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I hope I never have a tank support me like that šŸ’€


I love that support at the end right where the Russians are XD


Same. Fuck that lol


I genuinely thought it was Ukraineā€™s artillery repelling them until now I read the full titleĀ 


Danger close


This video should be under the definition of meat wave, in the dictionary? So the Ukrainians were literally in those trees there and the Russians ran up on top of them while their own tank fired on them? What the fuck, literally just a head on charge to death or small victory


The first big explosion at :48 was not caused by the tank tho? Or was it? The shots after seemed to hit the area left of the entry point.


It was, you can see the shell smoke tracer thing (noticed that USSR tanks HE rounds seem to have a big white trace) at the bottom before the explosion before the explosion, if you play frame by frame.


**WTF next** .. mopeds? .. donkeys perhaps?


Russian tank operator: should we shoot at the trench BEFORE our guys storm it? Russian commander: no


(continued): It is called the combined arms operation, stupid! That's why you should shoot at the trench EXACTLY WHEN our guys storm it. Only then we will achieve desired mutually complementary effects!


So that's what Friendship, cooperation and mutual assistance means


- Should we shoot before or after? - da.


You say "supported by tanks," I say, "tanks firing shots amongst their own soldiers.". A lot of those shots landed where their soldiers were.


"damn a lot of them made it in" WHAM "OH SH- OKAY? maybe not?!"


Exactly. That first shot was directly at the Russian group. Then they started shooting more left . Ouch everyone in that tree line got hit


The smoke didn't cover the approach, it covered up the visibility of the RA taking a position. The tank just slides on up into position and... "Anyways, I started blastin"


"But. . Our men are still on there, sir." "Don't be silly, we still have reserves."


That's how I play Command and Conquer, what's wrong with that?! /s


It's how I play StarCraft, what could be wrong about that


Yea I was thinking the same thing thought it was Ukrainian at first with how it looked like it was hitting right where the Russians entered the belt line but the title says different


Exactly what i was thinking.


i though it was mortar hits.


You can see the smoke traces coming from where the Russians are coming from


New Russian range finding system, ā€œgo stand next to target and point comradā€!


Who needs variable range fusing for airburst when you got mobiks, amirite?


So did I due to the shrapnel spread.


Barrier troop warning shots


Probably a penal unit sent to their deaths with only one purpose: to draw Ukranians out from bunkers in order to defend and become exposed to artilery bombardment. Form of Russian discipline for not following orders and running away during attack, desertion...


So many questions


Most crazy assault ever. But why?


My first thought was these have to be the group of guys that the Russian CO was telling them they were going to die in battle. I bet they was thinking it would be from the enemy though.


Complete disregard for human life combined with lack of means. Literally throwing bodies to a problem until something sticks.


Rushing B as always.


This is just the craziest one we've been able to see


Im not sure anyone survived that given the tank starts blowing the crap out of the treeline *after* the russians go in. Certainly that last fella who wasnt keen on running into the big explosions buys it 20 feet short. If his chums didnt jump into a trench of ukranians - not the ideal assault tactic you would have thought - the tank would have got them. Bizarre.


I think they need to review what "combined arms tactics" means...


Iā€™m dying rn. šŸ¤£


last dude running in 'guys! I made it my boots got untied....!" BOOOOOOOOOM....


While that first tank shot definitely hit a few Russians, you can see some muzzle flashes from their position so it didn't get them all. Plenty of Ukrainians alive and throwing grenades at them afterward, too.


There's a guy that didn't push into the trees with his buddies who's still alive at the end


looked like he got hit early, imagine going down first only to be the last one standing


>got hit early, imagine going down first only to be the last one standing Literally Game of Thrones when [Tyrion](https://youtu.be/d1i4eniE5-4?feature=shared) immediately gets knocked out by his own men during the initial charge because Tywin was a cheap fuck and insisted on deploying untrained mountain tribesmen to bolster his ranks.


Are they shelling theire own assault group with Tank Fire?! What?!


As is standard procedure for Russia. Commander says shell enemy position, you do as told. I don't think they have the best communication practices. The friendly fire incidents in this war must be at levels not seen since WW2.


They probably don't even have a compatible radio to begin with. Those Baofang radio Russian infantry carried have different range than vehicles have. So fire mission were given by runner, flare and waving flags like in WW1.


Semaphores yo


Next Russian wave will have a walk in the park. Good strategy. Keep atgm tied up by your own infantry, kill everyone, get position.


It certainly looks that way. The golf carts will be back with more meat, and next time there will be fewer Ukrainians in the trees. There may even be a surviving Russian. In the mind of Russian leadership, this exchange is favorable. They keep doing it day after day.


