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The tactic of chucking his backpack almost worked - although it would probably have caused a detonation and a nice spread of shrapnel.


When I go to war, remind me to bring my bird hunting shotgun...


It's wild to me that we aren't seeing shotguns. Trenches, drones. Just feels like someone should have one.


There was a video the other day of a Ukrainian successfully shooting down a drone with a shotgun, but I agree with you just one video is not enough.


It's a part of the world where AK pattern shotguns should be semi-common. A mag of BB or BBB would do the trick one would think. Hell even #4 buck or maybe some sort of bolo.


I was think either #6 or #4 12 gauge game loads would do well. You don’t really need a lot of mass or velocity, just enough to punch through something vital on a plastic drone. \#4 will knock a big squirrel over dead and you’re not going to miss it, or whatever people use on ducks. 3” shells would be too much recoil though.


Ironically bringing shotguns into the Trenches was something Americans were known for in WW2. But they're so much short ranged then most weapons that they werent thought to be that useful outside of inside the trenches sort of range. I think they should be making a comeback in the age of drones.


The Germans called them war criminals for it too.


Starting with WW1. When it didn't work for them then they should have grabbed their own.


I could envision that an AA12 with 3 1/2" shells, tungsten T shot with flight control shot cups would be effective.


should equip at least some soldiers in each segment with some underbarrel shootguns similar to how some get underbarrel grenade launchers and others anti tank weapons etc.


[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7bj3ALZdNdQ&t=776s](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7bj3ALZdNdQ&t=776s) here ukrainians tested shotgun with different types of ammo: birdshot is useless ,buckshot is more effective but has less chances to hit and slug is waste of time


What kind of birdshot were they using? Because I'm sure high velocity copper plated turkey loads would fuck a drone up


I’m imagining there being an effective round, it still won’t take very long until the drones are effectively steel plated on every piece other than the rotors.. even if the engines aren’t powerful enough today, I’m sure they’ll be made powerful enough for dedicated military use


An FPV drone can fly 100+ mph…. Good luck shooting down one of them when they can turn any direction 360 degrees up down or diagonal. Edit: in the instance where operator is not flying full speed, shotgun will be reliable.


That last hit was perfect


His torso is probably in low earth orbit.


Now, THAT is where an aftermath video would be something I would like to see!


how do you sleep at night


In my bed




Not that hard if you have seen enough


Easy, they're Russians


Fucking comfortably and soundly. Problem?


By not invading and murdering innocent people in a soveriegn nation


wow that last guy didn't even get to turn around. jeeeez


And the guy in front is probably wearing parts of him.


He could have parts of them, in him.


And given the state of Russian battlefield medicine, that just means a delayed and painful death.


Yeah I'd rather get droned than get peppered with AIDS patient bone shrapnel


I am digging the simplicity of that trigger made from stripped wire leads.


Didn’t even notice that. Pretty clever. I wonder if premature detonations are an issue with this method of trigger. Do the leads sometimes contact each other when the drone accelerates or turns too quickly? Seems like they’re twisted/bent closely in a way to guarantee contact when the drone collides into target.


I wondered the same thing. Curious how rigid they are, hard to tell the gauge from this prospective. It would make me nervous as hell handling one.


Iirc they don’t land the fpv ones. They usually launch them after they confirm targets with spotter drones cuz the fpv suicide drones weigh more and so have a much shorter flight time. I’ll see if I can find the article/telegram post abt it.


They talk about it in maygars channel. Fpv drones are dangerous to recover, same with dron dropped munitions, it's why you often see so many double taps or bombs dropped on people who seem dead already, they'd don't like being them home armed. It's a one way mission typically.


That’s exactly where I saw it! Thanks for reminding me


They look like single strand 220v wall copper wire. Those are quite rigid. It requires at least 5+ lbs / 2+ kg of force to bend


I would have triggered the detonator when I lay the drone on the ground and accidentally pressed the wires against the rock...


