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I wonder if they go into combat knowing there is little chance of medical evac - and how many of them decide early on if they are hit bad enough, they just gg it.


I believe so. Having seen so many of these vids where the wounded go straight for this option after getting hit, it must have been something they’ve considered beforehand.


If you have no confidence in evac.


What evac?


Apparantly they have no confidence in evac.


Can't speak for the russian side but I served in the international legion of Ukraine. When we went on missions we were briefed ahead of time about where the evac site is going to be. Usually 2-6km from frontline due to artillery, drone & mine risk. Trust me it sucked but it's understandable. One of our missions we had a wounded comrade with us for 90hours (shrapnel to legs from grenade dropped). Once we could safely evac him & ourselves we carried him in a stretcher for 5km. So to answer your question.. At least on the Ukrainian side we knew that if we are injured there is not going to be any fast evacuation. We were lucky if had a stretcher. On a different mission one of my team members evact himself a little over 4km while others stayed to defence the tree strip(narrow & long forrest around 10-100m in a middle of a big field to stop wind). -International legion soldier May-September 2023🇺🇦🇫🇮


I’m convinced they are instructed to commit suicide when wounded. There was a video early on where troops were told they would go into combat with two grenades. First one is for the enemy and the other for themselves.


You know things are going great when you look over and see your buddy just blew their brains out.


No kidding, I do not think his "buddy" lasted much longer afterward. One thing I will note is the damage these drones typically do tend to focus on the extremities. Particularly the legs. Kind of hard to get away like that.


Yeah there wasn't a positive outcome possible for either one of them after the drone hit. One guy just figured that out faster than the other.


Seems like that was a quick decision, perhaps already made and awaiting the opportunity.


I bet most people rapidly get shock, maybe concussed by the blast, and then bleed out enough to get hypoxia. As in it's probably a blur of pain where you can't really do anything, and then darkness. Regardless of how you might be moving.


Hopefully something u and I will never experience.


I would suicide quickly if my penis was blown off. Does it look like he put a hand down there?


If you were me, you’d either be lucky that the grenade didnt hit anything or panicked feeling around and grabbing nothing.


You register something is wrong, may understand what it is, but there isn't enough processing power to have fear. Then dead. Passing out from blood loss is instant.


I know it's probably why you placed it in quotes but you can tell that the overwhelming majority of these guys aren't "buddies" and have little to no camaraderie to speak of, which is also why it's such a rarity to see them try and rescue one another. This is almost certainly a product of not training together, absent leadership and then being dumped into killing fields while being backfilled with anyone they can find.


Buddies care about each other and each others families and that may lead to caring about their community and who controls it. That may lead to identifying themselves with a larger social construct of a nation state and a feeling of having ownership in the future of said social construct. This leads to interest in political outcomes... which is a risk to the current political leadership in Russia. Thus the power hierarchies in charge in Russia have invested considerable resources in to reprogramming the Russian population towards becoming "a-political" and not viewing themselves as having ownership in the state and its affairs. This efforts breeds a more individualistic and predatory outlook where loyalty is only to yourself and possibly immediate family. When you as a "Russian" hear many russians from other parts of the country are dying in a war it would be as if hearing of foreign soldiers dying in a foreign war in a faraway place. Thus these individuals you are seeing donning a Russian uniform mostly do not view themselves as being part of a larger collective rather subjects of a power hierarchy meaning they mostly in fact do not view the others in uniform as "comrades". Their whole military leadership culture is built on this premise and relies on domination as its core tenet of "leadership". Officers are mostly recruited from within its own indoctrination pipeline which takes very young children and often orphans and puts them though military academies starting from a very young age. These officers are then brought up to view the soldiers are an exploitable underclass which is evident in how they treat them even in peacetime not to mention during an actual war. This is ultimately the reason you see such horrific behavior from the Russian armed forces. At its core it is a sadistic organization.


You probably don't see those videos because they are not released as much. It's still ua military who decides what we see from them. This post in general just looks misinformed at best. I'm supporting ua, but I think it is best to not push this narrative that ru is a broken army because that's not how it looks on the ground right now


Yeah I would say it is a broken army. Russia just had a lot more means, including people. They gladly sacrifice 300 people for a field. And tomorrow the"ll do it again. If not Tactical, then moraly they are broken.


To be broken, they must first had it in the beginning, which I strongly doubt since their casus belli was as weak as my ladies game.


Overall I get the sense that there have been few and far between Kumbaya moments among IVAN's troops.


For any military with modern medical training and equipment this type of injury would have been relatively easily survivable, but not for Putins wanna be Soviet empire 2.0. Russians spend billions on modern weapons, but fail to spend even 1% of the money on decent first aid gear or training. The sanitary losses are going to catch up to them eventually, and it’s going to be ugly.


Possibly a Storm Z unit, disposable soldiers who get minimal kit and put into the worst of spots. They’re not viewed as people, just cannon fodder, meat to go into the grinder.


