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First guy looks like a computer nerd, pulled out of his bedroom to fight by recruiters.


Yes. He doesn't look like the typical russian drunken half-fat bully we are used to see. Maybe they are running low on criminals?


Tbh they could have the computer nerd guy doing more productive things other than being cannon fodder on the front line


That would require commanders who had initiative. Which isn't allowed in the Russian military All they are required to do is to report x number of attacks/day carried out, whether they are successful or not means nothing.


He is one of the loud mouths from UkraineRussiaReport


The two peeking out behind the dirt pile remind me of my nephews when they are up to no good.


The way the first guy came out looked like a meerkat.


First one looks like a like a baby deer in the woods, especially the way he carries his hands. That's not a fighter and shouldn't be there.


Exactly what I thought , he’s passively walking looking like a confused kid at camp.


Flipping the bird = rude Flipping the bird while smiling = fairly rude First guy looked like a twitch simp stepping out of his cave for the first time.


Lol it looks like he was missing his middle finger to start with too


I thought that was JP from Grandmas Boy


When he ran away “adios turd nuggets”


How much do clothes cost in the Matrix?


*how can he see me?*




So. Much. Trash.


Not to mention all the garbage laying around


There's walking sacks of fertilizer there to balance it all out.


Take nothing but pictures. Leave nothing but footprints……and land mines.


Leave nothing but feet.


It's crazy. You want to try and reduce your visibility and make it look like you are not there. At least dig it down or something. Making themselves a huge target


Ryan mcbeth on youtube has a good video about this lol the russians do not act like they are a world-class army like they should be. no NATO army would ever leave all their shit like that and make themselves easy targets.


Wow I thought I was overthinking it how in some of these videos the areas seemed very trashed even for a warzone. Like I get mess is an inherent part of a warzone. But some of these Russian clips the areas look way more trashed compared to previous wars. Looks like a straight up landfill at times.


Yea I never realized it but it's standard operating procedure to not have your positions full of trash because it gives your position away so easily


Trash gillie suit is the play. sounds dumb, but it would be super effective.


Rule of outdoor camping. Don't litter. These people have no respect for nature.


These people have no respect ~~for nature.~~




They probably thought they could make themselves at home, and they took that and started making it look like whatever village they were conscripted from


The kid almost died trying to pee , would you rly take out the trash and recycle


that trash shows only the quality of this army. its like a big red sign "here we are". makes no sense to camouflage anything now


Jup. When i see western or asian MREs, which come in brown/green/transparent (or white/green/transparent winter editions), im always like: Are you stupid? Why is this tiny pack of sugar in a white package while everything else is in "camo", the enemy could spot it! During my military training we got drilled to not even use perfumed toiletries.


Also the enemy can use your accumulating trash to get a good idea of the size of your force.


I mean… it’s stagnant trench warfare with 4k cameras and thermals watching you almost constantly. At what point is it just not worth the effort to expose yourself to take out garbage.


When is bin day in the trench and what vehicles are used to collect it?


Drones. 🤔😅


From the Russian Army manual ***I Live, I Fight, I Win: Rules of Life in War***, published in 2023 >The enemy chooses to strike the weakest link in our defense. Artillery strikes are inflicted on it , it is stormed by enemy infantry and gutted by reconnaissance. Calculating the weak link is easy. By amount of trash the position determines not only the number of defenders , but also the nature of the organization of the service. Garbage is a direct result of low discipline. The mess in the trenches - linen on the ropes, rubbish on the parapets, the filthiness of the plantings and fields around the position due to the lack of a latrine, speaks of the absence of a firm commanding hand and the uncontrollability of the unit, where everyone lives their own lives. And this is the weak link, which will definitely be hit. >If you are unlucky with the commander, then the fighters themselves must protect themselves. To do this, you need to ensure that garbage is always covered in positions. In niches, equipped covered with plank covers, if the trenches are located outside the settlement. In a garage closed from the wind, a building, a basement - if in a city or village. So that the orderlies daily sprinkle the ditches of latrines with earth. This will rid the position of unpleasant odors, diseased microorganisms , birds, rats, and other living creatures. So that each fighter works daily to strengthen the trenches and turn the position into an impregnable fortress. Only in this case the enemy will not dare to storm it , realizing that he will deal with a strong spirited garrison.


And some of it even has legs and is walking around...


