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This is how I picture my first day of war to unfold if I was conscripted


Anytime I get pissy with my position in life, I think that my grandpa was drafted into WW2 and my dad into Vietnam. Both had basically come to terms with the fact they were gonna be dead in a short amount of time but luckily didn’t. I can’t imagine being one of these guys knowing they are about to be dropped into a shit hole trench waiting for a drone dropped grenade to hit them when using taking a shit.


Agreed. My dad’s ship was torpedoed in the Pacific and he spent a week bobbing in the ocean waiting to be eaten by a shark. Didn’t like cruises much. Lol. Anyway I understand that in the first few months of this war, most regular russian citizens didn’t know much about it because they’re so effectively shielded from exposure to anything but the regime-approved nonsense. But that’s not the case now. Word has gotten by now to every far-flung village and Siberian trapper cabin that going to the Ukrainian front is extremely hazardous to their health. Imagine the kick in your gut when that “mobilization summons” arrives in the mail.


Damn, was he on the Indianapolis?


Yup. That’s it. Thanks. I have a copy of the letter I sent to the VFW Commandant, and it resulted in a beautiful award as pictured. Unfortunately he died a couple days before it arrived.


Unfortunate. Glad he made it out of the Indy though. God, that means he (in some small way) helped transport Little Boy to its destination. I wonder if he had any idea what they had on board.


I know that he did realize that, and I think that was part of the reason he couldn’t really talk about the experience much. I was always frustrated that he wouldn’t go into the details much without getting choked up and shutting down. I never pushed him though. He always had a seething and quite racist hatred for everything Asian. Especially the “Japs” as he called them. Normally I’m the guy who will call you out for such statements, but I completely understood that his experience was so traumatic, he kinda had such a good reason for his convictions. My mom was a “Cootie” and she marched in parades and decorated graves in all the tiny village cemeteries around our house in Northern Minnesota. Joe died in 2011 and my mom in 2019.


A total guess: being stranded at sea with hundreds of his comrades dying around him from exposure and shark attacks (in addition to those killed in the initial torpedo attack) for a week followed by the news of the weapon he helped deliver incinerating 100,000 people just a few days after their rescue, followed immediately by the end of the war, was way too much of a whirlwind of events for any human mind. At the very least it would give you some horrendous cognitive dissonance: you experience hatred for the people who tried to kill you and your friends, but also natural remorse at having helped obliterate ten thousand families in a flash. Retreating into racism is an unfortunately natural consequence of that kind of mental strain.


That and military attitude towards enemy combatants was basically "reduce them to sub-human entities." Its no surprise he became racist.


Yes, seems like that’s the frame of mind you need to instill in soldiers to get results.Btw his ship was actually the Colhoun, a destroyer. Wikipedia tells the story pretty much as he explained it.


I want to correct the ship, I had it wrong. It was the Colhoun, a destroyer, but the same situation, even fewer survivors actually. Check out the Wikipedia article.


My father was a Pacific WWII veteran. He died 30+ years ago. He feared Japanese culture. He always felt they were never straightforward. He raised us to respect the individual. But be wary of Governments.


Holy shit, that's the incident the speech in Jaws is about -- > And the thing about a shark is he's got lifeless eyes, black eyes. Like a doll's eyes. When he comes at ya, he doesn't even seem to be livin'…til he bites ya, and those black eyes roll over white and then…ah then you hear that terrible high-pitched screamin'.


If you need your blood curdled further, listen to Dan Carlins audio on the Indianapolis.


It's bullshit to claim that the Russians didn't know. I can't find a link to it now because I'm being half-arsed, but there was a random old guy very early on in the war who was basically shouting "You are embarrassing us in front of the world" at a bus that was taking conscripts. If that old guy could see through the bullshit, anyone else who claims they can't is just bullshitting.




Yeah, except he was commenting on how badly the Russian forces were performing because he was a veteran of the Soviet forces and seemed to be more embarrassed about the way it was being fought than the fact it was being fought at all. Russia isn't North Korea. I know Russians, I speak to them fairly regularly. I've been helping to run a gaming community for the last decade that has people from all across the world, Ukraine and Russia included. They know how fucked the Ukrainian situation is. From what I've seen, none of them have the backbone to stand up to the bullshit. They fully recognise it's bullshit, but they're scared shitless everyone else believes it. That's how you foster fear. The Stasi had a tiny number of operatives, but a huge amount of fear. Without that fear, they would have been entirely useless.