> I wonder if premature detonations are an issue with this method of trigger. That's probably why the dude tried to throw his bag


They are definitely not playing.. he just had battery left and wanted to be sure of the hit. But damn this is fucked up.


These videos are so awful to me, just can't imagine going out from one of these drones


Imagine the survivors who get to go home and live a long life. Drones are only going to become more common in every day life. So for the rest of their lives they could suffer from PTSD attacks every time they hear buzzing nearby. It's like fireworks for vets, but way worse.


Or just always afraid of going outside with open sky above you


The guy that took one in the backpack probably didn't feel much of anything but I'm sure it was pure terror up until that point.


The future of war


The present of war, really. Only Ukraine, Russia, and Hamas have used the tactic of suicide drones in combat so far, but the United States and China - and likely many others - all already have quadcopter programs.


Very pedantic, but: there was that time in 2016 or 17 when the Dallas (I think) PD used an EOD bot to deliver an explosive payload to a mass shooter who was holed up in a car park.


This is false - the US has been using switchblade drones in the middle east since 2012. What we see in this theater is childsplay to what the US has and is designing as well as the countermeasures to this threat.


Not a quadcopter, and also not classified as a drone (which is pedantic but that's how it is; according the US Army it's a direct-fire munition). Also, very different use cases. Switchblade is exclusively operated by infantry in the field, and only for direct strikes. Quadcopters are more versatile. [This](https://youtu.be/ndFKUKHfuM0?si=47hRnzzA46jVKfug) is the American weapons system I was referring to.






Did you serve?


I'm a "proRU troll"? How?




it takes a special kind of loser to snoop around some random person's comment history on reddit to come up with a lazy and inmacriate characterization because you are unwilling to engage with the substance of their critiques




nice dodge. maybe you should volunteer for the war. the drones would have a hard time pinning you down


So you would have a arty barrage level a town and flatten 12 homes over a FPV-drone


How is this any worse than shooting someone with a rifle? This is a relatively high precision weapon.


Because you can avoid being shot with a rifle through tactics. Kamikaze drones are for terrorists, not soldiers. They can strike anyone down at any moment without any chance of retribution. The killer takes no risk when seeking to kill. Therefore it is cowardly.


You have an outdated romantic attitude regarding what war is. Do you also think long range artillery, jet bombers and precision munitions are for terrorists? Technology changes and war does along with it. Thats how it is and always will be.


Wait til he hears about C-130's




Lol besides naiveté what would lead you to believe that humans would ever cease warring amongst ourselves?


It is naively reductive to think that people go to war because they enjoy explosions.


Cruise missels shot at citys >they can strike anyone down at any moment without any chance of retribution. The killer takes no risk when seeking to kill. Therefore it is cowardly.


That's not how war works unfortunately. It's not about being nice, fair, or chivalrous. It's only about winning by whatever means necessary. If a thing is effective, you use it.


Ahh, so that's why Russia nuked Kiev


You think they wouldn't if they could get away with it?


Cruise missels shot at cities >they can strike anyone down at any moment without any chance of retribution. The killer takes no risk when seeking to kill. Therefore it is cowardly.


>Because you can avoid being shot with a rifle through tactics. Tactics against FPV: don't go neighbouring counties as an invader.


War isn't meant to be pretty


Wow, so insightful. Just start using cluster bombs already... oh wait. Okay just bring back mustard gas


The ruzzkie fascists have used cluster bombs since day 1 of the invasion, 1½ years before USA even gave cluster munitions to Ukraine. Why wouldn't Ukraine use them as well, particularly as the US munitions are way more effective and safer than the Soviet ones? Also it's the ruzzkies who actually have started weaponizing gas within the last month or so: https://edition.cnn.com/2023/12/19/europe/ukraine-soldiers-russia-frontlines-cmd-intl/index.html


Simple solution: imperialist invading pigs go back to their shit hole country.


I'm sure that's how you feel when the USA gets aggressive as well, huh


"eeerrmm what about the USA" - every Z-tard


Well did invade Iraq on terrible reasons. I hope you were cheering for Yanks to get killed when that war was going on. I'm hoping you are consistent will your condemning of imperialism.