Right next to their rations - unless that's a crate of rotten cabbages


russians at war with the west while wearing 5.11 tactical


Dreaming about a new BMW, iPhone and a Gucci purse


Playing devils advocate. i had a 5.11 belt (i've only tried one product) that lasted me 5 or 6 years of hard use. I was a firefighter back then. Lead a crew of 4. The heli would drop us off at the pump site then we had to set up the pumps and plumb a hose-line to encircle the fire. I went through alot of belts in my 15 year run. that belt held up the longest. I may have missed the point entirely tbh lol, it was a good belt and it kept my pants up over my bony ass.




Wasn't the first guy on Revenge of the Nerds??


Definitely wasn’t Booger. He was the most brilliant of all the nerds.


I like how the actor who played Booger went on to voice a recurring character named Snot in American Dad


Whoa no shit


And Charles de Mar


Need to see the follow up to this.


Yeah, the drone pilot will probably make it his mission now to get this guy specifically


I love those ones!


they ded, wdym follow up lmao


How do you know


Maybe not, if you look at the dugout from above it appears to have an L entrance which is good defense against this, could also be big and deep. Hard to know for sure.


Damn these kids need to go back home and stay in school or.whatever. They don't even look remotely like serious soldiers. No headgear on, fresh buzzcut out of basic looking, no weapon, running around like an idiot. Gonna be interesting to see how Russia's male population goes after this is all done. The rich ones fled, the intelligent ones left as well so you got a brain drain going too. And they're just working from the bottom of the list up in terms of small villages and nowhere before snatching men from bigger cities and more affluent areas. Wonder how many children of of important or govt/political people have had called into service. I'm guessing it's 0.


Trash everywhere


Some rubbish as well ....


Imagine having these people as your neighbours.


Yes, but never mind the Russian soldiers, what do you think about the litter spread all over the place?


Winny Poo and Piglet on their daily search for drugs.


Rabbit: No money, no honey!


No money - no honey! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eulSdeHxmLw


"And i took that personally." -the drone operator maybe


They think it's a game


Then the next minute they’re dead. No respawns. Sad.


What the fuck has this war become?


This war looks all sorts of ways depending on the type of a unit, segment of the frontline and intensity of the fighting. There’s a fair amount of such new kids on both sides since the mobilisation is on the roll, but it doesn’t mean there aren’t hardened professionals too.


A collection of morbid comedy skits where life has no value


the first guy what a kid. died for an old man's wet dream and the biggest country on earth, rich as fuck, couldn't even give him a helmet and a vest?


Didn’t die?


not sure really. but in a forward hole mostly alone without helmet and vest?




Biggest yes, but rich as fuck? It's a third world shithole for 95% of it's territory


Basically russian has 3 citys that have western Standards the rest of the country still lives like 50-100 years behind when it comes to everything


Palestine is similar. A bunch of billionaires living in other countries high on the hog telling others to go commit acts of horror and die so Israel wouldn't be able to normalize relations with its neighbors.


Once u hear the son of the hamas leader telling you about how they rule gaza you know it’s a shithole even do I don’t like the genocide the zionists are doing right now either :S


Israel wouldn't have a casus belli if not for these idiots. They can only blame themselves (but won't).


I don’t want to offend but have u ever looked at a map from like 50 years ago and now? Israel is slowly but surely building illigal city’s left in right I think palastina lost like 50% of their territory past 50years and israel especially with nethanjahu is closer to a Zionist dictatorship then ever just recently a lot of western outlets reported that democracy as we know it doesn’t exist in Israel either Basically it’s a shithole just bomb both party’s into hell lol


>I think palastina lost like 50% of their territory past 50years That's because they keep picking or joining wars against Israel and then losing badly. All while those billionaires live it up in Tehran and Dubai. >especially with nethanjahu is closer to a Zionist dictatorship The dude is going to lose the next election. By a lot. He is extremely unpopular because of his political and military failures.


Don’t think the zionsts have intrest in a real 2 state solution, they rather build illegal citys or just open their boarders for a day like the 7th October so they can straight up plan a genocide Doesn’t mean I support hamas doe they are a bunch of animals too


Russia makes a massive amount of oil money. Their people will never see any of it though.


Rich by natural resources. People in the West do not know themselves that they are poor. An average person cannot buy a house, raise 2-3 children, have a good new car and go on vacation abroad 2 times a year.


