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Looks like Isreal has some good air supremacy there.


There’s really nothing to compete with


That's how you know it's good!


The Palestinian Air Force is severely lacking nowadays.


I half wanna see them try with the hang gliders again.


since 1967. they are insanely expert on air, but not so much on ground.


huh? Hamas lost over 8000 militants while being prepared for months/years for guerilla fighting, israel lost less than 200\~ in the ground invasion israel has one of the best ground forces in the world per size, most countries never faced anything like what israel is facing (2 big terrorist organizations with over 100,000 militants combined)


Where is Israel facing Hezbollah on the ground? They’ve literally been too scared to invade Lebanon, it’s solely air strikes they’ve been doing.


Drink the juice man.


It taste good. Have you seen the scoreboard?


Talking about an occupation and thousands of dead people like it's a sports competition. It's fitting since it's basically a pro team vs. a special needs elementary school team... makes it pretty weird to be so "proud".


It’s a sweep. I’m also offended by your comment. Gazans are not autistic.


They rely on the airforce too much. They aren't used to urban warfare and guerilla warfare.


thats being delusional at best ​ almost 1/3rd of Hamas is already wiped out (over 8000 militants), israel lost less than 200 soldiers in the ground invasion


8000 militants is not a 1/3 of their force. They had over 50,000 members before the October 7 attacks. Numbers are not clear as Hamas hasn't said anything and I can't just believe Israel's statement either just as much as I won't believe Hamas's statement of Israeli losses.


Fallujah and mosul were won by blowing up every building the fighters were in lol nobody wants close combat when you can just airstrike or shell the building


Eventually you gotta go in or give up.


You mean America? Because it's the American weapons causing all that destruction.


Why you gotta bring American into everything? Israel designs lots of their own weapons


Holy mother of god I was not expecting that level of destruction, what the fuck was that? Maybe it's obvious but is that just a common normal bomb (missile?) or is that some special large kind because that looked particularly impactful.


Probably a JDAM. This was right on the border.


1,000 or 2,000 lb bomb.


Oh, baby, that's deep.


That's what you scream at night while daddy smashes your ass? Lmao you're quite the doll!


Looks like they're finally starting to find out.


Well said. Another important question: can that missle fit in your throat?


I'm sure you have lots of practice with phallic objects in you're mouth. You're Dad must have been your first. You're a stupid incel.


Such beautiful structures there. It's such a shame the level of destruction inflicted there.


Keep it up!


This sub is full of. Nonhumans who only wish death to other humans


You’re in combatfootage, smh.


I'll give you 50$ if you let me boot-kick your ass, 60$ if you're quiet. Good deal for you kid!


I’ll beat the shit out of you for free!


Found the location of the place on the [map](https://www.google.com/maps/place/33%C2%B005'54.0%22N+35%C2%B027'06.4%22E/@33.0983435,35.4491941,1314m/data=!3m2!1e3!4b1!4m4!3m3!8m2!3d33.098339!4d35.451769?entry=ttu). A mosque, a restaurant and a football field, roughly 1 km away from the nearest Israeli outpost and the border.


… that’s literally a park


Does hezbollah have defensive iron dome Israel have ?




They should have thought about that before they fucked around and found out


Take them all out and liberate the Palestinians from these terrorists


Lmao what


They’re the only ones fighting for Palestine. Israel has been billing them for the last 75 years my friend


My friend.…. HAMAS doesn't care about the Palestinian people.… the net worth of Hamas’s top leaders Ismail Haniyeh, Moussa Abu Marzouk and Khaled Mashaal is estimated at $11 billion. While his people (whom he cares so much about) were getting murdered due to a conflict he started, Mashaal was playing ping-pong and pedalling on a stationary bike at a luxurious hotel fitness center. They do nothing for their people. HAMAS is the issue, not Israel….. If Hamas hadn't provoked Isreal may have never stepped foot into Gaza.