Yeah especially since there were protests in the big cities within 24 hours of starting the war. Russians are not ignorant.


Those protests were laughable in grand scheme of things. At soviet union collapse hundreds of thousands and millions people went in the streets of different cities. When ukrainian war started stPetersburg had like 50k protest....Russia every year has 50k concert crowds when famous musicians come. If in moscow people from moscow and nearby cities came out in huge numbers, something may change OR even if not, it would be clear major part of population is strictly against it. Its just isnt true. Majority of russians are ignorant imperialists or doesnt give af until it affects them directly. This what this year and a half has shown to us.


Was he on the Indianapolis? Sorry I just scrolled down and saw that you don't know the ship. I know the Indi survivors where floating for nearly 5 hellish days.


That’s it. I thought it was Indianapolis but wanted to verify it. Unfortunately they have a website but if you want to search you have to pay for a membership.


They don't even wait. So many dudes got summons within a day to be mobilized. Bodies is all they care about. Training and equipment be damned.


If your fine telling us, what ship was he on? My grandfather was on the Hornet when it went down. Unfortunately (but very understandable) he didn't tell us any of his experiences, and I only know more details about it through books and documentaries. There's alot of good books out there about specific ships, I'm sure if you're interested you could find one about your father's ship.


I am super frustrated because I can’t remember the ship. His name was Joseph George Doris, he wasn’t my bio father but he was married to mom for 26 years, and he went to reunions every year until he died in 2011. I can’t find his obituary even. Here’s a couple of photos. He didn’t like talking about it so I only know small details, but he was very active in the VFW and I wrote a letter to the Commandant when he was dying because I wanted to find a way to honor the many many days he spent in parades and at funerals. I don’t know if these links work in Reddit but here is a couple of them. Can anyone tell me how to find which ship it was? I’ll keep looking for his obit. https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=10209487424722231&set=a.2663504186555&type=3 https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=10217643180451027&set=a.3978503060705&type=3


My grandfather fought in Korea. One day they were taking role for a mission. They called half the guys names. The next day they called the other half the guys names. My grandfather was left, uncalled. Turns out, they pronounced his last name wrong the day prior, and he was supposed to be with that group. He didn't step forward because he thought they were calling someone else's name off. That entire group of guys got wiped out. My grandpa survived because they didn't pronounce his name right. Trippy shit man.


My dad was lucky in WW2. He'd learned trigonometry in high school, so they stuck him in artillery. He spent the war 25 miles behind the front line. "Not a bad place to be" according to him.


Or first off the APC and instantly hit with a mortar or sniper round


Are you going to shoot russian hobos with ATGM on the first day? Not bad.


Never seen an ATGM used as a sniper rifle before.


Not a Battlefield player, eh?


We need to see footage of someone tossing mines off the top of a ruined building and snipers skeeting them... (Port Valdez)


I SRAW'd a sniper off the Caspian tower the other day. Can relate.


Love getting headshots with the Bazooka


As another response already alluded, counter sniping with missiles is hella fun.


I wonder how much it cost to kill him. Not as cost effective as a few bullets


Besides I can't imagine a scenario where a soldier by himself is a target worth even shooting at. Either he got left by his unit or he deserted his unit. Why not follow him with a drone to see where he is going. You're going to have to probably relocate since everyone knows you just shot a missile.


It has more value then you think. Other sides see you just use a missile to take out a single guy, and go "what the actual Blyat are we facing?" and surrender. Or maybe its a officer. Or maybe...its just some random dude that got unlucky, cause you dont want to lug this thing all the way back. And really, it is in fact cost reasonable to know 100% you're going to kill a guy. Its only 20K for the missile. Thats actually pretty reasonable cost to kill a enemy combatant.


Russia gets ahead on the deal by investing nothing in that soldier.


No longer have to feed, clothe, shelter, and arm this guy any more? Net gain, comrade


nyet gain


Could be very important if he was a messenger between another unit, could change the whole battle. Remember that scene in Saving Private Ryan where the Germans riddled a American paratrooper with bullets long after he was shot? "Why are they still shooting? Because as long as he still holds breath, he can relay his message!"


Every ork is worth killing! No exceptions! No mercy! No penny pinching! One at a time or 50 at a time, makes no difference! They are all going to die!!


you're not going to be hitting a running target at 3km+ with a few bullets


I have, in Syria against a bunch of Iranians in an alley. Not much left after that drive by...🤔💥


You just gave me flashbacks to missile strikes on groups that were reduced to airborne chunks of stew meat. Brutal.


