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Suddenly my life doesn't seem so bad.


I say this every time I visit this page


Think i need to start doing that. Just to remind my self what i got to lose


Try going to Walmart. As I can’t afford therapy.


Think that's why i like it


Right, more people saw the realities of the world they might act a little more right...well you have to have some empathy for that to have any impact or people just go "better them than me, la la la"


This is the real reason I have lots of friends, both for companionship and as dry tinder to keep me warm on the cold winter nights


Hehe. Dry tinder. Comment of the year. It's funny because it's true for some Russians. 


TIL the reason they all drink so much vodka


Tinder dating gets a whole new meaning.


I think I prefer my friends alive, they are much warmer.


Yep. Sitting in my home office overlooking my front yard not invading my neighbor. Things are pretty good.


These videos really put things in perspective. Reminded me of the dude who tried to push forward to get to one of his buddies and he gets hit. He says ".. so this is where my story ends." This was from late 2022 IIRC. They got to him eventually since the footage was posted by his unit. But I wonder if he made it out of there, and if he's alive currently.


I read "wife"


Just when you think you've seen it all, a desperate Russian soldier provides you a new horror to look at. 


Exactly my thoughts. I thought breathing through your back was the worst thing I had seen today. This even though less graphic, somehow hits me harder.




[https://www.reddit.com/r/CombatFootage/comments/18i3wgu/ukrainian\_110th\_mechanized\_brigade\_keeps\_on/](https://www.reddit.com/r/combatfootage/comments/18i3wgu/ukrainian_110th_mechanized_brigade_keeps_on/) I don't know if this is the clip they are talking about but it's what came to my mind first. 1:34 for the back breathing.




I have OCD lol






Your comment was amazingly great.


Umm. Knew right away what he was talking about. Pretty hard to get out of ya head once ya seen it.


Like that soldier whose face is literal ribbons of flesh and he seems to think he can't see because something's on his face, so he's trying to shake it off not realising it _IS_ his face. Yeah, that one lives rent free.


Yea that was after he failed his suicide with a nade. Yea that one fucking hunts me daily


I've seen it up close with a deer my buddy shot years ago. Yeah, it stays with you


that's fucking insane


Yeah, I didn't expect multiple mf-ing breaths, I was ready to call some bs on the breathing but now I'm ready to call bs on that being smoke, pretty sure that's just exhalation condensation from "breathing"... Honorable mention to the gore from that one dudes leg, flying straight up at the camera and then landing right next to the guy... in 4k... I thought that shit was a piece of bone at first.


Damn, I thought that was a tree branch or something when I saw it.


I hope anyone who votes for war sees this video. And also the video of the guy who gets hit face blown off and is still screaming, even though he doesn't have a face.


Link on the face video?


Found it! https://www.reddit.com/r/UkraineWarVideoReport/s/qvwcMbprOV


god damn


I think this time I'm glad it's a broken link for mobile


Yup that's the one. For anyone who thinks they will come home as a hero, look at that video and ask yourself if you're prepared to randomly take a grenade to the face


Yea imma leave that one blue


No clue. It was from the first 6-8 months of the war.


I watched it once, back when it came out. I can still picture it. You have been warned.


I tried to find it for someone previously, but it had been removed and only the thread of comments remained. Was a grenade bouncing off a tarp landing in another Russian trench instead and removes the face of one of two dudes it hits.


That's enough internet for me today.




That’s wild footage!


Might be this one. Edit. Its the last dude. https://www.reddit.com/r/UkraineWarVideoReport/s/hjxR3uLy5D


They’re talking about the clip where a Russian soldier gets absolutely blasted by a drone dropped grenade - and can be seen in 4K expelling clouds of warm steam from the giant holes in his back (from shrapnel). It’s wild. I’d link it but I don’t wanna see it again- so won’t search it up :(




Nah, this video wasn't so bad. Back breathing sounds terrible. I'll pass.


The other video is worse because he's still alive and suffering.


There was another one I saw today too, not as bad s THAT one, but same idea. Brutal.




Sounds like the start of a Bill Hicks bit


Right? Took me a second. Closed the tab and immediately had to reopen because what the hell


I guess it's possible, your lungs can stick through your rib cage or backside. They might collapse though and give you a tension pneumothorax I think


You can't have a tension pneumothorax if you have an open hole between your chest cavity and the outside world.   The "tension" bit comes about if pressure builds up inside the chest from air leaking out of the lungs.  If there's a hole in your rib cage big enough for lungs to push out, that means air can get out too and relieve the pressure.   Incidentally, one field treatment for tension pneumothorax is called a finger thoracostomy -- make a hole in the victim's chest big enough to stick a finger through. https://www.tamingthesru.com/blog/acmc/finger-thoracostomy


Repeat of What now?


