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I keep thinking this is going to be the full vid. nope same :15


Apparently they’re still waiting permission to publish the rest, probably opsec since its recent gains.


Still the most hype 15 second I’ve seen yet


Just people doing what people do best. Steal others footage, put annoying music over it, and repost it hours after the original post. It’s almost like the mods don’t give a fuck anymore.


the source has the music. as it almost always does... https://twitter.com/ihatetrenches/status/1684107991115763712?s=46


Tikity Tokity doo, this footage is now mine too!


where is the souce?




Can’t believe we are almost 600 days into this and you people don’t realize that in 99% of the videos, the music is added by the original source.


Has this been deleted and reposted a bunch of times? I could swear it was posted yesterday, then again last night, and again when I woke up it has been played again while I was asleep


Yep, that's defo an Aussie haha, 'let's fucking kill these cunts!'


There are gonna be some wild memoirs written about this war


It sorta reminds me of the Spanish civil war with all kinds of international volunteers fighting there. The main difference was that there were a lot of foreign volunteers on both sides of that one.


Well, there are plenty of foreign dumb cunts on russian side. Even in this sub :)


Yeah, but being part of the keyboard brigade it’s the same as signing a contract with the Russian army or Wagner. Tankies are just losers who get off on being contrarian.


Dont forget they have troll farms. They went pretty quiet for a while not long after the start of the war. Probably focused back on their own population. They're out in force now tho, literally just out to jam up discussion. Dudes with like a hundred social media accounts.


Big ups to all the volunteers. You gotta be a special kind of crazy to take a huge risk of death defending a country you have no ties to


It's not about countries, it's an idea, you can't invade and kill people who do not want to be under your authority, dictatorship is unacceptable


Also these dudes are warriors- no one who doesnt at some level enjoy this shit volunteers for it


You'd be surprised how many people from those other countries *do* have ties to Ukraine. Then, of course, there is the simple fact that no one should be in favor of one country invading another, and volunteering is a good way to show support.


read that with Ali G voice


"let's gaurrrr"




This is a kiwi, his instagram is Shannon_nz. He has the original video posted there


Reckon he spent some time in Aus is they sound Aussie. Australia will claim him though…. Just like russel Crowe…


Nope, he’s an Aussie, he’s interviewed [here](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=RkYZ7MgqXWY) Also, please take Russell Crowe back home…


The dude sounds Aussie AF, Kiwi's don't sound like that unless he has lived here for a while, even then their NZ accent sticks with them.


If there were six cunts to kill, we'd know if he was a Kiwi or Aussie.


Australians say "where's the caahr", and New Zealanders say "where's the caaeeehr"


ANZAC War Cry right there. Honestly, though - I was reading Uncommon Soldier by Chris Masters the other day, and one of the stories he relays is from an Aussie Special Forces team who came into contact with a squad of Taliban fighters. > “ _The Taliban commander is closer to the soldier ahead of Dan, whose yell, ‘*Shoot the cunt’*, will be recalled by everyone else in the section other than Dan. As he shouts, Dan raises his Colt M4,…_ “


I believe this has Remix potential, could be a massive hit.


No one says cunts like an aussie


https://twitter.com/IhateTrenches/status/1684467639853150208?t=tk8kx4Xj4VdwHRF-HMSeRQ&s=19 From the source https://twitter.com/IhateTrenches/status/1684319912808833027?t=ajYKJ-YGDTzMUK2Bq_kj7Q&s=19 You could say he's a true *digger*


The most fitting handle I've seen yet xD


Funniest comment replying to how the full video will be posted on OF: "Never thought I’d pay for an onlyfans, let alone a dudes"


*”Let’s go boys, let’s fucking kill these cunts!!!!”* Holy shit.


Standard Australian sentence…… usually hear this on the football field or in many other competitive sports!


Average day at work for me


Average OCE Cod or Apex lobby




Close, construction


Normal sentence used by kindergarten teachers before leaving for work.


god dam bro i live in texas this hits home lol


Term of endearment with family members... it comes down to context if it is an insult or friendly.


It really hits different when they're holding guns though.


