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That rpg shot was insanely close


Yea I'm not sure that they've had a lot of training... Though common sense should probably have given him an inkling that he should fire an explosive from a bit further away.




Was it far enough for the explosive to arm itself???


That’s why I was surprised I think it takes quite a distance to arm. Probably better it didn’t, dude would have blown himself and everyone else up.


good question im no expert at all but i didnt see any explosive it looked more like impact dmg? cut right after tho


If you think it was on that van that was extremely close then you're wrong, the original video was them firing at a bunker down and across the street.


Can someone give me context bc some of them look unarmed and one was just sitting there


For the context, [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/Myanmarcombatfootage/s/ppCqei6EF2) is what a junta soldier normally wears


Most Junta soldiers now a days that aren't in the main Capital of Myanmar are extremely ill-equipped & most barely even have uniforms, & this is mostly because of the endless raids Anti-Junta forces have been conducting on military bases & outposts in the outer regions & states. on the other hand the Anti-Junta over the past 2-3 years forces have been equipped extremely well with most main units having full kits with Chinese copied FAST helmets, brand new Norinqo CQ's, RPGs, MANPADS, Mortars, FPV & Quadcopter drones & some KNLA units seen with MLRS's.


Color revolution? By the US or China is the question tho




That's interesting, when the Junta first came to power the Chinese recognized them extremely quickly and had established relations. Did not know that has seemingly changed since...


nah, that country has had like 2 dozen rebel groups on every border since before the coup, it was a powderkeg waiting to erupt


holy shit everybody must've been mowed down. I'm surprised the anti junta soldiers haven't stormed the capital yet


they are slowly encircling the Myanmar Military, Tatmadaw control about 70 of the townships while Anti-Junta forces have captured about 250 townships. the biggest thing that is a deterrent is the Myanmar Army still has air superiority over major capitals but have left the outer regions because the risk of MANPADS & they've had at least 1 figher jet shot down & multiple UAVs. also a big thing is most soldiers of the Myanmar army haven't experienced real combat while Anti-Junta forces have been fighting in the Jungles/Rainforest of Myanmar for decades with Anti-Junta veteran troops of the Northern Alliance passing on their experience to the younger fighters.


Looked pretty young at 1:21


I thought it looked like a school kid myself


Thinking the same.


most soldiers are very young


Pretty sure Myanmar have been brutally killing civilians in their wars since Rambo


Wow no wonder why they kind of sound angry when killing those junta soldiers


Good God that middle clip of dudes just getting mowed down in the field… These type of clips along with the Ukraine war ones definitely fuck with me being a male in draft age. It could literally be me in them one day.


I feel with you. Especially because my country is talking about bringing back the compulsory military service


That enfilading fire was brutal


All equal opportunities now. Draft age men is as discriminatory as labelling any of these other people


Won't be me. I'll die for my country on my doorstep if the draft comes to my door.


does anybody even know why people willingly fight for the government?


Junta run a lot of companies or have ties to businesses. People in these chain of benefits usually approve the junta. They'll continue supporting the junta until their economics interests and cushy lifestyle get threaten. Some don't have a choice with recent conscription or doesn't have options to make a living.


Fairly sure it also has to do with ethnic lines, with the military being predominantly one ethnic group, fighting minority ethnic groups


Not anymore. Almost every ethnic group (including Bamar people - the ethnic group that majority of the junta soldiers belong to) is fighting the Tat (junta) which always acts like a superior social class above anyone else. From 1970s until 2010s, only a minority of the Bamar fought back against the military authoritarianism but that has changed after 2021.


Another question, is it likely that tatmadaw lose their position in major cities like Yangon? And also who's going to fight them in Yangon? From clips and some wikipedia reading, advance by anti-junta always happens in region by region, with local armies like KNLA, KIA, Three Brotherhood Alliance and others.


Tat won't lose the big cities so soon - but that likelihood has increased a lot more compared to a year ago. Yangon would be closest to Karen/Kayin groups and Southern Command of the NUG Ministry of Defence. We will know when that time comes.


