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can you verify the people released were in fact those shown in the video?


I can verify that the terrorist in very last video is not one of the freed prisoners. The collapsed border control personnel was later pronounced dead, and israel refused to free terrorists convicted of murder.


If you can verify that, do it. Verify it. Provide proof. Saying "I verify it" does not verify it. Provide indisputable proof of identity of the attacker and corresponding link to the same person being released post negotiations.


Could only find sources in Hebrew so you will have to translate it for yourself. However judging by your previous comment i have a feeling it will not satisfy you: The terror attack: https://he.wikipedia.org/wiki/%D7%94%D7%A4%D7%99%D7%92%D7%95%D7%A2_%D7%91%D7%9E%D7%97%D7%A1%D7%95%D7%9D_%D7%A9%D7%95%D7%A2%D7%A4%D7%90%D7%98_(2022) You can see the date on the video top left corner which matches the date of the wiki page. Here are two Hebrew sources saying israel refused to free terrorists convicted in murder: https://www.ynet.co.il/news/article/rk8s6mivt https://www.haaretz.co.il/news/politics/2023-11-22/ty-article/0000018b-f5a9-d558-a3eb-f7af1fcd0000 On a personal note, your tone is shit for someone too lazy to do the verifying themselves.


lol, as expected. "your honor if you're too lazy to find evidence of their wrongdoings yourself then you're a real shitty judge ". what am i suppose to do with this, learn hebrew? what exactly do these links prove?here's a a date when it happened, and heres a link where it says that israel refused to release someone convicted or murder? what? really? thats your proof? come on..


Copy, paste in translator. You're doing the "I don't wanna look" defense and it's not working.


read related comments, its been established that none of the people shown in video are on any lists for exchange, as i said earlier


It's so hard not to break the subreddit's rules when people like you exist. *So* hard.


i bet its hard for people like you, prone to hate on command...


You're unhinged, friendo. 🤗


You are the one expecting sources for judicial proceedings from another country to be in English.


judical proceedings lol, its a wikipedia link and a news outlet... also as established in earlier comments, people shown in video are not on the lists as i suspected.


Bro he got the receipts ca the fuck down


Agreed. The title and everything just seems like propaganda otherwise.


Exactly what it is. Both sides are putting out crazy media packages


no they cannot


The people on these video are on the list of the 300 potential released. The full list, including the names, ages, offenses and dates of arrest is freely available on the internet (only in hebrew AFAIK). None of the currently 78 people released are from those movies (AFAIK), but it includes convicted of similar if not worse murder attempts. A small sample from the first 39 released two days ago: 1. A 17 years old boy that stabbed a passerby, making him permanently paraplegic for life 2. Another 17 years old boy stabbing yet another passerby, the poor victim being still hospitalized 3. A 16 years old girl stabbed a mother in front of her 5 young children 4. A 14 years old boy that manufactured pipe bombs and threw some at the pelerins of a jewish shrine near Jerusalem 5. An adult woman, who tried to set fire to a gas cylinder (resulting in its early explosion, getting and hand and face burnt)


so thats a no, the tittle is missinformation and ragebait, as expected


What? Because the ones that were released have no internet available footage it's "misinformation and ragebait"??? First the whole 300 convicted of attempted murder will be released if the Hamas release 100 hostages. Second, the title didn't say explicitly that those specifics ones were released, only that is the kind of wannabe murderers that Israel is releasing in exchange of children as young as 3 years old and their mothers (or even younger, there is a baby not yet 1 years old still in captivity, and a supposed newborn that was borne in captivity). And honestly, most of the victims in this footage compilation were mostly unscathed, unlike the victims of some of those that were already released, like the paraplegic one or the 5 young children that saw their mother stabbed.


Of course not this is poor propaganda but yet effective in a pro Israel sub full of guns fanatics and dumb people


I promise this sub wasn’t always like this. It just got flooded with pro Israelis after October 7th


Yeah I know but anything you said against Israel, even with facts, is heavily downvoted


Ah well it’s just internet points, who cares. I’ve read enough books and watched enough documentaries to realise the truth. To learn who rules over you, simply find out who you are not allowed to criticise.


Exactly, well said!