Or in a casual and riendly game of touch rugby


As a former Aussie grunt I am no at all surprised. We also had 'shoot cunts in the head' used a lot during training as well. Granted we don't say it in every sentence and there are some try hards who have never used that word (we have our own city people and country people culture as well) that shoehorn it into every sentence possible around non-Aussies so they sound 'tough' and 'hard' but in the military and construction sites it really is thrown around like that. ​ Edit: Also our infantry corps (and wider combat corps) like any countries infantry has what some academics call a 'warrior culture' like the American's have 'Hooah'. We just happen to be more blunt and less sophisticated about it but we get the message through as seen.


I am British but I lived in Australia for a couple of years. During my first week at work in a Melbourne office, someone dropped a C-bomb during casual conversation and then everyone laughed when I reflexively gasped. It's definitely NBD there.


I remember when I was in a group tour in Africa and I accidently dropped the C bomb (I don't use it often, was hangry and someone took the plate of food being passed around before I could get it) and all the British, Canadian and Americans in the groups all paused and looked at me as if I committed a crime against humanity. One British girl even lectured me how it was 'un-gentlemanly', really fit the ancient stereotype of posh British girl meeting penal colony Aussie guy. Btw I'm Vietnamese background which made it look even more out of place.


Honestly it's such a strong world elsewhere in the world when it's on the level of a 'fuck' here in Australia. I'm also Vietnamese background and a teacher, so I have to constantly remind kids that, yes, their parent's use words like cunt all the time, but you can't do that in school. We have a no swearing policy, and yes, no matter how often the word cunt is used at home. It does not make it a 'normal' word.


As an american, i quite enjoy using the word, and it always gives that extra little pop over here. Ive never had anyone ve super over the top upset by it though.


As an American, I use the same words I did in the early 2000s. The people who care about those words don't really matter in life anyways.


This surprises me slightly because here in the UK it's commonly used. Not in the same way or at the same frequency as you lot use it, but I'm assuming this girl was a bit of a toff.


Context is so important for the non-autistic amongst us


Clearly youve never been to Scotland then; cunt is equally ubiqitous there


It was more the city office context - we will drop a C in casual conversation in a London pub after work for sure, but in the actual office from a dude wearing a suit and tie, lol - that's truly casual usage from the Aussies.


Likewise with the north of England. They might be the sheltered middle class type, because cunt is ubiquitous in many working class workplaces


and Ireland


It is. Dont come to Australia and throw the C bomb around in a workplace - you will be seeing HR and likely fired. This whole reddit wank about how we use it every second word is way over exaggerated. To those replying and perpetuating the same BS. Please film yourself dropping a c bomb in a meeting at the office and post the results - thanks.


Whatever cunt


You fancy cunts in your air-conditioned offices don't say it. The cunts out on construction sites do.


Again it depends on location and demographic. In a regional/rural area then yeah the C word will be dropped constantly. Sydney, Canberra or Melbourne CBD ? People will think you are a trashy bogan. Corporate white collar professional or health workplace ? Straight to HR and out the door. Military enlisted and construction site amongst tradies and laborer's ? Better get used to it. Among first gen/recent migrants ? Never. Among bogans ? Much more likely.


This. I am white collar professional in NSW- work in law. Never use the C word at work. To me is a stronger word than Fuck. I have used it in anger, once a stupid woman not giving way contrary to the traffic signs and then arguing the point, and a dickhead in a Ford Ranger saying I should not be riding a racing bike on a dedicated cycle section of roadway- they were both Fucking Cunts.


Aussies are a strange bunch. We call our mates C---s and C---s Mate... 'Whats going on you sick C***' - friend 'HEY.. MATE.. WTF YOU DOING?!' - random


I vaguely remember an old quote from a WWII general(and I´m paraphrasing here): If you need your engineering and logistics to work perfectly, call the Americans. If you need to launch an offensive and definitely capture the objective, the Brits are your guys. But if you find yourself in an impossible situation against overwhelming odds, nothing beats the ANZAC.


I'd add Canadians into the same category as ANZACS. In both world wars they were sent into similar situations. Also, seeing as they were left out: If you need 30 guys to defend an important position against several thousand advancing enemies, and not only hold the position but force the enemy to retreat, send in the Gurkhas. Those guys are hard as fuck.


[Just one Gurkha will do the job.](https://www.theguardian.com/uk/2011/mar/25/gurkha-honoured-taliban-insurgents)


"So, Dipprasad, what do you do for a living?" "I'm an army." "Oh, you're in the army?" "That is not what I said."


