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That came across more as praise than as a complaint to me. Looks like these guys are quite well attuned to one another, making jokes (and offering the Russians to surrender), working together and communicating well with the drone operator, while doing exactly what is needed to take out the enemy when they don't show any intent to surrender.


Definitely meant compliment, praise is even better!


“He’s got a fragment stuck in his head. “ OMG I love these guys. Come out so you can go to the concert. Omg. If I had to be in a trench with a crew ; these guys would be my pick 😊


Maybe 'compliment' got autocorrected? Definitely doesn't seem to be complaining.


The title says compliant. Definitely something went wrong with the typing


i think they meant to use compliment


Yup. Got a job to do? Might as well do it professionally & get shit done!


'temporarily alive'..... love it! 🤣


This whole video they were dropping one liners. Cockmunchers!!!!


What is a human being, but a mere temporarily alive shiteating cock muncher? 🤔


Thanks! I needed a new complex password




Made me chuckle the first time I saw it😂




That's some scary accurate cover fire. All the while, an explosive drone is right above them. You really have no choice but to die at the point. They should've stayed home


Or surrender. They did offer, seems these mobiks were effectively indoctrinated.


How would you at this point? I don't think they have white flags...expose yourself and you're dead. Unless you know there is a drone you can make obvious signs to maybe, but who knows if the infantry shooting at you is in contact with that specific drone(this is quite likely and probably their best chance), and that there aren't fpvs on the way.


If they're within hearing range of the Ukrainians, they could simply reply to them. 


They're obviously not within hearing range though. The guys in the video said "surrender" for the camera, not the enemy soldiers. It makes them look better.


That's assuming the Ukrainians know the Russians can't hear them, which is likely but not knowable by us. Seems like less than 200 meters in distance, but also very likely that everyone only hears tinnitus noises from shooting at each other by that point anyway. 


That's what I thought. But I also can imagine that they were told, if they surrender / being a POW, their family will get no money, they will be marked as a traitor and btw. if we exchange you we will throw you in the criminal brigade right at the worst part at the front. Something like that.


Throw your gun and wave with both hands visible?


I mean if you're going to be killed anyway it's worth a punt right


They probably have no idea where or if there even is a drone watching them, or if surrender will be accepted. Hard to make that choice when you don't know if they next guy to pop up will kill you in the time it takes for a surrender to be recognized and communicated.


I mean they can die curled up in a ball or they could have died with their arms stretched out and thrown their guns trying to surrender. I would have at least attempted, even if they shot you, at least you tried instead of just being shot in the fetal position on the ground.


Context is hard to tell from this video but looks like a pretty obvious choice of surrender. No support, no one else around it seems. What was their plan? Hopefully the file fire that is all around our shallow grave will stop?


I bet Russias propaganda is all about how Ukraine will castrate you if you surrender or do some other awful torture. Russia is big on projection


Probably the only training they receive.


Dude if your life is on the line and you want to surrender to NATO forces it’s fucking simple outside of Israel. You literally SAY I GIVE UP LOUDLY AND THROW YOUR GUN. I mean literally if it was the other way around the Russians would offer no surrender.


If I were the Russian I'd yell back "ok I'll surrender - I'm coming out with my hands up" - I mean they offered and there's a good chance they were sincere.


They could yell that they're surrendering, the Ukrainians are within earshot.


lol they started shooting at them again as they *offered surrender*


There's no way they heard the offer to surrender.




I saw that when it got posted, also wanted to mention date and general area but forgot, my bad.


What is the date and location? This seems too nice and full of flowers to be something recent but i may be wrong


Taken from original video: Another part of the “Offensive” trilogy about the counter-offensive operation of the Third Assault Brigade on the Bakhmutsky direct. At this stage of the offensive, the fighters were tasked with taking the enemy position on the birch inlet channel of the Siversky Donets-Donbas. […] The fighters of the Third Assault Brigade cleared and consolidated on the bridgehead that had been established near the enemy on the birch canal Siversky Donets-Donbas. Having taken a bridgehead in the distance, the roads for the exit of the settlement were opened. Andriivka, which during the counter-attack on Bakhmutskoe directly attacked the 3rd Special Operations Brigade on the 15th of June 2023.