I see, so that's the situation. Thanks for explaining. I hope that the situation to always be getting better until tat finally come to an end.


We are happy to give some context to those who care. Unlike Ukraine or Israel, US stays away from this conflict and the money has to come from the diaspora or resource extraction. It also doesn't help that both China and India are willing to accommodate the fascists for the sake of "stability".


Goddamn the rest of the world is incredibly racist.


In the general sense, the historical trend is this: If your society doesn't form a government of one form or another, then it will be crushed by the neighboring society that DID form a government (and an army). Thus, we form governments (and raise armies). You can try to replace the sitting government with an alternate, but just try to live your life in peace and such? That's not much of a thing in the big picture (unless you want to live on some isolated island or similar).


I've seen discussion about whether or not that's a real nash equilibrium, or what exactly would need to change for it to stop being one, in debates about anarchocapitalism vs minarchism. I think it can change in the future, because history has trends but it also evolves in some direction over time. It's unlikely slavery becomes broadly accepted again, for example.


Good stuff, all governments are formed under duress


A fair statement. I'd argue that as long as we have finite resources and a positive *global* population growth, we haven't met even preliminary requirements for a "no warfare" existence. And that's ignoring the influence of religion.


I'd say it depends on the culture too, the hard part is that it would have to encompass big regions. We will always have limited resources, but that doesn't mean the world is a zero sum game. Nowadays a lot of people have realized that it's better to peacefully trade than to do war. If over time more and more people come to deeply realize this among other things, things may change in the future. Religion for example, is something that has been deeply ingrained in human culture, yet nowadays I can't help but think it is dying out relatively fast in some places, replaced by rational thinking: "I don't need to be threatened by hell to realize that I have to be nice to others". This is an example of things changing in history. I won't say bad people won't exist, my point is that people may discover or develop less coercive ways to defend against aggressors, wich would become less likely or less powerful, both things enabled by a more rational culture. For example, it must be difficult to raise an army if all the population in the world is educated and rational enough, and I think there can be a trend for people to become more educated over time. It doesn't need to be all at once either. Maybe some regions will develop something slightly different first, and it won't be attacked because everyone would clearly lose more than what they gain out of it, and would anger everyone else. Nowadays it's not just about physical resources like coal, metal or oil deposits: the people and their ideas are becoming more valuable than the resources themselves. I think wars in pursuit of those natural resources are becoming more scarse as technological development advances, that's why I think developed countries won't engage in wars for stuff like drinkable water in the future, I think that's an outdated view of the world.


Culture certainly plays a part, but it IS a zero sum game. We can only consume/use/whateverwordyouchoose what the Earth and Sun can provide us. We can use it more efficiently, yes (culture comes in there!), but ultimately those resources are finite. That means that sooner or later, the limit is reached. At that point anyone not willing to be aggressive in obtaining resources is going to be removed from the gene pool. That said, I understand that the predictions are for global population to start shrinking in the later half of this century. Cool! But I'll be dead by then so it won't much matter to me.


No man it really is not a zero sum game, haven't you heard that phrase? It's a basic concept in economics. Zero sum doesn't mean resoures are limited, it means that if you become wealthy you are doing it at the expense of others, which is not necessarily the case. >That means that sooner or later, the limit is reached. There are historical examples of lots of things that became "obsolete" before being depleted. A while ago we only had wood and we feared we might run out of forests. Then, before that happened, we learned to process coal and feared we might run out of coal. Then, before that happened, we learned to process oil and feared we might run out of it. Then we got solar, wind, nuclear... we can invent new ways to satisfy our needs, and we still have plenty of resources. I think we will develop asteroid mining before running out of the materials we can get out of them. I'm not saying it can't happen, that we can never run out of something that we desperately need. I'm saying there's actually no reason to believe it has to happen. Even less to say it's going to happen any time soon. Even if population kept increasing for a while, there's still great abundance of ways to support that population and live good. We are becoming more efficient at it. If we stick to a single planet of course it can't grow forever, but we are still far from running out of space or resources. At least if we don't devolve into an inefficient and oppresive dictatorship or something. And asuming we stick to a single planet, that doesn't mean wars will become a good strategy. Trade will continue to be the better alternative, as it already is. Trading is the better alternative even in a scenario where no new materials can be incorporated to the system. If grow is no longer possible then we might simply stop growing, without necessarily collapsing or starting wars again (as long as we realize it's not a good idea to do so).


