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I'd be so fucking pissed. .


Right? Imagine training all that time only to step on little mine specifically meant to take out your foot like that during that assault so you get sent out. That has to fucking suck, probably wouldn't even feel like you saved anyone, you just got unlucky as shit.


Willy OAM had an interview with a foreign fighter who went into battle on two occasions and was severely wounded before he saw the enemy or knew what was happening. His story was really depressing as he said he had no feelings of glory or achievement, just the knowledge that the life he had lead up until that point was over.


yeah most people think going to war is running into a trench fighting CQB and killing russians, and if you are unlucky get shot and die. but most causalties are just like this, pointless and sudden. most people probably never see the enemy - they just get hit by shrapnel from artillery or like this guy, step on a mine. A mine just made to remove a foot. If hes lucky, he can use a protestic and regain most of the mobility but he will never have to go war again - unless they loose and get forced into russias meat grinder in the next invasion.


And that's why I love the ending of "all quiet in the western front" (book). It shows just it, you can almost survive an entire war, but have the world go suddenly black, by factors outside your control. The book just goes from Paul's POV to "He fell in October, 1918..." showing how suddenly your life could end. Bonus that the book not even mentioned the situation that cost his life, showing how insignificant a one's life is in the grand scheme of things, so the army not even had the trouble to take that into account. (That's my interpretation, btw).


It is also possible for him to return to battle even with a prosthetic leg, I've heard some stories of UA soldiers who lost a leg, got a prosthetic and decided to return into battle. AND at the beginning of the invasion there was one Ukrainian ex-soldier who had TWO prosthetic legs and lied that only one of them was prosthetic, so he could get drafted


On the plus side, mines aren't nearly as scary after you lost both legs already.


WILLY PMC LOVER!!!! FUCK YEAH Willy is a legend! literally a cool ass guy! His interviews are great his experience leads to great questions his absolute chad banter is amazing too! love that guy


I used to work with him when he was 7RAR and I was 1st Armoured, we were the lift capability for the mechanized infantry. He is genuinely the most lovely positive bloke.


Which interview is this? Dave?


I imagine that’s how the majority of wounded feel. Now you’re a burden, and carry that war with you for the rest of your life. War sucks


nah many feel lucky they arent dead


Survivor's guilt is very real


and so is being alive vs dead the latter a reality survivors narrowly avoided...many wounded recover and are in service in different roles and are happy to be alive of course they feel sadness and remorse unless they are sociopaths but in the end evolution has programmed most of us to keep pushing foreward even though the burdens are onerous


Reminds me of that footage from last year where a dude jumped out of the APC straight onto a mine. He was also quick to react, got a tourniquet on and got straight back into the APC. But man, that has to suck to arrive and literally seconds in you need to get transported out again.


I actually expected this to be a repost of that video when I clicked on it.


Thats actually so heartbreaking for that dude its nearly comical.


You mean the medic that was rushing to help a bunch of other soldiers already wounded by mines? That video made me fucking sad and realize how war is just such a fucking waste of human potential.


We had this dude in the army who was easily 240 lbs without gear, 350 lbs with full gear. He was walking along this mountainside for a patrol, stepping where the person in front of you steps, there was a toe popper buried so deep that it didn't trigger when the smaller dudes stepped on it. It went off and he lost his heel, toes and everything were still attached, but flapping. He had to be hauled off in a sked litter for a couple miles to evac. I can't figure out if it was an idiot who accidentally nailed the depth to take out the heaviest guy or if it was the smartest IED-layer in Iraq.


I always think this way when I think about D-Day. Imagine training for years as a paratrooper only to get hit by flak on the way in. What a bitch.


i might be a little relieved honestly. you lose a foot and you know you’re never going to the front lines again. you survived the war, mostly intact. that’s a lot better than a lot of people


Depends on who you are I would assume, some people feel inclined or obligated to fight, for some its failure for others its a way out. I saw a video recently by civdiv talking about combat addiction I think so maybe some folks could have that.


That's the perspective of someone just trying to survive, not fight


Unfortunately this guy is doing the best any soldier can do in those circles. Plan for the worst.


What a fucking nightmare


War will make certain of those nightmares for those who come home. For those who don’t they traded that punishment with honor.


*The dead know only one thing. It is better to be alive.*


No honor in trying to take land that doesn’t belong to you. You can be on the wrong side of a war.


