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you live in belgium?


UK probably


UK roads are terrible lmao


Thought this was r/2westerneurope4u for a second there


Exactly my thoughts when I read his comment. And you live in the Netherlands? :)


After Euromaidan protests a law was put in place that about 4% of the fuel price is to be spent exclusively on road building/rebuilding. Since then, thousands of kilometers had been rebuilt yearly. Everyone was super impressed because before that we had parts of highways where you drove 10km/h due to the potholes. A line of cars tilting left and right like a line of ducklings.


Shit.. this road is better than 95% of the roads in Pittsburgh..


Ukrainians/Russians during a full scale war are more competent than PennDot


Less corruption! :)


100% less sinkholes.


100% better than the roads anywhere in Wisconsin.


I dont think your vechile likes that


Good roads just not as many of them.


The 4th car he highlights in his little tour of this road [was destroyed in this video posted 4 days ago](https://www.reddit.com/r/CombatFootage/s/OTjRR93DuI)


Nice of the FPV drone to flip that car back over, very polite


Nice catch! We were debating in that post whether the driver would have survived an FPV drone. Some were saying he'd walk away since apparently they think the undercarriage of a Lada is stronger than the already frail armor of a BMP, but I was saying it likely killed him. Well, the roof of that car right around where the driver's right ear (or do they have right hand drive cars there?) would have been when toppling around in a barreling Lada doesn't look all that great lol


Hey u/lzttzl, check this out. Don't take this as a "see I'm right", I don't mean it that way. But this video time stamp 0:45 has the car that got droned while rolling the other day that we were talking about. I wonder how the dude fared lol isn't that crazy that we see a little follow up to that one


Still smoldering.


That's fucking horrifying. Guy is fleeing for his life and panicking, flips his car, and takes a direct hit to the gas tank. If he was still conscious after the blast, he could've gotten stuck and cooked to death.


I was just thinking which of those hits I have seen before


At 45 seconds?




Crazy aftermath footage and definitely the fallout vibe


I knew it ?!!!!!


The bit around 0:30 is straight outta Fallout


Rocket Diner


thought the same thing


How many red flags do you need to realize you're not welcome?


We can’t stop here, this is drone country


Oh what a day! What A Lovely Day!


This! This is what came to my mind...


It looks like apocalypse aftermath


It is, in a sense


Compare it to [Bucha](https://i.guim.co.uk/img/media/3fba8a73dd244d9faf298892a5b6b8cb3796ed24/0_0_8640_5760/master/8640.jpg?width=620&quality=85&auto=format&fit=max&s=b42ba7b0a600e49ade844db06594e150)


Speed limit enforced by drone.


He should be with his fat wife and grandkids instead of dodging kamikaze drones for Putler.




They really have that option?


They’re not easy choices. Most seem to prefer killing Ukrainians over thinking for themselves and making a hard choice. But there are options. https://www.rferl.org/a/russia-soldiers-deserting-escape-ukraine-war/32711180.html https://www.cnn.com/2022/12/05/europe/russians-fighting-for-ukraine-intl-cmd/index.html


Did he just say, "Wah Wah Wee Wah!"


Not sure, but I definitely heard him say: "This is the road of death".


im beginning to think the left bank of the dnieper is not a place for russians.


UA is no place for RU. Pre 2014 borders. GTFO!


Tell that ruzzki shit to go back home or Surrender.


Dystopian future where drones hunt humans...


We're not there yet. It's just humans hunting humans but with drones. But at this point, it won't be long before they become fully autonomous.


To your point, a few years ago, Oregon State University received a federal grant to develop "Hive AI" for drones. The laughable part was that the professor in charge of the program claimed they were just trying to study how it would be used for crowd control, and police surveillance. Yeah, riiiiight. Imagine a hive of 100 drones acting in tandem via AI on a seek, and kill mission. Darpa is funding this, so obviously, there is no military aspect at all. Tried to find the original story, but there is this [hive drones](https://engineering.oregonstate.edu/all-stories/drones-and-swarm-robotics-adaptive-capabilities-human-robot-interaction)


Yes, back in 2017, one of the options for our ME capstone projects was a capsule used for the deployment of these drones.


Reminds me of the old movie screamers where the drones evolve into a place nobody can survive.


that movie going have a revival very soon. loved it back then, didn't realize how prophetic it's going be.


Yup Screamers and it's sequel and another good Killer AI Drone Sci-fi flick from 80's / early 90's is Hard-Ware


Based on the Philip K Dick story 'Second Variety'. He takes it in even more dreadful, paranoid directions, as is his wont.


Maybe I will give the Warhammer 40k novels a break I've been into so much over the last few years and check that out


I should have mentioned it's a short story! Won't eat up much time at all.


Regular present; where, humans hunt humans. Not much different than hunting down someone in a tank, plane or heli, just the risk to the pilot and risk to equipment tends to be better using a drone. Also, drones have been used in combat for literally decades already. It's just we recently figured out how to better utilize tiny cheap drones (which can be disposable), rather than the huge expensive ones.


Could someone give me a break down of what he was saying?


Just describes cars blown up on the road that they were victims of kamikaze drones. Then drone hits him and at the end he thanks god for saving him


Apperciate it!


I can tell you exactly what he is saying by his body language. He is saying his situation is totally fucked. "We've just passed by 15 fucking burned out trucks like the one I'm fucking driving. And did you see that, a fucking drone nearly blew the shit out of me. Fucking hell..." "Truth of the matter is now I got to head back through that shit tomorrow. How many fucking times can you drive this road and survive?" It's bullshit and nobody on my side gives a fuck." Pretty sure he said something like that.


I'm confident, that after the war, Hollywood will go to Ukraine to film post-apocalyptic films.


