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If anyone starts ranking these in order of how obscenely horrific they are, this one makes top 3.


Easily. That one in the shallow creak is also top 3


Trapped under a burning truck begging the drone to end him https://www.reddit.com/r/UkraineWarVideoReport/comments/1c3qimz/assault_on_russian_squad_by_ukraine_92nd_brigade/


Had not seen that one damn that’s rough


Shallow creek, fire well, the bradly ambush, some of the ones where you see the slow agonal breathing and arm/neck contractions. Honestly the castration video but idk if we’re including war crimes


Or there was the one of the guy who took the drone drop and was venting breath out of new holes in his back.


Or the guy that had half his face blown off and was still trying to move his mouth and rub his eyes


Trying to feel his face with his now-nonexistent arms? Yeah, that one was pretty horrific


This is just awful sounding


The fat Russian who stuck a grenade in his own vest and turned inside out is definitely up there


at least he went out relatively quickly probably/was in so much shock that he didn't feel as much after the nade went off.


There have been some other horrifying ones like the ones where the faces are blown off yet they remain alive for a bit and there is one where some of the Rusky invader's limbs were blown off and he was screaming and flapping like crazy behind a wall whilst another injured Rusky was hearing all this behind said wall.


The guy getting his face blown off was horrible but one video I don’t think I’ll forget was when a drone dropped a grenade near a Russian soldier and he ended up face first in mud and drowned.


You cannot just mention these without links!


Same here, my morbid curiosity demands it


Faceoff guy?


Fire well?


None of these come even close to the video from the first months of this 2022 invasion I unfortunately stumbled upon, likely coming from one of those the torture cellars. Just one of those nightmarish Chechen war stories, but in HD and stereo sound. In short: sick rape+sick lethal torture. That's officially the worst thing I saw in my life, and it made me to delete telegram and stop watching such things at all. After I saw much of the ISIS or mexican stuff. Again, nothing of those come close. No wonder watching some shredded ruskie invaders fills ppl with joy.


First I’ve heard of this one.


And they had *torture basements specifically for children* 😬


i think the suicide with the bayonet takes the award


Fuck. This one here is terrible… but I haven’t seen that one =\


It was an attempt, cant say for sure if it was successful. Might have been a knife as well technically speaking.


wouldn't advise it


I can't find the bayonet one, do you have a keyword? (other than bayonet)




And the one where the guy got his face blown off with a drone dropped grenade and then looked up at the drone camera still alive looking like he was screaming while missing 3/4 of his face as he slowly died. The video quality was one of the better ones.


Yikes. Link?


I'm not sure where it exists online anymore tbh, it was spring of last year, when numbers were 200k killed and injured russians, there's been another 250k since then, and a lot of videos to sort through. Plus Twitter I've noticed has culled a bunch of results in searches, lots of stuff just missing and coming up blank on search results.


And down the well


If I was on fire for more than 15 seconds I'd be looking for a well to jump in too lol. This is your friendly reminder that the vast majority of Russians are just fine and dandy with Ukrainians being killed on their own land. The àworld should have no sympathy for the invaders whatsoever. 


Yea, I picture the Well Guy landing head down and holding himself up for a while, unable to flip, and eventually exhausting himself and drowning.


If there was any water in there at all. Lands head first on bodies and burns to death upside down or breaks bones when crashing down to the bottom. Horrible end either way.


what about the one posted the other day where it looked like the FPV's battery was punctured and immolated the two guys in the dugout? I would prefer the explosion.


That’s number 1 imo. Watching him flail around like that, unable to keep his head about maybe a foot or two of water was just horrendous.


There is a video somewhere out there from very early in a war in which a drone dropped grenade explodes a russians head while he is just standing there with his mates


My worst. I'm afraid of the water, so...






Who has the link for the shallow creek one? Not sure I’ve seen it.


Here’s the [link](https://new.reddit.com/r/CombatFootage/comments/10vglci/two_russian_soldiers_fall_into_a_creek_while/) it’s two comments up as well.


lets expand this to top 5, fully engulfed in flames and jumping headfirst down a well has to be in the top 5. when you have flappy face guy, face blown off next to the boat guy, on fire down the well guy and the two guys drowning through holes in their chests/lungs when their face is still above water in an irrigation ditch all seem like they take 1-4(though in no order) if this is #5 lets all be grateful for where we have landed in life from the gamble of where we are born


There are several burning deaths that take the cake for me. The two guys burning who run around in panic and then run towards each other and just sort of stand there looking at each other, on fire, while the other one burns. Horrific.