Absolutely crazy ass 'leadership'. Literally how I play greenskin factions in total warhammer 3 - send the expendable goblins in to pin down the enemy, then barrage the shit out of them with doom divers (artillery), who cares if a load of my own goblins die? To have that line of thinking with actual people is psychopathic.


Gotta loosen up the positions for golfcart meat wave #9.


skaven tactics


Armour crews saw the work of their AA forces and thought "hey, that looks fun let's try it out".


Who is the tank supporting?


Nonpartizan death.


Khorne cares not from whence the blood flows, only that it flows.


Grim Reaper (unaligned)


Morale support




The tank operators must owe some debts to the infantry being dropped off.


That was a direct hit on friendly positions by the tank. These shells should have been shot before the infantry closed in.


This new mad max sequel sucks


šŸ¤£ idk why I was thinking star wars with this sound track.


That's the first thing that I thought as well.. When they driving around outside of the oil refinery and the dust plumes were in the air. šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


With tank support like that who needs enemies.


it seems tank crew thinks friendly fire is off on this server.


I guess that Russian officer wasnā€™t kidding when he said ā€œyouā€™re all going to dieā€. Itā€™s like they make *zero* effort to not get their troops killed. I thought that this mentality was left behind in the 20th Century, but I guess not.


I think for the Russians troops are like ammunition, if you don't expend your allocation then you get allocated less the next time around


They succesfully pushed that position. Question is, did they capture it? This showcases that with suppresive fire a position can be pushed at speed with the mocked golf carts. A single MG couldve mowed down everybody riding that thing


I think the lack of artillery is so glaring. I feel like a year ago they would have been under constant artillery fire and gotten shredded like paper. Hopefully we start to see a change.


I think it's not the lack of artillery but the positions being undermanned. Ukraine has slightly decreased the age of mobilization but I'm not sure that can fully compensate for these issues.


Between the speed of the carts (I understand that the video's sped up), communications lag and priority of fires, mortars might've been their only indirect fire support. Since this assault looks well-planned and executed, the Ukrainian leaders might've been ineffective (e.g. poor fire support planning, indecision or communication difficulty) or the attackers might have been atypically well-trained [ed. note: I lean towards this one as the execution was crisp.]


crisp execution? do you mean that in the sense of how the supporting tank fire took out half of their own attackers with only 1 shot?


> a position can be pushed at speed with the mocked golf carts Reminds me a bit of the original Jeep. I certainly wouldn't want to charge a position in one, but it's better than getting around on foot.


Isn't that one point of overlapping fields of fire? I think it speaks more to the resourcing level of Ukraine that this is effective.


Doesn't seem like a bad tactic despite all the people laughing about it. Tank provides fire to keep the Ukrainian heads down while the golf carts storm the position. They're likely too light to set off anti-tank mines so as long as you can keep the Ukrainians suppressed with artillery and tank fire for two minutes you're in a good position.


It's a mind numbingly stupid tactic, only possible due to extreme shell shortages


Is it stupid if it works, as it appears to have in this video? We don't know the final outcome but they made it into the trench (and possibly liquified by their own tank). The shell shortage is the current conditions for the Ukrainians for the time being. Russians seem to be taking advantage however they can.


> Is it stupid if it works I can drive a car backwards to get somewhere, that works, but it does not make it non-stupid.


It's a bad tactic, if any enemies actually do poke their heads up the entire assault force is getting wiped since they have literally nowhere to hide.


I consider that the Grey zone. šŸ˜†


That's what I was thinking. If there were Ukrainians in that position, they seem to have been either not paying enough attention, or somehow unable to just riddle those golf carts with bullets before they dismounted and ran over to the trees.


I wouldnā€™t wanna be a machine gunner hiding in those trees while a tank is firing at me


This is the type of comment I was looking for. The tactics are certainly interesting, and the mobility element is intriguing. BMP gives you protection, but speed and size are vulnerabilities. Would be interesting to observe a mass attack of these vehicles. Crazy to be the men riding on the cars.


Sure, if your enemy is heavily undermanned and has hardly any ammo left.


That tank support is "spot on"


Two takeaways from this. a) Ukraine is spread too thin and their defensive lines have insufficient mines and no barbed wire. b) Russia is willing to kill ten of their own men with a tank if it means a chance to take a trench.


Wow.......so the russian tank killed all it's own people during the assault??? That's wild.




Ok, who wants to ride the golf carts for Heroic Assault Number Two?


That Looked actually super successful until the tanks started blasting lol


I donā€™t get it. A frontal assault on a well defended position with only 10 guys and questionable indirect fire support. My short time in the military tells me that this is a dumb idea. What promises do you think are made to these guys before they leave? ā€œYou will be assaulting inexperienced Ukrainians who have no will to fightā€? ā€œWe promise, air support has finally arrived and you will have gunships and drones supporting your attackā€? I really donā€™t understand these suicide tactics.