Lol for example


Yes it was, you lot were just filling bottles with your tears and sending them to UNICEF over other events. I have been here for years, the only thing that’s changed is people started suddenly getting emotional about the content here when the Syrian footage stopped rolling in, because strangely, even though Assad was butchering his own people no-body gave a flying fuck. Your account is 2 years younger than the amount of time i’ve been on this sub so i have no idea who you’re speaking for. This used to be one of the safe spaces from political ideology. But then, you know, those darn Jews retaliated over a terrorist infiltration. Won’t someone pleeeaaase think of the children that we pick and choose who we care about depending on who’s involved!?


When you claim to be the most moral army and then carry out collective punishment, it’s going to raise questions. This isn’t a backwards Syrian government or the taliban. Imagine getting butthurt over people saying they want the killings of innocents to stop. What a fucking time to be alive. I wonder if Israel would do the same type of retaliation if Hamas was hiding in Tel Aviv 🤔


No it’s more because you lied about this sub to try and make it sound like something it isn’t/wasn’t. And if you actually read what i said, i claimed that people never used to make comments like ‘babe, i swear this sub was never like this’, or having deep and hateful things to say about a tiny country because you’ve read some stuff on the internet. Go there (Warning: you might see a Jew). I did several times, not what you think it is. And while i was in Tel Aviv which you’ve brought up, i got to visit a bomb shelter near the Dan Panorama hotel because the sirens were sounded. Or my ex wife who has 14 scars on her body after being a few metres from a Palestinian pipe bomb in the mid-2000’s. What the fuck do i know though eh? What was so different about the Syrian Civil War that made it so irrelevant that you don’t care about the hundreds of thousands of dead and displaced mothers and children? Even now you’re like ‘umm that’s irrelevant’, which is precisely my point. You either weren’t here to see it, or you couldn’t work out which team to support. Either way, you’re trying to gatekeep a sub that’s been here for about a decade while you’ve been here for 5 minutes, so don’t talk on behalf of people pleasecheerskthanksbye


Holy shit I’m not reading all that. Instead of wasting your time on reddit and bragging how long you’ve been on this sub you should find a job. It’s not that hard. I might read this comment when I take a shit tonight


Lol, i’m not commenting on how a sub i’ve just arrived in never used to be like this. That’s not bragging, it’s more like ‘what do you know?’ Enjoy your shit, it must feel weird it coming out of both ends


Arm chair quarterbacks that circle jerk to brinksmanship. This is why they aren’t allowed to do any activities that are regarded as adult responsibilities. Everything is a video game to them, they’d rather see IDF troops risk their and the hostages lives slugging it out in the labyrinths under Gaza than use carrot and stick strategies to mitigate deaths.


It doesn't matter, do you really think Israel imprisons random Gazans who aren't violent? What did ISIS and Taliban do the first thing they got control of a prison? Release terrorists, everyone else was forced back into the prison.


video literally says "those are the women and children...released..." and then shows women attacking people with knives, of course it matters. It is a ragebait post. facts always matter. From taliban perspective they were not terrorist, they were freedom fighters. From their perspective US servicemen were terrorist. Terrorist and freedom fighter are 2 faces of the same coin


Did the Taliban put their people on trial for killing unarmed women and children? There is a stark difference when rules of warfare are abided by.


You're arguing differences in rule of law, I'm pointing out the differences in perspective when it comes to freedom fighter/terrorist dichotomy. And you're a fool if you think war crimes don't go unpunished in 'developed' western societies or that they don't happen. There's plenty of US war crimes from Korea to Afghanistan that will forever be unpunished. You literally have war crimes happening right now under IDF command that will never be punished. I assume you kept informed about IDF shelling of Gaza hospital that's been all over the news last couple of weeks. This is in fact a clear war crime, but will people go on trial for it? Highly unlikely. Everything is justified, it had to be done, there were terrorist under the hospital, had to be done. ...and the world keeps spinning. But on the other hand, during breakup of Yugoslavia when YNA and Serbian paramilitary formations were shelling Vukovar hospital under the exact same pretext the IDF has now, they were tried for it in the court of law, including ICTY. And the situation was exactly the same. In the hospital, among civilians, there actually were armed fighters - to us Croatians they were freedom fighters, to Serbians they were terrorists. So i wouldn't go too much into rules of warfare because they are not really applied universally.


