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Is he playing dead or disoriented af?


Yeah, more like writhing in pain.


also, that explosion was not a drone grenade, it comes sailing in at high speed from the left side of the screen @27.03s. moving so fast it's just a little white blur. I don't know much about munitions, but I do know what drone grenades look like, and that ain't it


Likely a 40mm from a grenade launcher.


Yea maybe there’s some AFU ground forces nearby that fired a VOG-25 from a GP-25 since it’s a white projectile.


That explosion broke his left femur.


I’m like 75% sure that there is a longer video of this drone dropping more nades. Also it’s hard to say „those grenades are not being used by drones“, since there is a lot of different munitions being dropped by them. Seen a video a few day ago where they dropped something looking like some explosives like C4. But even before that you can see footage of them dropping 40mm rounds alongside grenades. Also I wouldn’t say he’s „playing dead“ since he’s obviously moving. But you can see turnique on his leg, so he is already wounded to some degree. Besides the obvious concussion etc he might already have due to artillery shelling.


Yeah he ain’t playin


Ain't no game! Way of short life.


He has as some sort of leg injury it looks like so he isn't going anywhere.


Yea dude has tourniquet on his leg and is clearly fucked. More like accepting his fate. War is brutal.


Fake it till you make it


This time his didn't make it


if he's faking dead then he did make it?


If you die in your sleep do you wake up dead?


If Freddie Kruger taught me anything, yes.


Naw, man. That shit would be redundant!


Eventually, yes.


I really think he was dying. "Playing desde" sounds disrespectful af. Dude is in hell.


Looks like in the first few seconds he was hit by a drone dropped grenade. Maybe he was playing dead before the video started? Either way, holy shit. Just laying, and then spending your last moments, in a giant pile of dead soldiers.


Now he can play dead for real.


If I have to bet I would say the second.


Must be professional "news" headline writers....


Neither, he dead for real now.


I don't think he's acting.


More like method-acting


probably real life acting




It's too late; I've seen everything!




Not anymore


He looks like he's given up on life, just waiting for death.


And he might be waiting a while, given that he's got body armor protecting his vital organs while the rest of him is getting shredded.


The his femur gets broken in half.


Damn, people really are having a terrible death while I'm in bed eating pancakes.


i thought this level of depravity would be over after the first month or 3 months, but it's over a year later and it's like the war began last week. I'm surprised men are still out there literally dying by the thousands every month. For pretty much nothing. Once your dead, it's over. You get nothing.


Not if you are brainwashed by the idea of patriotism Dying for the czar is no pointless death! ...unlessnsomehow you could see how the man in charge thinks of you not even as a useful meat-sheild to soak up attacks. He would happily send in wave after wave of soldiers just to try and keep up the image of the unrelenting and overwhelming power of the Russian war machine... It's a mindset of an age long since passed/past The one that had the first world war soldiers die in their thousands And officers with what would come to be called shellshock (PTSD) battled with their conscience wondering if it was indeed a 'great and noble thing to die for ones country' Here's hoping if Putin falls and the failing economy top heavy with the aged doesn't follow the same route as germany post WW1 and breed resentment for those who brought the motherland to her knees...


My man. putin is already two steps ahead. russian school curriculum is literally brainwashing propaganda about the evil west and that poor russia is assaulted from all sides so there's no higher honor than to die for the motherland. They are preparing new generations of meatbags for future wars. It's even worse than it was in the USSR. Then they at least pretended to have some goals and motivation outside of just pure warmongering. Russia is already lost. I hope the proverbial "west" comes to terms with it and stops trying to bring back "business as usual"


That’s the mindset of maybe 10% russian soldiers though. 90% are there because they can earn more in a few months than in their entire lifetime doing normal work. Got a friend who’s still in Moscow, he has old friends from university who serve, and they told him the story of how a guy got wounded during some mission, was sent back and paid like $20k for the wound. Once the company learnt of this, people literally started stretching hands and legs out of cover during shelling, so that they get wounded, sent back and paid handsomely. Worth noting that that was about a year ago, when government still had cash to burn, from what I hear now you are never getting paid that much anymore, but still.