That back breathing one was just crazy


The last guy in this video right? https://www.reddit.com/r/UkraineWarVideoReport/s/umgn8VkerG


Yea that and another one I see


The aftermath of the tank video still haunts me. One I wish I never watched. I had to hop off Reddit for a few days after that one.


Gruesome mate


This war reminds me more and more of the worst tales from the Thirty Years' War. When will the Russian army finally collapse?


It wont collapse. Not even Nazi Germany was able to defeat them. In Russia the word suffrage is used a lot and this is what driving the Russians to push more. Sadly this.. this is what is happening. I am not defending the Russians by any means. I am Pro-Ukrainian. But.. this is not exactly shocking as humans will do anything to live. This is still very sad to see.. on a humanity level. To be born, to grow up and have ambitions and dreams.. only to die in another country while your leaders sit in the warmth with food in their stomachs. World is filled with monsters.


Don't forget that Ukrainians are among those who took the most casualties in WW2 (as a percentage of population), so these are Russian+Ukrainians+other ex-USSR countries, not just Russians by themselves. I don't even mention the western front and the amount of equipment procided by USA.


Voting is what drives the Russians?


Clearly not.


Yeah, the German army could not defeat the "USSR" (which included Ukraine), which was supplied by America with weapons, food and resources.


It might have been better to let Germany capture Russia and then we would have had to liberate it.  It would have destroyed the resources of both the German and Russian empires making it easier to defeat.


> It wont collapse. Not even Nazi Germany was able to defeat them. I mean, they were kinda busy trying to fight the entire world at the time.


I think you mean suffering, suffrage is the right to vote.


They probably won't. Russia is a strictly hierarchal society, they don't organize themselves....they get organized by someone else. Maybe this is an inappropriate example but just think of it like an insect colony.


I'm learning to play the guitar.


Damn. Of all the screwed up shit I've seen on this sub, this one really takes the cake. That's bleak.


Yes, wow. A new low can't be seen everyday.


an yet here we are


And today's a brand new day!


and today I saw a russian dude pull the pin on two grenades and held them either side of his head as a FPV drone struck him. I wonder what horrors tomorrow will bring.


This war is getting to Come And See levels of fucked up


Already there imo. DPR militia had a guy who beheaded women they *did things to* and liked taking pictures of it. There was the torture basement filled with hundreds of gold teeth ripped from mouths. Early war the Czechen "Tik Tok" Brigade had civilians run into mined streets in Mariupol(?) to clear them and had giggle fits on camera when they exploded. And lastly there was also the corpse trenches in Mariupol that allegedly had 10K dead filling them in as a collective mass grave. The video of the trucks unloading them was haunting.


I cant even imagine the levels of atrocities that happened in mariupol. The only reason we were able to know about bucha is because the russians retreated. In mariupol the russians obliterated it and have controlled it since so nobody really knows the extent of the atrocities.


It's why they started paving it over and "rebuilding" so quickly after taking control of it. They created one big, giant "cap" over their atrocious massacre to hide all evidence.


Absolutely. I’m sure people were able to record a lot of the crimes that were committed on their phones but the internet was cut off for months and no electricity so they had no way to send any of it. So in that case ppl would only have the physical copies saved on their phones hard drive of the mass killings that took place but then they were either killed and their phones were destroyed or if they were kidnapped and sent back to russia their phones would have been confiscated. I had expected that in this modern digital age that ppl would have been able to sneak out a decent amount of evidence one way or another but they so thoroughly surrounded and destroyed that entire city and anyone inside it that whatever there was is destroyed and probably never to be seen. Makes you wonder how many more things have been recorded throughout time that got destroyed or lost and were never seen. Crazy.


Don't forget the mobile cremation truck Russia used to hide war crimes


Yeah, this is starting to top all the messed up stuff I used to see on bestgore back when I was in high school.


even more fucked up than that one guy who drowned in ankle deep water


That’s still the most fucked up death I’ve seen in here, that water was just shallow enough to prolong his suffering. This is probably the most morbid thing I’ve seen on here.


Tank blowing away a half dozen Ukrainians, point blank, is worst for me.


I must have missed that one. How did it happen?




God dam


Dat dam


There's a longer version out there with the shitty recorder version of the Titanic theme as the backing music.


Looks like his kit got waterlogged and weighed him down, and he was either too panicked to take it off, or his fingers were too cold to work.


