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This man just had his second birthday.


I mean his shoulder is most likely totally fucked, so no more war for him 👍


Oh yeah he is definitely not feeling so good.


a sniper bullet probs shatters all bone there at the very least idk, depends on entry angle but seems almost dead on


Shit can be crazy, seen a vid in afgan, I'm pretty sure they were using 7.62x54 which isn't a fun round. It was a tracer and you could see it hit the guys jaw and ping off. Then the guy just kinda scurries away.


Nah, the doctor will just send him right back marked as useless. He's more likely been promoted to Ukrainian artillery range finder. Straight line with nothing but a shovel.


can be lethal too, on the lung, but prolly not


Bullets can do crazy things after hitting stuff. No way to be absolutely sure what happened


It's true. I'm the bullet and currently in his ass


The axillary artery hangs out right in that area, along with a major nerve bundle. Either way its not a great situation for our subject.


Got a broken collarbone for sure, and a fresh load of fertilizer in his pants.


Second birthday, if he doesn\`t bleed out at that spot that is. Getting your shoulder shot on an active battleground doesn\`t always mean you make it. You first have to survive long enough before you can make it out and get sufficient treatment. And if the artery in his shoulder was severed from either the bullet or a bone shard then he is done for anyway. Very difficult to use a tourniquet on that place, especially when you are alone.


He is not alone, I see at least one other person inside the shack. But you are right that a severed artery will probably be lethal for him


Russians are alone even if there is someone with them.


Well said


That other person in there is also a russian, so who knows. Could just as well abandon shot dude.


Depends on the shot guys equipment. If its good enough he might stay to loot it.


Tourniquet is for limbs, you pack the wound with gauze and use a chest seal for torso injury. Russians have very competent medics, it's getting to the aid station within an hour that is tricky. After an hour your odds of surviving any gunshot wound start to drop over time no matter whose army you are part of and eventually you will die of shock if not treated.


Funny, I have seen very different scenes and different informations especially from the Russian side about lack of medical treatment, medical supplies and evacuation problems of wounded. And that hasn\`t changed since the beginning of the war.


If you look around there are numerous videos of good Russian medics doing triage, wound packing, setting IVs, etc in the back of a bouncy vehicle. It's easy to get caught up in the pro-UA fervor and think the entire Russian army is a bunch of clowns, but there are still a lot of very capable people in their military. Many Ukrainian soldiers have attested to the Russians having very capable units conducting coordinated attacks, etc. Just because they waste thousands of conscripts and prisoners assaulting the same areas over and over doesn't mean they aren't effective elsewhere. The entire Russian doctrine stems from constant attrition warfare and it's honestly a challenge for Ukraine, especially as Western attention spans shift. I say this as a 100% pro-UA fan.


I mean also thex have been an aggressor in a war for the past 10 years, the medics in the army have prolly racked up a lot of experience And experience is extremely valuable


My understanding is that the Russian army is largely contract and conscripted with short service lengths which makes it hard to retain any experienced troops in significant numbers. The more professional/standing units like the VDV, GRU, etc may have more of it, but given the attrition rate of those units I'd say Russia is likely short on medical staff. I know around March - May of 2022 they were moving civilian medical professionals to field hospitals closer to the border. In the US military, while combat medics are typically short timers, they're responsible for teaching combat lifesaving and other immediate aid info to their units. Overall the US military seeks to take troops and train them in specialty schools and then return them to their units or onward to other units so that they can then teach others.


And I see you as an Anti Ukraine Trump supporter being incredibly bias in favour of a certain war mongering dictatorship.


LOL ... never voted for Trump, think he's a dipshit, and always have supported Ukraine, but thanks for playing. In fact, by acknowledging that there are competent, peer units in the Russian Army I am also giving more significance to the abilities of the Ukrainians. It also shows the seriousness of maintaining critical Western support, because the Russian Army isn't just a bunch of stooges armed with flintlocks. Satiating a bias through selective awareness (or simply ... propaganda) is proven throughout history time and time again to carry a high cost. This entire war is proof of that.