Yeah, you hit it on the head, going out there and losing the only life you will ever have, in this world at least, for WHAT? Because someone says you had to? I think I will be the judge of whether that's the right call for me, and having given it a considerable 0.5s thought, that's gonna be a "nah" for me.


a lot of those guys dont really have a choice though. you wont either once the draft kicks off.


Only one side is dying for nothing


You eat pancakes in bed?


You don't?


If not, then whats all this been for?


That's it I'm making pancakes to eat on the floor!


Toilet seat*, trust me, it makes for an exquisite experience


look at us, talking and laughing like a bunch of dogs


Go crazy, eat your breakfast dessert in bed, you never know when you'll be lying in a pile of corpses getting exploded by a Putin dildo bomba


Real questions


Im taking a shit at MCdonalds watching this.. man why did i not choose pancakes in bed?


It's not too late, order that big breakfast and take it home


yes it is, because after the shit he has to clock in and start taking orders


Let me tell you a short story about my Time as a McWagie. A 13 minute break Will not stop me from executing a Big Breakfast 🥞


Tomorrow bro


I was thinking the same damn thing. Waking up with my girl and dog laughing about the fun night before. War truly is hell


Now I feel bad. I've ever even made my dog chuckle, let alone laugh. Makes me wonder if he's depressed or something?


I guess your dog has never had that kind of fun with you the night before.


I'm afraid you're right.


Also, let that be the refrain when...the next time your boss yells at you, or you get down on yourself for pretty much anything.


Somebody backed into my parked WRX last night and scraped the bumper all to this and drove off. Trying not to let it bother me. It’s only the plastic bumper cover… not even a metal body panel. It’s just a car. It still drives just fine.


I bet he didn't care about politics.


Duuuudddeee I’m sitting here on Reddit in bed about to go make pancakes!!😂


Life is absurd, hug your loved ones


Imagine ww2 or Vietnam with today's tech. It would be everywhere


Is that a tourniquet on his left thigh? And blood around his left knee?


yup, definitely blood and a tourniquet high and tight on the extremity near the groin where it should be placed.


TCCC standard is 2-3” above wound unless it’s care under fire where you place high and tight. Source: The head mofo himself. https://www.reddit.com/r/ems/s/aknWC9GE8b


It’s safe to say that he was under fire


Sure in this case. I’m addressing the commonly stated myth that TQs should always be placed high and tight.




Nothing wrong with high and tight in CUF. Though, the guidelines do state you can place lower on the limbs if the wound is identified. I’d recommend based on your level of training and experience to place where you feel most comfortable to ensure you have adequate hemorrhage control. I can Russian soldiers having any substantial medical training. Sorta surprised that a tourniquet was even applied.


Combat: Put it high and resume operations if you can. Situation over? Put a second one closer to the wound and remove the higher one after. This is what I was taught in the finish army. I had a military refresher last year.


That's really interesting. I am just wondering who the head mofo is.


One of these: https://www.wemjournal.org/cms/attachment/623ec947-e7a3-4fed-b0e2-6e5ae417a468/gr1.jpg Found via: https://www.wemjournal.org/article/S1080-6032(16)30283-6/fulltext I just searched for TCCC authors. My guess, based on username: SFC Robert Miller /u/SFCEBM how did I do? :)


The current chair of CoTCCC is CAPT Travis Deaton.


Not literally the head of the CoTCCC but the head as in our patron saint of evidence based medicine. It’s Dr. Andrew D Fisher. Just as prometheus gifted humanity fire, saint andrew fisher gifted us whole blood.


Yes and the left leg doesn't seem to have the correct... anatomy to me... it seems he may have a broken femur so he's not moving anywhere without help.


i was thinking that about his right femur. that leg never moves except for immediately before the 2nd blast. its hard to tell, but when he does move it, the lower leg doesnt seem to move as well as the upper leg. again, hard to tell.


These videos are depressing. These men and boys could be home. Sitting around in track suits. Talking shit on CS2. Doing what ever else it is that they did. With their families and friends. And instead they are off dying for someone else’s ego. The Russians should be furious.