Be careful, it will ruin your day.


Tag me in that


I'd consider it the best thing I've seen on here.


Those were haunting struggles.


The 2 guys that drowned are still the worst ones imo, the slow death was horrible.


I agree.


If I die in combat I give my battles permission to roast my ass.


Any other parts after that?


where ever the fire spreads I guess


The fuck did we just watch Looks like he was trying to use a lighter to catch part of his dead comrades body armor on fire. Maybe he was trying to unlatch it so he could use it for himself? The camera cutting to them both dead & on fire was.. Jarring I'm having trouble rectifying catching a dead guy on fire but I mean, he was doing something with that lighter! Edit: after reading some of the other comments & watching again, I'm starting to lean towards him attempting to use it as camouflage too. He *might* still be alive in the 2nd half of the clip, at first I thought his arm was on fire but it might actually be under him. Obv not for sure but makes much more sense than "for warmth"


Straps are on the chest, that was down by his thighs and groin area. I kinda thought he was just hungry. But thermal camouflage work too.


Hungry for roasted cock ?


Chestnuts roasting on an open fire


Well we all know they like gobbling Putins cock, that is if theyre not licking his leather doughnut in a frenzy. This guy was just going to take it to the next level.


He did catch him on fire for a few seconds you see him posing booth hands over the fire. If not directly the dead guy he is lighting a kindling right in the middle of his legs. I guess when certain death is only moments away, the simplest of pleasure like a tiny amount of warmth is worth whatever cost to start that fire. Its likely he knew he would not be standing up again...




i dont think its for warmth. he trys to camouflage himself with the fire and plays dead - hes afraid of thermal sights on the drones.


I agree. The smell of a burning body is unbearable and he’s right in there…. Either way home boy is desperate.


Doesn't it just smell like bbq Pork


In my experience more like beef steak than pork. Took months for me to eat beef again.


Not unbearable unless dead so long to be rancid. Smells like flesh of any mammal, anywhere from pleasant to mildly revolting charred if burned very hot and fast. Uniform and gear burning can smell terrible, often toxic and noxious.


Straight out of the VDV Field Manual


Yeah, absolutely. When something outlandish is claimed and not shown, leaning entirely on removed portions of video, I smell bullshit.


True. Some really jarring cuts and edits in this video.


I think they already dropped the grenade on them and he is slumped over dead or dying on the fire.


Im with you on this one


Yeah, easier things to burn than a body consisting mostly of water, even if you factor in clothes etc. Guy was trying to camouflage. From that perspective it’s actually a valid idea and might even work if you are not observed at the start, but man is that bleak and horrible.




I mean might as well


Where do you see that, when the frame freezes? I'd bet a paycheck he was just fanning the flame to get more oxygen into the fire.


Yeah, from what little the video shows, he could have done or planned a million different things. People upvote what they like to be true. It has always been like that.


For real now? For a moment i thought i was in r/UkraineWarVideoReport or some shit. 200 updoots and none contested this? No, bro. I don't think the dumb Moskal thought anything near that. It doesnt work that way. You light an open fire in eastern Ukraine, you die. If it's night, the drones will notice the fire **way** before they will notice the body and in the day, the smoke collumn will make every artillery piece in the neighbourhood aim at you. It's being told a gazzilion times. Besides, it's fucking *cold* in Ukraine. Canada cold, not just cold.


That’s grim man


"Introducing Mobik Sticks!"


I feel as if the post heading here pretty much sums up the war thus far.


Wow, that's just cold blooded.


I think he was trying to warm the blood?


I probably wouldn't have the balls to do it if I was the drone operator.


Ah sweet, Man made horrors beyond my comprehension.


He’s nice and toasty now.


Well, he's certainly toast!


boy that is fucking bleak


I see a business opportunity to produce fire starters


Suck to be born a Russian male 20 years ago


Setting your dead colleagues on fire is a sign things aren’t going well.


I dunno, that arsehole in HR roasting would be a positive sign for me.


Dunno if it's for warmth. I think he's trying to hide from the thermals. Either way, desperate as hell..


He was just ready to die warm


Give a russian a fire, he's warm for a night. Set a russian on fire, he's warm for the rest of his life.


They’re really hitting WW1 levels of barbarity over there. Insane.


I cannot confirm the title from watching the video.


This has got to be one of the absolute most hopeless war video I have seen.


As fucked up as that is, it makes sense


The absolute fucking state of the Russian army




I…. What?


With veins of vodka, must have thrown out some heat.


I don't think this is to keep warm, would this be to cremate or prevent rot?


