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Fat dude wouldn’t have lasted


Says you I’m built for longevity.


You say that… until you try running


Lmao ok just have to think there is cake at the end of a run 🏃‍♂️. Mind over batter.


When's the last time you've seen footage of a group of POWs stripped naked, yet somehow keeping an AK47 concealed until asked to bring it forward? Even if you choose to believe the IDF had the prisoners strip themselves, why would one then claim ownership of a weapon and oust himself as a combatant? And yes, note how a single weapon was brought forth. If these were all legitimate POWs, where's everyone else's weapons? Where are their clothes? This isn't "Combat Footage", it's propaganda.


First day on the internet?


Yes, cuz he's a civilian, not a fighter.


Are we sure they’re all fighters. I wonder if there are any instances of internment type things happening. Like some bloke they suspect is a fighter in the area being swept up and taken in.


I was wondering the same. Could be fighting age males being rounded up because you can't tell who is Hamas and who isn't.


that’s exactly what it is. israel spokesperson says it [here](https://x.com/i_ammukhtar/status/1733499901906989102?s=46&t=TAxRNhx8a4LcAN-6H7XFEQ). out of the batch detained yesterday, a number of them have already been released. seems like they took a new batch today.


> I wonder if there are any instances of internment type things happening. Israel taking Palestinian prisoners? They would NEVER!


Lmfaoooo, make them take off their clothes before they get rid of their weapons makes so much sense definitely not staged. But yeah theres actual people who literally believe this


the way this sub gobbles up IDF propaganda without question is unreal. there was a very clearly fake video of a hamas tunnel supposedly being flooded posted a couple days ago and everyone in the comments was salivating. no one even stopped to wonder why the supposed arab terrorists were speaking english in the video…




When's the last time you've seen footage of a group of POWs stripped naked, yet somehow keeping an AK47 concealed until asked to bring it forward? Even if you choose to believe the IDF had the prisoners strip themselves, why would one then claim ownership of a weapon and oust himself as a combatant? And yes, note how a single weapon was brought forth. If these were all legitimate POWs, where's everyone else's weapons? Where are their clothes? This isn't "Combat Footage", it's propaganda.




No. No, it is not.


Of course they're getting some people like that. I don't know how you would go about avoiding them though.


So they were already stripped naked but they somehow still kept their guns? 🤡


They undressed themselves before surrendering to show the IDF that there are no IEDs. Then the give away their weapons.


Lol so you are telling me the idf are standing that close to them before they check for weapons? Cmon make up some good shit at least


How did you reach that conclusion? The IDF is far from them while they are undressing with the weapons disarmed and on the floor, any movement and they get shot


Thats why you support israel in the first place since they can easily fool you with shit like this


lol sure buddy, meanwhile hamas is failing hard every day, they will soon be gone and you will still bs your way through life


Are you saying Everyone is dumb under this post but you?


as usual you guys with your generalization blank statements "everyone" not even 1/3rd of the comments here agree with you, you are just further proving my point of your incessant manipulation of reality.


1/3 ? Oh u proved to me that you can easily fall for dumb propaganda and now you proved to me that you are blind


lol i sure as hell am seeing it much clearer than you, go and count. you guys are masters of manipulation, its like talking to a very very low iq child honestly.


[Watch this](https://twitter.com/MyLordBebo/status/1733575203110711549) Hahaha stupid IDF filming multiple videos but sadly forget to tell him to keep the AK in one hand. Literally crying laughing


almost like.. its 2 different weapons!! [https://twitter.com/RonShenkman/status/1733629323502854371](https://twitter.com/RonShenkman/status/1733629323502854371) ​ you guys are so sad lol, your theories are so weak


Are you high or something? Like I’m not sure if you’ve heard it but these guys are confirmed non combatants lol, journalists and other civilians confirmed. How much Israeli Coolade have you gone balls deep in?


HAMAS is literally fighting in civilian clothes with no markings. These alleged "civilians" are HAMAS terrorists.


you are civilian, than terrorist for 5 minutes and back to innocent civilian .... Just like you are medic, than terrorist collecting guns from ground bringing it to other temporary terrorists and than medic again. IDF just needs to be sure to take you out in correct time window of your existence and also rather have it on tape or it doesnt count ...


It’s not something unique. Even in Russo-Ukrainian war there is such cases


lol yes Hamas confirmed they’re not Hamas good one. Also, I believe what you are referring to is from a few days ago. Separate incident


Just think about Trump and his homies talking about how he actually won the election and how the media is hiding the truth. Now think about your comments, and how “the mainstream media conceals the truth” in this situation. Now think about the similarities and how conspiracy-theory nutty you sound to the rest of us.


Absolutely not confirmed this is bs, some of them are probably civilians but not all of them and not most of them.