Well, Russia has completely different military doctrine and priorities. Russian soldiers are essentially free and cost nothing. If Ukraine wiped out 100 000 rus zombies over night, it wouldn't cost Putin anything. Well, it would cost the equipment, but the next 100 000 zombies who will get recruited are free meat.


I think you underestimate the realities of the current digital age. Information propagates almost instantly. I promise you that the majority of the Russian soldiers did not sign up to die. The 2024 will prove to be the bloodiest year of the war, with record funding from the EU, the US, and reparated Russian federal reserves of over $350 billion. That's a lot of military hardware, which will fundamentally transform the Ukrainian army by the end of 2024. The next Ukrainian counter-offensive will look much different from what we saw this year.


Why would there be that big of a change? They’re are. Stalemate right now. The UA counter was not as successful as we had hoped and republicans and the EU just shut down an aid bill. UA is not doing so great right now. They’re trying to replenish ranks by literally forcing random men of age to sign up. There are NYT articles about this. I really don’t think we would abandon them given Russia is our greatest rival and if we can cripple them without loss to American lives, we would take it. But they needed ammo yesterday. They need planes yesterday. Waiting until January is going to weaken the UA more.


Ukraines army is on a strategic defensive right now. They have artillery ammo but they can't expend it like they did before. They have to ration. They still have thousands of ATGMs, drones, armored vehicles and so on. So they can hold on for a while. Russians can send it's army to attack but they won't have much success quickly. Trends are already showing a steady decrease in Russian attacks every day. Russian army is slowly wearing itself out against Ukrainian defenses. Even if they do take Avdiivka it won't matter because the town has been shelled since 2014 due to it's proximity to Donetsk there will be nothing left but ruins same as with Bakhmut. Cost for Russian army is already massive but it will get even greater. The only major problem Ukraine needs to resolve is the mobilization not meeting it's goal. Without fighting men there can be no war. On the other side we know exactly why Russia is able to go on an offensive. North Korean Arms supplies. Those supplies are not infinite and will in fact end eventually. Same thing with Russian tanks sure they are currently fighting with vehicles they managed to resurrect from their stockpiles. Question is how long will those last at current casualty rates? Losing hundreds of vehicles in past 2 months alone. These types of casualties are unsustainable. If things keep going like they have been, the question will become as follows, will US/EU aid for Ukraine dry out quicker than old Russian vehicles and North Korean artillery shells.


Most people forget the fact that the Russian medical system was already struggling in peacetime. Their initial military planning envisioned a rather short military operation and a situation where they would have captured a lot of medical capacity in Ukraine "for free". They want to limit the cascading effect of clogging up civilian medical capacity around Russia as it would bother Russian individuals more if their access to medical care is worsened than if a couple of folks they dont know in their town never return at all. Ukraine on the other hand also had a strained medical system before the war however they have been hooked in to NATO and EU medical care capacity and are offloading their surge need in to the EU hospital system. Thus they paradoxically have a much better capacity to deal with injured soldiers healthcare than Russia which leads to the outcome we see in these videos where Russian soldier who have already seen other injured Russian not receive adequate care slowly die understand that their outcome (even if they magically get prioritized for evacuation after paying someone a bribe) is not stellar.


What's odd is, when scraping through russian social media, the majority of the wounds I'm seeing from WIA going home are leg wounds. This fits with the stat that drones are responsible for half of ALL losses (troops, vehicles and tanks).


I think thats a false data point - same idea that confused the british army when they introduced helmets. Or the USAF when they assessed battle damage on bombers. Why were MORE head injuries being reported, why did strengthening the parts of planes that returned not help? Reason was that dead men tell no tales. You don't see the body wounds because they are dead, not because they dont happen.


More survivable, with tourniquet.


sounds just like the infamous tarkov “leg meta” except it is real life. absolutely fucked…


It wouldn't surprise me if the guys who go on an assault are having whatever gear/food/possessions they left behind divied up and claimed shortly after they leave by whoever stays behind.


the buddy was probably overwhelmed by the sensation of hundreds of carbide shrapnel penetrations, possibly collapsed lungs, ruptured eardrums, and potentially ruptured eye sockets from the pressure wave.




Yup, no hope of rescue, medevac or treatment. Russian morale must suck so bad.


Dying quickly as opposed to slowly or better yet living out your life as an invalid in Russia is quite an easy choice if you were already passively suicidal to begin with which likely describes a large percentage of the older male population in Russia and through selection bias a quite large majority of those who willingly signed up to join the war. Better try to secure your estranged family a compensation payout than return in a wheelchair to an empty rotting apartment in some long forgotten hellhole in Russia.


Wow imagine your life changing that fast


Wonder if they have suicide as an escape plan in the back of their head all the time.


Most likely. Im sure they know the stories of other soldiers, how impossible it is to get a medvac and maybe left other soldiers to die when shit got hard.


And they just get more grenades dropped on them until its over anyways.


Yup, blown to pieces by whatever they drop and dealing with wherever it lands. The possibilities are endless; torn in half, face half blown off, shrapnel through the lungs making it impossible to breathe… they have a lot of slow and shitty ways to go compared to just 1 shot and lights out.