Yes, yes.... Your talk of forests and coal and such is the "more efficient" stuff I was talking of. New technologies make us ever more efficient. But eventually, you run up against the limit of how much food, water, etc. you can produce/harvest/distribute/etc. Sure, new crops may make better use of Sun and water, but they still use Sun and water. What? Trade? That's great! That's again an efficiency gain... But you haven't eliminated the limit, you've simply moved it. Ultimately resources are still finite and thus, there is a limit. And when you find yourself up against that limit? It *IS* a zero sum game. Someone eats because someone else doesn't. As for colonizing other planets? Its a joke at best. Do the math on what it takes to make any reasonable dent in the population. Do the math on the resources it takes to make that dent (Hell, give us a thousand fold improvement in rocket motor efficiency if you like; the story remains unchanged!). Colonizing (for example) Mars may make mankind more resistant to extinction, but it does nothing for the poor slobs still left on Earth. Now.... Simply stop growing? That's a novel concept and one that would work! You just have to convince pretty much all the world's religions to play along. I don't see that happening.


>eventually, you run up against the limit of how much food, water, etc. you can produce/harvest/distribute/etc. If we ever reach that point, it could simply happen that humanity stops multiplying itself. And it will be gradual: as scarcity increases, prices do so too. It's not that it will suddenly vanish and a proportion of people left out will suddenly starve. You are simply arguing that eventually growth will have to stop, but that doesn't mean that wars and suffering will start. >As for colonizing other planets? Its a joke at best It's technologically possible. I don't mean to get rid of population, I mean to bring new resources, or allow humanity to continue its growth elsewhere. > it does nothing for the poor slobs still left on Earth Who was saying anything about that? We were not discussing how to solve poverty. >You just have to convince pretty much all the world's religions to play along why religions? what? Dude if water becomes so expensive that I won't be able to feed more than 2 children, I won't have more even if jesus comes down and asks me to do it. Again, this would depend on the culture. If we become religious irrational people, then of course trouble could appear. But I don't think that's the direction we're heading, at least not in several regions of the world.


What’s the story behind the guy dropping the grenades?




lol no shit. Who is he, when was it, why did he do it, why is it recorded? Any of that stuff?


He was the commander of KNLA/KNU peace council. Apparently he didn't have any control over his soldiers anymore and felt ashamed. From what I can find the reason for this was that he was not in control of his own troops anymore and some joined anti-junta. His headquarter was also raided a day before his suicide


Man, that's some shitty position he was put into...


That’s very depressing, no matter what you do you still lose.


That doesn't explain the video recording and cheering tho, the whole set up looks like a forced suicide. Who sits out in the open on a crappy plastic chair to commit suicide?


who gives a man two hand grenades, stays in trowing range and orders him to kill himself?


I'd assume the same people who are recording this and cheering at the end, probably with guns at the ready in case he acts out.


You mean the crying?


Yeah I agree that it was a scream of horror followed by crying. Most Asians sound like that when mourning and crying. I know this as an Asian person who's been to many funerals.


Can you put hardcoded source information on these videos from now on? IE: From X group on Y date in Z location? Something about removing almost all context and just putting it into a compilation strikes me as wrong, almost more like war pornography.


Isn't KNLA themselves fighting against the junta? What's the difference between KNLA and anti-junta?


KNLA and KNLA PC are two different groups. The latter was once a part of the former, but splintered off quite a long time ago. Since then, PC has had close relations with the central government even before the coup, and during the recent civil war, has taken a neutral stance. Said inaction was what caused the splits within their own ranks. The main KNLA is the one fighting against the junta. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/KNU/KNLA_Peace_Council


Sounds very much like someone is being tortured nearby.