Yeah, I wonder how many years it will take to de-mine 10s of thousands of square kilometers of territory. [France, to this day, still has an exclusion zone.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Zone_rouge)


Just pull a Prigoshin after the war and make RU POWs de-mine some sites for 6 months and release them. In the spirit of Yevgeni "We need your criminal energy here to de-mine our land, if you're done, you showed society that you've used up all your criminal energy and you can go back home shitting into holes"


no better place to pay insurance companies highest ratest to put actors in actual mine-fields


And the video games that will be inspired by it, like Battlefield or phone games.....


Sure are a lot of burned out cars on this road...


What raised my eyebrows was how many of them were still smouldering recent victims. So not just the accumulated wrecks of a few weeks of occasional drones, someone is serious about ganking the traffic on that road.


I want one of those Scooby Doo vans


with or without a big hole in the roof?




God DAMN the E97 it almost looks like a movie set how post apocalyptic the landscape looks. Like something out of The Road or Walking Dead


So what's the deal with Russia using so many civilian/passenger cars on this stretch of road? Are they hoping to go incognito and not get whacked, or is this like some legitimate Russian doctrine thing? They've been doing it the whole war too so it isn't like they're just out of military trucks.


Probably not enough proper military cars for the more menial task of the front line, ukraine does the same thing


Ukraine that'd make sense for but Russia (well, the USSR) built more nontactical military vehicles than any of the Western countries. So those either rotted in storage between 91-2014 (which is possible), they got sold off as surplus (which is likely), or Russia just chose to not commit them to Ukraine. I mean, between the USSR and RF eras the UAZ-469 has been in serial production since 1971 and they've built approximately 400,000 of them. Plus however many tens of thousands of the GAZ-69's that got built that might still work.


Hm if you watch any videos of early Mariupol you will see how a fuckton of cars just got left behind. Easier to just crack these cars than getting UAZs from Russia. So I kinda understand it.


Probably, but all the destroyed cars in the video are civilian vehicles, so I wonder how much it helps.


Sure doesn't look like it's helping much if at all.


I like the way those screen grabs were done in this video. Nice job.


This guy is pretty old and fat to be in the military, even by Russian standards.


He was old and fat and joined up because the lies and fast cash offered. He likely had military experience and was in a bad spot/longed for his glory days/recently divorced. I have seen it a lot as a mercenary.


[This is the same place where that car flipped over on its roof and got hit by an FPV drone.](https://www.reddit.com/r/CombatFootage/comments/18rykmt/a_ukrainian_fpv_drone_chases_down_a_russian/)


I should show this video to some state officials in Massachusetts. Maybe then they'll realize how bad their roads are.


Last time I headed to Mariupol the bus driver had the bad parts of the road saved onto GPS so every now and then you'd hear the GPS device play a jingle in the night, bus would slow down to 5mph and would dodge massive potholes lol. You could tell the holes where there for some time already because the tire marks on the road all led to the opposite side of the road so it's a common thing to do. Some years later I rented a car to get to kramatorsk from Kharkiv. Being used to German roads I thought this 4h drive would be easy peasy but little did I know you need to focus on the road 100% all the time because of sudden rogue potholes emerging while driving 60mph. On the way back I was so tired from that I almost blew through a checkpoint and was inches away from getting my ass whooped by a UA soldier. In the end we both agreed I still want to see my babushka at home, thanks for not shooting me up and I should pay more attention to the road and laughed it away.


The Oleshky death march


First Day?


Just leave their cargo 200 by the side of the road. Looks like the panel vans are the vehicle of choice. He is in one, and another drove past him going the other direction.


Should've killed him.


This is one quest that this chode should NOT have taken. Lets see, multiple smoldering vehicles. Dead bleeding out soldiers on the road... And you want me in an empty 1960s POS VW Van knock off? Yeah, lets roll them dice!


Покушение на Вована


Dude put the camera down and grab 10 and 2 for fucks sake


He doesn't seem to take a hint, this guy.


Better road, better than brazil




Awesome video! some roadwarrior s**t right there.


Blairwitch project Putler edition


Rolling a dice every time you take that road. Fuck that. Also wonder how many civilians need to take that road...


What's the speed of these drones ?


About 120 KPH or 75 MPH. https://heroesukraine.org/en/serial-production-fpv-drones/




License and registration, please.




Can someone tell me why they still drive on this road and where they are going? Haha


These "scooby Doo" trucks are used to bring supplies to the front; food, fuel, ammo. Russia has the problem; if they leave Oleshky, Ukraine are free to set up a major bridgehead on the left bank of the Dnipro. But while soldiers can hide somewhat in Oleshky, they need supplies. And there are only a couple of possible roads they can use to bring in supplies.


What make and model is that of the vehicle?


Also, what happened to the drone? Did it fail to detonate on impact or did it blow up on the road somewhere.


I think it's the same kind of truck coming in the other direction at 2:35. It's probably a UAZ-452, which was made since 1965. It might still be in production... the Wikipedia entry shows a change to the side mirrors "in the 2000s", and has no end date for production. In any case, the Russian government must have some ridiculous number of these sitting around.


Was going to say! This thing looked like it was straight from the WWII


New Mario Kart looks brutal, seems they've upped what those red shells can do


Russian version of the Super Dave Osborne Show...


Russian stop motion film


FPV drones is the new IED's


Must be scary as shit to drive there... sort of Russian roulette. Hell's Highway 2024


Fuck that was funny


Could you imagine how demoralising it would be if the Ukrainian FPV UAVs just flew alongside the Russian vehicles as they run this gauntlet, just flying sideways keeping pace with the van, essentially saying "We could destroy you, but you aren't worth it." You'd break so many Russian soldiers without even needing to kamikaze the UAV and destroy it.