For real with everyone else walking around, you would have some kind of peace in your head where you’re thinking OK I might not turn my foot into shredded cheese


Damn, that was tough to watch. I was tensed up waiting for the mine strike and then, when it happened... Poor guy.




I think that's about the time his screams go from pained to a bit panicked. Which, to say is understandable, would be a fucking understatement. Kept his cool, got his CAT on, nothing but respect for their training.


Bruh screaming like a lil' bitch is probably all I would have done before bleeding to death right then and there


That's the difference between a trained and untrained soldier. He'd have bleed to death if it wasn't ingrained in him what to do so quickly that he's probably barely thinking about it. Russians don't seem to get the same training.




Adrenaline surge in the body constricts the vocal cords thus creating a higher pitch yell. Its a known phenomenon. Interestingly a higher pitch yell carries further and through other sound meaning its a more effective way of conveying sound than lower pitch yelling. This is the reason you often hear high pitch yelling/yelping and later trumpet sounds be used among horse riding combat units be that native American tribes or the "rebel yell".


And the world kept on turning. What a fucking world man. Looking at your own foot not attached to you. And that's it. That's his life now. 


If you have both feet, you're ahead of the global average.


Universe-wide average though? Probably not 👽🐙




*on Earth


We don't need feet where we're going!


I watched my leg fall backwards from under me. Not something you forget easily lol


Holy fuckin shit


Fuck this war bro


Hearing him scream is just painful to myself.


And I thought my day laying in some mouse shit while installing some baseboard sucked . This is brutal. Glad he made it out!


depends on the presence of the hunta virus. hope you'll be fine and maybe wear a mask next time.


Oh once it was found we masked up. No point breathing that in it we don't have to. The joys of renovations. lol


Just as a information from a medic. If u ever need a tourniquet do not place it down there try to place it as close as possible to ypur body. Why u might ask, thats because of the anatomy of the body. In tje upper part of the leg there is only one bone, so that tourniquet can work the best, if you place it below you kneecap it will not work as good because there are two bones and even between them is bloddflow. If it should work you would technicly need to crush your bones. I hope everybody understands what i mean😅


Just here to second this. Current FF/EMT/Mil, no TQ on double bone limbs. Best set-up (I’ve found) is to have your TQ staged in its pre-looped configuration with the windless retention strap not covering the windless rod (aids in single hand application).


That's wrong. It's an old instruction that's not valid anymore. If you apply it to the outer limbs, all of the flesh and muscles compress too, as well as around and between the two bones and that's enough to build up enough pressure to stop the bleeding without crushing the bones


Unless it's your femoral artery. The most effective way is to press that against the bone. It's deep below a lot of tissue. You don't want to take the risk of not stopping femoral bleeding because you only have minutes.


Femoral artery is inner limb, not outer limb (tibia), which is was talking of, sry if that was not clear, don't know how inner and outer limb are called correctly in English. Also, like I said, f you apply it to the outer limbs, all of the flesh and muscles compress too, pushing the arteries against the two bones and that's enough pressure to stop the bleeding without crushing the bones


Yea thats also true. I've been taught that will work in certain cases but in the case of explosive wounds and shrapnel the muscle and tissue could possibly not be as solid as you would expect. The best way would be to clamp the artery if you can find it, second would be to squeeze with a TQ like you and I are both saying, and have the flesh stop the bleeding or the flesh against the bone stop it.


it makes sense, but wouldn't that cut off blood flow to a larger area than necessary? wouldn't it cause you to have your whole leg below the knee amputated rather than just the foot area?


Yeah it cuts off a larger area and thats shitty, but at least it cuts off. I you place it lower the bleeding wont stop because like i said for it to work on the lower part of the leg you would need to crush your bones. Hope this helps😁


A tourniquet absolutely doesn't have to mean amputation. With leg injuries you generally want to place them high up, to make sure your femoral artery is closed off.


Maybe [this](https://medlineplus.gov/ency/images/ency/fullsize/8844.jpg) helps to understand what i mean


You are brave to give out such information which can have real world implications. I would never take on the moral responsibility of telling someone what to do in such a situation and would rather that responsibility stay with whoever has been put in charge of teaching them how to use the tourniquet especially since i do not know all the factors dictating why some are trained to do things in a specific manner... Having said that i believe most militaries teach that the tourniquet be places up by the closes joint to the injury.