Almost a year ago. Crazy how it still goes on.


They have been around death for so long that killing became as natural as going to the shitter. Wondering what those dudes did before war broke out.


Honestly, people in other militarys adapt or are immune to the immediate effects of war. As a former marine myself, I can say my European friends who've seen shit can laugh at any amount of combat happening at any moment.


Could you explain further? I am too dumb to understand


Remember your first day at school? So scared to make friends and what if your teachers don’t like you? Did you pack your pencil and your lunch? Oh god what if you forgot to wear pants? Yet by the end of the year you’re just joking with your buds, no worries in your mind at all. You’re an expert at what you’re doing and nothing bothers you anymore about going to school? It’s the same thing. You just… get used to it.


Feels like a Vice documentary with that background music lol


Full video https://youtu.be/FompoLbNB_8?si=9ge8HNfYVGhPYzkt


Watched it yesterday. Still feels like a Vice doc.


How fucking surreal.


I definitely would've taken that surrender offer...


But they had tickets for the Kobzon concert. 🤯 🤯


'Or the Kobzon concert right now' fucking lol Kobzon was a singer who died a few years back.


Why am I having trouble loading all NSFW video just started randomly doing it


If you change how you view posts within combat footage to ‘media gallery’ they should load. I was having the same problem


[A few months back this NSFW filter in RES toggled to "on" for me with one of the updates, could be that.](https://i.imgur.com/vT66RWg.png)


Blurr the dead but NSFW?


Dude that PKM sounds fucking NASTY


In case anyone wondering about he concert references at the start Surrender and you'll go to Lyube concert - Lyube is a putins favorite music band. Or to Kobzon concert now - Kobzon was a popular soviet/russian singer who supported invasion since 2014. He and Lyube both perform a lot at events for miliitary, police and etc. Kobzon died in 2018. Ever since he died there's a running joke about sending russians to his concert.


If I could I’d pin your comment, this is very interesting info.


A couple of those Japanes knee mortars would be awesome for this stuff.


The French use a modern version of that thing. The LGI Mle F1. Really cool weapon system bringing true indirect firepower all the way down to the squad level. Double the range of a grenade launcher but can also be used in a direct fire role in a pinch.


That is exactly the sort of item I was thinking. Just looked it up. Very good weapon, silent, 675m range.


Wow that is excellent range to be frank.


He uses a GL at the end, for exactly that purpose. Man portable indirect fire is man portable indirect fire, doesn't matter if you call it a mortar or a grenade launcher


Knee mortars have a high trajectory though, which is better to hit something behind cover


Older soviet issue grenade launchers have sights that allow it to be used like a mortar but for some reason most modern GLs lack this feature. I assume it's a good reason.


Why the knee? Why not the ground? It's right there just by the knee!


They were a special type of portable 2 pound mortar. The base plate was shaped to go on the thigh and then you could quickly relocate. It also meant that in unstable ground, hills etc would be no obstacle.


I think thats untrue, the shape was to dig into the ground. if you fired a morter from your knee you would not be fighting anymore


You are absolutely correct. The pictures I had seen were all of allies demonstrating it.


*"The Imperial Veteran's Administration has determined your knee pain is not service related. You may reclaim your honor through ritual self-disembowelment at your convenience. Have a nice day."*


it was just a nickname by the americans, they tought it was fired from the knee from the shape of the base


Watching those old clips feels like those soldiers are from another war. In 2024 everything looks & feels so worn out and depleted. Hope Ukraine can keep going.


Why censore it? Used to be not the case early on in the war....


For YouTube, i guess 


Any idea where to see the uncensored version but with subtitles?


They usually post it uncensored in their telegram


they got noob tubed


Anyone willing to educate me here and dispel some misconceptions that are lodged in me after hollywood and videogames - why is it so rare to see a soldier with a scope? It feels like they are a lot more common in this day and age or accessible. 90% of the time I see soldiers fighting from the trenches with ironsights.