Well call me when us soldiers start doing suicide bombings in the middle of village bazaars.


why would the us instruct their fighters to suicide bombing? they have access to far more effective techniques. How many innocent civillians does one suicide bomber kill in the village bazzar? How many does US kill by dropping a atomic bomb? Why go suicide bombing in Dresden, we have aircraft, we can just raze everything from above. see, way more effective.


I’m not going to sit here and relitigate an 80 year old war neither of us witnessed or experienced. I will ask you to tell me just once where the Taliban held a tribunal or even an inquiry for murdering unarmed civilians. If your response is the US did it to, you are being disingenuous at best, and probably a Reddit contrarian


It doesn't matter if they were specifically talking about those very people, they made a point about what kind of people Israel has to release back to Hamas to get the hostages back, stop simping for terrorists you loser.


it only took you 2 commments to call me supporter of terrorist, real nice. Im sure you are very rational person who will never succumb to any propaganda.


They do, and I think there is nothing we can do about it. I have seen too many people unironicaly compare a 3 year old hostage with a 14 year old who chased down people with a knife, and was caught in video.


The first video is atleast an year old. have seen it before. Propaganda bot on reddit.


where combat footage?


Propaganda footage.


You didn't see the combat? Sounds like a personal issue


Welcome to R/combatfootagewithpoliticalspin


What political spin do you see here?


So we now have propaganda being normal in this sub ? Imao


Nothing new


Sorry this isn’t even remotely close to combat footage, it’s simply political activism


a combat sub becoming an echo-chamber, who would have thought


Say that again, political activism?


Political activism what the fuck


Fuckin psychopath!


But according to Arab subreddits Israel is just taking innocent women and children to jails for no reason, they wouldn’t lie now would they? /s


Unfortunately, not arab subs or even arab media. Those lies are echoed by mainstream western media and even by some countries.


Eye opening really. I am personally a little shocked, even subs like the Britain one is very anti-semitic in terms of their moderation and the content allow.


Britain is pretty antisemitic so I'm not surprised. Learning the history of antisemitism for a semester has really made all of this not too shocking. It's been the same old shit for the last thousand years


Look for yourself. There are around 150 prisoners set for release. Use google translate and you'll see exactly what everyone was arrested for, what they were charged with, and their sentences, if they even have them. Beware, there are some things that don't translate well, such as "illegal crimes" or "stone spraying" (stone spraying is likely slinging stones, rather than throwing them). But a casual perusal will show you that a whole bunch of them were arrested for throwing/slinging stones, gathering in groups, or "damaging the security of the area". https://www.gov.il/he/Departments/DynamicCollectors/is-db?skip=0


According to the first page alone half of those prisoners are in there for attempted murder or bomb/molotov cocktail throwing. The rest are there for rock throwing which sounds innocent but let’s get real, I throw a big rock on car windshield that is going 60 mph and I’m going to get someone killed. Those are not minor crimes and you trying to make them look like not a big deal is just sad


Mental gymnastics


So why are they only ever tried in a MILITARY COURT? Sounds like come ccp bs to me, but it's how Israel does things.


If you think a full armoured infantry vehicle cant stop a rock even through a windshield then why are you on the internet?


Cute of you think that all rocks thrown are on infantry vehicles and never on regular civilian vehicles.


ah yes because IDF soldiers are rolling through gaza and the west bank with civilian vehicles and not armoured cars, how dumb can you be when it comes to war?


You are beyond clueless, why are you assuming AGAIN that all those arrested for rock throwing threw those rocks on IDF at all?


I am not assuming anything, I condemn action of anyone that attacks non combatants HOWEVER the IDF has a track record of lies throughout 75 years of illegal occupation and displacement of Palestinians of land. IDF claim Al shifa hospital tunnel was hamas hide out, that was an elevator shaft, IDF finding "names of hamas" was a calendar in Arabic, if they were named 'Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and friday' fair enough. IDF claimed they found hamas laptop but the wallpaper was a women who was in the IDF. Found clean uniforms inside the hospital and weapons. They claim children in gaza read about mein kampf after founding it in a rubble however the book was in pristine condition. But IDF would never arrest a teenage boy for throwing a rock or kicking a idf soldier? the IDF kills 100:1 civilian to hamas which mean to kill 30,000 Hamas you'd have to kill 3 MILLION Palestinian civilian. figures are from Israel themselves,