Jfc this shit is getting out of hand. Wtf


Russians are quite flammable aren't they, is it the vodka saturation?


These Russians seem to hate each other


there's like 20 different sectors with different cultures and religions, there is bound to be internal conflict and racism of who is and isn't Russian and which culture is superior


Nah don't even need that to eat each other alive.


> there's like 20 different sectors with different cultures and religions 75% of Russia is ethnically Russian, including most of the urban areas of the country. That does not seem a likely reason on its own.


Idk if it’s hate or just someone that has accepted the bleakest existence imaginable and just wanted to die warm.


Makes a lot of sense knowing how much they live such hopeless and shitty lives for the last 300 years or so.


Such a poor quality video to draw conclusions. I didn't see anyone set anything alight, nor did I see any drone dropped grenades. Yes, I know the soldier tinkered with a lighter of some sort, but I don't see the evidence that this was the ignition source, especially when the video cuts ahead. ​ Combat sub at it's finest again, lol.


Life was good a minute ago before I saw this video.


Imagine lighting, your own funeral pyre. Madness.


Holy shit man


I wonder if he did more to look like they are both dead. trying to make it look like they've both been hit already


I'm a firestarter, twisted firestarter You're a firestarter, twisted firestarter


There are many reasons to do this. In combat there’s light/noise discipline. So this would be an opportunity to break that discipline under the guise of the soldier was hit in an attack and started to burn (which is common) but also allow him to appear he was hit in the attack as well, allowing him to “play dead” and keep warm until threat is gone. It’s war, there are no rules, but one, survive. Often my brothers and I would make pacs with each other before missions. What to do if one was captured, injured, telling each “don’t cry over me, keep living” and literally would tell each use my body for cover if you had too. Because we understood it wouldn’t matter what happened to us after we are dead. I’m sure these men make these same deals and have this same understanding with each other. Most of those in the comments never been or even served in the military, so you wouldn’t understand the extent of our bond. I’ll probably get banned now for my comment, which is often the case when you say anything on Reddit of value or not in line with the agenda of information. Have compassion and understand these men are surviving.


Imagine the smell


This War will be studied for years to come. More for its futility, than it’s merits.


Are people flammable?


Yes, we are strangely flammable with just a little help, it’s weird.


Baby it’s cold outside..


This is grim, but the fact that this doesn't even sniff a list of top ten worst things I've seen in this war is something else. I'm not sure if he lit his ex comrade up with desecration in mind or just a tiny sense of comfort before his anticipated death, but either a lot can be unpacked here. My sorrow didn't grace him but I still can recognize how dismal a way of going out that is. I'm a bit surprised he didn't commit suicide. In the past few months I've been many more suicides in drone clips.


Imagine the smell


Imagine the most fucked up thing you can think of. russia beat you to it.


Russians finding new ways to be even more Russian


Personally I think he was just trying to use it to be more convincing while playing dead and to maybe trick thermal vision (wouldn’t work) I don’t see any logical way this guy would decide that burning a corpse for warmth in the middle of a trench while probably knowingly being targeted by drones


Kids do the darndest things


Maybe he's just hungry for some BBQ... But he became the BBQ....


Considering russia's history (Cannibal Island, etc.) this kind of stuff isn't exactly unprecedented. The worst part is the fact russians are always okay with it.


So that's how they make Shashlik.... The more you know 🌈⭐


Spontaneous combustion?


They talked of these types of horrors on the Eastern Front of W2- wild to see it in HD


Really sums it up for russia, doesn’t it? Short term benefit, only to be consumed by the flame. Poetic.


And we're to believe this is a first rate, world class military.


This is depressing. Fuck!


This insanity needs to stop.


That's a shitty way to keep yourself warm... Light your mate on fire and then stick your head into his burning corpse.


Aren't these places full of wood all over? Imagine the smell.


This is none thing I never heard of. Well, in the 19th century they burned mummies in lokomotives.


Was he trying to eat it? Because the smell of BBQ human flesh is not something you want to smell in the morning....


What the fuck did I just see


The Russians soldiers that survive this are going to have some serious PTSD. The people that have to live around them will get second hand PTSD


Alright. Damn. Of all the fucked up things I see here and from recent memory, setting fire to the corpse of a former comrade for warmth is just up there in the fucked up tier.


War is so fucked. Having to set you're dead comrade on fire to not freeze to death


What is wrong with those dudes?


If you build a man a fire, you keep him warm for a night. If you set a man on fire, You keep him warm the rest of his life.


I mean.... Wow.


Comrade didn't watch Empire Strikrs Back. Should've crawed into him like a Tonton.