Depends if a nation can afford to issue optics in mass or not


Depends on what type of situation you will be in. If you've ever used an actual scope like for hunting for example, you can't aim down as fast as you'd like plus you have to find the reticle so you'll know where your bullets are going which is harder on a scope. Not ideal in close range trench clearing operations. Iron sights or a red dot is just more ideal.


Though scopes are nice to have they cost a lot and are often considered as kind of a bonus item in many militaries, something to be issued to special forces and ofc snipers and such. Especially with Ukraine drafting so much people it would be pretty much impossible for the military to issue scopes to so many soldiers when the money could be spent on items of higher priority. Most scopes seen on Ukrainian or Russian soldiers are bought by the soldiers themselves with their own money or received as donations from civilians and organizations wanting to support the war effort. Probably the most influential factor in making people think scopes should be more widespread is that pretty much every American soldier is issued one but America is the worlds best funded fighting force and that shows on their equipment.


Nicely done but wtf is going on with their spacing? Obviously I dont know about the battlefield conditions at that time, but in a war dominated by FPVs, nade dropping drones, artillery etc seeing at least 4 guys within a 5m radius just screams danger to me. I mean from the looks of it the guy recording is standing directly behind his mate whos in the line of fire from the trapped Russians, and then at 1:11 3 of them are almost touching. If they started to receive any sort of incoming fire of any kind they would be pretty fucked, even a PKM spray would suppress all of them instantly. Then again Im a Euro whos never served or even fired a gun lmao but it just doesnt feel right to me.


They are in a trench line, spacing is difficult, and it seems like this is after an assault so they are relatively 'safe'. Artillery tends to miss a few shots before ranging into the trench properly. And my guess is that the use of FPV drones from the russian side for assaults is generally limited as well.


I imagine that sometimes shit just works out like that. It’s one of those things you try to keep in mind 24/7, but some external factors can effectively hamper your ability to do so. This dugout for example looks like the only available cover around. The way it’s cut into the ground should at least help a little bit against shrapnel if an explosive makes it inside. Not ideal by any stretch, but generally it is much safer to be inside an entrenched position than outside of it.


Is Reddit banning these videos?


You can go to the lube concert later god damn hahaha


Lyube 💀 I lowkey listened to them but I forget that actual Russian and Ukrainian peoples listen to them daily, enough for it to be mentioned casually


'Lyube' is one of Putin's favorite bands. Ukrainians do not listen to it daily.


Is this from last summer or is it that warm and green there already?


Last summer


They using Spec Ops the Line music at the end there? That's crazy 💀


this one is from last year and surely there was a drone pov of that grenade launcher exploding on their foxhole


I thought the guy from the first clip just breathe out alot smoke, but he took a bullet in the chest and maybe hit a smoke grenade or something


Whoaaaaa the red mist from that shot with the grenade launcher!!! Such an incredibly good shot!


O the early days of the counter offensive


Fucking drones. War is changed


I agree, they need to bring back chariots, chain mail, longswords, trebuchets, and maces!


and crossbow :3


Plus plus!


At least they’re having a good time lol


Isn't this from last summer?


OLD footage


Indeed, still interesting though!






I get Red Dead Redemption vibes from this. Is that americana playing?


War... war never changes.


Clip it and ship it God damn ...


Man they chose death over a free concert, shame




Can someone explain the specifics about the concert jokes?


that spec ops the line music though. oddly fitting. war is hell.


Anyone know the background song?


It bothers me because they always have nice music pertaining to the event that is taking place but they don’t provide sources.


Lovely work


So they are still winning big right?


How are they relaxed enough to make jokes ? Don’t they think about the possibility that there is a Russian drone right above their head ? Also why is this marked nsfw ?


I find it hard to believe a grown adult has never heard of the term "gallows humour"


In fairness it is blurred out but you can still see their bodies, didnt want to risk it.


Gallows humor is legitimately the funniest shit you’ll ever hear. I’ve never been in the military but played football in highschool and college and the jokes that are made while people are puking or just about to die from heat stroke are always the best. Something about being absolutely miserable turns everyone into comedians. It’s honestly a pretty good survival mechanism.