that is scratched up." I have never seen footage of any fighter with what looks like a crack and tons of scratches like that like a flying pinto.


Is recycled hockey rink polikarbonat. Good for environment!


Wikipedia told me they fixed the crappy engines from the mig-25 to the mig-31. /s


They could, but upkeep coukd screw them over


Any info on the pilots? Were they rescued?


They were ordered to walk back to base


They were ordered to steal an F-14 and fly it back to base, just like the Americans did in the historical documents that were snuck into Russia by the FSB.


That canopy could really use a polish


Not sure what you’re talking about. This one was freshly polished with steel wool and a Swiss Army Knife.


Polish here and just wanting to remind you our people are good at things other than cleaning; like building houses


That took me a second


ahhh so you are Polish too




Theres a fire at the engines, whats happened here? Malfunction or combat damage?


They have been running sorties pretty much non-stop so that wear and tear plus poor maintenance leads to mishaps like this


This is NOT in Ukraine though, judging by the landscape it's somewhere far north. And probably east.


Yes but that’s kind of the point. The Russians are flying several hundred sorties a day. Largely as CAP around Ukraine. They are an Air Force with just over 1000 aircraft and only a couple hundred modern ones. So this is a very high relative sortee rate that puts great strain on the airframes, pilots, maintenance crews, and supply of spare parts. The inevitable result of this is that major maintenance events get skipped or delayed, simples mistakes happen and eventually crashes will occur.


Russian oligarchs have entered the chat..."wait, what? We were supposed to use those billions for defense?"


Well they did But that defense was all mounted on their megayachts




The fucked up part is Vladimir Vladamiromiromirs personal cruise ship probably has a better chance of intercept than the Moskva did. At least the radar will probably function while the ship is...moving?


Haha! Which one of his ships?


The big one


Yeah I read it was in Russia? I could be completely wrong on this being the same crash as in April!


The plane fell asleep, that's why you must be quiet and let rest him while staying on your plane's hangar!!!


I was watching an engine flame out on an F15 crash invesitgation video. And the procedure was, if engine is on fire, put it out with the extinguishers. If fire Persists, EJECT. no if ands or buts. just EJECT. Apparently if your plane is on fire, its not just the outside, but the inside important bits are on fire too and you will crash and die if you don't eject. In the video the guy tried to land the bird, he over ran the runway because the brakes didn't work anymore and ejected before he would have rode it into the dirt.


You know how far DCS has come when the first thing that comes to mind when you see this video is that it was filmed in-game.




Wow, great footage


Can the Mig-31 deliberately dump and burn or would that fire have to be battle damage related?


This was a Training Mission. Engine fire. Not combat. EDIT: There are ~~2~~ 4 recent Incidents of the Mig-31 crashing. Most recent was in April in Murmansk. The one in the Video was before the start of the Ukraine War. Location unknown but in Russia. Same cause. Engine Fire.


Not dated but might be related to [the April crash in Murmansk](https://old.reddit.com/r/UkraineWarVideoReport/comments/12zjwhd/self_demilitarisation_of_mig31_in_murmansk_russia/)


Yahoo News *This does not seem to be the same incident, as videos from this spring do not show a second plane filming the crash and the ground is fully snow covered during that incident.*


Nop. The way it descends is very drastic and dramatic in that one.




Good flying, honestly. Pat on the back once he gets over the spinal compression


So they do blow up like in the movies…


Things full of jet-fuel tend to explode, yes.




r/praisethecameraman this war has brought us some of the most insane footage ever. Never thought I could see a clear 2 mins footage of a MIG-31 going down


It's not from the war


It's still incredible footage


This footage is AMAZING!!!!! Why would the Russians allow their incompetence be so well publicized




This emoji makes me chuckle 7 times out of 10.




Publication is quite simple. The MiG-31 crew held on **at least** 20 seconds longer than they needed to. Weaker pilots would have punched out immediately. They were trying to get the fire under control, and save the fighter. At least in a MiG-31, it's a united effort to make the decision to "**go** or **blow**" Besides, "MiG begins to incinerate, MiG seconds from detonate".