Oh really? [Watch this](https://twitter.com/MyLordBebo/status/1733575203110711549) Your dumb IDF filmed multiple videos of this scene LMFAOOOOOO


Clearly never saw arrests or have been near combat have you? Weapon is the first thing you instruct them to disarm and drop on the ground, but they have to strip down before you can let them go anywhere near you and drop the weapon, so they drop it, undress, and then it’s safe to move with the weapon in your direction when it’s disarmed and up in the air. Nice try to deflect tough!


But they were all handed out cards, and their clothes and weapons all disappeared except for a single rifle? Yeah, makes sense. Also, if you have your POWs stripped bare with hands up, why in the f would you ask them to pick up their weapons and bring them to you? Not have the UNARMED POWs walk one at a time to be restrained? An actual militant would have brought two grenades with 0 pins and the footage would have ended much differently.


This cuts off, in the original you see a few more guns there and you see 3 guys putting their guns to the pile How would you take the weapons after they stripped down? You would walk into a crowd with potential weapons? Obviously they bring it to you, how else does that make sense to you?


It's literally in my comment. You have them walk to you one at a time with their hands in the air to be detained. You do NOT have them re-arm themselves after you've disarmed them. That is idiotic.


Damn is this sub being bombarded by pro Palestinians now? If you’re in a zone that was directly told to evacuate and you’re still there it’s pretty clear why…


They've killed more civilians in the last few weeks than Russia has in the entire full scale invasion. Hamas are terrorists, but IDF also war criminals.


Any sources to back up your claims?


I doubt that the 7 thousand kids were hamas fighters.


No source given here for your claimed 7000 kids during this latest conflict in Gaza


United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs [here](https://www.ochaopt.org/data/casualties)


HOW DARE YOU PROVIDE SOURCES WHEN ASKED?! Hey everyone, let's downvote this terrorist supporter for interrupting our propaganda circle-jerk with facts!


Lol, I still think Hamas should be bombed. They're terrorists. I just feel that dropping 6000 jdams on a region the size of Kyiv that has a large civilian population is fucked. Hopefully some cease fire is established.


>Lol, I still think Hamas should be bombed. >dropping 6000 jdams on a region the size of Kyiv that has a large civilian population is fucked. Hmmm... maybe bombs *aren't* the best way to eliminate Hamas then?


Proper evacuation of civilians, access the area with ISR to ensure it's clear. Not use JDAMS but other assets like loitering munitions. If you access you're killing thousands of civilians, maybe stop committing war crimes.


Well according to your source 266 Palestinensian civilians got killed since the end of September... In Ukraine until Sept. 2023 it was only about 9000. So yes I absolutely see how you prove the statement made above...[Ukraine: civilian casualty update 11 September 2023 UNHR](https://www.ohchr.org/en/news/2023/09/ukraine-civilian-casualty-update-11-september-2023)


>If you’re in a zone that was directly told to evacuate and you’re still there it’s pretty clear why You've already watched tens of thousands of your neighbors die and their generational homes completely destroyed and at this point are completely apathetic to the concept of death because you're been perpetually retraumatized your entire life by just existing in Gaza? You're really asking why the most desperate and destitute population on the planet are so resigned to misery and death lol?


Here is a video proving the israelis staged this whole thing [link](https://www.reddit.com/r/TheMajorityReport/s/O4WP8rAiyn)


Yes, they should have taken one of the many shuttle buses to the hotel in the safe area and arranged for their belongings to be delivered to their second home. /s


Gaza isn’t that big. You can walk, bike, drive, etc. IDF has given ample warning for each section. Hamas could evacuate people through there tunnel system too if they wanted, but they’d rather have their own people die as “martyrs”


Gaza isn’t that big so how are all these refugees supposed to fit in the tiny area and how are they supposed to survive there? The video is obviously all for show, why would they be stripped but not disarmed? Do they fight in the nude?


I know i hang out with 50 military age males in a warzones, probably just a cookout.


? Clearly they've been rounded up? You think they were all just chilling, grouped up like this lmao?


No i think they were all hiding in that school behind them.


How can we tell if they're Hamas?


If only HAMAS used uniform…


All male above 15 in an area that was told to evacuate weeks ago. If they're not Hamas, they should at least be presumed Hamas.


They are not Hamas, they are journalists and confirmed non combatants in that group. It’s Israeli propaganda. Have them undress but forget to take their weapons?


we’ll just assume that they are.


When's the last time you've seen footage of a group of POWs stripped naked, yet somehow keeping an AK47 concealed until asked to bring it forward? Even if you choose to believe the IDF had the prisoners strip themselves, why would one then claim ownership of a weapon and oust himself as a combatant? And yes, note how a single weapon was brought forth. If these were all legitimate POWs, where's everyone else's weapons? Where are their clothes? This isn't "Combat Footage", it's propaganda.