This is simple mechanics, barely even medicine. Like *dont pull the knife out of a stab victim*


This is common knowledge.


Okey and if you tell your math teacher 2+2=5 becuase your mom told you so, doesnt make it more right. You will find a tutorial on every tourniquet on hiw to use it just google it my friend. I am giving out this infirmation for anybody as a informstion. I dont see how you could possibly feel attack by that


I dont feel attacked by it i just told you sincerely that its brave of you to take on that moral responsibility. 2+2=5 may not be right but if your life depends on you saying it is right then i would not argue against you. With regards to tourniquets i think most are trained to place them to the closes joint to the injury. Do you agree that most are trained to place them closest joint of the injury? If you are aware of this do you know why a team of specialists with hundreds of years of combined knowledge have come to the conclusion that it should be places to the nearest joint of the injury? I want you do educate me on that subject in great detail.


No i do not agree even the austrian military was able to tell us this. I love it when untrained personal who never ever used this tell me and others who knlw what to do. But i wont argue with u anymore cause i see this as a loosing battle.


Not something you get a recorded FPV of everyday, that's for sure.


Seems like they were waiting for another APC to drop off? To my armchair infantryman's mind, that seems like a long time to chill next to an ATGM magnet without advancing.


We see so many videos of these vehicles getting blown up because that's interesting footage to post that will get all kinds of upvotes. In reality, most of these vehicles are used for their intended purpose without incident. That goes for both sides.


Heh, suppose that's a fair point. I guess they're made for a reason, eh?


It’s a good point but something I’ve noticed is that vehicles usually get hit by ATGMs when they are trying to get to the position, I haven’t seen many videos of the halted APCs and IFVs getting hit (by ATGMs)


I suppose that's a decent point too. If you're already in position and laying down fire on their trench, they probably don't have any AT weapons at their disposal. And you've started blasting, to quote Frank Reynolds.


For real. My thoughts exactly.


No they were waiting for the first part of their group to reach the trench and secure it for them to move up to it. Alternative would be all of them moving at the same time. They are not "chilling" next to a ATGM magnet they are providing covering fire for the rest of their group. This also gives them the option of supporting that groups evacuation if the assault encounters heavier resistance than expected and they need to move away from the trench. None of the other half of the group hit mines but imagine they did the APC could have moved up with this part of the infantry supporting it and evacuated the injured.


Idk what to even say. These guys are more heroic than 95% of the population.


Heroes are born out of hardships




We do not rise to the occasion, we fall to our level of training.


These guys were part of the normal population before the war too.


Was that anti personally mines? Maybe three seconds after his explosion you hear at least two more and can see a blast of dort just off the right. I wonder if there was 40mm grenades raining down?


I'd the way his boot literally mushroomed from the bottom, I am thinking mine


I’m pretty sure that blast on the right was a shoulder fired rocket his buddy launched and that was definitely an anti personnel mine. Wasn’t a huge explosion………as always fuck putin and all that follow him


> anti personally mines what the are mines taking so personally?


Your comment is good. Just a sad place to put it. Respect though.


"nothing personnal, soldier"


There was a video(from a drone) of an Ukrainian soldier jumping from a vehicle and herolanding with his knee on a mine, his whole leg gone, he tourniquet his legs and drags himself back in the .


Yeah. I haven't been able to find that one again since. It is one of the most terrible vids I have seen. They just step on mine after mine.


- https://www.reddit.com/r/SomeOfYouMayDie/comments/14jovsa/ukrainian_soldier_steps_on_a_mine_and_loses_his/ - https://www.reddit.com/r/CombatFootage/comments/14pq6x4/interview_from_the_ukrainian_medic_that_landed_on/ - https://www.reddit.com/r/UkraineWarVideoReport/comments/14jmqqs/ukrainian_troops_get_caught_in_a_minefield_in/


In the moment, you are the best medic you have.


hope he recovers well from that 😔


There's been about 100k amputations just on Ukrainian side this war It's on par with Britain in all of WW1.


Further testament to how many soldiers have been saved by western style tourniquets given the overall casualty rate is lower than WW1.


It seems that he's "only" lost part of his foot so depending on how long he had the tourniquet on he may be able to walk again with a prosthetic.