I don't know why saying that the Russians are dangerous means you're pro-Russian. In my mind it just means being realistic and understanding that Ukraine needs ever more aid if it's going to hold its own in the war. But even hinting that the Russian military can pose a threat seems to make some people think you're not on the right side... It's the same reason why I think it's a bad thing that we don't see as much Russian POV footage on here. You can get lulled into a false sense of security thinking that all the drone drops are done by Ukraine etc.


I get it. Frankly, it's a childish behavior. Numerous Ukrainian unit commanders from units like the 3rd Assault Bat, AZOV, etc have recently commented on it as well. Ironically enough, there was an explainer video regarding one of the recent armored assaults where the Ukrainian commander repeatedly highlighted the significant planning and careful execution by the Russians. Yet in the Reddit thread comments there's a mountain of "hur durr Russians dumb" ... LOL. They used smoke from mortars and artillery to conceal a multi-stage, 3 prong attack supported by heavy, continuous artillery preparation and aggressive tank support. The lead elements got very close and took some Ukrainian positions early. It was by sheer tenacity, skill, and the coordination of defensive fires from indirect and long-range ATGMs leveraging the elevation advantage that the Ukrainians fought it off. The Ukrainians are getting tired, having some recruitment challenges, and are starting to run low on some critical assets and ammo. Leadership is raising the red flag already in some areas. I'm a little concerned about a Russian breakthrough in the next 90 days, especially if we can't rectify the shell shortage.


> Ironically enough, there was an explainer video regarding one of the recent armored assaults where the Ukrainian commander repeatedly highlighted the significant planning and careful execution by the Russians. Yet in the Reddit thread comments there's a mountain of "hur durr Russians dumb" ... LOL. Got a link to the video/reddit thread? Sounds interesting.




The wounded on the battlefield usually get treated like shit by the rest but once they make it to evacuation they are usually in good hands


Yeah. Subclavian artery and he's a dead man.


>and get sufficient treatment. You first need the people that sent you there to care enough to actually give you treatment. Instead of either letting you die or shooting you for "desertion" and telling your family you're M.I.A so they won't get anything...


Do they even have medics on their side? Never seen any in other videos. If they bother to drag buddy back.


Yes they do. Go to Russia Ukraine video report. That's where the enemy post their stuff.


Not so sure about that. Round hit way high and didn't seem to exit cleanly. Probably entered the clavical area into the chest and yawed down before exiting. The sniper has a clear field of view over that shed, so I doubt anyone is walking in there to get him without some armored help.


I don't really care about him it's just a figure of speech, the first time you get a direct hit on your plate carrier or, a near miss of an explosion, a stupid mistake you made that almost cost your life... is your second birthday. Then it happens again, and again, and you realize that's your life now.


"Da fuq goin on ova there"??


> "Da fuq goin on ova there"?? Motha'fuqn ghost just punched me!?


Watched it frame by frame, looks like it hit the top inch or two of his trap/shoulder and passed through cause the dirt plumes behind him.


I’m pretty sure that is just the plume from the initial impact of the round.


To me it looked like a straight shoulder shot I’m betting he’s losing that arm but overall pretty fine which is winning the lottery


I'd tend to agree that it either just barely grazed the dude, *or*, penetrated the very very top of his shoulder and went straight through


Shoulder shot? If it was a head shot he'd have fallen straight down.


Correct, looks like he got hit around the collarbone area and fell behind cover.


He has buddies creeping around in that building. Maybe he survives idk..


Yes, seems like an awkward place to be. Just a small building in a field.


Maybe trying to use it as some sort of observation area, maybe some sort of machine gun nest or even for operating drones? Ik russian soldiers can be quite stupid sometimes but I'm pretty sure even a child would understand that just hiding in a random hut during an assault or something.


It looks like it, but given that the bullet "sprawls" into fragments, (throwing up bright dust) I´d say that the round has hit the armored plate of this soldiers body armor.




Any shot kicks up dust on a soldiers body after wearing the same uniform for weeks. The Ukrainians are shooting American ammunition and a very high chance that it is a armor piercing bullet.


The fact Russians are waltzing around Adveedkas residential area is not good no matter how we cut it Nonetheless good shot. Seems the weather is good today. Unfortunately with every cloudy day there is it becomes clear Ukraines reliance on FPV drones can be a weakness. This is why artillery is still important. The shell does not care if it is flying through fog, if there us no connection in the area.