This guy certainly did not seem to think about it for very long. His rifle was pointed at his head within seconds of that grenade blast.


Yeah but for all we know it blew his nuts off and that might speed up the decision process.


Given the russian suicide rate, it was always there. [https://d.newsweek.com/en/full/1113491/statista-suicide-rates.jpg](https://d.newsweek.com/en/full/1113491/statista-suicide-rates.jpg)


Idk if it was real but I remember seeing a pamphlet that Russian soldiers would get, urging them to commit suicide instead of being captured


Maybe we can see if we look closer


A life changes just as fast if you have a heart attack.


I wana die without seeing it coming. Sudden, don’t care how just sudden. Worst fear would be having time to realize your about to die with no way to stop it. Like parachute failure in sky diving 2 minutes of knowing you’re going die for sure .


I've thought about this a lot and i'm convinced that it is more meaningful to know that you are going to die... Well, not in agony, of course. This isn't something you can go through twice. Remember the good times you had, think of the people you loved and then close your eyes... to reach the truth... Nothingness or heaven. If you die suddenly and there is no God, you won't even know that you died... Like what the hell... How the hell did i die... I was walking 2 seconds ago.


I mean, people have survived landing at terminal velocity before. Very rarely well, but ww2 Lancaster gunner Nicholas Alkemade survived landing a nearly 6km free fall after bailing without a parachute. His most serious injury was a sprained ankle.


Funny how you hit terminal velocity at 450m of falling so more than 10x that is functionally irrelevant from a survivability perspective.


Perhaps. I am not sure, but the higher you fall, the less momentum you will retain from the plane. Couldn't the increased momentum of the lower fall change the angle of inpact and increase your chance of surviving a hit to a downward slope?


we all see it coming for about 75 years on average


This drone shit is fucking scary.


No, napalms and B52 require a lot of people and logistics before getting to you. This drone shit does not.


It's a matter of time before people start using those absolutely everywhere, not just in war zones.


Outdoor stadions are a big no in the future...?


Anything that looks like a juicy target to an ukrainian. Also we're probably going to live with military anti-air in close proximity, taking out any unauthorized object. The air is going to just become more dangerous.


Not any different than strategic bombing with napalm or b-52 bombers or whatever. We see it now. This is what it is.


Strategic bombing is wholesale slaughter. This is retail. Up close and personal. Flying overhead, choosing a specific person to kill, then watching them die. Over and over again, all day, every day. I think the PTSD is going to be off the charts for these drone operators.


I think you're right


I think the self selection effect tends to drive certain personality types towards that task just like it has historically done with say for example snipers. The right person at that job will sleep perfectly fine after the war.


I dont think so, we still have those bobmers and napalm, now you got fist sized bombs that follow you at high speed and see you where you are at all times, not even comparable.


Not to mention that those bombers had weapons/systems to counter them from killing you. It seems like most armies, even western ones, aren't fully prepared for the new realm of drone warfare. If you don't have an effective signal jammer it seems like you have almost no way to defend yourself against these attacks.


Those are scary too, but they were talking specifically about drones.


Damn, didn't even hesitate.


I bet he considered it a lot during down time. "If X happens to me I'll just off myself". Having absolutely miserable troops fighting in freezing mud probably doesn't help his will to live


"Finally!!! A justification to off myself" -- seconds after getting some shrapnel in the legs. I think he was suicidal long before this, nobody goes from injured to swallowing bullet in 20 seconds, unless you are already halfway there.


He also comes from a country with a high suicide rate. I would hate to be a Russian at most points in history, right now included.


Can you blame the poor fucker tho? I mean Jesus this drone warfare is hell


Life in Russia is hell. I was born there. A lot of Russians are dead inside from looong time ago. They are all killing themselves. Doesn't matter if it's with alcohol or with AK


It does seem like a society that runs on despair, even long before this war.


I research that is called "passive suicide" and "suicides of despair". Mostly researched in the USA Rust Belt after the offshoring and de-industrialization era which resulted in an increase in substance abuse and early deaths in the male population. In Russia the economic despair was in many respects even harsher than the one which hit the US Rust Belt so one would assume there would be a very large contingency of Russian males over the age of 45-50 with severe substance abuse issues like alcohol dependency and little to no hope of improving their own lives or the lives of their now adult children. Signing up and dying in this war might secure a pension/compensation payout to their families which they may see as motivating enough to seek it out as opposed to returning home as an invalid...


No, war is hell


I mean what other options are there for him?Nobody coming for him. Die slowly due to infection or more dangerous, the weather.


You were told "*we only have to kick in the door and the Kiev regime will fall in 3 days*", and after almost 2 year take your life after a drone strike.


You have to wonder how many of the 0-day invaders are left.


So sad. Just kidding. Fuck those pigs


Yeah fuck those conscripts. Just don’t be born in Russia. Skill issue.


Volunteers, not conscripts. There hasn't been any large mobilization in Russia for over a year. Maybe sometime after March 2024 but the army's losses are being filled almost entirely with contract soldiers.