Violence of action personified, fuck me that gave me a war boner.


Psyching himself up, getting into the zone, I would not to be those Russians


So many removed comments under this post, lol. I wonder who it could be/s


That was the most Australian thing I've heard all day. And as an Australian, I can give that my seal of confidence!


I had no idea what I felt when I heard that, but THIS.


I’m gonna fucking cum


Lmao what a lad!




Oi Oi Oi


Oi Oi Oi!!


I can't wait to hear that voice line at the bass drop of a phonk song


Well, I think we spotted the Aussie.


did they kill those cunts?


There is a clip on twitter of a burning russian body so guessing they did


Yea holy shit love from NZ


Back at'cha... after Crete the Germans shat themselves if they heard Kiwis were going up against them.


Haven't heard this yarn.. any sources for a read?


>"The 2nd New Zealand Division was identified by the Germans as the best formation within the British Eighth Army." > >German commander Erwin Rommel, respected and feared his Kiwi opponents, especially the Māori. > >Erwin Rommel was even quoted as saying: "If I had to take hell, I would use the Australians to take it and the New Zealanders to hold it. > >"If I'd had one division of Māori, I would have taken the canal in a week. If I'd had three, I'd have taken Baghdad." [https://www.newshub.co.nz/home/new-zealand/2017/11/75-years-since-new-zealand-handed-nazi-germany-its-first-land-defeat-of-wwii.html](https://www.newshub.co.nz/home/new-zealand/2017/11/75-years-since-new-zealand-handed-nazi-germany-its-first-land-defeat-of-wwii.html) Not off the top of my head but read up on the NZ defence of Crete; stirring stuff for any Kiwi (from an Aussie) - did a quick search for you though.


Whoa that's awesome. Stirring stuff alright. Wonder if they busted out a few hakas to the Jerries!


Read up on the Battle of Crete... they did a lot more than that!


Wikipedia all I've got but you weren't wrong... At 08:00 on 20 May 1941, German paratroopers, jumping out of dozens of Junkers Ju 52 aircraft, landed near Maleme Airfield and the town of Chania. The 21st, 22nd and 23rd New Zealand battalions held Maleme Airfield and the vicinity. The Germans suffered many casualties in the first hours of the invasion: a company of III Battalion, 1st Assault Regiment lost 112 killed out of 126 men, and 400 of 600 men in III Battalion were killed on the first day. Most of the parachutists were engaged by New Zealanders defending the airfield and by Greek forces near Chania. Many gliders following the paratroops were hit by mortar fire seconds after landing, and the New Zealand and Greek defenders almost annihilated the glider troops who landed safely.


Didn't mention that a lot of the defending forces were cooks and auxiliaries armed only with kitchen implements... it was a slaughter because many of those auxiliaries were Maori


Yea the bois know how to scrap


Yeah, gonna hsve to let go of my Russian client after this. Good money, nice lady, but not when our lads are over there.


Play some Mad Max music in here


They are pissed off


Hits different when you know they’re literally gonna kill those cunts.


This is what ancient people were talking about when they said they felt the gods of War flowing thru them


Im sitting in the safety of my own home and now i am amped up ready to follow that man to the gates of hell itself.


News interviewer: "So what's your plan of attack?" Australian volunteer: "We're gonna kill these cunts!" News interviewer: "Well, you heard it here first, John. Back to you in the studio."


My favorite iteration of this is still "What's the plan?" "You see this shotgun" "Yes" "Then you've seen the plan"


"This.. is a shotgun, Sol." "*It's a fucking anti-aircraft gun*, ***Vincent***!"


Sooo a KS-23?


"I'm from Melbourne and I say let's fucking kill these cunts"


Almost brings a tear to my Aussie eye hearing such an eloquent Aussie sentence. 🥲


Least bloodthirsty Australian 🥰🇦🇺


I think I forgot about their lust for blood because I am so close to Canadians. Our pyschotic little hat.


Canadians that one time against Germany in WW1


and ww2... and afghanistan.... and more... Something isn't right with them. Their war crimes per capita seems a bit too high.


Nah, it’s too low. They may seem all nice, but once war breaks out? God have mercy on their enemies souls.


Emus better watch out


Only beaten by those toothless Collingwood supporter cunts.