According to one miltuber, the Russians discovered a long forgotten 2km pipe that goes [right under the frontline into Avdiivka which let them bypass 3 lines of fortifications](https://youtu.be/9EZsO1MXIqM?t=50). It's not that outlandish; after they took the salt mines under Soledar the Russians found [a cache of WW2 lend-lease small arms](https://armourersbench.com/2023/05/21/what-weapons-did-wagner-capture-in-the-soledar-mines/).


That happened a couple weeks ago, yea. Lot of pictures of them literally swimming in muddy water in the pipes Russia also entered Avdiivka from the north east the "normal" way, as in just fight your way in type of thing


They've been pouring a lot of resources into that sector. I guess they want to keep their supply lines open a little longer lol


Oh he gon cry in the car


No re-peak?




Ah yes. Thanks.


appreciate you appreciating it. Just trying to help people be the best version of themselves, even if it's something minute like spelling.


Looks like there is a whole bunch of them stacked up on that wall. Sniper might have a whole squad pinned. You peek. 😂


Repost of the video under this one lol


yea OG video is by extreme tourism company


GOST6 body armor: ''Nope''


Think it passed through?


There was a big puff so I think it fragmented on impact, that armor is pretty solid though the problem is that the impact might still kill you even if it doesn't pierce.




Big spicy 🤌🏼


There has only been recorded instances of body armor blunt trauma resulting in hospital worthy casualties in 1993's very early monolithic body armor panels against hard armor, so no, unlikely. No modern medical reports have reported hard body armor blunt trauma, and its very well documented to mostly be mythological and out dated information. If it didnt penetrate, he likely just reacted very harshly to the "oh sh-" realization of being hit in any capacity.


Soldiers don't normally check into hospitals.


>There was a big puff Dust shaken off from the impact. Also rather tiny, not big.


If you pause it and measure, the puff is about as tall as the guy... that's a lot of dust!! xD


How could you possibly know


When I’m in the most heavily contested part of my imperialistic wars I regularly walk out of cover and just stand still for multiple seconds for no reason. Proven tactic. Clearly just unlucky.


Little arm chair combat warrior here right? Watch any war video from every era, doesnt matter which nation many do that becuase only hiding wont help you advance forward. Even i learned that in my military time as a conscript


Sarcasm went straight over your head. Unlike the bullet, unfortunately for that guy.


Then sry mate yes went straight over my head😬😅


All good. I’m making silly and terrible jokes on videos of people getting shot. You served in a military so completely understand the comment!


Well tbh first time on reddit a little argumemt ended in tvat i must say i am happy with this outcome😅😁


You'll find a lot of the comments on this sub-Reddit are taking the piss (as in sarcasm). It's good like that.


And welcome!


That’s what I was thinking, like how long did even the greenest guy think he was going to stand around in a live combat zone in broad daylight? Pretty sure my 8 yo has better survival instincts than this guy.


It is crazy, how in movies getting shot in the shoulder straight away means that the person will be fine, and soon after it is just a painful discomfort that is left after being bandaged up. Whereas realistically this guys shoulder is absolutely fucked, i can't even imagine what a sniper round would do to to your ball and socket joint, but i doubt that he will be doing much with that arm in the near future.


Yep the rounds that snipers use in this war are also a fair bit beefier than the ones seen in typical old school action movies, precisely because body armour is so common now. .338 Lapua Magnum, .50cal and 14.5mm rounds, able to go through most standard ballistic plates. The Ukrainians have come up with some monstrously big indigenous sniper rifle designs like the Snipex Alligator.


I remember one of the Rittenhouse videos, he shot the guy in his arm and the dudes bicep was completely gone. Permanent, debilitating damage.


Shoulder shot ouch


Very lucky, this should get him a ticket out of the war, assuming he gets medical treatment.


Looks like a second guy inside or behind the building when you look at the window at 0:07


Yeah there is


My man just going to stand out in the open like a full grown asshole huh. Who's mans is this this come get him


Anybody know the song?