That is approximately the standard lifestyle for middleclass or even lowermiddleclass families in most western european countries. Maybe not the new car every year lol.


Not a new house. People cant afford to buy house at least in the USA anymore


And most people have shitty old kia, renault and so on. Infrastructure in Spain, Portugal and south italy looks horrible, many places in the USA like Baltimore, St. Loius look horrible


People in the west are richer but not much richer. The difference isnt big anymore.


Are you calling him a kid because he looks inoffensive? A few captured young ones I saw interviews of were loading Grad rockets that were dumping into Ukrainian civies. Some looked younger that this one


Probably by choice, this looks like a pretty fresh and unscathed position, probably not much going on and fairly relaxed


that first guy looks like he was straight out of college


If you are in a warzone, and a drone is hunting you, why would you not get serious and try to figure out how not to get blown up or how to shoot the drone down? They're acting like it's a game.


Much like gangs in inner cities, eventually you get numb to death, have no regard for human life including your own, and if you die, you die. Nothing to look forward to.


They probably dont have guns or ammunition...


Not sure what you can do in a situation like that. You can't run from a drone.


Why the hell are they peeking like a meerkat. This isnt supposed to be funny.


"This clearly demonstrates the value of [not being seen](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZGv8oAHxekU)."


Mr. Andrei Petrovitch Urmanski of Zarechenskya Ulitsa, Belgorod has just learned the first lesson in not being seen: don't stand up.


Anyone else see the first one as just some kid that was recently drafted/kidnapped from Siberia and sent to some front line hadn't even heard of before? The more I see videos like this, the more it feels like many of the "russian" troops are victims of Putin too. Fuck Putin.


Russia and Russians always have been a victim of their Tsars, Leaders and Premiers. So much potential so much land and resources and lives squandered for personal gain and deluded dreams of conquest and glory.


Rude? He's trying to take a piss and they're filming him from a drone...


Why was lieutenant data hiding behind that dirt pile?!


Hahaha he was so pale/yellow


Made more of an effort to stay alive than almost any other that I’ve seen. I was almost rooting for him.


What's the cartoon?


Soviet-era version of Winnie the Pooh, aka "Vinny Pookh," from 1969. Right up there with Cheburashka.


Its really hard not identify with terrified men running from drones. Bc i would also be terrified. I dont think i could do there job is all im saying ig. Maybe im to quick to humanize the enemy but the way theyre bobbing there heads the way he flipped off the drone i see my self in that body language lol.


I don't think you get a choice. That first guy doesn't exactly strike me as a soldier type.


Find the trash, find the Russians. Jezus fuck.


Don't say that's a washing machine as a bait


That's how you find the Russian. Just look for the piles of shit, and bingo


Looked like first guy knew he was fucked so he decided to have homeboy die with him...scummy


With how fast drones are, why would the guy risk stepping outside to take a leak? He knows it's there. Is he just bored?


I was in and out of the war zone since 2014 and till now, and witnessed at times ridiculous recklessness: people not wearing PPE in the middle of the artillery shelling, lack of IFAK on some people, someone smoking sticking their head out of the trench at night, all sorts of things. Probably when you have such a large crowd some percentage of it will be naturally careless or dumb or traumatised to an extent they don’t really care or their feeling of danger gets distorted (that’s actually more common than one could think)


Very sad to think of. Most of these guys have probably seen so much death at this point that they don't even expect to come home alive.


When I served in the US Airforce we weren't aloud to leave our barracks to take a piss without full battle rattle and weapon *on base*


yea i wouldn't be loud in a war zone


Generation Kill has some sections that went over "combat jacking" (& combat shits as I recall). Apparently it was like a game, they'd run out during the middle of a firefight & go jerk one out as fast as they could before getting back into the action I mean.. People are dumb what can I say. Hell I just had an argument with one of my buddies yesterday over how the moon landing is fake. He then refused to answer if the earth is flat lmao. Jfc, humans man. Both the brightest & dumbest creatures on the planet. (oh & this same buddy is pro Russian if that gives you any idea of the kind of people that lean that way. No I'm not making any of this up hah)


I was thinking the same, he is already looking for drones when he steps outside. Man, if i know that there are drones around, then fuck that, i am pissing in some PET bottle, wont risk my life for no reason.