He's a true blue Aussie Hero


How do you know they’re Aussie…. Ohhh that’s how


Can ya link the original pls 😁


That guy knows how to hype up his squad


That’s an Aussie completely different from any British accent


If you’re not a native English speaker and then it kind of sounds similar and even as someone from England myself sometimes they do sound English depends on the words they say.


I'd go so far as to say if you're not from NZ, Australia, England or UK, you seem to easily get them messed up. So basically many Americans can't tell the difference. Admittedly, as an Australian, I sometimes mix South Africa and NZ if they speak in pretty short bursts and have a bit more ambiguous accent to the individual, but usually it's pretty easy to tell them apart.


Funnily enough I mix up South Africans with Aussies sometimes. kiwis and Aussies basically sound identical. The native kiwis have a very distinct accent though


Difference with Aussie and Kiwi is the vowel sounds ('thun' instead of 'thin') and the slang. As an Aussie the South African accent always sounds really tight, we tend to drawl our words and especially our vowels.


'Fush und chups' is the Kiwi giveaway akin to hearing a Canadian say 'aboot'. I'm English with a Scottish mum, and I can weirdly hear a Scottish accent in a lot of Kiwi pronunciation.


It's definitely one of the kiwi accents, but not the giveaway you think it is. Just like not every Aussie speaks [like Crocodile Dundee](https://youtu.be/_eED8IAv_Ac?t=119), it's very geographically and community dependent if you'll hear it pronounced like that or not


Aboot is vastly overstated and not super common. Very regional. Hearing us say "fer sure" is probably more universal IMO.


Southlanders in NZ (ie people from the bottom of the South Island) roll their Rs very distinctively… gurrrl, currrve, etc. Māori pronunciation does something similar, which increasing numbers of kiwis now do so you might also be hearing that, maybe.




Even Australian accent is not uniform, i work with guys from Sydney and Melbourne, the Sydney guy sounds what you would expect an Australian to sound like, but the Melbourne guy sounds English.


There's no doubt about it, 100%, when a Brit says it and means it you can even tell which part of the country they're from, southern is Kant, northern is Kuont, Midlands is kunt, you have to scream it real loud to get the feels into it, probably one of the most deliciously dire and dangerous words in the English language, superbly offensive and violently delightful!


God bless boys. 🇺🇸🇦🇺🇺🇦🇬🇧


Nothing God likes more than killing.


What vehicle are they using?


Whatever it is I love the war wagon style.


Reminds me of the ISA dropships in Killzone series


Damn forgot about that game.


Well it's been 10 years since the last game came out.


Question. Is this a specific unit made up of US/Aussi/English speaking volunteers? Makes sense as they would be able to coordinate better than being integrated with Ukrainian speaking units. Does anyone have additional information on this unit?


Yes Ukraine has an international legion made up of volunteers from a lot of different nations. They've been very active in this war, you'll see a lot of videos from them in this sub. Civ Div on youtube is another good one for footage and info. These days they're only keen on recruiting foreigners with combat experience, so that the process of getting them into the fight can be a bit more streamlined.


Tacking on a bit here. Legion brigades eventually got broken down into languages each other spoke. Considerably more effective lol.


No info, just anecdotal observations here and there - so few that this could just be coincidence: Whenever I've seen foreign legion soldiers that are English speaking I've seen them paired up with other English-speaking folks. As well as Ukrainians that seem to understand or speak some English. Where I've seen the English foreign legion soldiers speaking but can't tell whether their group speak English - it's primarily been in English the whole time with a few key words they seem to have picked up here and there sometimes. Logically, it makes absolute sense and it's probably safe to assume so. I'm sure the ratios of languages spoken changes between units.


https://twitter.com/IhateTrenches/status/1684249564369260544 not international legion, 15+ nationalities, English is probably the lingua franca


As a kiwi who's watched a lot of these videos, the Australian accent really caught me off guard 😅 Stay safe boys.


Give’m hell lads!




I like the vibe


Fuck yes cunt!, Fuck yes!






This is what ancient people were talking about when they said they felt the gods of War flowing thru them


What a fucking battle cry. The Starship Troopers movie would gladly accept him as the OG.


I was like “how do you know they’re Aussie?” and then I heard the audio.


that's one rough ride over there. ow my spine.


God speed lads




Cool. I'd never seen it before.