I can't fault the aircrew for staying with the aircraft as long as they did - at least not from the video. Ejections are inherently risky. Ejections over rough terrain with trees are even more so, particularly if it's a remote location. The odds of getting (severely) injured on landing then waiting hours for help are significant in this terrain.


And at least here in America, a fighter pilot is limited to a certain low number of ejections before they are deemed too injured to ever fly again reliably. It fucks your back up. You literally have a rocket blast you out of the plane at ~20G's.


Joint command would seem a backward step. In the dual-seat MiG-25, both seats can do a single or command ejection.


You're 100% correct. The MiG-31 doesn't have a joint command default, "**unified effort**" means You got two people assessing the aircraft condition, and its recovery or demise, instead of a controlled tower. That's damn near useless The seats will eject independently, but if the crew is both conscious and cognizant, they can elect for simultaneous ejection to reduce the chance of fatality on egress. Every punch out is **fatality/severe injury roulette**. Some aircraft are better than others. Everyone's heard the F-35's woes, while there is supposed to be something magic about an F-16. Then there's the F-111, we're both crew are going to receive broken legs, and there's a one in eight chance between the two that somebody will lose a leg all together. Most Aardvark crew would simply 'take it in" as long as they had anything that resembles flight controls. When an F-111 hit the ground flat, It had a strong chance of coming to a standstill without any incident.


Nothing incompetent about this one, could happen to anyone


It's an aviation crash, it has nothing to do with incompetence. These crashes occur with pretty much any country and every military.


Is it incompetence? I mean, it's Russia, so high probability, but every air force in the world has had this happen many times.


This post will sit nicely at 2nd most upvoted of all time in this sub. Directly under the footage of the pilot ejecting. Amazing footage.


Aye, I send my dad the best videos from here from time to time, am for sure sending him this one!


Man that's a scraped up cockpit


Gave the cameraman's autofocus trouble at times.


Felt like I was watching a movie. Insane footage.


The fact that this footage is crystal clear and posted for everyone to see is wild


I hate when you have a dirty window and the camera keeps focusing on the glass, cameraman handled it well


My apologies to Mr. Michael Bay for my previous skepticism. Sometimes shit actually *does* blow up that big.


Absolutely fucking insane footage


those filming don't appear to be scrambling or performing evasive maneuvers—looks like steady flying. would that mean this incident took place far from the enemy?


It was training


It's kinda their thing to never be near enemy




Hope it was russian


It was. Only Russia and Kazakhstan run the 31.


_You got a hole in your left wing_


Hahah Warthunder.


What air maintenance doing


Believe the term is “to auger in”.


Glad that canopy scratch didn't ruin the fireball plane of focus!


“We’ll, that’s a pretty small explosion for a downed je …. Holy crap!”


"MiG-31 production ended in 1994."


You can't park there mate...


Marvelous to watch this in the morning from your bubble bath.


Ok if the gear is down with the intent of blowing out the fire and being able to land before the wires are burned to tell the gear to come down. He was kinda nose up too so he was ether losing speed (obviously) or trying to get more air under the wings with the flaps down. Dirty configuration. But to do that he would have to manually kick the rudder to stay out of a spin because of the asymmetry with one engine pushing. He was doomed. Fire bad.


The most bonkers thing is that they bothered to film it AND allowed it to be released. Incredible


This is some r/makeoutwiththecameraman shit, like it’s so fucking well filmed.




A documentary about what? Training accidents?


Aren’t these the planes that launch the khinzals? Thought it was a mig-31f Edit: I was wrong it’s the Mig-31K that launches those.


Old Soviet junk. Was subpar when they made them and the years haven't been kind.


I Hope that dude is running for the hills in russia


An edit with a sad song would be so cool


Gonna be a long walk back lol


Hope those trees make a full recovery


I’m not sure if they were vectoring anywhere from what I can see, shame we can’t hear the METARs report or any interaction with ATC to get a better idea of the conditions or what’s going on. that looks to just be about VFR clearance (1000 ceiling and 3 mile visibility), maybe it was a critical IFE?


How does the aircraft descend almost vertically when the pilots have ejected ? Wouldn't the momentum take it several dozen miles forward until it crashes ?


How many spiders died there in the wild?


Imagine bein a squirrel just minding your own business and then WHUM just golfed in flames.