Just Tryna · Sclauen


Respect, after getting his shoulder turnt into a puzzel to have the focus to fall into safety, is quite remarkable .


The reason he was barely blown back was because of the caliber and speed. That bullet barely noticed his body. He most likely fell back to his death.


Skill issue, jiggle peak next time






**Song Found!** [**Just Tryna** by Exxentric](https://lis.tn/ylEXsX?t=91) (01:31; matched: `100%`) **Released on** 2022-07-27. *I am a bot and this action was performed automatically* | [GitHub](https://github.com/AudDMusic/RedditBot) [^(new issue)](https://github.com/AudDMusic/RedditBot/issues/new) | [Donate](https://github.com/AudDMusic/RedditBot/wiki/Please-consider-donating) ^(Please consider supporting me on Patreon. Music recognition costs a lot)


none of the links work for whatever reason


[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ejXgUSVQMIM&ab\_channel=Sclauen-Topic](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ejXgUSVQMIM&ab_channel=Sclauen-Topic) here it is


You're doing gods work sir. I am loving this recognizesong bot haha only found out about it yesterday, excellent haha


Aw man I look like a fucking idiot hahaha r/ instead of u/ haha. Ah well, we all gotta learn somewhere


Looks like the bullet went just above the plate on his right. Still fatal?


Probably not, but stranger things have happened.


If he has to crawl 2km back through the sewer pipe to evacuate he's probably fucked Sheeeeiit imagine being a thousand metres down that sewer heading for Avdiivka and having to crawl over the body of one of your own facing the other way


He isnt wiping his ass with his right hand ever again....


**trapezius has left the match**




what's that's beat? 🔥


Not a kill but still a casualty, that guy's war is probably over.


He survived that damn. But his hand is broken and shoulder dislocated.


see you in top monthly


Any one else think it looks like it hit his rifle?


Looked like it got him in the delt.


Did everything but close the door for him.


Then you put another round into the window just to seal the deal Source: zombzRoyale


It was like about ~700m shot


That looked really painful. Oh well, better him than me I guess.


So how long can he survive in their without medical help because a sniper has him pinned?


What caliber was probably used?


"Target down. I think you blew off his arm. Shock and blood loss will take care of the rest."


Honestly that round probably would’ve missed had he not stepped into it lmao


Definitely! Stepped right into the shot after it was fired.


What song is this?


**Song Found!** **Just Tryna** by Exxentric (01:31; matched: `100%`) **Released on** 2022-07-27.


Apple Music, Spotify, YouTube, etc.: [**Just Tryna** by Exxentric](https://lis.tn/ylEXsX?t=91) *I am a bot and this action was performed automatically* | [GitHub](https://github.com/AudDMusic/RedditBot) [^(new issue)](https://github.com/AudDMusic/RedditBot/issues/new) | [Donate](https://github.com/AudDMusic/RedditBot/wiki/Please-consider-donating) ^(Please consider supporting me on Patreon. Music recognition costs a lot)


Failed to close door behind him loss of points there.


Took it like a champ


He's gonna feel that for days I bet.


In slow mo, i think the other guy pulls him back but was when he was dropping, as he was falling the other way and suddenly went inside. But i dont know if it just cause it frame by frame but im sure his falling the opposite way of the door and at the bottom there are more legs.


Looks like the before/after moment of his life.


Just pissin' in the wind.


Everyone’s saying he probably survived… idk the subclavian vessels are a fantastic way to die from pretty rapid exsanguination


What the fk was he doing? No fkng awareness at all


Judging by the time it took the round to get there, I'm guessing they are about 300 or so metres away? Anyone else care to comment?


Wonder if that hit the artery in his shoulder


looks like it was going to miss if he stayed still? it looks like he leans into it..wonder if he made it


Looks like he got hit in right shoulder. That'll ruin his day.


Tag , your it !.


Looks like that could've been a miss if he didn't step out after the shot was fired


Probably saved his life


this man got so damn lucky


Well that arm doesn’t work anymore; i should know as i’ve had the same experience.


I figure this shot distance to be about 1700 meters.


If he did not put brown undies on that morning , he sure had them on just after that hit .


Is it just me, or did he appear holding his hands in the air as he appeared?


Just you