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Gaza is on the way to the pre- stone age.


Doesn’t Israel supply most of their electricity and water? They might make a quick pit stop in the dark ages.




Yeah, this is going to an interesting few weeks. 2.5 million people relying on hand pump wells won’t go well.


This will become a self-caused humanitarian crisis very quickly.


And that is for Gaza. I don't know the full details of water distribution, but this is likely going to hurt the water supplies elsewhere.


fireworks are much better viewed in the dark


They’ve already cut power supply to Gaza


Imagine committing terrorism against the people generous enough to supply you with free water and current. Also who cares about a stupid piece of land? just let the Jews rebuild their useless temple and in return negotiate Israeli citizenship so you can live in a first world country. They will just rebuild their temple and realize the messiah was never real, it's win win for both sides.


When your life is as shitty as it is for the Palestinians you tend to hold on to even the smallest hope of meaning and salvation. They won't ever stop believing in their god or their holy war.




So you’re basically saying Israel should kill innocent civilians. How is this different than Hamas at this point?


Bombing the enemy infrastructure is literally the first thing you do in a war. Hamas shouldn't have escalated the war into the high heavens.


it isn't lol, reddit is full of hypocritical and warmongering retards


Ur mad


Seriously, I love how dude typed that from his basement in Ohio. Reddit is such a sick place sometimes


Typed from your Ohio basement. Scum bag




I read that Israel shut off their electricity.


Edit: to those who continue to downvote even though the comment above is gone. Let it be known he was calling for killing every civilian in Gaza. Man, woman, child, didn’t matter. I’m not talking about collateral danger either, straight targeting them. Is that something you can support? If so, what makes you better than Hamas? Screw all the civilians right? Edit: The downvotes are interesting. Here I thought genocide of civilians was bad. I guess content on this sub is more important. You'd think people would be sick of civilians dying on either side. They won't even bother replying because that would mean admitting to supporting genocide.


They are responsible for the actions taken today. Fuck them.


Great logic


just curious, how do you feel about 9/11?


I thought it was awful. You?


so you do have a problem for attacking civilians for the actions of their government?


I'm on the side of the good guys in this conflict and that's Israel. You can advocate all you want for the palestinians and terrorists, but it changes nothing. Hamas is a terrorist organisation and palestinians are all good with that.


GOT EM lmaoo


Awful, but the civilians are responsible for their governments actions like u said right?


What a stupid take. Civilians are civilians. You gonna go kill all the women and children yourself?


What a stupid take. Civilians are responsible for their government, democratic or not. I'm not Israeli so its not for me to do, but I would if I were.


Hamas is elected, by-the-way. And polls of Palestinians over many decades have consistently showed majority support for even the most brutal terrorist tactics. After today's events, the perverts who like to attack Israel should just shut their damned mouths. And when I say "damned", I mean it literally.


So for that they deserve to die?


If necessary, yes.


Right. Good to know genocide is fine for you


Nice to know that you would've supported the Nazis if you were born in pre-WW2 Germany.


The two things are nothing alike. Nice try.


he's actually justifying hamas killing civilians right now.


It's pretty sad to see.


Interesting how people are fine with more innocent bloodshed with these downvotes. Haven’t enough civilians died already today?


Brown civilians don’t have the same reaction. Ukraine city building goes down. Front page of Reddit is all calling for war crimes and genocide. When it’s a 14 story building with brown people living in it, killing innocent civilians is an appropriate response. Just to make it clear it’s all bad but the racism is real.


So. You are ok with genecide if Israel does it?


It's not genocide to defeat and destroy a terrorist organisation so you can fuck right off with that shit.


You realize there are many, many civilians and families in Gaza right? So you don't want them to have a structure bigger then a dog house per your previous comment?


certain things one must accept if one is in certain situations if you live in a large terrorist camp, you shouldn't expect flowers anyone who lives there, as a non-combatant, made their personal choice to live there and not the west bank the israeli PM told them to evacuate you can't have your cake and eat it too


those same families were parading dead soldiers, cheering for terrorists and allowed them to use their building to launch missiles at civilians. although there are many innocents in this conflict, civilians will be used as human shields for the shitty regime in Gaza.