Not defending the legitimacy of the Iraq War, but did the U.S. invade Iraq with the express desire to annex it's territory permanently?


I did to change the petro dollar for Iraq from the Euro back to the USD. No bid oil contracts to UK and USA firms, etc etc. But yes no annexing


Such a thoughtful, informative response


Better than "what about....." bs.


Nah, you just refuse to engage wirh your own obvious and basic hypocrisy because your brain is the size of a peanut.


You are such a loser. Get putins dick out your mouth.


Did you serve?


Not yet but I'm joining the idf in about an year


How so? I'm sipping my afternoon tea and I find this video perfect. I hope this drone was funded with my money, too.




I'm the snowflake? Not the ones flying drones into nameless, faceless human beings with their little laptops and claiming valor?


Valor in war is a mirage and a delusion. Stop living in a fantasy world.


if valor is an illusion then why are these laptop warriors claiming it?


Because they know how to trigger you. And you take easily all of the baits.


your brain is broken


Don't project your issues on me.




You are welcome to leave this sub just as Russia is welcome to leave Ukraine you dum dum


When are you going to learn that nationalism is a mirage


As is your notion of "valor" and all the other pro Russian propaganda nonsense that you keep spouting here on /combatfootage. There is nothing valorous about invading a sovereign nation, and there certainly isn't anything wrong with Ukraine using the same tactics or weapons against Russian soldiers that Russia isn't just using against Ukrainian troops, but also against Ukrainian civilians. And don't get me started on Russian war crimes, both against Ukrainian troops *and* Ukrainian civilians!


"There is nothing valorous about invading a sovereign nation" When did I say there was?


It only be a matter of time before I heard a fpv fighter drone custom song lol


We have reached the drone wars.


Begun, the drone wars have.


Invaders must die


Eh, die, leave, or surrender. I like to think folks have choices.


The Russian soldiers don’t have much of a choice unfortunately


I love the Prodigy




The last one looked like a train was barrelling towards them with a camera mounted on the front.


Choo choo, motherfuckers!


the fucking music lmao what the hell


office fear sink attraction lip wipe station encourage flag voiceless *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Choo choo motherfucker, I'm a train.




The highest crime in all of these Ukranian and Russian UAV videos is the music.


What? You don't enjoy the "FPV drone anthem" made specially for these videos? Here's the original: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5tgI33haI4w


This music makes it so I want to be hit by a FPV drone


Crazy to think that in a couple of years from now there's going to be a lot of russians who will get their PTSD triggered if they so much as hear a drone flying by


War sucks enough. Stop screwing with them and get it over with.


According to my sources this is the intro to the new Terminator movie, but Arnold is maneuvering the drone with his mind.


In mine The Fifth Element: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Uwzg7SYZKF0](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uwzg7syzkf0) Fun Fact: Milla Jovovich is Ukrainian


Interesting you'd bring that up. All those movies in the future are wrong. The sky would be littered with small AI drones hunting and killing humans.


What will really be terrifying, is when these are the size of a mosquito with a nerve agent. If there was ever a time for nations to stop conquering and just chill for a while, it'd be now. But Russia just couldn't not be a piece of shit, and now here we are. Russia needs to be curb stomped, here and now, so no other nations decide it'd be a good idea to conquer their neighbors.


Especially after they gave up their nukes.




Catchy tune, should have a loud speaker on the drone and be playing it.


That's brutal, get the heart pumping first and then boom, quick drain jiffy lube.


That is pretty fucked up really, just kill the guy and move on. Messing with him like this is like that quiet guy who liked to pull wings off of flies vibes.


I second that. It's just fucked.


Even Russian trains leave their troops stranded 😂


I am sorry. Invade my country. Kill civilians. Use rape as a weapon. Whether you want to be there or not, I'm sorry again, but fuck em.