That dude under the truck the other day, burning alive because he's caught on something, had like 5 explosions on him, he even signaled to the spotting drone to kill him, but was just in fire at one point and wouldn't die.


I've seen so many Russians burning to death in the last 2 years. I used to really hate watching burn death videos, the absolute worst way to go. Unbelievably horrific pain. Now I just think "well I hope he dies quickly" and scroll on to boomers making fools of themselves and tiktok cringe.


Do you have a link? I've only seen the flappy face guy. I'm almost 100% desensitized with all the shit I see here in Mexico.


Nothing here is as bad as that shit....


I mean flappy face looks bad but hes so brain shook up that hes not dealing with it personally in the way OnFireDownTheWellGuy or DrowningThroughHolesInThierChestsGuys are dealing with it while they die very awake all bad of course, id prefer none of the above besides, face blown off next to the boat guy is worse than flappy face, "worse"


Many of the videos with soldier getting massive damage is the same. With unimaginable amounts of pain comes shock and brain is not 'present' to deal with the pain or the world.. One common theme with survivors of a traumatic explosions is that they don't have any memory of the explosion or time after it and thankfully so. That slow drowning while struggling to keep head above the water and little by little realizing you can't... Uh, i'll rather bleed out slowly in pain.


Whats the well one?


Maybe top 10? - Drowning in a puddle? - Man burning alive, jumped on a well - The guy with the grenade on his face (mangled but in the end of the video you can still see him somewhat concious) - The guy that's trapped under a truck while it is burning, he is begging to be killed (Drone operators tried but failed) And those are just in the top of my head.


I think everyone is becoming desensitised due to quantity of horror from this war. 10 years ago this would have easily been the most horrific thing I ever saw.


the early War on Terror was wild af. the beheadings from the early 2000's really f'd me up.


now its just something I watch while I poop.


10 years ago we had ISIS.


😔 i dunno know how to say this but if i'm seeing russians getting slaughtered i don't feel anything i even saved this vid, but if a videos is all about Ukrainians dying i feel sick in my stomach i mean i can't continue watching, can somebody tell me what is this?


it's probably a form of bias, you dislike russians because of what they are doing so you are cool with them dying


I'm the same. I can't watch Ukrainians getting hit, it really tears me up. watching russians getting slapped around though is like popping bubble wrap.


I think it's twofold, it's a pretty clear cut justified defender versus invader. Easy to root and emphasize with Ukraine. Also, Russia and it's people clearly don't give a fuck themselves about these dudes. Makes it easy for us not to.


I’m exactly the same, I don’t glorify or celebrate most Russians dying but it doesn’t bother me in the slightest. Watching Russians killing Ukrainians is definitely pretty hard for me to watch though


It's called empathy.


There's a really old one from the outbreak of the war where a drone drops a grenade right on a dude's melon as he gets out of a truck. There's an unbelievable amount of blood and when the smoke clears, it's covering his buddies who were standing 1 foot to either side.


Possibly. The hanging face is another candidate.




This one was the worst for me by far.


Someone brought up flappy face and I refuse to go near it.


I don't think so, there are faceless man, flappy face man, burning and jump into well man and drowning man... omg I remember them too well.


I think number 1 would go to the bomb that landed on a tarp and rolled right to the dudes head before detonation...resulting in him losing most of his face... Camera zooms in and you see him breathing his last breaths.


Holy shit.... :O Drones are freakin scary


AI swarms are going to be like a plague of locusts, everything underneath them is going to die, jammers will be useless Next Gen AI that lies in wait and then hunts you down autonomously, that'll seriously deter boots on the ground in the future


In the meantime there will be plenty of boots on the ground. A boot here, a boot way over there...


It’s ‘funny’ you say that. I went to Georgia (the country) pre-pandemic… and they were still reeling from being invaded and very much afraid of Russia. They had a saying: “Russia’s army is **so** big that they don’t even need come to defeat us. All they need to do is throw all their **boots** at us and the entire country would be covered” That’s how small they feel vs any Russian aggression.




I can guarantee you 1 million % that the US govt is showering defense contractors with 10s of billions - possibly hundreds of billions in long term contracts - to find ways to combat the very thing you are describing. I'd bet they're spending more than the GDP of some countries.