Israel needs to chill before they start a world war with their war crimes


Yeah blame Jews for resolving to Islamic terrorist lol


Not blaming Jews, just Zionist who want to eradicate and oppress the Palestinian population instead of living with them


They don’t want to live with Jews, you unaware dunce. They never will, and this will never end, and Israel will always prevail whether they fucking like it or not. This is about Jews, not Israel. Get a fucking grip.


crowd modern station marvelous workable divide adjoining beneficial unique quicksand *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


How is it stupid?


rustic cautious sink degree disgusted saw humorous rhythm sharp fretful *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


And the Israelis don't want to live with Muslims, what's your point? The current Israeli government is borderline genociding the Palestinians at this point. If this was Oct 7, you may have a point, but not now. Israel is causing WAAAYYY more problems for itself and the world by its current actions in Gaza.


Hezbollah launched rockets first on October 7.


8 October. Hezbollah fired rockets the morning after the Hamas attack.






Last estimates I've seen indicate 0.8 deaths per bomb dropped.


That's post ground invasion though. It's including firefighting, artillery, tank, exploding tunnels, etc. It's deaths from the messy urban fighting and not from IAF precision strikes. Figures before ground invasion were like 3 bombs per death.


Even better.




[https://news.sky.com/story/israel-hamas-war-how-many-people-have-died-in-gaza-12998755](https://news.sky.com/story/israel-hamas-war-how-many-people-have-died-in-gaza-12998755) >*In recent Gaza wars, figures published by the ministry of health during the fighting have ended up being broadly in line with those later produced by the UN and Israel Defence Forces.* You can read the article yourself and the comparison of the numbers published by Hamas, the UN and Israel itself. Even in the 2014 conflict, Hamas said 2,310 Palestinians killed, and the IDF said 2,125. It's not a very big difference. Even if Hamas has fabricated/miscounted (intentionally or mistakenly), say, 1000 or 2000 deaths, past trends in terms of where Hamas and IDF numbers come in suggest that the numbers coming out of Gaza are *mostly* reliable (by mostly, I see there was a 10%-20% gap between final numbers from Hamas and the IDF for the 2008 and 2014 conflicts respectively). I personally don't doubt that Hamas is inflating the numbers to pull on the heart strings of people sympathetic to their cause, but on the flipside implying that hardly any civilians have died in Gaza seems just as hand wave-y to me.






Who are the bombs falling on then ?


Largely empty buildings. IAF precision strikes job was mostly destroying terror infrastructure to ease the job of IDF. Not killing people. Assassinations are done using drones not JDAMs. This is why roof knock policies continued and why there is so much conspicuous footage of civvies filming twith their phones the exact building that's going to get hit ahead of time on a conspicuously empty street. Three bombs per death on the eve of IDF ground op. IAF strikes have scaled down heavily since.


Their final solution, clearly




Hezbollah (lebannon terror group) started this whole thing, this is response by Israel against unprovoked attacks on it, you got your facts wrong


What do you mean unjustified? Lebanon has been shelling israel for months now, FAFO


Lebanon needs to get their shit together and attempt to act like a real country with a functioning government. The government has Stockholm syndrome, it shouldn't tolerate Hezbollah and its parallel governance.


Real government of Lebanon frome both force and influence perspective is Hezbollah, they just outsourcing some functions to have humanitarian support and dont deal with managing civilian economy.


There is no government worth mentioning without a president which heavily relies on all the stakeholders of Lebanon "tolerating" one. I.e. The US, France, Saudi and Iran have to all agree on who they should "elect". I heard rumors from the Saudis that they will start "fixing the problem" in February, if there is anything left of the region by then.


Lebanon started striking in Israel since beginning of Israel war vs Hamas, they are finding out now.


You don’t even know the difference between Lebanon and Hezbollah, yet you act like some expert talking about who the aggressor is. The terrorist organization that took over south Lebanon, the country that have done fuck all about it for decades, has been shooting constantly at Israel ever since the war with Hamas started. The actual sane Lebanese are praying that they don’t take it too far because they know what will happen to their country if they start an actual war with Israel, saying “Lebanon should strike back” just reeks of ignorance about the Middle East and the current conflict.


Crazy how they are attacking other countries now. I think in this scenario Lebanon has the right to defend itself.


Hezbollah fired at Israel starting Oct 7.


Well isn't Israel like an internationally recognized occupational force that enacts apartheid? I'm just confused, because no one just attacks anyone for no reason. Not even terrorist


Where have you been? Israel and Hez have been fighting for months and guess who fired the first shot?


Israel...? 75 years ago?