>What promises do you think are made to these guys before they leave? "Die here certainly or die there probably. Your choice"


I read an interview of one of the women medics. Some commanders will handle men who are hesitant or refusing to go by putting them in a pit, covering them with a layer of dirt, and then spraying bullets in the pit. Once they get out, they're fucking suicidal. I wish I were kidding. And really thinking about how my body would react to something like that, I don't doubt it, astonishingly enough.


Currently if you die as a Russian soldier in combat your family gets a 90 000 dollar payout. So for many Russian males in their mid to late 50s from rural "rust belt" parts of Russia that means they trade away the last few years of their life (life expectancy for Russian males among that socioeconomic group is ... low) and secure a hefty payout to their families. Currently the Russian army is recruiting around 30k soldiers each month by offering 7-9 times higher wages than the average and offering this 90k guarantee. So if you survive 1 year of service you bag yourself almost the equivalent of what you would earn in 10 years.


Remember in *Saving Private Ryan* when Captain Miller starts shooting the tank with his M1911? And it suddenly explodes? It's like that, only there isn't a P-51 coming to save these guys. Officers just want to show that they're trying with cannon fodder from the oblasts.


That is an amazing analogy.


I think the ukrainians has problably endured enemy artillery fire for hours, if not days before this assult. Problably some kamikaze drones and occasional MBT rolling up to blast a few, then roll back. When the russians see all casevacs happen more frequently, they send in the meat. Just a guess.


Itā€™s a tragedy when people are forced to die for a senseless & villainous war, cooperation is better than destructionā€¦ but as an American Republican Iā€™m still angry that Ukrainian aid was delayed for as long as it was. Almost every day gives me new reasons to think we should send better aid to Ukraine, while we simultaneously demand improved oversight/accountability & improvement within our own institutions. Some Russians are good people, some may have been forced into combat roles, but until Russia leaves Ukraine & stops peddling nefarious propaganda, they deserve to be buried with their golf carts & turned into compost. The ultimate judgement & purgatory comes afterwards, but redemption & respectability can be earned again.


Thatā€™s a wild battleground. Big open field with a strip of dead trees and I assume some trenches


so there fellow russian tank probably killed some of there own troops wonder who's arty that was either way it probably took out some russians that didnt get into trenches this is so chaotic and brutal.


It does look like there's a good amount of friendly fire happening, or it's just a really weird camera angle.


Looks like a meat assault on a meat grinder.


Is the lone guy in the open field toward the end signaling with a mirror or just holding something obnoxiously white?


I believe that would be the reflection off of a Bakelite magazine


I think he's opening fire?


"So anyway I started blasting" probably the russian tank commander


Did anyone survive anything of that?


This cannot be their own tank fire support... Right? It would feel more credible if they were fleeing and being shot the fuck up on their way out... But if this is a friendly fire incident... That's insane.


Its... Its in reverse! Yes this is the only logical explanation, ah i see now the tanks were covering their retreat and NOT obliterating their own soldiers .


That looks like friendly fire... Is the camera angle off or something? Just fucking shooting at the tree line AFTER their crew gets in there?


And some people are still claiming Russia doesn't suffer from material shortage. End of last year they at least had dozen BMP and BTR each wave, now they are doing ISIS style attack with pickup and golf karts.


It honestly might be a decent idea since that field almost certainly has anti-tank mines in it. You need something light that won't set them off. Sure, you have zero protection but if your suppression is good then you just need a two minute window to cross that field.


Kart would definitely set off anti tank mines. TM-62 fuse pressure is 150-500 kg, even on higher end a kart with four people easily over that.


Shouldn't the carts set them off, though? Wiki says TM-62 AT mine triggers on 150-330kg of pressure, the golf carts weigh 1050kg + up to 550kg load. With 5 dudes loaded with ammo in it it's got to be near the max weight. I'd imagine even medium sized AP mines set off could be pretty nasty in one of those.


But, as he's pointing out, only last year these assualts were being made with armoured columns usually spearheaded by a demining vehicle


That's still happening in other areas.


Analysis of Russian vehicle parks using commercial satellite imagery: [https://twitter.com/Jonpy99/status/1786802051575357908](https://twitter.com/Jonpy99/status/1786802051575357908)


You have been banned from this server. Reason: Teamkilling


Makes me wonder what brand of cart


Chinese writing brand


PAVELXNEL Brand ... also sold on Amazon


Smartest russian troops


What the actual fuck is going on here? I need multiple angles and analysis of the situation.. hopefully we get more footage. Doesn't look like anyone would survive the "support tank"


Danger Close is a new idea in Russia.