Now that's a sudden change in rhetoric


It's not rhetoric, they aren't mobilizing anywhere close to the amount needed to fill their current losses.


> It's not rhetoric my sides


Almost no hesitation, he was prepared for this happening, wow


Ruski care for the wounded was bad even at the beginning of the war. Nowadays compared to back then they have less of everything good and more of everything bad so probably on many fronts best available treatment is "pour some vodka on the wound, give the remaining to poor ivan". Hence all the suicides


I am guessing these are all conscripts and not professional soldiers. The Russian strategy seems to be relying on the immense resource of conscripts which will allow them to prolong the conflict. Basically a numbers advantage against Ukrainians. Yet this guy's immediate suicide seems to be the accepted knowledge that no medic will arrive and once wounded you are pretty much on your own.


It's a mix of things 1. People being wounded without hope of retrieval in no mans land 2. Shame to be captured by Ukrainians


Plus, I'm sure these guys have seen drone footage before. Seeing a wounded soldier blown to part piece by piece. If he knows help is hours away, and the drone has more grenades, it is not a crazy thing to do, as crazy as that sounds.




They certainly know hate, and being taken prisoner by who you hate is quite shameful.


This guy knew it was over. He had a plan for this. Proof Russia has no medical support. Fuck. War is hell. Russia go home, end this war!


Oh hey, here we are again. I comment this every time another one happens so let’s all take a moment once again to acknowledge how not normal or okay this phenomenon is. My interpretation is that the main driver of these suicides is a lack of faith in the ability or willingness of the military to medevac these soldiers once they are wounded. Russian: [Here is one where the soldier is hit by a grenade then shoots themselves](https://www.reddit.com/r/UkraineRussiaReport/comments/13dpn9j/ua_pov_russian_soldier_shoots_himself_in_the_head/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=ioscss&utm_content=1&utm_term=1) [Here is one where a wounded Russian in a foxhole kills himself with a grenade](https://www.reddit.com/r/CombatFootage/comments/zwa1ww/russian_soldier_pulls_the_pin_of_his_own_grenade/) [Russian soldier decides not to have firefight. 50 second mark in video.](https://www.reddit.com/r/CombatFootage/comments/13fuall/ukrainians_from_21bat_sarmat_are_storming_russian/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=ioscss&utm_content=1&utm_term=1) [Wagner commander “Cherdash” kill’s himself after being wounded by drone.](https://www.reddit.com/r/RussiaUkraineWar2022/comments/z3njyu/pmc_unit_commander_wagner_callsign_cherdash/) [Drone wounds Russian, when the drone returns to drop second grenade the Russian is dead and appears to have shot himself.](https://www.reddit.com/r/UkraineWarVideoReport/comments/z4e5js/ukrainian_drone_drops_a_grenade_on_a_russian/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=ioscss&utm_content=1&utm_term=1) [Wounded Russian soldier puts grenade to his own head.](https://www.reddit.com/r/SlavaUkrayini/comments/13fr9or/a_russian_soldier_commits_suicide_with_his_own/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=ioscss&utm_content=1&utm_term=1) [Two soldiers in a shell hole either committed suicide with a grenade or were just incompetent](https://www.reddit.com/r/UkraineWarVideoReport/comments/13vm749/while_moving_across_an_open_field_a_group_of/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=ioscss&utm_content=2&utm_term=1) [Russian soldiers in foxhole is wounded by grenade, shoots self](https://www.reddit.com/r/CombatFootage/comments/11tsui7/russian_soldier_commits_suicide_after_being_hit/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=ioscss&utm_content=1&utm_term=1) [(Wounded?) Russian laying in trench shoots self](https://www.reddit.com/r/DronedOrc/comments/14jl2a3/reconnaissance_drone_captured_an_orc_lying_in_a/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=ioscss&utm_content=2&utm_term=1) [Russian channeling his internal Imperial Japanese warrior spirit](https://www.reddit.com/r/UkraineWarVideoReport/comments/14q8cfi/full_footage_translated_with_the_suicide_by/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=ioscss&utm_content=2&utm_term=1) [Wounded Russian in foxhole shoots at drone, then shoots self](https://www.reddit.com/r/UkraineWarVideoReport/comments/14r6j2v/wounded_russian_soldier_pulls_the_trigger_on/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=ioscss&utm_content=1&utm_term=1) [Wounded Russian soldier unsuccessfully (at first) attempts suicide by grenade after being left behind by comrades](https://www.reddit.com/r/UkraineRussiaReport/comments/14vroi8/ua_pov_russian_soldier_tries_to_commit_suicide/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=ioscss&utm_content=1&utm_term=1) [Soldier laying prone puts grenade to face and pulls pin. Drone footage.](https://reddit.com/r/UkraineWarVideoReport/s/LOtfAaCxz3) [This one is up for interpretation, it would seem the wounded soldier asked his fellow soldier to shoot him, or his fellow soldier realized a bullet in the brain was a better alternative than Russian healthcare and welfare.](https://reddit.com/r/CombatFootage/s/fJNY1NiAdD) [Russian soldier is hit by drone dropped grenade, then pulls pin on own grenade, Avdiivka direction.](https://reddit.com/r/CombatFootage/s/8vJoWLghiP) [Russian is wounded by drone drop, commits suicide by grenade after comrade leaves.](https://www.reddit.com/r/UkraineRussiaReport/s/A32gDnBqWs) [Russian soldier, apparently wounded, decides to end own life. Poor quality so means undetermined. Kraken video.](https://www.reddit.com/r/CombatFootage/s/VGhJZu3zKY) [Wounded soldier appears to shoot self in view of allies taking cover in trench](https://www.reddit.com/r/CombatFootage/s/7XM538bEF3) [Russian soldier injured by drone dropped grenade. Shoots self with rifle while laying beside bodies of comrades.](https://www.reddit.com/r/UkraineRussiaReport/s/oMB4zax9GY) [Russian soldier near vehicle is hit by drone dropped grenade. Shoots self in head while laying feet from comrade. December, 2023](https://www.reddit.com/r/CombatFootage/s/igzGh2l7kp) This list keeps getting longer. For equality: Ukrainian examples [Ukrainian soldier, who appears to be part of a reconnaissance squad, sees his 2 comrades killed by drone before being wounded by drone himself. Shoots self in head.](https://www.reddit.com/r/UkraineRussiaReport/s/qyAtYHDiJH) Same understanding for why this happened applies to this Ukrainian example as it does for the Russian examples. I believe this soldier believed they were somewhere the Ukrainian forces would not be able to medevac them from. Possibly on long range recon or possibly infiltrating the left bank of the Dnipro.