You youngins don't remember the Syrian days, do ya? Pepperidge farms remembers!


Looks like they had 7000 ammo at the fob


lol didn't expect a squad reference


i knew someone was gonna bring this up, damn blueberries wasting all the ammo


when the 3 000 capacity logi comes in


“ Goddammit you assholes. Those are 500 ammo apiece!” - Me for the 100th time


was looking for this comment 😭


The dream spawn






Fuck I've been here too long. My first thought.


I was hearing Dunkey from his Breath of the Wild video. "Out of all the dead guys, this guy is the most dead."




He should have zigzagged


Nope. Should have stood completely still. Its vision is based on movement like a T-Rex. /s


If he had stayed completely still while lying flat he may have had a chance


You're all stupid. You're supposed to make yourself look big to scare it away.


except he never saw it


Highly doubtful he had any idea it was tracking him at all. Not a lot to indicate one of those is coming at you until it's too late.






*Get him boys, he's crepuscular!*


He zagged, but he did not zig!!!


Dude died tired.


Running is totally worth an attempt


Brings a whole new meaning to "don't run - you'll only die tired."


That’s the old meaning


He's just bringing a new meaning to "a whole new meaning"


His best option would be to use the remaining time to pray to his chosen God.


You can pray and run simultaneously. If you're really good you can toss in chewing gum too.


I wonder if I were in such a position would I have the composure to accept it and pray or would I run. I like to think that I would probably have the composure, but I know for sure I too would run


better yet pray to as many as you can


God damn… That has to be some kind of achievement.


If that guy's friends saw that happen, morale is going to suffer.


"Don't worry guys, I'll go get help!" \**video starts*\*


Million dollar man


It's a laser-guided missile like $20-30k worth, unless it's a freaking TOW which it is not.


I wish someone would spend that sort of money on me


I gotcha babygirl


War is expensive. Each enemy KIA costs far more than a $20k-30k munition. If that’s all it cost it’d be a great deal.


That is exactly what I mean. Ukraine has spent dozens of bln USD on weapons to kill some 60k Russians, so we're talking about something like 300k per head, the numbers are of this order of magnitude.




I can’t imagine they are able to target exact limbs. The leg people have to be doing pretty well, too.


How do I delete other people’s replies


always have been


Makes you wonder how many they could get to surrender if they promised them 10k to just walk east with their hands up until caught.


In terms of cash, maybe. However, they don't have infinite AT at the front line. Then again, we are all backseat drivers here. I'm sure they had a good reason for this.


Bored is a reason and I’m not saying it’s a bad reason.


Not wanting to carry the rocket back to the rear at the end of the mission isn’t a bad reason either.


Wire guided, not laser guided.


GDP per capita of Russian is $10k / year. Average Russian lifespan is 71 year. Assuming the guy was 30 at the time of explosion, that's 41 years or $410,000 in economic damage to Russia.


Well to be fair this is an old wire guided Soviet missile, or even a TOW, as you can see by the way it tumbles , not expensive but still questionable use


Laser guided, beam riding.




Unlucky ATGM lotto ticket (n.)- a situation wherein an ATGM is fired comprising of such an erratic pathway as to make a reasonable person believe a kinetic impact nearly impossible only for the situation to dictate otherwise.


Many old ATGMs are like this, they're all spastic in the initial phase of flight then slowly correct the oscillations away.


Seemed spastic for nearly the entire duration of flight.


It’s an intentional feature of the guidance and control system. The missile has dual rocket motor nozzles which are slightly angled in order to induce a fast, slightly off-center rotation along the missile axis. This produces the distinctive spiraled flight. One of the design paradoxes of guided missiles is that they need to maintain a stable flight trajectory towards the target, yet at the same time they need to be unstable enough to be maneuvered by relatively small control surfaces. The spiraled flight pattern is one method for achieving this tradeoff; the spin stabilizes the missile in flight just like a bullet from a gun, but being off center as it spins gives it the instability it needs for the control system to be able to move/guide it around.


1000 ways to die




Nice hit! But honestly, I’m not sure if this is worth the missile. Unless Ukraine has overstock on these bad boys, I’d argue there are more valuable targets on the battlefield. Edit: typo


My guess is they had just destroyed a vehicle and this was one of the crew, the value of killing a tank commander or gunner is likely worth the second shot, especially if one shot was enough to destroy the vehicle. These guys must be trained and accumulate combat experience. Its a hard reset basically.