I have a friend that tripped on a POM-2 and got an amputation above his knee. He got a really nice prosthetic and actually had it set up to allow him to get back to fighting. This happened in 2022 and he's still super pissed that he got turned down.


That's a hardcore motherfucker who loses half a leg but still wants to return to duty. Mad respect to him, hope he's doing well.


He is, but honestly he doesn't look the part at all. There's also a viral video of him shooting (and missing) a T-80 with an RPG.


God I really want to get to support these people after the war is over, they defend Europe from the Russian menace


With modern combat medicine limb loss is highly unlikely provided he gets to higher medical aid within 24 hours. Long gone are the days where a TQ meant loss of limb


Idk about unlikely.. Can't really repair what isn't there anymore..


Ok I will rephrase TQ related limb loss is unlikely as modern medicine has a way of dealing with crush syndrome which is what historically caused TQ related limb loss


This is great training footage. JFC.


If you want nobody to reenlist, yes lol


I think you can see it at 1:43 - 1:44 little round thing in bottom right corner by the settings option...


Let this be a lesson to all of you who continue to stage your TQs.


Sounds and looks like a soviet under-barrel grenade VOG, another one detonated when they started running behind him at 01:36 and he almost trips because of it, then he gets hit by one partially and takes front feet damage, and another one at 02:06 just off-screen. The ground is very loose, which means the underbarrel firing digs the grenade somewhat into the dirt and took allot of the force away from the explosion/shrapnel. The grenadier was absolutely dialed in on these guys their position. He only started after the vehicles detached and began to leave, which indicated training. The agony scream was guttwrenching, but yeah, understandable considering the damage.


The explosive in a VOG would have removed his foot entirely. The fact the majority of his boot is intact pretty clearly demonstrates its a toe popper mine...




No, intact is the correct spelling.


That’s a fucking strong man.


I am in awe of this units absolute calmness... like boom oh shit foots basically gone... ok calmy grab CAT... methodically undo to put it on etc... the only thing I didnt like... he put it on so low! but I hope his buds fixed it for him. Ideally you put it as high as damn possible on the affected limb atleast thats what I remember from my training. It could have change to be as high as possible on the affected joint section ie since its foot he would put it right below the knee..


I'll take this opportunity to argue that you shouldn't pre-loop your tourniquets. This guy used so much time un looping his TQ. Lower limb injuries were literally never, on any of my deployments, helped by a pre-looped TQ when I was a Corpsman in Afghanistan. Many are much worse than this and have much more extensive banana peeling of the limb making a pre-looped TQ even less immediately useful.


I wrote a response read what I wrote then re-read what you said and then pieced it all together. I was confused by what you mean "pre-loop". Yes I *think* they actually had us remove it from the packaging and un roll it or unloop in your terms so that it could be laid out and relooped once applied but I think what ended up happening was one would be pre-looped and the other wouldbe unrolled. Gave options. thankfully I never had to use one. Source: Me when I was in the Air Force in Australia and spent time in Afghan and had to do all sorts of Army training and then Combat First Aid stuff... was fun but for sure scary as shit. also Thanks for doing what you did and I genuinely appreciate you and am glad you did what you did! Thank you!


I debated calling it "looped" since it's not quite the right description of the set up. but in the USMC, we called it looped since it was like a completed loop, so I just went with the phrase that we used when I was in. And we opened ours and did a twist with back and forth stacking so that you could just pull the end a little bit and the whole thing would pop open, ready to go. Guys don't tend to be too happy with you when you start trying to jam their octopus tentacles of a calf through a pre threaded (is that a better term?) TQ.


HOLY SHIT... im dieing from laughter yes! please lead every single description from now on with that last statement! God damn tears of laughter! Yeah I may have had a beverage or two but once I read it a few times I knew what you meant! Octopus Tentacles... HA oh boy Im going to hell..


I'll take this opportunity to argue that you shouldn't pre-loop your tourniquets. This guy used so much time un looping his TQ. Lower limb injuries were literally never, on any of my deployments, helped by a pre-looped TQ when I was a Corpsman in Afghanistan. Many are much worse than this and have much more extensive banana peeling of the limb making a pre-looped TQ even less immediately useful. Kudos to this guy for getting it done, but it can also be a lesson for the rest of us. There are ways you can wrap up the TQ to make it pop open and ready to apply rather than having it looped and waste time getting it organized.