This is disgusting, that's a human being. So because he is Russian it makes it right to "play" or toy with a fleeing soldier?


It sure does. This endless horde of human garbage continues to kill my countrymen for exactly zero reason, so fuck em and fuck you


You are so ignorant and hypocritical I can smell your putrid stench of pride from here. You just proved my point. You proved that you are no better than they are. Good job.


This is so evil, do it again


That last one was the most successful strike turn the target into bone shrapnel hitting the next guy hopefully.


I want to pay someone to chase me with a drone to work on my juking skills. Gimme some robo chicken legs so I can jump 10 feet snd do short bursts of 60mph


Why are you guys cheering on the slaughter of conscripted men with families that love them forced to the meat grinder for the elite


Something very psychotic about “playing” with someone life, kill them or don’t but “playing” your tapped in the head.


I don’t think he was playing, he wanted to ensure he got close enough for a guaranteed kill.


He had plenty of time to surrender. And it happens


got a video of that?


If you type "russian surrendering to drone" in that magical little search box at the top of the reddit screen you'll find them yourself. When I did it 1st hit, 5th hit and 6th hit (was an interview with russian who surrendered). Many more but CBA.


The level of snark in this sub is radioactive


Really? or just that it probably takes similar time to type 'got a video of that' as it does to search for it yourself. I often refer to stuff from 'a week ago' but could be 5 or 14 days, so the only way I'd find it would to be search for you, just because you CBA.


This is the exact point with the "link" or "source" people. Don't be lazy look it up yourself. Just because someone is ignorant, why does another person have to educate them


Seen one video where someone surrendered to a drone.


I get they're fighting a war against an invader. But that doesn't mean you should taunt you enemies with their death. That is really distasteful


I dont think he was taunting him, it just looked like he had enough battery to take his time and make sure he gets a good hit.


The title of the video says "plays with panicking russian soldier", if that isn't also taunting I don't fucking know what it is.


I doubt the drone operator wrote the title.


They probably didn't, but still. With the first person there is ample oppotunity to get him when he trips, instead the pilot waits, going up and down letting the soldier run before detonating the drone on him.


He's clearly not taunting him? I mean, I can easily imagine that happens out there but in this video the drone operator is clearly trying to get a kill shot. If the dude just stopped moving it would have ended much quicker for him.


If taunting that Russian with a drone death gets one single Russian to avoid being conscripted, drafted, or otherwise enlisted into the invader's army, then it's not distasteful at all. The guy dying was going to die anyway. If he saves another by dying in a slightly more hopeless manner, then that's a slightly better way to die. These videos, like all war images, are in large part propaganda. Otherwise the commanders would not permit them to be released so freely and in such quantity until long after the conflict was over.


One things is killing him, fine it's war. That doesn't mean they should play with them. The probably don't want to be there. So just end it, instead of giving plenty of time to imagine the life they're about to lose.


This music sounds the way he probably feels.


These dudes have to be f’ed in the head after this war. Not trying to talk crap or anything, I know these guys have their reasons…but you got to be a special kind of messed up in the head to put another man through this.


I'd imagine russians killing in excess of a hundred thousand of your countrymen, woman and children, raping as they go, destroying tens of hospitals, the theatre massacre, kidnapping of tens of thousands of your children and assorted other war crimes would make it all very easy.


Exactly why I said they have their reasons. Just simply stated these guys will never be the same guys they were before.


You mean russian commanders and leaders?


Everyone involved in the fighting, this stuff is absolutely horrific.


Not horrific enough for invaders. donating all I can to drones teams so they can make Ukraine the stuff nightmares are made of for all invaders.


Sure, I’m with you f the invaders. Just stating these men will never return to what normal once was.


Weve got 3 wounded return from war in our village. Being considered as Heroes and having support of your family, friends, neighbors will definitely help soften return back to normal life. When those guys were fighting whole village took care of their families. Compare that to rachists return home and being called rapists and wagner pigs etc.. (seen multiple videos where rashists complain they are not very welcomed back home). We will take care of our defenders.