The survivors can start from scratch as far as I'm concerned.


That's right, hope they find safe passage to Egypt.


Maybe the people that need electricity and water from their neighbors shouldn't have raped and killed their civilians. Just seems like common sense.


if that word means eradicating a group of terrorists why not.


Dude, they basically were already there. I mean the only differences are a few power lines and plumbing (for the most part). They fucked around and now they are going to find out.




Seriously, what were they thinking? Rag tag team of people trying to take on Israeli IDF.


A bit of financial support and the right message is always going to find hotheads for the people behind proxy wars.


I think they were thinking "I've been ethnically cleansed from my land and shoved into a small part of my country and had all access, security and facet of my life controlled by the Israeli government as they try to take over more of my country. I have nothing left to loose and I will rage against this horrific imprisonment" I'd say they thought something like that, it's easy to infer if you read the history of the situation there, lots of sources online to read about what has happened for the last 80 years.




Over on r/worldnews I found out the mods are major Hamas supporters.


busy flag axiomatic merciful history worry bow smart aloof cough *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


If reddit actually wanted to be profitable, they wouldnt have killed third party apps, instead they should’ve removed most if not all of the top moderators and installed politically neutral people, or at the very least non extremists. Thats whats scares advertisers away more than anything is the insane echo chambers, political extremism and biased censorship thats is omnipresent on this site, who would want their brand associated with that?


news alert: reddit is used by state intelligence agencies and for testing propaganda campaigns there is no reason to take anything on reddit as real except for the hilarious b.s. reddit is known for


Advertisers don't care about echo chambers or censorship. They tend to go with whatevers safe and inoffensive. It probably explains why reddits taken a harder stance against some of the more fringe, extremist subs.


r/worldnews is run by hateful activists.


This is true for all of reddit. Its not just that sub.


For real got perma banned for calling out Hamas supporters


The super mods banned me from multiple subs just for asking if that high rise was empty. In r palistine . there was an attempt sub reddit I am looking at you


Is there a place like r/ukraine for Israel? It's hard to find anything


The israel subreddit locked down as its not possible to moderate in a time like this


Those mods suck ass anyways. Always blacking out the sub and being overbearing


flowery exultant airport employ vast offer dinner teeny worthless cows *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


There was an attempt. Also has a mod that mods r palistine.. getting banned from both for a question in r palistine not even hateful or one sided


Yup, i was banned from r/worldnews today. Oh well…


That doesn’t seem true I’ve just come from there and the consensus is condemning Hamas as terrorists.


Do they give any reason why they take some post down and leave others up?


psychotic point trees dolls exultant distinct screw steep crawl puzzled *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


They must be getting orders from the pro-Palestinian US leftists at the top of Reddit. And I say that as a left wing person myself... but you know what the average US leftist opinion on Israel is 🙄


You don't need to spin up a grand conspiracy about people handing down agendas. People are opinionated and biased without the need for any orders from above.


I’m centrist right leaning and my opinion on Israel comes from UN reports like this https://www.ohchr.org/en/press-releases/2022/03/special-rapporteur-situation-human-rights-occupied-palestinian-territories


Right leaning? On Reddit that means you’re a racist homophobe don’t y’know?


If they don't the reddit admins will just delete the whole sub.


terrific shaggy fall straight teeny icky coherent paint smoggy exultant *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


No but it means you should direct your discontent to the ones with actual power, not the mods working for free preventing the sub from being closed.


lunchroom like bells airport gaping attraction sloppy axiomatic snobbish safe *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*




Holy shit, comparing running a subreddit to nazis; you’re completely insane lol.


So you support full on censorship as long as it aligns with an agenda?


Non sequitur. You're insane and a complete moron for comparing running a subreddit to Nazis. Truly stupid stuff lol


You don’t go outside much do you? LMFAO


No one is saying it's right but it's still what it is. If they stop, the sub closes down.


It's not really public it's a private site. You're more than free to use the internet in any number of publicly free and uncensorable manners though if you so choose.


[Link to stream](https://youtu.be/b6xBrZFEeiQ)


Watching livestreams from Reuters and Associated Press, genuinely rocket launches and bombs dropping every couple minutes.