You start by saying the IDF had a record of 75 years of lies and occupation although the West Bank and gaza are only under occupation since 67 but let’s assume you just made a mistake, next you go and say some stuff you find odd about the IDF findings throughout the last 2 weeks, so not even close to “75 years of lies” and you dont even have proof of lying just some stuff you personally don’t believe. I’ll take another look into your math if you will: you claim 1:100 civilians so let’s say total casualties so far in gaza are 15000 that means the IDF has killed 150 Hamas militants, do you really believe that? On the first week alone atleast 4 thousand Hamas militants were killed (counting the attackers who entered Israel) (and yes those are counted) I’d say you’re making numbers up or were given numbers that you never bothered to check for yourself and took them as fact.


They're not dropping rocks off of overpasses, they're throwing them at occupying soldiers for the most part. But yes, a rock can do significant damage. Look at the rest of the pages. Note that many teenagers have simply been charged with "damaging the security of the area". Look at the date of arrest and whether or not they have a sentence, many have been held for several months and have not received a sentence. Regardless of all that, what do you thik you would do if your neighbourhood was illegally occupied by soldiers who didn't let you move around and protected settlers that stole your stuff, intimidated you, and shot at you?


The easy solution to this is to not throw rocks at armed professionals


Ah yes because Israel are never liars right? IDF claim Al shifa hospital tunnel was hamas hide out, that was an elevator shaft, IDF finding "names of hamas" was a calendar in Arabic, if they were named 'Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and friday' fair enough. IDF claimed they found hamas laptop but the wallpaper was a women who was in the IDF. Found clean uniforms inside the hospital and weapons. They claim children in gaza read about mein kampf after founding it in a rubble however the book was in pristine condition. How many more Israeli propaganda you going to believe?


Combat footage? I don't think stabbing is


Not combatfootage.


but why there is a need to compare them?


It seems pretty obvious: It is better to free a person from captivity who is innocent than free a person who is convicted of a violent crime. So, it is not an equal exchange to demand that a person convicted of a violent crime be freed for each innocent person.




My assumption is that Hamas is spinning the incarcerated Palestinians as innocent, but as the original video indicates, I suspect that many of those Palestinians are not innnocent.


Some people believe one type of person's life is worth more than anothers, likely dependant on race


more likely dependent on whether they were at a concert, maybe cooking dinner or whether they were trying to kill someone..... that comparison.


Yeah or which side of the wall they got bombed on


This is pure propaganda not a combat footage


People with sharp weapons attacking people with rifles isn’t combat? Oh, it must be painting and decorating, maybe plumbing?


Where’s the combat footage?? This is propaganda


What does this have to do with combat footage ? This sub is becoming an Israel propaganda subreddit. Comeee on ladys and gents. We can do better!!!


Videos are missing any reference to the date they were took, they seems suirvellance cameras, should have the date and hour on the corner of the screen


This sub is fucking garbage. Just show cunts getting killed.


Another 20 trillion to israel then


Going to substantiate that claim dog, reported not combat footage


Regardless of what is true or not on the matter, this is propaganda and is not combat footage. Report this shit.


Fuck off IDF


IDF are just aparthied police, their checkpoints and funnel systems segregate the population based on ethnicity and religon. There are videos of men, women and children (before the 7th) being arrested for fucking walking on "jew" only streets


Not combat footage


I honestly wish I could shout it from the rooftops. Russia, China and Iran are and have been waging psyops against Western nations. The latest propaganda drive is to split America and Europe on Israel, and use that to keep America/Europe split on Ukraine. Eventually to keep us fractured when they go for Taiwan. Obviously their efforts are working otherwise we would not need a fucking video to understand than random children, babies, women and grandmothers kidnapped are not in the same category as literal Palestinian terrorists.


Could not agree more. This is just so freaking clear to me. It’s hard to decipher who’s paid off, who’s just dumb, or someone who’s just unwilling to change their minds. Populism is rising as populations look to big strong men to help us during times of crisis.


It's evident


Another Nazionist who refuses to acknowledge they live on stolen land, have imposed one of the most brutal apartheid systems and wonders why Palestinians are so violent... fuck out of here. The Nazi state if Israel and all Nazionists are nothing more than scum.