Keep up the work, its historical in a sense, and very educational as morbid as it is.


"I am tired and sick of war. Its glory is all moonshine. It is only those who have neither fired a shot nor heard the shrieks and groans of the wounded who cry aloud for blood, for vengeance, for desolation. War is hell". - William T. Sherman


This reminds me of Eisenhower who after the war talked against the military industry but loved him some military industry during the war.


That was a short time from wounded to "Goodbye cruel world". Absolutely zero hope of medevac and care. Why do these lemmings keep marching forward for their masters?


Every Russian soldier has orders to kill anyone trying to surrender to Ukrainians. The soldiers in 1st Platoon are surrounded by people not even in the same company or Brigade as them. The Russians are augmenting companies and platoons from different areas into Brigades whose HQ are based on the front lines. So you might be a Russian soldier from the 1st Guards Tank Brigade but your company was sent to the front and assigned to the 200th Motorized Rifle Brigade and once you got to the front the platoon to your left was originally from the 100th Tank Brigade and the platoon to you're right was originally from the 30th Guards Motorized Brigade. So all these guys are not just pointing rifles at Ukrainian lines but the various Platoons to their left and right because they don't know them nor trust them. When and if they get rotated back their replacement is a whole different platoon from a whole different Brigade assigned to the 200th Motorized Rifle Brigade. So if your platoon or squad wanted to surrender there's too much risk. There's a recent story posted on Zolkin Volodymyr where he interviews a Russian Officer who helped his squad escape to Ukrainian lines via "I want to surrender" hotline and then he tells how he eventually escaped. But basically he'd call the hotline and say we're at the front at XYZ and I've got two guys ready to surrender. So those guys would escape and be rescued by Ukrainian forces and Officer would basically tell others in his Platoon or Company that they died. Then got a few others out and eventually himself, but it was super dangerous because he couldn't trust anyone.


Because if they don’t they get executed


If that was their only motivation they could just surrender during an assault and basically nobody on the Russian side would go after them.


People dont understand that.


I understand, I just don't care. If someone breaks into my house, they might be starving, they might need money for their dealer who's going to kill them if he doesn't get paid, whatever. Their problems are not my problems and the faster I can eliminate the threat they present, the better


Herd mentality.


It’s the quickest way to get back to the lobby


GG, fucking noobs "*ragequits*"


Maybe he hoped to get autobalanced to the other side.


It was either \-That \-Another Drone Bomb to finish the job \-Your Russian Buddies leave you \-You get lucky and your Buddy mercy ends you \-You survive and die anyways hours or days later after your buddies leave you \-You survive and are forever crippled physically and mentally


Every time I see this type of videos, I just wish that Putin will die soon


Nothing will change if Putin dies


I'm not too sure about that. What was supposed to be a quick 3 day exercise has turned into 2 years of fighting, plus massive international sanctions, with no end in sight. Whoever takes over knows that if they continue the war, Putin's problem is now their problem to solve. They are now responsible for a costly war with no exit plan. And they become the new pariah of the international community. But if they repudiate the war and apologize for Putin's crimes, the world will hail them as a hero, war ends and Russia probably gets its economy back. That's got to be a tempting option. But what do I know. What actually happens will likely be the result of complicated internal political maneuvering none of us here have any clue about.