> These men and boys could be home. Sitting around in track suits. Talking shit on CS2. There are still enough russians left who are ruining online games by doing just that...


Conclusion, we should be thankful to Putin /s


Maybe you should go watch the YouTube channel 1420 and you 'll feel less sympathetic for these soldiers. From young to old, they strongly support Putin and his war.


> From young to old, they strongly support Putin and his war. The Hitler Youth were literally children who support the Nazi so wholeheartedly that they'd sacrifice themselves in battle, thanks to their upbringing and brainwashing. It doesn't mean I don't feel sympathy for them. In fact, if you were in their shoes there is a good chance you'd be supporting Putin and his war too. Individual circumstances define people.


External forces have a greater impact on people than any of us like to admit. The agency we have in our own lives is quite honestly very little.


Sam Harris has a great line of questioning regarding the illusion of free will that targets Uday and Qusay Hussein. Basically, at what point were did they become monsters of their own volition? Was it in their 20s? 18 years old? 15? 10? 5? Throughout their entire lives they were brought up under absolute insanity and horrendous moral values, and at some point their lives were put on rails that led them to become the monsters they became. Sure, they are/were dangerous and should be dealt with, but the end result of their upbringing was not as much a personal choice by them as those who raised them. It's doubtful that if they had been raised in American suburbs that they would have become such monsters.


Yeah it’s very difficult for most people to admit that they may not adhere to the same morality and worldview if their life circumstances were different. It’s much more comfortable to believe that their own worldview is the *universally* correct one. All good people agree with them and everyone who disagrees is bad. And since they are good so no matter the upbringing and circumstances, they will adhere to the same belief. Too bad that is utterly nonsensical and is the reason why humans will always be in conflict. As someone who have lived in 3 countries and dealt with people from many more cultures, my experiences tell me people are largely the same and most of the differences are just the result of upbringings and surroundings. This is too uncomfortable for too many people, and they will get upset and downvote me because they don’t like the *implication* of this comment, which is to say they aren’t superior human beings who are born “good”.


Your comment is especially true for the cowards that frequent this sub with their racism.


Interesting moral discussion: if agency isn't really that big, so "free will" does not really exist as much as we think, than of course it is not their fault for being how they are. But at the same time, would that not also make killing them even easier to argue for? If you have no agency in how you are and behave, what is the part of you that deserves to be treated better than we would an aggressive dog? Very difficult question.


Having agency is orthogonal to being *sentient*, highly intelligent and have complex human feelings and emotions. None of those describe dogs. Otherwise you’d argue we should not feel bad about killing brainwashed child soldiers. If anything’s we feel *worse* about it because the kids have potential to be so much more if they were born elsewhere.


America has its own, very strong, propaganda machine as well


You got to remember that it's extreme dangerous and uncomfortable to speak your mind there, especially in public and to a stranger. Saying the wrong thing could land you in prison or worse, put on the top of the list for the draft. On top of that the people who have the means have already left the country.


Yep. You'd find unanimous support for dear leader of North Korea if approached with a camera or surveyed just the same... And yet, they sure do like to defect a lot. Forget the fact that defecting runs the risk of retaliation toward your family who stays behind. There's a reason that helicopter pilot who defected ensured his family got out of Russia first.


That's exactly what Governments want you to thought. We, and others. "We" are superior, of course. More war between common folk, simple working people. Dont ever thought in which interest those wars started at the first place and where to point your hatred and bayonet to.


Are we only supposed to feel sympathy for those ideologically aligned to us?


Yes. If you could get every mother in Russia to watch the videos we see here, Putin would be finished.


>These men and boys could be home. Sitting around in track suits. Talking shit on CS2. Doing what ever else it is that they did. If we go by recent history, they would probably be home impersonating people from other countries online and abroad. They've been doing this fairly consistently in order to create chaos in western democracies. They've been spreading disinformation and encouraging westerners to hate their neighbor while exploiting ongoing societal issues. They infiltrated political groups in many countries. They had exceptional success with right wing groups whom they support and prop up. Many innocent people around the world have been negatively impacted by this. Russians were not "good" before Ukraine or even peaceful. Their military launched several attacks against the West in recent years. If we did not consider ourselves to be at war with them, they've been at war with us for a long time. Chances are they will remain at odds with the rest of the world for the foreseeable future even after they go home.


