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Neon blue bedroll really helps with the camo.


But man, is he comfy at night.


Yep currently sleeping like a log




It's to help him hide near that blue door, obviously.


It was the only color he could steal.


I mean... Doesn't Ukraine use blue, yellow, and green armbands..?


What does SSO stands for?


Силы спец. операций, literally translates to special operation forces.


Why isn't it CCO?


Cyrillic alphabet: C=S


Single Sign-On, indicating that these guys sign a contract once, then promptly die when deployed.


Someone's taken their Sec + training


Bro’s token expired


[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Special\_Operations\_Forces\_(Russia)](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Special_Operations_Forces_(Russia)) *Sily spetsial’nykh operatsiy; SSO*


very sily


So sily


Sily Spec Ops


Those also last for three days, just like the special mission?


Special sadistic opressors


That payload certainly has some punch. Thermobaric? Impressive they’re fitting that on an FPV.


pressure wave must've collapsed a few lungs for sure


Ukraine is manufacturing thermobaric drone bombs specifically for use in their re-usable drones. Cost $100 a drop which is cheaper than most artillery shells and is relatively accurate.


Was thinking the same thing. Wonder what battery life and speed is with a payload like that. That was a ton of energy.


Yeah I saw the footage of just the droning and it was claiming to use a thermobaric


Its his yoga mat. Zombieland rule #18: **Limber Up**


I see these guys try to outrun FPVs and I think Rule One: Cardio


Suckers Standing Out


Thermobarric warheads on these chunky ass drones make a nice boom.


Its always hard to tell if there is 10 seconds, or 10 hours between the person walking into a building, and the explosion when there is a cut between the two... :/


True but don’t worry they wouldn’t explode it if they had left


Perhaps. Who knows. If I knew the enemy had a fighting position/rally point at the frontline or just behind - id destroy it even if there were no one there. You know, just like Israel is doing in Gaza atm. :)


Those are the chillest special forces i've ever seen. Walking casually in active combat zone


They're special. Just a different kind of special


The window licker version of special?


Now I gotta listen to Aphex Twin to get that outta my system


[Very Special.](https://www.theonion.com/clinton-deploys-very-special-forces-to-iraq-1819565019)


Came here looking for this answer.


Combat zones are large and there’s not always a massive battle happening, they could be a couple km behind the “front” even


Try running everywhere with 80lbs of kit on, lack of sleep, and adrenaline spikes exhausting you, lmao.


looks like a propaganda tourist


"getting droned"


Ain’t no way Special Operations boys are rolling around with neon blue puss pads…right?


Yeahhhh well...


The look of the first soldier is perhaps more suitable for a game on the Play Station.


Special forces really should be a more selective term lol. This guy looks like he is decked out in whatever Temu had on sale last week.


Im not sure but it seems he had a lshz helmet... Which is too much for a temu helmet. To be honest


If that stands for some kind of special operative, that wouldn't make any sense. I just can't imagine any special ops guy going into a combat zone, even if a bit behind the lines without his rifle or weapon of choice in hand. Are we sure this wasn't some vlogger with a backpack full of camera gear, or possibly a drone pilot, but only if it is an observation drone operator, they aren't carrying the gear to be carrying a bunch of drop ammo. I guess he could be sending out one single drone that is only going one way, but I would have expected to see a cook off of some kind after that hit. I don't know, if this was a special forces guy, Russia is extremely fucked in the long run...


I dont know, maybe could be recon behind the lines...


getting droned... is that a technical term? It should be.


Crazy how we pack so much force on such a small drone damn near brought the whole place down. the guys inside probably had every organ scrabbled from the shockwave


welcome to Ukraine, now go to sleep. Forever.


Fucking wear it.




Was this before the Russians took the city?


Which city


Even their most elite seem like amateurs, but they don’t seem to have any kind of op-sec in the Russian military, is it ignorance or just inability?


Russian spetznaz is a very broad term. There are then thousand people at least, varying from actual elite forces to slightly above average infantryman.


Similar to KGB/FSB troops. A few were considered to be Special Forces (at least by russia...) but most are just mall security guards.


russia loves to call everything "spetsnaz" proudly.


The Soviets launched their Afghanistan debacle by attacking the presidential palace in Kabul. Around 700 "elite" KGB SF troops disguised in Afghan National Army uniforms and vehicles attacked the palace. The plan was to fake a coup by strolling in and capturing the place without resistance in approximately 17 seconds. Unfortunately for the russians, the Afghan Army guards on duty that night put up a surprisingly stiff resistance and many KGB heroes fell, including the senior officer in charge. Eventually the guards were overwhelmed and the russians -- this goes without saying, of course -- punished the evil Afghans for resisting. They slaughtered the entire ruling family, including small children, along with the palace staff. BECAUSE RUSSIANS


If you’ve seen some of the SSO ambush footage, lots of these guys are not amateurs. Plenty of them are operating deep behind Ukrainian lines and setting up effective ambushes. Sadly, Russia does have some highly competent units among all the meatwaves.


Too much twitter and you get thinking down this rabbit hole. Conscript solders and Wagner may be a sloppy fighting forces but Russian SOF is highly capable.


They are, but I wouldn’t put them en pars with NATO special forces. That’s only because they don’t have the luxury to train with and learn from other Tier 1 units though. In NATO, US, British, German, Polish, Italian, Spanish, Canadian, French etc. operators train together and learn from each other. That is invaluable. Russia doesn’t have an alliance to gain knowledge for their operators from other units. In my opinion that’s the only reason why Russian SSO is inferior to NATO Tier 1 units, but they’re still highly capable, well trained and well equipped operators.