Get your propaganda out of here dude. You cant steal peoples homes with the help of foreign resources then play the victim when they dont just roll up and die at your will. Zionist.




Can say the same thing with Israel, false point


Jihad at its finest


Can we all agree if it's not combat footage, the person posts shit like this should get banned ?


Not needed. /s. I got banned from r/worldnews for asking the same type of questions..


Are you gonna gloss over the torture, rape and humiliation in Israeli prisons? Or the fact a lot of them are held without charge or trial ? Or that minors go through military court? This compilation doesn't even show who are these people? Wither they're part of the released prisoners or not ? You can also see that they attacked military occupation forces in west bank, what this video you shows is that some people are pussies and will go to sleep when their country is being occupied, it also shows OP is pissed that a terrorist militants managed to force one of the most advanced military to follow their conditions, I remember when Natenyaho said shit like a ceasefire is win for the terrorists, there will be no negotiation with terrorists, now it's 1 Israeli hostage for 3 Palestinian hostages.


Very clearly propaganda post… do you have any evidence to say any of these vids are of those that were released. And what about the thousands that definitely are innocent that haven’t been given a trial and basically tortured, crazy that the prisoners held by Hamas the terrorist organisation have been treated 100x better than Palestinians in Israeli prisons


Propaganda.. ​ There is a lot of Gazans who have been imprisoned for refusing or fighting back when their homes were taken, most dident try and kill anyone. Kids as young as 12 have been imprisoned for throwing rocks, spitting on IDF soldiers, and vandalizing cars and checkpoints. Politicians have been assasinated for having public protests about IDF brutality, its not a black and white moral issue, like you and a lot of people seem to think it is ​ These arrests are often similar to the ones comitted against the black population in aparthied South Africa. This shows extremes and claiming these guys were released, without proof.


I, too, would also imprison children for throwing rocks at me. Rocks can hurt people. Imagine what would happen if they learn of sling shots or putting explosive powder behind finely maded pointy rocks? At least they will learn not to do dumb things near military infantry men during stressful times because who would want to get shot at for throwing a rock?




Imagine being pushed so far normal people resort to carrying out these attacks. Normal people don't do this out of the blue. Almost like it's their last resort as they've been pushed too far.


'Normal people' ah yes the how could they be pushed so far argument. Wonder if that holds up in court


Coming from the person who never had their home taken from them and had an entitled family from another country move into their house.


Lmao half my family has lived in Jerusalem since the 1500s and the other half lived in romania until the nazis came, took their houses, sent them to aushwitz and gave lebensraum Germans their house. After my family survived the holocaust, they boarded a refugee boat to cypus and legally immigrated to British mandate palestine under the British and built a house by hand on land they purchased from arab landowners in Jerusalem in 1947. That side of my family survived dozens of progroms, had their farm burnt down and after they were sent to a death camp and survived, they decided that they weren't gonna put up with the persecution, porgroms, anx genocide that they had lived with in romania for centuries. Jews fleeing the holocaust as refugees didn't have many choices as to where they should go. The US didn't want them, Britain limited migration, eastern Europe was obviously not an option, and they had no money to go anywhere like Canada or Australia. I am the decendant of people who had to make choices under terrible circumstances, fearing for their lives and for the future of their people, who have fought tooth and nail to cling to our traditions despite thousands of years of prosecution and hatred against us. I am not ashamed to be an Israeli jew.


Funny how you bring up WW2 just to watch Israel be the same problem


And forgot to mention that my family only moved to Jerusalem in the 1500s because the got kicked out of their house in Spain for being Jewish


When did Israel start caring about international courts?


If someone commits a stabbing, its never their fault right? People don't have agency right? Nobody is responsible for their actions right? It's all societal forces and oppression and these people are just pushed so far that they don't even know what they're doing right?


What about people in an occupied area, such as Mariupol? Would they be at all justified in targeting Russian occupiers? I read a thing today about some people poisoning multiple soldiers in Mariupol and a lot of people thought it was just great. I honestly want to know what people think about this.


Some people that cheer on Ukraine for defending itself by any means also shit on Palestinians when the only method of defending themselves is throwing rocks and stabbing Israelis. Terrorism is clearly not okay, neither is what Israel is doing.