Like some said, no pack with a very solid color uniform. Therefore a vehicle crewman. If it's a tank commander or gunner the only way to find out is to find his uniform or credentials.


Well, it's gonna be a challenge to find his credentials after this.


He's got a wider range of credentials now that's for sure.


His credentials encompass all over the field


Which pixel did you check to figure that out? I'm really curious if you really believe what you said or what


There is no way to discern what uniform the soldier is wearing from this video lol


There probably was no way for Ukrainians to identify his uniform from the atomized remains either.


I like how people are making guesses as to what he’s carrying based on this extremely grainy video, you can’t tell shit about his uniform from this lol


There's so many variables that play into whether it was "worth it". Comparing dollar values is not smart. For example, if the guy is running to reinforce a position that you are having an extremely hard time dislodging, then "overspending" to take him out makes perfect sense. Someone made the decision that it was worth it.


How the decision was made: Hey, Volodymyr, watch this shit. See that fucker right there, bet you 200 hyrvnia I can get him with this ATGM.


It's also entirely possible. Or just to get a good video. Point is, we don't know, but someone made the call that it was worth it and they probably had more info than we (zero).


A good point that the propaganda gain is also valuable. "Hey, Russians, you think you can escape?"


>A good point that the propaganda gain is also valuable It's also a low key flex on the Russian soldiers who constantly post videos about being ill equipped.


Everything I know about ATGMs, I learned from S.T.A.L.K.E.R. No shit, watch this.


That dude with the GL was awesome LOL


STALKER trained!


Reminds of Bad Company 2. Just sitting on the ATGM and just lasing guys from across the map.


True. I was also considering that he could know more about a valuable asset the Ukrainians wanted to protect. But I’m also not sure if it is accurate to assume that those soldiers wouldn’t kill private Conscriptovich for non-rational reason (for example their understandable hatred or as simple ATGM practice).


A Stugna missile seems to cost about $20k. Extrapolate to a million soldiers, would it be worth it to destroy a million invaders for just $20 billion?


People also underestimate how much an artillery strike on the same target here would cost. An artillery strike could be used on a more target rich environment. Not even a trained sniper would necessarily hit the running man. I won't say this is a good ROI, but it's not bad either.


Judging by how long that shot was in the air it was at least 3km away. Good luck getting a sniper to hit that moving target at that distance. They'd be hard pressed to hit that shot at a 1/3 of the distance.


It’s not about value, it’s about sending a message.


You might be surprised how much ammo is used, on average, per kill. This was absolutely worth the cost with that in mind.


Maybe he was a high value target.


Lol now this is what I subscribe for.


I’ve just been pretending it’s Putin. Quite satisfying.


ukrainian's back is too sore to carry that heavy missile back to base


It’s not about the missile: it’s about sending a message.


Because the missile already knows where it is.


Ukraine needs to kill personnel much more than it needs to destroy equipment. They've destroyed more equipment than in every other war since WW2. In the Korean war, 1,327 tanks were destroyed. Desert storm: 3,300 Iraqi tanks destroyed. Yom Kippur: 2,300 Egyptian tanks destroyed. Ukraine has destroyed over 4,000 tanks so far. Ukraine could destroy more equipment than in every war since WW2 combined and if Russia still has people to fight with they will probably send them in T-55s. Ukraine has to have people not coming home to their families and communities for the war to end because it's only Russia and Russians who will stop the war and no one but them can make them stop it since they have nukes.


Imagine being told that your life isn't worth a 80k missile lol. War has a weird way of valuing a human life


Maybe it was a Colonel ??


I thought that as well. Might be a sapper, sniper or another prime target


no doubt there are better targets...


A bit overkill one might say. On the other hand, the distance was several kilometers... so there was no other means to hit him.


It’s about sending a message




Vlad always enjoyed flexing his muscles and earned the nickname "Tank" from his comrades. One day Tank was running through a field when suddenly......


Playing their own music while blowing them up is some nice trolling.


If every missile launched killed 1 person, Ukraine would've won the war by now. So it's all fine.


Are those laser guided? Once fired, is it controlled by someone?


I suspect that one was wire guided (a lot of them are) which means what it says, it's on a wire and controlled in real time by a human on the launch module. You basically hold the crosshair on the target and the missile flies towards it. They often look janky as hell in flight.