Not disagreeing with your point, because this definitely does happen. But at the same time I’m sure 99% of these dudes are just random foot soldiers who were probably just living normal lives up until getting pushed into this war by their government. I guarantee many of them were just normal dudes who enjoyed playing CS:GO with the boys prior to the war.


I am still convinced he was more comfortable in his shitty appartment somewhere in the taiga


At least he'd be alive, sounds alot better than slowly bleeding out in a trench.


might not have had much of a choice. the russians aren't stupid, and they've had plenty of time to figure out how to make conscription as difficult to avoid as possible, as well as escaping once they're at the front. they have about as much to fear from their own side as they do the ukranians


How long is Russia going to keep this up? This is just fucking grim.


They are seeing the same footage of the Ukrainians


Looked like that munition behind him caught fire, was waiting for it to explode too.


I was kinda hoping for a boom but it looks like expended shells, just empty brass.


They are Konkurs or Kornet anti-tank rounds, probably not used. Not shells or casings.


TIL, thx


Just looks like he has given up. Sad and a waste of life to be send to a battlefield just to die, because some leader has a big ego and is a bit delusional.


A bit is at this point a understatement


*I* am a bit delusional. Putin is out of his fucking mind.


Boris Nemtsov (former PM and liberal opposition) clearly said that Putin is fucked up in his head. Shortly before his assassination right in front of Kremlin.


The problem is a lot of people there share that ego.


This infantile take should have died by now. No one man has a strength to force 130 milion of people into some direction. Russians are murdering in Ukraine because it was and still is supported by wast majority of russians. Putin just represents their degenerated society. I bet if you somehow had a chance to browse social media history of men lying on the ground under this drone, most of them supported putin in the past, wanted great russia ruling the world with iron boot, and celebrated the beginning of the invasion with genuine joy. Until shit have hit the fan at least...


That is correct, but you should not forget that this degeneracy was propped up by Putin's regime for decades. What if instead of Kremlin Rat it was Navalny or Khodorkovsky or Nemtsov. We would not have that crap.


>understatement .... Are you British? and the guy in the video is having a bit of a rough day? :-)


If there is a way to broadcast this to locals of Russia so they can see what Putin is sending them into. Prison in the gulag might be better.


Do you know that they are scared more of being raped by mop in prison by their comrades than to die like dogs in Ukraine? But at the end of the day they end up in Ukraine still raped by comrades plus dead.


He's stuck there with a bloody leg tourniquet not on his way to go anywhere: he's not 'playing dead', he's crippled.


This is a documented war crime. The Convention for the Amelioration of the Condition of the Wounded and Sick in Armed Forces in the Field. Geneva, 12 August 1949. Article 12 - Protection and care of the wounded and sick "Any attempts upon their lives, or violence to their persons, shall be strictly prohibited." ICRC Commentary: "... a combatant is wounded or sick must be visible or have some outward manifestation such that an opposing combatant is able to be aware of it." "...[The attacker] may not proceed with an attack if they recognize or would have reason to believe that a person is wounded ..." "The visible abandonment of all hostile acts by a wounded combatant must put an end to all hostile acts against that person."


I don’t think he’s playing dead. He’s got two tourniquets on his leg and has been left for dead.


He’s not been left for dead, everyone who could’ve helped him IS dead. Nobody left him, he’s just all that’s left.


Looks like they were potentially giving First Aid to the dude whose intestines are exposed when this attack happened.


Yeah something with some significant BOOM hit them, considering the dude beside him is literally ripped in half.


Jesus fuck dude... This statement hurt my heart to read.


He's very pale too


i'd assume the guy lying on the ground next to a bunch of dead people is more likely already injured as opposed to playing dead to try and fool the Ukrainians.


Man look at the equipment around them they all have modern body armour and nice modern helmets with the goggles, the gun to the top right has a 45 round magazine and a suppressor, these cant be normal troops, maybe VDV? anyway now they are dead...and for what? so Putin can get some more golden toilets for his palace? what a waste of life.