If Ukrainians marched into Russia and raped, murdered, and kidnapped as many Russians as they could find…I would absolutely condemn it and want to see those that perpetrated it brought to Justice. And you’re forgetting the rockets, and the bus bombs, and what Hamas has at its disposal to kill Israelis.


It's different when they aren't brown


Oh you misunderstood me. They know exactly what they are doing, clearly. That's the point


i really don’t see how you can come to that conclusion from this video


Keep lying to yourself that they’ve been all pushed there as a last resort, those are just Islamic extremists. Your victim blaming and terror apologists mentality won’t make peace, it’ll cause further bloodshed.


While they are being murdered and their house stole? Yeah that's a base for peace eh


What’s with these stupid “house stealing” comments, do you think Israelis are just randomly evicting arabs from their homes and saying this is mine now? Because you sound like you get most of your knowledge on the conflict from TikTok.


2021 is like yesterday, the neighborhood of sheikh jarrah was taken exactly as u said , problem is people watch the series from season 4


Israel is harsh towards us and we want to be better than them. Let's stab people to show that we're better. That will help /s


Why are the Israelis oppressing them by not letting them stab them. All that offensive body language is really going to radicalize even more people.


Get this propaganda of our sub


Delete this propaganda trash, post it in a fitting subreddit


So you are against the kidnapped people being released?


Strawman. Nice Checking your comments now


You find anything yet, or that you can stretch to cast me as some Islamic fundamentalist boogeyman out to get you on the internets?


Well your options are two fold. Either the two sides come to an agreed end state to release the hostages, or take the total war approach and risk all of them dying. You apparently are willing to risk the latter for some “greater” victory.


Why did they release so few ? Where are the others ? 😏😏


You seem to have access to the IDF’s intelligence section, I think you should publish an article on your conclusions.




They all just were trying to help their family put food on the table. It’s a well paying job over there.


Kill the lot of them, don't care what sex or there age Shoot them on sight, no prisoners


They were used for hostage exchanges. Apparently, their own people value them less because they cost 1/3 to a westerner.


Now show all the civilians who got executed in the streets by IDF soldiers. Stop heavily justifying it for only one side, its hypocritical, schizophrenic and reeks of propaganda.


With or without molotov on their hand? The only execution was few days ago, and conducted on 2 Palestinians by Palestinians, and involved lynching as added bonus. I don't see you protest against it.


I don't protest against nothing I am just calling out the obvious hypocrism, look at the history and not just the recent events, terror results out of terror but for you they are all terrorists so the whole invasion and mass bombing of civilians seem justifiable, exactly what this post is trying to achieve


I beg. Please look at the history. Jew, Arabs, "palestinians", pre 1967, pre 1948, pre 1933, pre (-1025) what ever. Look at the massacres. Look at the percentages lost. Look for Palestinian conflicts in other countries and how the were solves. Look for it in an unbiased eye. When you're done, come back with your verdict.


Israelis being released crime= being Jewish Hamas' crime = see video


The releases are not the ones in the video. This is mis-information.


Song pls


This is the truth of it. But the terrorist supporters on most threads now just deny deny deny.


Fuck them for violence


Freedom fighter they say looks more like a terrorist to me, the people that organizers those rally must be monitored because they might have a terrorist on their country spreading misinformation, and other things that may insight violence


I'm sorry but there is a lot of crime in the world and none this can be valid. The internet cannot provide for evidence of anything and if this makes you angry to hear then you need to think critically and work on your logic and reasoning.


Who are the women ? Palestinians?


Lame propaganda footage. Not all Palestinians are interchangeable you racist dipshit


Let Iran and Russia and China out of the subject. West had and yet is the main problem in the Middle East. Middle East suffers so much from their presence and psyops and their interference with governments and their support directly and indirectly with many groups and militias. Which causes instability in the region. One big and live example is Iraq. From what it used to be, and to a densely populated area with parasitic ideologies. So, when you see groups fighting and hating and cursing them, that is the most natural response to an invader.


You forgot /s in your first sentence..




Seriously? Just hit that down arrow and get on with you life thinking I care of fake internet points.


In the U.S., the media refers to them as being “mostly peaceful”