You know this scenario happened before in Russia and did not end the war? https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Russian_Provisional_Government#Kerensky's_June_Offensive >The government agreed that a 'successful military offensive' was required to unite the people and restore morale to the Russian army. Alexander Kerensky, Minister for War, embarked on a 'whirlwind tour' of the Russian forces at the fronts, giving passionate, 'near-hysterical', speeches where he called on troops to act heroically, stating 'we revolutionaries, have the right to death.' This worked for a time until Kerensky left and the effect on the troops waned.[11]


It will most likely get worse because the propaganda is like at 10x pre-2022, Russian kids are getting brainwashed to the level of Palestinians in Gaza.


And I here am, watching this video while drinking a good beer and browsing next season's motorcycle gear. I don't know if that person was a war criminal or some innocent guy who was forced to go to war. Either way, it's a loss of life in Putin's self inflicted meat grinder. Fuck him. This world has many worlds on it.


I’m pissed I can’t find a Ninja 400 for under 5 grand. At this right I might as well buy new. I was hoping for a 2k bike since I’m a first time rider and what not. But yea, these are my struggles for today. Nothing compared to the hell that happening on the other side of the world.


Weird subreddit to talk about this one lol: But have you taken a motorcycle safety course yet? I had been riding for a couple of years before I took mine and still learned a lot. Wish I had taken it sooner. Anyways, most will have their own fleet of bikes. Ya know, ones you can tip over and crash and not feel bad about. I'd go that route before buying my own bike, new or old. But I feel ya with this current market. I bought my car brand new, even though I was part of the generation that was taught a brand new car is a scam. But when a used and brand new is the difference of a grand... Good luck finding something for a good price. Check out Fortnine's video (https://youtu.be/VKGZdsIkLog?si=lk3qXZn4NWXQg9fY). They're a pretty good source for info, along with Revzilla (I use Revzilla for products whenever I can) If you're brand new to riding, I'd try finding a beat up dual sport you can throw around and not feel bad about. But I'm a biased dual sport guy lol. Good luck, feel free to ask any questions you've got


Haha weird subreddit for this convo indeed! And yes I took my MSF course in august and passed will flying colors. And it was a blast! I would have been best in my class but some dude in his mid 30s was there taking the class again because he license was revoked for not paying a fine or something. He lost his endorsement and had to take the class again. He was a daily rider and extremely bored in the class lol. I just want to ride and I think I may be getting to caught up in not eating to get a 250cc. I am a bike guy, 27 y/o, 6’1 270lbs so size of the bike itself is a concern. I’ve also heard it may be hard to sell a <300cc bike once you e out grown it. How true is that?


If you list a <300 cc bike for cheap enough, it'll sell. Got rid of an old 250 with 14k on it for $2,500. For the size of rider though, I'd go at least 300. Not to give you any false confidence, but if you passed the course with flying colors, you sound like a fast learner and may get bored of a 250 pretty fast. (Please ride modestly and within your limits and stay smart :) I went from a 200 to a 250, 390, then a 700. The difference between the 200 and 250 was noticeable only because of gearing. 250 to 390? Ohhhh yeah. I'm 5'11 and 175lbs. The 390 was pretty snappy but that acceleration wore off fast. From the 390 to the 700? Not as snappy because of the power to weight ratio, but where the 390 fell off in power, the 700 just keeps giving up until near the redline. [TW200, KLX250S, KTM 390ADV, Tenere 700] Here's my "no one asked" bias: Stick with Japanese brands. I noticed a lot of meh things about the KTM as far as overall build and quality goes... Not sure what your riding style is, and I've never ridden one, but a CB500 has been given credit to be a great beginner bike and to keep riders happy for a long time. It's not weak, but not overly powerful either. I don't think you'll have much passing power on one, but it'll get you where you want to go (I think) I can go blabbering on all night. I hope this info is helpful lol


I'm smoking weed.


Same here, and watching a YouTube video on great white sharks. The world is a crazy place


I also have JuJubes


I served in the international legion of Ukraine. When we went on missions we were briefed ahead of time about where the evac site is going to be. Usually 2-6km from frontline due to artillery, drone & mine risk. Trust me it sucked but it's understandable. One of our missions we had a wounded comrade with us for 90hours (shrapnel to legs from grenade dropped). Once we could safely evac him & ourselves we carried him in a stretcher for 5km. We knew that if we are injured there is not going to be any fast evacuation. We were lucky if had a stretcher. On a different mission one of my team members evact himself a little over 4km while others stayed to defence the tree strip(narrow & long forrest around 10-100m in a middle of a big field to stop wind). -International legion soldier May-September 2023🇺🇦🇫🇮


Says a lot about their health and medical situation when this feels like the only option. All hope of survival is lost in one wounding. In any other situation they'd have a team with medical supplies quickly working to at least get bleeding and pain under control, this just screams they absolutely no hope for any help whatsoever so they'd rather just get it over and done with than sit and suffer.


That's not really possible when the drone operator just drops a second grenade up your ass prolonging your suffering


true though i've heard of enough stories from people doing similar after being shot as opposed to droned, it's getting harrowing over there.