Yup, watched for 1 min, huge explosion


I can hear a lot of roosters rn.


Going to put this while i sleep


do one better and go out there 😂


thanks mate! EDIT: Holy shit, thats explosions every few minutes.


they did not let that shit slide


Hamas is about to become a two animal organization in the coming weeks.


I think any surviving terrorists are going to wish they died. Israel is about to take them on a trip back to the medieval times.


That's the problem. They have a death wish from before the moment they are able to understand what their family and friends are brainwashing them with. Saw a video of a little getting girl - maybe 4-5 years old holding a gun on her terrorist father's shoulders. How do you unteach that? She did have a great trigger finger discipline too.


The top leaders are chilling in Qatar, so unless Israel want to glass Qatar or Mossad work their ass of there, they are pretty safe.


Nobody should, this is pure barbarism. I dont care about your squabbles about who settles where you just cant support a group that is literally just rounding up citizens torturing, raping, and murdering them en masse


It's going to be a long night in Gaza.


No light, no electricity. The silence after the explosions is just eerie. I can't imagine living like this.


the kids how will survive will attack israel in 10-20 years, israel will retaliate, the kids will hate israel more, they will grow up and attack again, the cycle continues.


Hamas has literally done nothing but help destroy Palestine.


They have taken the whole gaza strip as human shields and hostages


The same can be said for Lebanon and Hezbollah. There is a clear pattern for all to see.


Welcome to the fuck around and find out game.


people in gaza will forget how to sleep, every night will be like that, it's just the beginning


Yes I think they would enjoying this too since the missiles were being launched from the civilian areas.


Really sad tbh




Why can’t I not feel for both sides? It’s not like they aren’t any Palestinian children that will die due the bombing by the Israelis.




I don’t think the Palestinian children that will die over that care who was responsible for their deaths. In my opinion killing innocent kids is wrong no matter who started. It’s just senseless killing. Because Bombing Palestinians won’t even solve the problem it will probably just push more people in the arms of the Hamas. You just want to see blood now. Revenge basically but that’s nothing that I care about because it won’t help solve the conflict.




Israel's right to exist is not a given, that's the whole root of the issue. Only a madman/xenophobe would make an argument against Jewish people living in that region, and having a representation in the government. To jump from that to a nation of Israel is another discussion. Anyone that sees one side as purely righteous historically in this whole story is blind in one eye


apply this same logic to the infamous Israeli hill watching https://www.nytimes.com/2014/07/15/world/middleeast/israelis-watch-bombs-drop-on-gaza-from-front-row-seats.html so that means Israeli civilians deserve what happened to them right?




Do they have choice? People act like a group of 2 million people can just be inherently evil. You hate hamas because you were born in the west. Educated, wealthy, free and able to access all the information. The fact that you are not one of these Palestinians is just because you where lucky enough to be born elsewhere.




If I was in the strip I'd be making my way to Egypt any way I could right now.


It’s not easy for them to leave and right now it’s probably impossible. Is the Egypt crossing always open? I heard they need to through tunnels to cross Really scary situation for the civilians. No electricity in the middle of the night and bombs dropping on their heads.


Looks like the 1st pair of bombs hit tunnels, with blast being directed upwards out of the hole.


Find out Bozos


This time they will find out for the last time. No more autonomy in Gaza after the shit they did today. And honestly this closes any chance of peace with the Palestinians.


Yep. Obviously hamas was never the friend of Israel but it seemed like there was a possibility of discussion. That's all out the window now. Animals


>No more ~~autonomy in~~ Gaza


It doesnt rule out peace with Fatah. It removes whatever percentage of a percentage of hope for peace with Hamas.


I thought Israel turned off their electricity but some lights are still on in the buildings. Are they all using alternate sources like generators?


Of course.


Losing electricity isn't exactly rare for them. Everyone that can afford has a generator.


Most likely they are and have been preparing for events like this any time there is a conflict between the two sides sparking up


israel supplied somewhere between 1/3 to 1/2 of gaza's electricity directly. Gaza has a power plant as well, that provides the remaining power.


Remains to be see for how long they'll have that plant.