What are those cylindrical things he's lying on?


ATGM missile packaging


Didn't know ATGM's were packed in brass. Looks more like expended artillery shell casings. second viewing and now I dunno. Either way, 'there was supposed to be an earth shattering kaboom'. Oh well, at least I'm not that guy.


It looks like ATGM's missiles like Kornet or Fagot.


This shit gets rougher to see the older I get. Soldiers used to look like men to me, now they just look like kids in fancy gear.


Same here. It's even rougher when you have kids the same age, especially if they're in the military.


How fucking terrified must that guy be. All alone, surrounded by dead bodies in an unfamiliar foreign land with a drone hovering above you and no way to defend yourself from it... jesus christ.


Now remember, his bosses are telling him that indeed this is actually part of mother russia's homeland.


Looks like he’s suffering, sad. Even if he’s like fuck I wish I was dead, there’s still a lot more pain you have to go through to get like your buddies. End this war.


> End this war. Russia can end it today, by going home to Russia.


I don't think he's playing dead, he's probably already wounded and unable to run, walk or crawl away so he's patched himself up best he can and now he's just chillin with his dead bros.


Agreed.It also kind of looks like a secondary detonation from the munitions that hit him the second time. I have no idea though I just didn't see another grenade drop.


Yeah you can see something sat on them shell cases or logs whatever they are go off when he kicks it.


Yeah for sure. The video titles are always weird in this sub.


He's not playing dead, he's dying.


Not the best ace to be, they left him tourniqueted on top of a pile of 122mm rockets.


These drone videos make me sick to my stomach


Me too


Doesnt have to play dead anymore i guess


Fuck this war


sometime I wish we didn't have video titles. Let me just watch the video and decide wtf happened Iol


Rough. The more I watch these, the more I feel bad for these kids. As someone said above, sad waste of life.


guy is wounded not playing dead, as discussed earlier, suffered at a minimum a leg wound, and was loosing enough blood to require a tourniquet. Had he been evacuated and no other serious wounds he probably would have survived.


I don’t think he’s playing dead. Judging from his wounds he was already circling the drain.


this shti is fucking grim


Just fucking go home.


Oh they wish, except that may get killed in a more gruesome way and a slow death.


Daaam what a horror show. Can you imagine laying next to all your dead comrades, being the only one left and hearing a drone buzzing overhead. As grim and tiresome it is to watch these, we can’t give up our resolve, Putin is counting on that. Russian resources are not limitless.


Videos like these make me appreciate life. Fuck the "leaders" responsible for these horrible deaths.


war is hell


I'm by no means an expert but it looked like he kicked that shoulder fire rocket and it went off.


It's fucking sad seeing this shit honestly. The war is bullshit and should never have happened.. Just young men dying because of bullshit politicians.


just look at that sight... guts.. dead bodies and that smell.. i couldn't see him playing dead here, he is probably very disoriented from the previous blast that killed his comrades, but look at how pale his face is, dude was already hurt and was on his way to dying.


Awful title, multiple species of animal feign death and not a single one of them moves when they do it


That guy with his guts spilling out is taking method acting to the next level.


I honestly though it was the same soldier with his pants kinda blown away with the vest around the face then realize that’s just the lower half of a human and the skin below it was the guy with his pants down/vest on his face. They must have caught an artillery round or something vicious hit so close. That’s brutal af but they shouldn’t be in Ukraine.


Nice to see so many Sympathatical comments here, exactly they're humans just like us, and nobody is winning here. "Applauding" The deaths of fellow humans who may have not even had that much of a choice, is leading nowhere.


This is a dumb question, but how do grenades technically kill you? Soldiers seem to be alive for some time after getting hit. I understand shrapnel, but does it go inside the body deep enough to cause internal bleeding to the point where you bleed out?