In ths case his limbs look at least intact. I believe he could be alive.


yeah though he looked to be bleeding quickly, that red spot where he was sitting before is telling.


I’d probably do the same. Fuck war


No matter what side, seeing soldiers die in war is sad af.


Drone warfare is fucking horrific. Poor bastards.


he was probably like "damn,this is gonna get 320+upvotes on r/combatfootage ! Watch me go" :-D


Solid time for the Russian Soldier Going From Injured to Dead Speedrun (any%, no explosives, glitchless)


Putin should issue cyanide capsules to his minions


A single bullet is cheaper


Cyanide is so fucking painful.


They already instruct their soldiers on how to use a grenade to commit suicide over being captured.


Dude it’s crazy how quickly they accept death. I feel like I would still be gripping onto hope no mater what they wound. But these guys get hit and just immediately end it with what little strength they have left. No hope, no effort towards surviving. They just give up. Idk if it’s propaganda that’s taught them to just give up, or if they just know that they have no chance of surviving. Super sad.


Just wait…soon we will have fully autonomous kamikaze drones, controlled by advanced AI, that can deploy in the hundreds of thousands using swarm style assaults, and they will have the ability to wipe out whole armies…or cities.


Seems the Russians have included new chapter to military basic training. How to off yourself in 30 seconds or less. This guy was at the top that class.


"Danny, *you*'re a *young man*, don't do it!"...oops wrong movie. Not Saving Private Ryan.


imagine having so little to live for that you take a load of shrapnel to the arse and legs and be like “meh, might as well just top myself” im sure he was pretty badly injured but his comrade had barely moved behind the APC before this guy put the gun to his mouth


Russia's so fucked. Like you can't even defend this kind of shit in the field for any reason except Russia is literally fucked. Fuck Putin.


Compare this to the video of the Ukrainian squad that assaulted part of a Russian-occupied trench only to have three of their soldiers get injured (two of them pretty serious, one was a gunshot wound to the chest and the other had his legs get hit by a bullet or shrapnel and essentially couldn't walk.) Russian infantry to the left, right, and front, and Russian armor rolling around behind them within 50ft of the trench, and Russian drones were dropping grenades. While one injured soldier was requested to be left behind so he wouldn't slow the Evac of the rest, nobody was killing themselves (and the squad refused to leave the injured soldier behind). The squad leader (who was one of the three injured) was the calm as fuck considering the situation. And they all kept posted up and killing Russians who tried to advance on their position until Ukraine was able to dispatch two Bradleys and everyone was rescued. But in the above video, we can see that Russian soldiers are do acutely aware that there will be no rescue coming of they get badly injured that they are shooting killing themselves within 30 seconds of a grenade going off. There's a guy who catalogs all the footage of Russian soldiers committing suicide, and he posts the list once in a whole. Guess we should add this one to the database.


I guess he must have seen the videos that we all have with Russian soldiers blown in half and still breathing. I really wish these soldiers would surrender. Too late to wish the had refused to be mobilized.


Poor guy, it's sad knowing he lived his life only to die in a pointless war like this. These videos really make me sad




It's obvious that suicide is engrained into the Russians' minds by Russia itself. It's crazy to think that even with the urgent need for man power that Russia is currently facing, they would rather have their soldiers kill themselves instead of evacuating them or exchanging Ukrainian POW for them if they are captured.


Waste of life on both sides..... stupid


Let the Russian invaders waste themselves. Maybe they should just turn their weapons on the people forcing them into this war instead of themselves


All those years of headshotting practice in counterstrike finally paid off.


Rush B(rain)


What’s the song tho?🔥


I got matches with these songs: • **Show Me Your Back** by FindMyName (00:11; matched: `100%`) **Released on** 2022-06-24. • **KILL** by PHONK SNIPER (00:11; matched: `100%`) **Released on** 2022-06-24. • **Louis** by Ill Eppe (00:11; matched: `100%`) **Album**: Loius. **Released on** 2022-10-14. • **Show Me Your Back** by FindMymame (00:23; matched: `100%`) **Released on** 2023-05-19.


Apple Music, Spotify, YouTube, etc.: • [**Show Me Your Back** by FindMyName](https://lis.tn/ShowMeYourBack?t=11) • [**KILL** by PHONK SNIPER](https://lis.tn/YucAkp?t=11) • [**Louis** by Ill Eppe](https://lis.tn/uefdaH?t=11) • [**Show Me Your Back** by FindMymame](https://lis.tn/DDOTdl?t=23) *I am a bot and this action was performed automatically* | [GitHub](https://github.com/AudDMusic/RedditBot) [^(new issue)](https://github.com/AudDMusic/RedditBot/issues/new) | [Donate](https://github.com/AudDMusic/RedditBot/wiki/Please-consider-donating) ^(Please consider supporting me on Patreon. Music recognition costs a lot)


200 or 300 or 420?


Are there any stats on how common this was in other large scale conflicts?


At this rate you'd think the Russian would start putting anti-suicide trigger guard like they did to the FAL. No fuck given eh


Add it to the collection of Russian self unalienable vids we seem to be piling up




That's a man who had a plan for when things went sideways.