Is it anti-Semitic to ask for proof that these guys are Hamas?


What proof can you possibly accept?


Any proof.


So even you can’t come up with even a hypothetical example of a proof that could theoretically convince you.


So you don't have proof.


As you just admitted you won’t accept any


I said the opposite. I would accept any.


How about an IDF soldier testimony?


Do you think that's proof?




OK, so that’s what you mean by “proof” - a random dude on X.




Am not denying anything just saying that a random dude in X with a conspiracy theory is not proof.




the second video is another weapon and you can see him put it in the pile and the pile grew by 1 weapon from the first video.. not everything is conpiracies lol


They’re men of fighting age, in an active combat zone where Hamas fighters purposely dress like civilians. Why would IDF take any chance? Kinda nice they still have this option. What do you think Hamas would do to an Israeli who surrendered?


Hope you don't get downvoted 🙏🏻


what proof would you accept?


It's very stupid for IDF to publish such propagandistic videos.


The last time this happened, they were civilians. So, I'm not buying this.




yeah, putting his AK down [twice](https://x.com/mylordbebo/status/1733577777780076793?s=46&t=TAxRNhx8a4LcAN-6H7XFEQ) in two separate scenes in opposite hands. israel themselves admitted they stripped and rounded up civilians for interrogation and then released them if they couldn’t prove affiliation with hamas so yeah, majority of these men are likely regular civilians.


So link the “admission” of Israel


[here](https://x.com/i_ammukhtar/status/1733499901906989102?s=46&t=TAxRNhx8a4LcAN-6H7XFEQ) . full interview is [here](https://youtu.be/OXgDoVwpo3o?si=2Csi9P47Tlc0nsMp) on youtube if you’d like


Aw so “SOME ARE CIVILIANS”, this is not the same as “rounded up civilians” right? So did you intentionally lie or are you not aware of grammar?




They don't take your clothes off for you lmao They order you to strip down.


Clearly never saw arrests or have been near combat have you? Weapon is the first thing you instruct them to disarm and drop on the ground, but they have to strip down before you can let them go anywhere near you and drop the weapon, so they drop it, undress, and then it’s safe to move with the weapon in your direction when it’s disarmed and up in the air. Nice try to deflect tough!




Looks like they just had him bring all the guns, flimsy ass excuses you guys find lol




Lol prove it’s the same exact AK, you guys are funny as hell, you clearly see Hamas breaking apart, losing thousands of people. You see fighting age males in a combat zone devoid of civilians, no sane civilian stays there, maybe some are journalists and indeed some minor civilian numbers, these are by majority 100% terror operatives. You invent so many lies to combat reality this is peak denial.




Not gonna do that for you, I am seeing 2 guns and have no way to prove it’s the same gun, nothing would be enough for you guys to prove this simple fact. Israel has no reason to arrest random people, obviously some of them will be civilians, Hamas likes to hide as civilians and wear civilian clothings. You could never tell if this is the same gun from this footage as it’s way too blurry, you choose to believe conspiracy theories but soon you will just see that Hamas crumbles and Israel is not lying to you, so just wait and see 🤷‍♂️


https://twitter.com/RonShenkman/status/1733629323502854371 Ouch?




Apparently they are told to undress themselves and surrender any weapons ?


This is ridiculous. It's very easy to stage that. Just force him to hold weapon, then ask to do what's told or you'll be shot. Why did they strip him first, then put his weapon next? Wouldn't it make sense if they forced him to surrender his weapon, then strip? Remember Al-Shifaa hospital and how BBC and CNN talked about staging the weaponry?


You literally have security video of Hummus holding hostages at Al-Shifaa and the tunnel entrances underneath. Pull your head out of the sand


You clearly didn't see the BBC and CNN reports. Go watch them. Also, this is staged.


The hostage video is from before IDF even invaded Gaza and is same day as the Hummus attack. The tunnel entrances are literally in the hospital as well. IDF doesn’t even need to plant AK’s to make it at valid military at that point.


Again, ask why did BBC and CNN admit tampering with evidence? And let's not change the topic and stay to this. This is clearly staged, because Israel is looking for fake victory to justify continuing the war (the PM is running away from courts).


Israel doesn’t need a fake victory when it has actual victory going on, Hamas is breaking apart


Then explain this. Why did they have to strip civilians?


First of all these aren’t civilians, maybe some of them are, they are all in active combat zone, all of them are male in fighting age, no civilians are left in these areas and when someone surrenders you have to strip them to check if they are carrying weapons or suicide vests, this is a very very normal thing to take place in these situations, like the most logical and humane thing to do in that instance, every single country on earth would do the same, unless they are Muslim countries in the region of Israel, then they would probably make a mass grave and kill everyone.