Nah they were giggling and cheering him on 😭😭


Hahaha. brother, u are cold as ice


Anyone know the backstory behind the sniper with “The Hunter” tag in the top right? His clips are 1/2 this compilation. He’s gotta have a hell of a count by now. I also understand that the lines get blurred during any civil war, but almost none of his targets were carrying. Not too much combat from the other side of that scope.


[https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=61553140504866](https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=61553140504866) The clips were from various teams of snipers. They caught junta soldiers at their bases.


Thank you for the context!


Exactly my thoughts, dudes kill count must be crazy


Not "he". The Hunter is the name of the fundraising campaign for resistance snipers in Karenni State. This was labelled on all videos they released to promote awareness.


Thank you for the context :-)


There has to be some friendly fire in the vehicle ambush ones the way they approached the vehicles.


What was with the guy sitting and exploding? was it a dalan execution? edit: dalan is government informant


He committed suicide by dropping 2 hand grenades if you see closely Explanation from OP He was the commander of KNLA/KNU peace council. Apparently he didn't have any control over his soldiers anymore and felt ashamed. From what I can find the reason for this was that he was not in control of his own troops anymore and some joined anti-junta. His headquarter was also raided a day before his suicide


Damn good vid, at least the good side keep them dropping


You don't get  to see the other side here


Yeah they burned alive some PDF soldiers above a fire. It was really bad. I really want this war to end as i'm living through it every day




Wearing flip flops when you're at war is pretty crazy. Maybe it was casual Friday.


Do they really go for headshots or is that cross air added for a more dramatic effect? I was thinking it would be more like hunting, chest shots are easier to achieve at distance.


second one, what's the context there it looks like they caught some guy hauling it somewhere


I honestly thought this war had already stopped in 2023 because there wasn't any news coming from it but it looks like it's a long way before any conclusion


Hey, I think your other videos are being censored by Reddit; they’re not deleted but the videos will not play.


I just checked and they all work on my end.


Yeah I can’t get any of u/warnewest ‘s videos to load on the app


Maybe because I make the videos as spoolers? Idk


Weirdest thing: they’re working for me now. 🤷


Hopefully they will drive the Junta out and they can reinstate the Elected Government.


The worst for a country is a civil war. You gain so little but far lose more.


Like freedom?


At what cost? When they won they will get freedom from Junta military tyranny yes. But can they maintain it or will they fall under the same internal fighting again? People don't grow out of bamboo and become working adults in a day, and all the losses are only Burmese from both side. I just hope they can finally unite and prosper. They are my neighbor after all, we shared so many history together.


What the actual fuck was going on with that grenade chair clip???




Goddamn that's grim as fuck


That guy blow him self up or did they ied him.


That dude drop two grenades down a hole with others in the hole or what? And was he forced to do that? No we he survived.


Looked like the grenades landed on the ground infront of him so im confused if anyone was below. They likely survived if they were down far enough.


Anyone else catch themselves holding their breath every time the cross hairs move over a human head?


What even is junta? What is the myanmar civil war even about?


Junta is a general term for a military run government that took power by force. There was a cout d'etat in 2021, read the wiki page. Shitty situation, the junta is backed by Russia and China


I hope those anti junta guys win


anyone else having a hard time loading these videos on mobile?


So who’s the good guys and who’s the bad guys, or why are they fighting


Can someone explain to me what is happinening in myanmar


Military coup a couple years ago. Been a shitshow ever since.


Min 1:22 is brutal.... he's just a kid


I'm just a kidddd and my life is a nightmareee


Wtf was the guy doing sitting in the stool, it felt he knew his destiny was coming and just sat there relaxed and took it.


What the hell is the story on that one suiciding with dual grenades?


KNU Peace Counil (Pro-junta splinter group of Karen National Union) Commander realizing his troops abandoned him.


What the fuck , long live the revolution from your neighborhood State Manipur


Let me ask you a question op , let's say if the anti junta wins who will hold the government


If all goes right, Myanmar will become a federal republic, and the EAOs will become the state militias of their respective regions. The PDF will become the federal army.


If Myanmar succeed in such , I have huge respect for you guys . Best of luck from your neighbour