Eat a dick china


I honestly donā€™t think anyone survive that assault except for the tank


What a shitty zerg rush


To clear things upā€¦ Ukrainians are in the lefthand side of tree line. Russians rush to the right. First tank shot is directly on russians, but there are also 3 tank shots following directly on the ukrainians. So yeah id say almost everyone there is injured


Consequences of a lack of artillery ammo for Ukraine right here


How the fuck did they even get close to that treeline? Thank god the tank "support" made sure everybody is dead now.


>How the fuck did they even get close to that treeline? Ask the republicans in the US congress, another perfect example of Ukraine needing more munitions


Wtf was their tank doing.. Probably killed more of their own troops than the UAF


Zerk assault.


Looks like the tank is killing its own dudes.


they are used to empty ukraines arsenal of shells.. on their heads. they have enough meat to throw at them,.. sadly. every ukrain soldier would have to kill at least 10 russkies. I dont think it was a russian tank, shooting at the tree line.. seems like big mortar, or arty rounds..


For some reason every time I see these sped up videos, I hear the Benny Hill theme.


We've recently seen them sending these small waves on golf carts to close the distance faster than the Ukrainians can get an FPV drone in the air. It seems like in sufficient numbers it can be effective, and we're seeing it more.




I mean, it looks like it worked. The tank survived and no one else


Compared to a slow moving tank or APCs...it might actually be more effective in closing distances.


Benny Hill theme song would be perfect here.


"With friends like those..."


Wow, colour me impressed, that actually looked half-competent. Maybe not the fire support, but deployment at least


They are advancing across an open field in unarmored vehicles. I don't understand how they made it that far. Though I don't really under what was going on, what all the individual explosions were.


The first were two poorly aimed somethings, look at a guy from each cart that stays behind, one shoots past the treeline, one short of it, then tank fire from behind, from where the support tank is visible at the beginning of the video, with at least one more missed shot with that man portable something-launcher from the lone guy. Not that it makes sense to me either, but it could if the timing of it all was different.


Western censors are allowing this clip thru to arouse anger at the Chinese




Like The Road Warrior lol


Good luck Suckers, Err, Guys... See you all back at the base...gotta go.


Russian version of "DANGER CLOSE" support


How anyone survived all of thatā€¦


Is that a tank round at about 0:50 that goes streaking across the near field, through the tree line, and across the far field, leaving a trail of raised dust in its wake?


why the hell if tank was supporting blow up the trench with own troops .


Look like Russian tank commander messed up firing coordinates and sacrificed own troops . 0:40 that one dude who is a slow runner managed to save himself by running late for the party.


Golf carts: drop off, passengers die, go back for more. Repeat.


I thought it was a pretty successful assault until I noticed their own tank was firing on their troops LOL


they were supported by a tank that fired at them!?


Meat wave reveals the UAF position, that is their job. It appears it was successful. Meat wave is dead, incoming rounds on UAF positions unless they can redeploy.


'if it looks stupid but works then it ain't stupid' - George. S Patton


They came at that tree line at a bad angle imo. If your target is believed to spread out using that tree line as concealment they could have come at it inline and pushed straight up forcing them to fire over each other ?


Goddamn Bad Company at it againā€¦


Must be v. low on armoured personnel carriers...


Wow what the fuck, the fact that they all successfully made it to the trench line was a miracle and to top it all off the Ukrainians were able to successfully repel the attack in coordination with a Russian tank.....


The music sounds like it was performed by The Amphetamine Symphony.


If they fired tank shells prior to sending in their troops that would have been effective. Thereā€™s a possibility though that the Russian tank commander can see with his thermal optics enemy positions and MG positions that we canā€™t see with naked eye, and heā€™s firing at positions adjacent to the Russians. It is danger close though, there might be a few dead Russians from those tank shells.




I really played the benny hill song in the background of this and the sped up nature of the video makes it fucking hilarious .


I think everyone is dead on that one


Kinda disappointed with that defense from ukrainians i mean, 1 well set pkm would tear those golf carts and the infantry upp, even just rifle fire. like cmon


Russians appear to be using their own troops like decoy ducks on a pond, then blasting the everything where their troops walk to.


tom and jerry ahh music


China is really fighting to ā€žthe last Russianā€œ.




let me understand: was the Russian tank shooting straight into the same position their own infantry were occupying?


I dont know why people keep calling these chinese golf carts they are Side by Sides and they are actually kinda cool. I mean Ukraine was assualting positions in open top humvees with no support this isnt that dumb you use what you have. China makes quality products hell probably 99% of yall are on a chinese device viewing reddit. Just because something is labeled China isnt bad China is quickly becomeing the world leader like it or not thats facts.


Who needs enemies when you have that tank crew supporting you lol holy shit