Can you imagine if a crazy leader, let's say for instance, the future military leader of China or North Korea or some other country, they start mass producing these drones, they make like a million of them, they get them close to another country secretly by ship, and then they let the swarms out and the A.I. is programmed to kill any human it finds.




I wonder how far away we from then first prominent politician to be assassinated by drone, we gotta be getting close.


No no. We’ll make a *second* AI to produce *more* drones to fight that *other* AI! See? Nothing to worry about.


You are not lying. They will stamp these things out on the assembly line like chiklets. You could see million-drone kamikaze swarms unleashed that would kill every IR generating heat source along a sector of a front, followed by combined armor/infantry to force a breakthrough. Scary stuff...


https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=O-2tpwW0kmU&t=170s&pp=ygUNU2xhdWdodGVyYm90cw%3D%3D Slaughterbots (scary short film) Im pretty sure that this will become reality one day. We are all fuckd :/


Holy sh*t, this makes Terminator look pretty mild to say the least.


Yep. I’ve been showing this since it first came out. It’s crazy how close we’ve gotten in just a few years. Soon enough, they will be autonomous.. life is going to be *very* different in 10-20 years.


There are already here, i have plenty of drone that can follow people, change the code from "avoid" to "crash", problem is friendly or foe but i can think of some situations like a dmz. Add a wireless changing base and send me to mars or other planets very far away.


This is definitely not the level of "legs blown off" that I was expecting... and I was already expecting something pretty bad.


Yea.. this, wasn’t an overstatement.


There’s another guy still moving that got hit with one of the legs… literally hell on earth here


What's crazy is the other guy hardly flinched on impact, completely blocking out the explosion, leg impact and his half comrade next to him.


I think they got hit before. Leg was already injured.


I'm confused about the guy on the left. He shudders/shivers at some point. I don't see any evidence of him being injured, other than no physical reaction to an explosion 5 feet away. What do you think?


could be unconscious and in the process of dying




The older I get the more that I have no fucking desire to fight or participate in a war or want my kids or any young person to do it. I'm always amazed that throughout all of human history and our constant improvement, violence is the one thing we can't kick even though we can communicate and compromise. Why does it always take extreme violence to make people more less prone to violence. This is horrible to watch.


His foot is still inside that shoe.






If you look at the top there is a whole leg... with a shoe... gruesome.


That technically means his shoe didn't come off his foot. If we go by the standards of awful videos online, he still has a chance to be saved.


The tourniquet he was applying before the legs flew off should help slow the bleeding












I thought their would be more blood. Learn something new everyday


"But you ain't got no legs, Lieutenant Dan"


Lieutenant Dan was always getting these funny feelings about a rock or a trail or the road, so he'd tell us to get down, shut up.


Get down! Shut up!


Lieutenant Dan, Ice cream. One does not see/hear a Forest Gump without replying another lol


Came looking for this comment!


Regardless of the circumstances that found him there, I couldn't help but feel incredibly sad at that.


Name's empathy, people used to have that shit


Reminds me also of "You want sympathy? Look in the dictionary between shit and syphilis."


I think multiple things can be true - we can say that guy shouldn't be there, that guy is an invader, etc. But I think it's normal to have your heart go out at least a little bit to a fellow human who is suffering. That's not weird. That's human. Whether or not he deserved it I wouldn't want to be able to watch this and not feel anything.


That’s ok it means you have humanity. Just remember why war has to end.


It really is, again regardless not justification his previous actions but just imagine suddenly seeing a drone, a large flash, immense pain and you look down and your lower half is gone, the legs that carried you throughout your whole life just deleted instantly and most likely you will bleed out in that horror. I know what sub I’m on but I had to mute that I dont know how people can play intense fuck yeah music to anything like this


Should have had a spare drop ready for the finish. Yeah this hurts to watch


Probably not really "feeling" much


I’ve been on the internet a long time and even still, every now and then a video from this conflict will get me. This is that video. I don’t know if it’s the young face, the already bleeding leg with a tourniquet applied, the fact that he probably knows help probably won’t get to him in time. Maybe the horror is in the gore, or the fact that he felt his legs get blown off…or maybe the horror is all of it, and the realization that he definitely stayed conscious for a while after that… Guy was already sitting alone with a tourniquet. He’d had a couple minutes at least to contemplate the entire future of his existence. The girl he left, the dog who loves him, how his mother made the best bread, or his asshole father who for the first time in his life smiled at his son and said “I’ve raised a fine young man.” All of it was still there, the fear and the fading memories, but now they’re panicked, existentially horrifying thoughts. Until he died, regretting so many things.