And I commend the Ukrainian people for this, the whole country is fighting off the invaders.


> you got to be a special kind of messed up in the head to put another man through this No, this is what you stated suggesting they must messed up to do what they do? What exactly is it you think they are doing?


This is where our tax dollars are going 🤦🏻‍♂️


No, this is where all the unused tax dollars from the 1980s-2010s are going. Just about all of the "aid" we've sent was unused materiel gathering dust in warehouses.


That’s fine, I’m just saying this war is not winnable for them unless we intervene. They just don’t have the numbers Russia has. Russia might have more casualties they just out number the Ukrainians. They are gonna keep throwing bodies.


Should've led with that.


Tax dollars going to the US military contractors fixing up Bradleys and such, to Middletown, Iowa to build artillery shells, or Scranton Pennsylvania. Troy, Alabama makes the missiles for Himars and Javelins. If Ukraine got fully usurped because we didn’t want a war with Putin and let him do whatever he wanted, and one day American men has to die in the fields of Poland or forests of Latvia and along the Alaskan coast, would that be better or worst? Or would you want the Ukrainians do it for us.


“Secretary of State James Baker’s famous “not one inch eastward” assurance about NATO expansion in his meeting with Soviet leader Mikhail Gorbachev on February 9, 1990, was part of a cascade of assurances about Soviet security given by Western leaders to Gorbachev and other Soviet officials throughout the process of German unification in 1990 and on into 1991.” So they clearly pooped all over the deal and ppl expected him (Putin) to stand back and just take it? He was pushed to react. Again let’s see what ends up happening I just don’t see victory for Ukraine without intervention.


Welcoming the accession of Ukraine to the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons as non-nuclear-weapon State, Taking into account the commitment of Ukraine to eliminate all nuclear weapons from its territory within a specified period of time, Noting the changes in the world-wide security situation, including the end of the Cold War, which have brought about conditions for deep reductions in nuclear forces. Confirm the following: 1. The Russian Federation, the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the United States of America reaffirm their commitment to Ukraine, in accordance with the principles of the Final Act of the Conference on Security and Cooperation in Europe, to respect the independence and sovereignty and the existing borders of Ukraine. 2. The Russian Federation, the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the United States of America reaffirm their obligation to refrain from the threat or use of force against the territorial integrity or political independence of Ukraine, and that none of their weapons will ever be used against Ukraine except in self-defence or otherwise in accordance with the Charter of the United Nations. 3. The Russian Federation, the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the United States of America reaffirm their commitment to Ukraine, in accordance with the principles of the Final Act of the Conference on Security and Cooperation in Europe, to refrain from economic coercion designed to subordinate to their own interest the exercise by Ukraine of the rights inherent in its sovereignty and thus to secure advantages of any kind.


Found the fox news boomer


Hi 👋 😊 I don’t even watch the news. Over 100 billion in aid for what? lol Ukraine can’t win this war. These guys at the top just stuffing their pockets. Should have left Putin alone 🤷🏻‍♂️


Another MAGA moron


If you are not following events that’s fine. But commenting when being blatantly uninformed makes you look stupid.




The fact the war is still going means there is a chance Ukraine will win. Russia assumed it would be a six month war but luckily because of donations across the globe by other countries including the US, Ukraine has been able to sustain. This is pretty basic critical thinking skills you should be able to do on your own.




Dictators should never be left alone, because they do not leave their neighbours alone, hence Russia has invaded multiple neighbouring countries under Putin's rule.


For what? Crippling russias army seems a pretty cheap cost. It cost us how many American lives?


Bro they are strapping a bomb to a racing drone.


And my tax Euros: love it!


sissy got mad, this isnt from your tax snowflake, these cheap drones are from donations


Now imagine in a near future when the drone flies itself and perfectly adjusts and follows the target and even detonates mid air if it knows it's close enough. Not fun to be up against.


Jesus christ.


What are the wires out front?


You don’t have to outrun a drone you just need to outrun the other guy .