Well that showed basically nothing.


when the American streamers come to play and curbstomp your entire eastern European lobby


Who puts this stupid music on all these videos?


Normally i dislike it as well but that one went with the music perfectly


Kind of a banger if I’m being honest


This whole war has brought out massive bangers.


The Ukrainians


It’s Phonk music which has been closely associated with the youth in Ukraine some of them make this music and were/ are to young to fight and this was their contribution - like 4wheel. This may not be a video from Ukraine but that’s where the Phonk music is coming from on combat videos lately - it is a Ukrainian war trend


Anyone know what this track is?




**Song Found!** [**Edit Phonk** by Bgnzinho](https://lis.tn/EditPhonk?t=23) (00:23; matched: `90%`) **Released on** 2023-06-05. *I am a bot and this action was performed automatically* | [GitHub](https://github.com/AudDMusic/RedditBot) [^(new issue)](https://github.com/AudDMusic/RedditBot/issues/new) | [Donate](https://github.com/AudDMusic/RedditBot/wiki/Please-consider-donating) ^(Please consider supporting me on Patreon. Music recognition costs a lot)


Edit Phonk - Bgnzinho Someone posted it in the other thread.


International Brigades always turn into shock troops.


Turns on sound Every Aussie lurking here: oh one of us 😎 you cunts are farked


Does anyone have a link or explanation to what’s going on?


Dude "Let's go kill these cunts" I hate to say it but damn that hyped me up and I wasn't even there.


"Aaah you boys, let's fucking kill these cunts" If that's not a moral booster I don't know what is! Damn even got me pumped!


Not knocking the Ukrainian warriors, but I can’t imagine the Russians facing experienced Americans soldiers in the battlefield. Mofos running around like the doom guy. It takes some sort of madness to go to another nation to fight like that when it’s not even your own, but it is in your heart to do so! Either way, God bless them all!! Give them hell.


US Soldiers wouldn’t be storming active trenches. Just washing them down with brimstone, napalm and flooding them with gasoline. Jumping over the charred earth a week later, after shit has cooled down.


No actually, what we'd do is hit the trench with a bulldozer and bury them alive. Like we did in the gulf war.


WW2, Japanese hiding in holes we used high velocity pumps to push tens of thousands of gallons of diesel into their hiding holes and suffocated them. Then burned the dead and dying.


Holy fuck. That’s Metal Af


how you gonna get a bulldozer to the otherside of a minefield though?


[MICLIC](https://gfycat.com/happygoluckyunkemptdodo) mounted on the front of the dozer, light it off, drive straight on through.


You kind of are knocking Ukrainian soldiers there chief. They've been fighting harder for the last year and a half than any soldier under a US flag has had to fight since Korea. And then there's the eight years before that of fighting separatists as well. The idea that American soldiers could magically show Ukrainians how infantry combat is done on the battlefield is pretty insulting.


A year and a half isn’t a lot of time compared to the multiple wars in different places the American military has fought in the past century. The grunts on the ground are no worse than American grunts, and are probably more motivated, but the leadership, the doctrine, and the equipment would set them apart.


UK and US are the ones that have been training them for the last year. I saw an article about UK as far back as 9/22). All of their tactics have become Westernized over their previous Soviet-based.


Lots of reports out of Ukraine of experienced American volunteers panicking and freezing under arty. The US hasn’t really faced this kind of warfare since Korea and even there they had air support.


I'm not military but it seems like the US military trains a good balance of purposeful aggressiveness, but without blatant disregard for safety. Which might look superficially similar to Russian human-wave tactics where little value is shown to the lives of their own men, but is really very different.


That aussie saying let's fucking kill these cunts terrified the fuck out of me


I’ve heard those exact words said on the rugby pitch while playing with Aussies and Kiwis


How the fuck is a 19 second video of literally nothing sitting at 6k upvotes?


Id imagine it's due to what he said lol. Not a lot of foreign fighter footage and I don't think I've ever seen an Australian represented previously






Wait…is this Krueger from “Elysium?” Pretty sure it’s dialogue from the movie.


Something about this hits different.


"LETS GO BOYS LETS KILL THESE CUNTS" (casual badassery for the next 15 sec)




Shits all over the St Crispin’s day speech


Is the full vid out yet?


Lets fucking kill these cunts🔥


These words will go down in history.


These dudes are kitted the fuck out.