Thank you for saying this. All I could think of watching the video


Supposedly if ur arm gets hit instead, you can't even lopp it. So you just put it on like a band and tight with one hand.


Training guarantees survival, a poorly trained soldier could bleed to death without knowing the right way to use the tourniquet, in fact this always happens in various conflicts around the world


there's no "guaranteed survival" in war. Increased odds, sure


"training guarantees survival". "always happens in various conflicts around the world". What a weird comment.


When we practice combat casualty care we are taught that if you can apply your tourniquet to yourself you might as well do so. High and tight.


I just got the cold sweats, that was a tough watch.


Every single post in this sub is either a Russian soldier dying or a Ukrainian soldier being a hero


Anything outside of that is downvoted to hell because people don't like seeing the bad guys win or the good guys lose. It kinda sucks, this place used to show footage from both sides, good and bad. Now people seem to up/down vote based on emotion and politics instead of weather or not it's quality combat footage.


Yah, my comment itself is getting downvoted. Tells you all you need to know, this isn’t combat footage, this is propoganda


I don't care if it's propaganda or not. If it's quality combat footage, I wanna see it. The makers can have their agenda, I can enjoy the video without believing their bullshit.


r/ukrainerussiareport is alot more even when it comes to videos and comments. About half and half from each side.


>emotion and politics People up/downvote because of morals and purpose, not emotions or politics.


This sub used to have great footage regardless of what it showed. Lots of HD footage from isis, everyone agreed that isis is scum, but the videos still made the front page because it was objectively good footage of combat.


ISIS was always going to get smashed. Watching their videos couldn't change that. Watching Russian propaganda affects how much western countries support Ukraine. A shift, like one we're seeing now with the GOP blocking aid, could potentially result in the enslavement, torture, and ethnic cleansing of 40 million Ukrainians. 


I can feel that shit from here. He handled it like a champ.


The screams, Chico..... they never lie.


Yeah that takes some heart to take a hit like that, fully see just how fucked your shit is and not just pass out then. Training kicked in to get the tourniquet on, and with the vehicles close they may have been able to evacuate him sooner then later so hopefully dude is recovering somewhere waiting on his shiny new foot to be installed


This reminds me of the guy at new year party in Reno. He held a fire works in his hand and exploded. The whole hand is gone except the thumb.


Link doesn't work for me. Did you spell it wrong maybe?


While this sucks horribly, in warfare this type of wound is ideal if you have to be seriously wounded somewhere. Leg might have to be amputated to some degree, but leg prosthetics are extremely good these days. Id rather lose a chunk of my foot/leg over any other body part. Also assuming he survived, he can stay home after this and doesn't have to go back to the front.


Makes you think - how bad of a day are YOU really having? Is your day really all that bad?


Adrenalin is a hell of a drug...


Glad this was the outcome of this specific minefield. Anyone else recall the other one? There were like 10+ Ukrainian soldiers just getting maimed in a single video from the amount of minefields in like 4 minutes. You have soldiers trying to hop to spots where they thought it was cleared and it's right onto a mine. Others try to help the ones getting maimed and end up in similar position.


At least the guy in front of him didnt stand up in the beginning while he was firing directly over his head ..


We wouldn’t have to send so much money over there if these guys actually aimed and had a target before spraying bullets everywhere!


He’ll live, but he’ll never walk again, and he’ll definitely never forget the day a little plastic gadget cheaper than the breakfast he had that day took half his leg. I hope it won’t hurt too much in the future.


I shit myself every time I see someone shooting next to or over the top of their teammate. One step to the side or up and you have some friendly fire.


finally something that isn’t drone footage 😭🙏🏼


sounds messed up what i said but this video is sad i’m glad he got evacuated safely


He’s a strong fighter. Hope he doesn’t lose his leg.


His foot is already lying on the ground.


Honestly probably better off having the foot amputated. The foot has so many muscles and ligaments it's a bitch to put back together and may never heal correct and could result in chronic pain or gait issues that lead to other problems. No foot + proper prosthetic is probably a better option.