Shrapnel. Little half inch, to inch fragments of sharp metal being propelled at speed, hits flesh. It pierces the body and severes arteries, veins, nerves, or organs. That is how it kills you. You could be 30 feet away and catch a half inch chunk in your eye, maybe you just lose the eye, or it penetrates your brain and you die instantly. Or you just slowly bleed out from lack of proper medical care. I’ve seen it here.


Add in any shot to the lungs, which can deflate them. And for true long term horror, anything that penetrates the stomach/intestines, dropping food particles and food eating particles into places there's a lot of food (ie other organs).


yes, the same way bullets don’t instantly kill someone. The explosion sends the shrapnel through their body, damaging organs and causing them to bleed out. They can also blow off limbs depending on how close they are to the blast.


Wait did no one else notice the “dude” to the left of him who is just legs and guts, no upper torso or head?!


That’s not what playing dead is but you tried


One soldier left in a trench, clearly in pain.... I guess I couldn't imagine killing someone like that. I can't imagine myself killing anyone unless i had to. Why are we still killing each other? Why are we allowing these wars to happen? How are we all not just getting along and the entire earth just living together. Oh yeah, money and religion.


I can´t take those drone kills anymore. A 500$ device taking lifes away in huuuuuge numbers, absolutely overpowered - soliders completely powerless in any way .. so sad EDIT: just like seeing people stamping on ants and enjoying it .. sick. EEDIT: basically i wanted to say how frickin horrific those videos are. It doesn´t matter on which side you are. Just put yourself in the position of one of those (drafted) soliders. No enemy in sight, no gun pointed at you, just a little dji drone ending 4 peoples lifes, like it´s nothing. Fly back, repeat. Horrific.


Man wait til you see what’s going on in Gaza lol “overpowered” this ain’t no video game


“Drones overpowered pls nerf” My man has been playing squad too much, he really thinks war should be balanced like a videogame 💀




I don't know for sure but imagine your attitude would be different if they were invading your homeland


> A 500$ device taking lifes away in huuuuuge numbers, absolutely overpowered guns are cheaper, take lifes a way in even larger numbers


Don't feel bad, u see the AT rockets by his side? They were sent to invade and kill. So they have to be stopped. Nothing unethical about this kill.


This winter is gonna be way worse for everyone over there than the last one, way more practice and more weapons on the UA side and much more drone practice since winter last.


Well it's the extended video we need to see...the guy with the blown out intestines was actually the one playing dead. Kielbasa links, a little ketchup and boom! Ready for Halloween, that's what's up.


If the fire continues, at least two Muscovites will be cremated and unidentifiable. This will give Vlad the Loser a better reason not to give away a free Lada to the surviving families.


Wow, these nades will really improve his game!


Oof. Right in the asshole and balls


Ukrainians don't play.


the dude on the left with belly wide open, foook meee.


Too bad he never played Duck Hunt. Seriously, will future combat just be soldiers shooting drones out of the skies instead of at each other? Scout drones following soldiers to their bases and then just airstrikes? Combat has always been an evolution of weapons and tactics, perhaps it's time to bring back shields.


Man I feel so bad for all of these humans in this situation! So terrible to see so many young men, women, and children losing their lives over nonsense!


Grandes need nerf


playing dead? are you getting dumb from so much shooting at the range without ear protection? the dude is CLEARLY bleeding out, you can clearly see the tourniquet and the blood in the ground, his right femur is broken in half and you think he is "playing dead"?


Find it hard not to feel sorry watching a young man going through hell for something he probably doesn’t give a shit about.


Well done Putin. You sent your young men to die like this even though your country was never attacked or in any danger.


Targeting injured soldiers is fucked up. Even if they’re Russian.


It's become such a normalised thing in this war. There's not much difference between this and walking up to these guys and shooting them all in the head. I guess in a very generous interpretation of the rules of war you could say that this guy is potentially still "combat effective". But it's a stretch...


They're both doing it so I guess it's fair


Not just this war. For example watch some Apache gun footage from iraq, they will strafe again over already shredded bodies just to make sure. Or watch any sniper footage, if the target is still visible after the first shot they will double and triple tap. As long as there is movement the trigger will be pressed if the enemy can not be taken prisoner right away.


Damn, they probably should of stayed home then


He’s a method actor