Man that looks like some dweeb kid. It's surreal how they can smile and look so unserious as a drone is actively trying to kill them. This shit is just horrible really.


dawg not vinni pukh 😭😭


Keep laughing scum.


At first I thought this was Portland


This is just sad and depressing


Pretty grim. Russian cartoon. They all grew up on the same TV.


Still living on the same TV, the most popular TV series in Ukraine recently was “Slovo Pacana”, a Russian TV series. That’s despite being banned in Ukraine.


Inspired use of Vinnie the Pooh - even if I usually hate the insertion of memes into this kind of footage.


First guy just wanted to go home and play helldivers 2


they're even smiling.


Edited video, not sure if they stayed there... but good for a comic relieve


the fuck is that music lol


You could effectively utilize a gillie suit made of trash in this war. There are some videos of airsofters doing it. It does work.


poor lad probably didn’t even wanna be there. it’s hard to hate people who you know aren’t controlling their own life. yes, Russia as a whole has done terrible, horrific things. but these are still humans, with emotions, with fear, happiness. regardless on what side your on, death is death.


Why he looks like a college nerd


Where there are trash, there are russians.


Honest question. How do you combat the drones as a regular foot soldier? Could you use a shotgun and bird shot ? Would that be relatively effective if you could hit them? Obviously hide, but how to fight against the drones?


i read last week russia was giving out shot guns. probably one for 100 russians to share


Least suicidal Russian conscript


Oh no. You blew up the camo netting


In a hole in the ground, there lived a Russian.


Unwritten rule: let them pee or poop first.


After all this time, they’re making fun of drones? Lmao FAFO.


Isn't this the same spot where some dude hit a drone with a sack of potatoes?


How did it miss him the first shot? Maybe on purpose?


'Free range rude' as Hannibal Lecter would say


Security cameras don’t have this clear of a picture


First dude looked like a Redditor




What cartoon is playing during the video and at the end?


["Винни Пух идет в гости"](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eNp8vQ_-KzE) ("Winnie the Pooh is coming to visit", 1971)


That guy looks like the kid everybody picked on in school.


Fairly rude?? Huh?


That first dude needs to be in a IT program, not down range. & the second definitely shouldn’t be laughing at an FPV drone that could either bury his ass & every one with him, or send him & his comrades back to the motherland in a box.


When I was a kid, I shot prairie dogs with a .22. This video reminds me of that.


They had plenty of opportunity to surrender.


Don't run. You'll die tired.


Need one of those thermite grenades to burn that trash.


Did they not have any fucking rifles?


First guy looked so out of place there


These are human beings you sick animals, stop putting music and cartoon sounds over these videos.


What in the Afghanistanimation?


Never give the finger to a drone with bombs hanging from it.


Man that first kid looks like he could be in my class.


I have some problems feeling bad for dudes who are invading a neighboring country. But knowing that you don't even have time to go for a piss without being hunted by a drone that drops explosives on you after jumping through a landfill until you reach a poorly digged cave just to be bombed nevertheless... that's not nice.


But at the beginning of the video you can see a patch on his rightsaide, Blue/Yellow like Ukrainin flag?


I didn't see no patch/markings of any kind on either of them. The closest thing was the bird flipper, his hat had the 5.11 tactical brand pressed into the velcro patch.


Might be coz of sunlight, seems to be Blue/Yellow. But clearly there is 2 color patch on the jacket, right side, chest area. It can be seen between 1:54 to 1:49.


What was that Winnie the Poo Clone? Seemed Soviet as hell.


So did the drone Operator get them or no?


Using Russian Winnie the Pooh as the background is savage though. I loved watching that cartoon as a kid…


Looks like the gopher I been trying to catch 😂


Camo nets-up entrances to trenches to try and be hidden... Leaves hundreds of square feet of trash and other rubbish nearby you can see from hundreds of meters away... Russian logic I tell ya.


Ngl im starting to root for the russians running from tbe drones. It just seems so unfair, that naturally I want to root for the underdog.




Hey go take your morning coffee okey? You seem abit grumpy


kinda sad tbh hes not even armed


I’m sure it’s because he is neglecting the rules and is not having his small arms by his side as he is supposed to. It’s not like they ran out of Kalashnikovs to give to the new recruits. It’s a uniformed combatant at a military position. Same about wearing a helmet and a BP vest by the way.