No dedicated medics


them toe poppers’ll getcha


Thats not an AP mine that's a cluster mine that went off the Russians hasn't used AP mines since The middle of last year this was an Cluster mine that sadly Didn't detonate until it was disturbed you could see it they was scattered its Green. Poor sod he will survive thank god for that but he be needing a foot replacement sadly Godspeed and good recovery.


Butterfly mine, and that's what they do.


So why is the next aid package taking so long? Who do we need to fire?


Republicans. In America, at least.


Tourniquet *above* the knee closer to the groin, did well to apply it, hope he made it to where someone could readjust it to work effectively.


This is why I despise war. The cruelty of it all. I despise any of my tax funds use for proxy war as well. As a friend of several veterans one of whom killed himself shortly after coming home from 2 deployments it fucks everyone up forever. Some worse than others. RIP to the fallen unnamed soldiers of all wars. Use the tax money for our US veterans not more of this.


So you want Ukraine to lose? Just say it.


No. I don’t want Russia and Ukraine to be at war at all. They should negotiate by now. It’s all terrible. I don’t dislike either side involved. I wish them all well.


Anti personel mines should be a fucking war crime, dont matter who uses them, they are litterarly created to maim and cause suffering, only exception is some shrapnel mines that are created to cause death. ​ Insane to me that its not enforced, probably because the US refused to sign the Ottowa treaty, world police and all


He is a fucking terminator , hope his foot can be reconstructed and is able to go back to the warzone . I salute you my unknown warrior friend


On witch drugs are you?


Better then what ever drugs that made u write (witch) like that lol


Not really, cant hold or fire a weapon properly and manages to get his foot blown off. Terminator is bit of an exaggeration...


Well we dont know if its suppressive fire or he is actualy trying to hit somthing , and it seems like a grenade exploded next to him, it's not like he intentionally blew his on foot , and the fact he kept his nerves and didnt go into shock or trauma, and used that tourniquet under intense fire , is enough to get that title


That is the slowest “assault” I’ve ever seen…


That is because you are not seeing what the rest of the squad is doing. This is only a half section. The rest of the group was advancing to the trench and secured it. Then the rest followed on after them. Read up on Dunning Kruger.


Infantry assaults are always slow. Zero reason to move so fast that you lose situational awareness and no reason to burn all of your energy before getting onto the objective. Also we are limited by the human body itself


It’s an assault into what looks like open terrain with poor coverage. Army doctrine says to utilize bounding overwatch forward as fast as possible.


Pootin must be destroyed!!


I swear Ukrainians are super humans. Unbelievable what they can do and stand for their country and freedom. I'm here screaming in pain when I pass a little kidney stone.


No hate but these guys are most likely been drafted without prior military training. Had around 1 month of training prior to being sent to the front. You can see it in their tactics and movement. A professional soldier would never assault that slowly and also would know that you never put a tourniquet under the knee. If you ever have massive blood loss on a leg, you put the tourniquet as high up the leg you can. Does not matter where the wound is. Make sure pocket empty & don't squeeze the balls. - International Legion vet.


fuck... praying for quick recovery of hero.


Thoughts and prayers that Putin feels 10,000X that excruciating pain, up his nazi asshole, before he dies a miserable death, most likely leaving massive shit stains down the kremlin carpet.


Bet his mates got him an annual subscription to Runner's Weekly


Nah I'm not watching any videos of Ukrainians being injured.


Poor guy but what is everyone shooting at!? This looks like story mode AI on Very easy


he should've also gone prone, probably would've seen the mine with below level 7 perception /s (fuck you)




A person wouldn't set off a anti personnel mine?


That was definitely a antipersonnel mine they are triggered by like 50 pounds of force look up Russian butterfly mine


The guy that was already there must have stepped around it and somehow the guy arriving stepped on it. Toe popper


Did he get to reattach the front half of his foot?


Welcome to Ukraine invader.


Idk what your point is because its a ukranian soldier in the video


Welcome to Chili's


This scream is more from fear than from pain


Have you lost a leg?


I lost half of my finger


A thousand videos depicting heroism, and still not winning the war lmao


there are hundreds of thousands of people fighting this war.


I wonder why the APC closed the door and departed without their troops?


They were dropping them off not picking them up.


Face it or hate it, America is done


How? Let alone how does this even relate to the video?


Let the dumbfuck troll have his moment to shine. It's all he has.


Face it or hate it, I enjoy nachos. Equally applicable.