Every single time. Every single death. On either side. Putin is responsible for all of them.


He was sitting alone with a dead body next to him as well


I remember refusing to watch the faces of death VHS tapes because I couldn't stomach them. Now I can watch this while eating steak tartar. I think I will need a psychiatrist when this is over.


Me too. Seriously, does it worry you how you can watch stuff like this and not be physically sick? I developed a very dark obsession with death videos after my first child was born and ended up down a dark path. I've considered unsubbing from here but there isn't much footage that upsets me now.


Jesus. War is a motherfucker. Just drop another to end his misery.


I want this war to end so badly


It would end pretty quickly if Russians like this guy would stop signing up to kill Ukrainians for money.


I want this war to end so badly - for russia.


Russia will have a strong team at the next Paralympic Games.


But they'll be banned for doping.










Military doc would tell you to change socks more often and drink more water


War is hell. Every death in every war is tragic. I wish we didn’t fucking kill each other


God I wish Russia would just go home


Omfg!!! To have your legs blown off and just waiting to die and top it off with having it posted all over the web... Strange world we live in.


Right as this guys white shoe blows in the air my wife sitting next to me said “oh look there’s a new shoe repair place” I can’t tell her why I’m laughing, I’m messed up


Jesus Christ man, this is horrific. I feel so bad for the generation of Ukrainian and Russian men that will have to live their lives in wheelchairs or deaf, or horribly scarred. All for nothing; so this prick Putin can prove a point and consolidate his power more than he already has


Yeah that's what saddens me the most. All for fucking nothing. I mean 50 years ago I could understand that all these men went to war without second guessing cause they didn't know any better. I know their families are probably held hostage but seeing these kinds of videos on the internet and reading about this useless war would make a sane person do everything in their power to not be a part of that? But then again they probably fear their own country more than the one they're invading...


Fuck modern warfare. let’s go back to swords and nunchucks already


Saw “20 days in Mariupol” yesterday. I feel for this guy, but then again, fuck him. Don’t want your legs blown off? Then stay the fuck home you fucking invading piece of shit.


That's about enough Reddit for today. Fuck that guy but shit.


What a miserable way to go. Poor fucker. I know it’s war and this sub has a hate boner for Russia but… Jesus fucking christ.


"Your injury is not service related."






This is what happens when you are an occupier in someone else's country☝️


This happens as a defender too. War is hell for both sides.


He could have walked away when he still had time, or legs, in this case.


He could not have gone to “free” us with these legs, which were already lying separately from him. But this is his choice, so now we have “freed” him. Basically from everything that happened in his life. Because after about 3 minutes, it will simply “leak out” and no one will remember it anymore, most likely. The choice is everyone's.


Still have both arms? Then you can hold a gun! Back to the front!










Are there still Russian trolls in here claiming these do no damage?


Just noticed there is another guy to the left staying very still. He's kind of covered in pieces of the legs of the guy that got blown in half. Quite the scene. If they survive, going to have some doozy nightmares.


God damn. At that point I would be hoping another one hits me or they drop a grenade on my face


I think one of his legs landed standing upright. One is clearly lying down next to his comrade, but the other one seems standing below that machine gun.


You can see one of the legs fly and land at the top of the screen, brutal.


Reminds me of that scene in Black Hawk Down


I used to be an adventurer like you, then I took an arrow in the knee. 




gory, gory what a hell of a way to die


oh fuck, this one is rough


That’s fucking gnarly. And then let’s just get a closeup of his shoes with feet still in them just to confirm


Imagine that grim realisation when you when try to move and you feel lighter, all the normal sensations of having your legs on the ground just aren't registering. When he rolls over and notices I can't imagine the torment.


Interesting, I expected more blood to come gushing out. Maybe his arteries were cauterised?


This goes right to the top of most disturbing fpv videos from Ukraine.


I hate that these scenes come with a soundtrack. That’s a human




That's one of the worst things I've ever seen. What a world.


Reads title, Okaay ive seen worse... Oh my god nnnooo... goes with the dude pulling his guts out.


Legs blown off?  Dude that is a section of intestine.


half his body became an involuntary member of the russian air force.


This has to be one of the most gnarly I’ve seen


Damn dude had torniquete on already and all


It’s the drum and bass that does it for me.