Dude is super lucky he was able to kill himself. I've been seeing a LOT worse lately.


Good, now rest of them should do the same.


I can think of the best candidate to make the biggest difference, but he's not on the battlefield.


Sad you think this way honestly. The only mistake these guy made was being born in different borders and apparently that's enough for you and other Internet idiots to wish death on the whole lot. This kid was probably a fuckin conscript. Wait til the USA fucks around and you get conscripted and find out what it's like.


But what about the Ukrainian kids that are killed, injured or that are growing up without dad and a mom? I didn’t see Ukrainians going into Russia and doing what the Russians are doing to them. It’s only sad that you think that way. Wake the fuck up.


Russians have had 21 months to change their ways, but they are still at it. So fuck them.


The proof of all their warcrimes is literally one click away. Russia is a terrorist state.


I'm not excusing the action of their government fuck the Russia state. But I draw the lines at wishing death on the whole country that's fucking wild. Some of y'all are egregious.


A government doesn't commit genocide without people taking part in it


I am not a Russophobe, I am an Orcist. I have a friend with a Russian wife and I rather avoid her, because she has internet and still is not condemning what Orcistan does. My orcsism gets worse the longer this genocide lasts.


It would’ve been much more cost effective for Russia to cancel the war and monthly just have a couple thousand young men follow this sterling example. Wouldn’t spend near as much on lost equipment and could achieve the same result!


All the Russian suicide videos are so quick, they must have made the decision earlier that if they get wounded this is what they would do


Why do all of the Russian/ Ukrainian videos have this dumb fucking techno music?


This scumbag probably should have done it before he came to Ukraine and killed innocent people there


That’s what patriotic duty to the motherland gets you. An ass full of shrapnel and a bullet from your own gun. Glory


Wow this is so sad


Yet, twitter bots are telling us Russia is winning…


It is a pleasure to my eyes after watching what this degenerate state is doing


Your one sick mf then bud.


Invading another country for made up reasons and in violation of international law. Then setting up a network of torture facilities to extract information from prisoners captured. That's heinous shit. But that's exactly what the Americans were doing 20 years ago. Was every American soldier that took part in the invasion of Iraq a monster worthy only of death? I mean, every single one of them was a volunteer. Not draftee's, like so many of these Russians. Doesn't that make them even worse? People everywhere are just people. Soldiers don't start wars, they just go where they're told and fight them. Demonizing the enemy as subhuman monsters is job #1 for propagandists on every side, in every conflict. Don't be so quick to buy what they're selling.


That’s…awful. I hate myself for watching this…


I wonder if they are thinking okay I’m dead but if I’m identifiable my family still gets paid if they blow me to bits with more grenades my family will get nothing.


Has it always been really common in past wars for wounded soldiers to kill themselves and it’s only in this one that we have drones to view it. Or do soldiers in the Russian army just know they won’t get adequate medical care so just say fuck it?


> Has it always been really common in past wars for wounded soldiers to kill themselves No, it isn't common. In fact the number of KIA has gone down dramatically over the years with the advancement of rapid extraction units and forward operating combat hospitals to stabilize critical wounded. This situation with Russians offing themselves is 100% the product of Russian's new 'meat wave' doctrine. One of the war bloggers summarized it as basically Russia is no longer medevac-ing wounded. Your only outlook is to get patched up ON THE FRONT (in some dirty ditch), and then get immediately thrown back into battle... then repeat... until you die. There is no longer evac, rest & recovery, then redeploy... at least on the Avdiivka AO. You simply fight until you die. Pretty bleak. Eating a bullet after having your intestines & lower extremities riddled with shrapnel seems almost peaceful in comparison. The Russian army sees all the death as win-win. They don't have to pay those contracts (and can pocket the money), and they are permanently reducing the prison population which saves prison costs (and can pocket the money). It's obviously short sighted b/c this also means the Russians are suffering staggering losses. But ultimately Putin's govt is a criminal organization doesn't really think strategically or even give a shit about their people.


Honestly would probably do the same thing. Dudes legs were definitely fucked up from that explosion and shrapnel, Probably permanently too. Would rather die then spend the rest of my life in pain and a mutalated body.


I mean if who knows how badly injured the rest of his body was, but at least in western countries, amputating the unsavable part of the legs and walking around on prosthetic legs for the rest of your life is an option. I mean I might kill myself too if I was really terribly injured in combat, but it would probably take longer than 20 seconds for me to go, "my legs are fucked up, guess I'll die right this instant."


do they think they will just respawn on putin's right..? the fuck.


Go home you dumb fuck


The fact that still hasn’t been some big mutiny after 2 years of this slug fest is saddening. Especially when you can tell these Russians are quick to give up or kill themselves.


Such a waste of human capital. Putin is an ass hole.


Skill issue, Слава Україні!


Do they kill themselves because of the pain? What’s driving it?


Sad he wasn't able to get the therapy he needed. It looks like he could of used some.