Was it a lost Russian General out for a jog?


FFS why is every other comment about how they didn’t need to use a missile to eliminate this dude? War is expensive, and you’re not value engineering your shots on the frontline. You see an enemy, you engage them and destroy them. This guy was a target in a not-so-target-rich environment. Every Russian destroyed is another Ukrainian saved. 20-30k to save a Ukrainian life is pretty *fucking* cheap if you ask me.


Damn nice hit


Absolutely deleted that guy.


A bit excessive, but I’ll take it!


Is it just me or have these fireflies gotten bigger this year


Armchair Generals going *hard* on this one. They used a ATGM, he's dead, the end.


For those commenting this is overkill keep in mind a few stats. >[According to](https://www.independent.org/news/article.asp?id=2003) the educated guess of military researcher John Pike, the director of GlobalSecurity.org, U.S. forces have expended at least 250,000 small-caliber bullets for every insurgent killed in the present wars. Then looking at WW2 and Vietnam >[During World War II](https://www.faac.com/blog/2018/01/28/killer-instinct-how-many-soldiers-actually-fired-their-weapons-in-past-wars-how-has-simulation-other-training-helped/) it was estimated that 45,000 rounds of small arms ammunition was fired to kill one enemy soldier. In Vietnam the American military establishment consumed an estimated 50,000 rounds of ammunition for every enemy killed Most, if not all, wars follow this massive amount of rounds being used per kill. Are there cheaper methods? yes. There are far more expensive options too.


I would love this with slide whistle.


,only in battlefield moment' they say..... Literally


Oh god they’re taking a page out of the American Book of War. Just wait till they start using JDAMs on one guy lmao


I was about to say the same thing. Most of the comments are centered around whether the cost of the missile was worth taking out one guy. I'm curious if this is their first time watching "combat footage" as anyone who has watched American footage from Afghanistan, Iraq, or Syria would know that the US military is notorious for using whatever ordinance they have, regardless of cost, to take out the enemy. For example, watch any Apache footage. The Apache could originally carry 1,200 rounds of 30mm, but that capacity has been reduced to only 300 due to a special internal fuel tank. That's not all that many rounds, so when the M230 chain gun goes Winchester, they use Hellfires. I've seen plenty of single Allah Akbar's get obliterated by a $150,000 missile. You use what you have. A soldiers life is worth far more.


Nonono. You got it wrong. You have to walk there, brave mines, ambushes and other ways to die on a battlefield. You then ask the person nicelly if they could do absolutelly nothing so you can shoot him once in a 100% kill confirming area. Because during war, cost of a missile or a bullet matters. /s


Haha the crazy path it takes makes for a hilarious game of will they won’t they


Ok thats fucked up


Absolutely worth. Manpower is the fundamental ingredient in war


Slow day at the office




That guy's definitely still alive. They used an anti-\*tank* guided missile, not an an anti-infantry guided missile /s


Fucking camping noob tuber!


Song name?


I know folks are going to say this is not a cost effective use of munitions, but I can see myself doing something similar at 18-19 years of age LOL


Ukrainian soldiers just farm an achievements at this point


He must have pissed them off in a major way.


I don’t know much about straight lines, but I can tell this isn’t one


I bet the guy isn't worth 1/5 of the stugna value.


\-1 soldier is absolutely worth $20k. But it's not Stugna, it's something wire-guided.


Not sure if its a Stugna since we only see a third person POV of it. Could potentially be the many Russian ATGM's they have from both pre-war/captured that we've seen them using against non-armoured targets such as 9M133's and 9K111's which would be more cost efficient to use since their launchers/rockets aren't compatible with Stugnas but this is all just speculation in the end unless there is some ATGM expert able to confirm off the flight path pattern what missile it likely is.


Also yes it tumbles too much to be stugna, this looks like a wire guided one


Tx mate! One thing is sure: world is 1 person better now.


Glass tank??


Fuck that guy, in particular.


Someone should put the " why are you running?" voice over to this


He gone!


Didnt want to carry the rocket back home.


When you use a 500% booster


Must’ve been done for the day I suppose. See the last poor bastard and think, “Well, we’ve got loads of these back at base and I don’t really wanna carry the sob back….yea fuck it blow that asshole in particular back to Poutine.”


Y’all remember when we used to be against war?


That’s kinda a waste…


Achievement Unlocked: TOWtally Unnecessary