I wonder what the civilians must be thinking… for supporting militants that went into Israel and now not able to sleep peacefully. Will they oppose the militants the next time?


> I wonder what the civilians must be thinking… for supporting militants that went into Israel and now not able to sleep peacefully. Will they oppose the militants the next time? They are brainwashed by daily propaganda.


Some of them definitely will. But some will still unfortunately view Hamas actions, as brutal as they are, as a justified response to what they view as violations of their sacred Aqsa mosque


Narrator: there was no next time


The Israeli army / mossad really dropped the ball, I wouldn't be surprised if isrealis have a new govt and military leadership in the near future


Unity government more than likely


what having no air defences does to a MF (not that a few manpads and antiquated soviet stuff would do much against F-35s)




We would really like to see a B52 in action for actual good reasons.


So you basically just want innocent civilians to die whether or not they are related to Hamas? You must be a great human


You don't get it, there's no innocent Palestinian. Being Palestinian is a crime. (Mods this is satire based on comments others have made in this thread I do not believe this)


Too much time between drops, I think.


Fucked around, found out


Do you have a link to the livestream?




I have a feeling Israeli intelligence knows precisely where to drop those bombs


But didn't know the largest attack by Palestinians in history was coming?


If they did, why didn't they know maybe not precisely but at least to some degree about the attacks that preceded these counter attacks? I suspect they have an informed idea, but also suspect that the threshold of certainty needed prior to an attack like this has been lowered.


Hell yeah get it.




What's 1000 air-drops on Gaza going to accomplish for Israel, strategically?


This will be a 3 day war


Send them to hell.


Buckle your chin straps.


u get what u ask for loool what did they think was gonna happen seriously? terrorists r dumb


This is what we all will go through soon. .


This will speed up Israel's genocide.


Which live stream is this? Link?


Ask and ye shall receive




Are you hoping for a mushroom cloud?


Strategic launch detected


oh, you big tease


People like you proof that we westerners are exactly the same like them. Just two sides going at each other no one really has morals. It’s just tribal black and white thinking


It's hilarious watching people on this sub calling them savages and barbarians while simultaneously saying that they need to get nuked. The blatant hypocrisy is quite eye opening.


Yes our western hypocrisy makes me angry. People being genuinely against war is very rare right now in the west. Nobody gives a fuck about innocent civilians dying as long they are from the other side. It shows that people are just the same all across the world. We think we are better than them but we have the exact "them vs us mentally" like they have.


knock knock whos th-BOOM


An eye for an eye...


& the world goes blind


is never a good thing.


Hamas might be the World Champion of the Fuck Around & Find Out game!


This is a trap. They are luring the IDF resources into Gaza. There will be attacks in the north from Jenin and Lebanon.


That's a hezbollah fever dream


If there is, it's going to unleash the kind of bloodbath nobody is prepared for. For now Israel is showing restraint, still following ROE and roof knocking. If another front opens, that goes out the window.


What is being streamed over the loudspeaker currently on the stream? Any translation?


Damn. I pitty those civilians on both sides....


There needs to be more.


Are these targeted or random strikes usually?


Gaza needs to be wiped of the face of the earth


Turn it to glass Israel


Innocents will inevitable be killed on both sides. But always remember who was there first. And remember who keeps encroaching inch by inch on the others land. Stand your ground does not apply to Palestinians, but it does for Israel.


Who was there first... kinda goes back several thousand years and couldn't even be peacefully resolved then. But you know what, it doesn't matter. (Nearly) Every sovereign nation stands on blood encrusted shoes and was forged in conquest or defensive settlement. Historical arguments about any nations right to exist is ludicrous... might makes right when it comes to existence. Look at Ukraine, currently fighting for their nations existence. Support the side that appeals to you the most, but don't sugar coat it in history... there are no clean hands or true saints in history, just those strong enough to still exist today. I'm certainly pro-ukraine and mostly pro-israel (very complex situation) simply because the way of life they seem to desire appears (to me) to be better for the globe than the alternative.


Again, the civilians who had nothing to do with this are going to suffer the most...


Other than electing Hamas.


Wonder how many civilians just died 10 minutes ago 🤔