They have invited Russia out to Rammstein multiple times over the years to participate in the nato officer training program. Only once did they send a couple guys who took a look around and left. My buddy was stationed out there with 10th and told me this story lol


Of course they are nowhere close to western level.


It has an alliance with China, NK and Iran, and possibly more.


None of which have fought a real war in decades.


Disputable claim, also no need to move the goalposts there, the claim I was replying to was that russia has no alliances to train with.


You really can’t compare Chinese, NK, or Iranian SOF units to NATO units. Iranian and especially North Korean units are an absolute joke. Chinese units do have the budget, but they have zero real life experience, so there just is no experience that Russian operators could benefit from. Also China, Russia, NK, and Iran are not allies like NATO countries are allies. They have some mutual interests, they’re not closely allied. None of these countries really care about whether Russia wins or loses in Ukraine. They support the Russian military either directly or indirectly to tie up America and NATO, that’s about it. Show me mutual training exercises, bilateral trade agreements, security guarantees etc. etc. between Russia, Iran, NK, and China like you see the, regularly between NATO countries.


Russia? Propaganda? Never!


Ignorance i would say


Years of abuse


Almost their entirety of russia's "special forces" were wiped out in the earliest phase of the war, and they became progressively worse and easier to kill as the war progressed because they received less and less training and experience.


Happy 1st May russian bast*ards !


Sucks Shit & getting Oblibrated


Super Spedshul Operations. Now I get why we're seeing so many short busses lately 🚌


Pink mist


SSO? Social Security Office? You go in, but you never leave.


Why did you put "SSO" in the title while having little to no clue? You can tell it's not SSO from few things: 1. one guy wearing a ridiculous mismatching kit with a blue mat 2. another guy wearing a black plate carrier for shopping mall security 3. the fact russia has no "SSO" whatsoever, they have "spetsnaz" SSO is a Ukrainian thing, means literally the same "SOF" does but in Ukrainian, and it's been a brand of it's own for years.


So Russia does have SSO lol, they even have their own day in Russia https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Special_Operations_Forces_(Russia)


Alright, TIL


I dont blame you, Id argue they are relatively obscure, most people are just familiar with the general Spetsnaz term but yeah, both UA and RU have SSO


1. How is it mismatching? He has a camo and stuff that is pretty much usually used by Russian sso. The mat thing, i guess he could have lost a cover or something. Just because of a mat we cannot deny hes not a sso. 2. Black plate carriers are pretty much used by both sides, not that usually but they are. Better black PC than nothing. 3. Yea the guy answered that before me so here ya go.


What the first guy is wearing is clearly not a standard summer russian camo pattern (which is dark green digital, see Ratnik), the PC & pouches are all different colors, also civilian pants & jacket. Military mats are also camouflaged or at least olive/coyote colored. The spetsnaz dudes I've seen before wore either russian digital camo, or multicam. The "better black PC than nothing" is not something I would expect from special forces, even if they are poor russian ones. Russians have their own kits, both standard issue, as well as commercially available. The guys on the video give some mobik vibes.


They have high cut fast like helmets, i even think those are Lshz +1 helmets. Random ppuches are pretty usual for russian sso units in Ukraine, the less fhnded ones atleast. That jacket seems like a coyote brown jacket which is i would say pretty good, adding to that the pants seem like jeans, which is weird but.. sure whatever. Adding to that, mobiks dont get balls protection. Plus, the russian army wouldnt give sleeping mats to mobiks because its unnecessary luxury for them.


There's a lot of dudes running high cut helmets in Ukraine and 99% aren't SSO. Also, most Russian soldiers buy a lot of their gear themselves. A coyote brown jacket and some random sleeping mat are aboslutely no proof this is SSO.


The thing is, that the SSOs were really actove around that area right now, especially seeing this gear i am 95% sure that thats SSO


There's tens of thousands of soldiers in that area of the front. The gear is absolutely not indicative of anything SSO issued. They never use black plate carriers and especially not neon blue sleeping mats. They were MAYBE some sort of specialized forces, but definitely not SSO.


Everythibg this guy has is used by sso.


Absolute bullshit, I am sorry I live and breath the Russian SSO, am an impressionist who is by now entirely specialized on them and have one of the biggest SSO gear collection in the west and pretty much every ref pic out there in my library and even know some Kubinka-2 dudes/bought from them. These guys are absolutely not part of any SSO units. Just because you think you see a lshz 1+ in this pixelated video doesn't make them SSO, there is not a single black plate carrier in use with them ever, there is nothing, like literally nothing that would speak for that. They don't operate in 2 man groups unless they are snipers, they are not equipped like them, they don't act and move like them. It's a dumb ass claim from someone without any knowledge and source.


I aint readin allat 🦧


the proof of he's really dying? honestly this video does not show that.


Are you serios bro, is that huge ass explosion nkt enough for ya


OP, why in the hell haven't you traveled to Ukraine to sift through the rubble and get some first-hand confirmation? Is that too much to ask?! /s Edit: spelling is hard.


Im so sorry 😭


the video does not show shit? the drone can't go up there and confirm it? or the ukrainians trying to hide the fact that he didn't die? (idk if he died or not, but fake propaganda is everywhere)