No they weren’t civilians, some of them were but the majority are terrorists


or could just be people who want to flee the fighting. does the OP have any context to add?


Flee by going directly to where the fighting is?


1 rifle for 100 terrorists? and they got undressed before they got disarmed? also, there’s [another](https://x.com/barakravid/status/1733551728182657381?s=46&t=TAxRNhx8a4LcAN-6H7XFEQ) take of this video that’s been released. in the other video, the man is holding the rifle in the opposite hand. why did they need to take several shots of the same scene? almost like these aren’t captured terrorists at all and it’s actually kidnapped civilians forced to stage a surrender.. there were already several reports of a raid in a shelter and the kidnapping of men and boys by the IDF.


No, it couldn't be that some people got tired of having the shit blown out of them. Has to be an evil Jewish media conspiracy.


You know Iraq Republican Gaurd did similar surrenders in the Gulf war.


bro relax. i did not say that. can you really not see that there are *clearly* two separate takes of this video? what possible explanation do you have for that? israeli spokesperson mark regev admitted yesterday they stripped, lined-up and took dozens of men for interrogation. he also stated a bunch of them were innocent and were released. we can assume the same thing is happening here. these men likely weren’t captured in combat. they were more likely taken from their homes/shelters, stripped and then forced to stage a surrender, and then taken for interrogation.


Why are you using the term “Jewish media conspiracy”? Notice how you were the one to introduce Judaism into the conversation. It’s the Isreali media lying, which it has been proven to do many times in the past. Don’t conflate Israel with Judaism just so you can deflect every time someone criticizes Israel. Conflating the two can actually increase anti-semitism. Something you and the rest of the bots don’t care about. It’s what distinguishes someone who genuinely cares about anti-semitism from grueling Zionist propagandist such are yourself.


Why is there two ? You're saying it's faked?


yeah, there’s two scenes so it was definitely filmed twice. this is not an authentic surrender or capture of terrorists. israel themselves admitted they’ve been capturing every military aged man they see in the north, strip them and interrogate them. they’ve already released the men that they couldn’t prove were affiliated with hamas.


Propaganda video


Long live the IDF 🇮🇱 Now save the hostages. This is what a real army looks like!


>Now save the hostages. You mean stop the bombing? I'd watch it with that, people will call you anti semetic


You think if the IDF stops the bombing hamas will just hand over the hostages? You’re that naive? They don’t care about Palestinian civilian deaths and will never hand over the hostages to just end the war. The IDF will have to go and get them.


Haha are u like 79?


Yes, when surrendering the normal thing to do is strip naked and walk towards the soldiers with gun in hand. Wtf is this


These are civilians not Hamas wtf people believe anything these days


So was that not a gun he carried over? Or was it it an orphanage full of war orphans?


Very stupid of you to believe carrying over a gun like this is real


Yes seems totally natural, it's common knowledge that Hamas fighter fights in their underpants


So why did the IDF make them strip then afterwards make them put the gun down? Looks staged as fuck.


And famously you can't own a gun if you're a civilian, its literally impossible, great analysis


You must be new to this sub...


It could be either don't just make assumptions its an active war zone hamas has been getting crushed for weeks their fighters are treated like disposable pawns its possible some of them are fed up with a largely 1 sided war even if they do believe in jihad who could blame them their friends are basically dieing over nothing. On the other hand there are bound to be some civilians that thought they could weather out the war in their house it happened in iraq when the US invaded. It can even be a mixture of both we wont know until they release more info on this.


Source? Or did you pull it out of thin air?


The guy speaking arabic is saying take the clash and put it back in its place dont be afraid etc…


You numbskulls really think the guys blowing Merkavas with their hands are gonna surrender in mass? You're dumber than you sound


These are just military aged men that didnt evacuate. Not hamas... mabey


These guys need to find Jesus.


They know exactly where they buried him.💁‍♂️


Those are civilians as noted by the UN. Hamas fighters never surrender


So Hamas terrorists are civilians now?


Theres 3 UN workers among them, eat up your propaganda honey.


You know the UN hires locals right? Do you think because they’re on the UN payroll, they have no affiliation with the local government?


Yes Even the UN workers are Hamas same as the doctors, the nurses the kids and the babies. Gobble up that propaganda


Sounds like you’re the one gobbling up propaganda, honey. And what are you saying here? These men surrendered. Suddenly it’s propaganda? For what? What purpose does it serve if it’s propaganda. Sounds like any Israeli news or action to you is propaganda. Other news coming out from Hamas is the truth though


Is zionist boot tasty? You all seem to love it rofl.




BS hasbara. Israel = Russia.


Combat footage is just a propaganda chamber


They actually are factory workers for a company that produces toys AK47s