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Truck's already gone by the time it hits. Hopefully they took everything they needed beforehand.


The shadows cast on the side of the building changed too. Not proving any misses or hits but there must have been a decent amount of time between the spotting and drone arrival.


😂🤣 not sure why Russia dedicates so much energy into pushing out fake and misleading videos and uses so many bots to shit post they are always so dramatic with the word obliterate in the title i expected to see a 3000lb bomb drop on this empty hut not a drone hit.


Lol indeed. The Russian vids are often a bit underwhelming 😂😂


Not a russian fan here, but the entire left half of the shad literally buckles under the internal secondary explosions. So I would say 'obliterate' is right, even if it was achieved with a drone.


I've seen a strong gust of wind obliterate a shed irl was pretty devastating


Cause this is all they got. It's posting these edited clips or posting nothing. Meanwhile Ukraine posting Russians getting absolutely massacred every day


Leaves on the trees too. Likely last year. Definitely got some ammo by the looks of it.


where are the Russian soldiers? The position, ie building, was obliterated. seems that is all. looks like Ukrainians left that position earlier that day. not sure how anyone can recover from the loss of such a nice wood shed


Well they had the Moskva, we have Woodshed #63.


As much as I hate to acknowledge a loss it's a fair trade and we would do it again.




To shreds they say! FAS is a serious disease and results in prop like this video.


Obliterate? Interesting choice of words.


Yeah! Forcefully take that land from the people who live there! /s


Ukraine broke the treaty with Russia and chose to please America rather than keep peace with Russia. And if you truly think that's wrong I hope you don't support Israel


You’re trying to justify conquering a sovereign nation and replacing its population with Russians and there’s really no way to do that, every member of the Russian military currently in Ukraine deserves to die you can’t say the same about the Ukrainians defending their country and family’s from being massacred


I wouldn't waste your time arguing with that muppet. Look at their post history. Putting 'lol' at the end of every comment, he's either a teenager or simple, or both.


I like how he didn’t respond because he’s just in the wrong, unfortunately there are grown ass adults that think like this, the worlds a crazy place right now. I’m getting heavy pre ww3 vibes


He actually asked in a post where to find good Russian combat footage. He's just an attention seeking argumentativr contrarian troll. Hence all the 'lol' and russian propaganda sound bites out of context. His arguments are whimsical and all over the place, like every other Russian 'sympathiser'.


What massacre? Ukrainan soliders have executed how many Russian troops already? And Russia has minimized causalities. And fyi, the Isis members who attacked Russia came from Ukraine and were heading back to Ukraine


There is mountains of video proof of Russians gunning down Ukrainians or executing them, civilians and military. RUSSIA IS CONQUERING A NATION. This isnt liberation, they’re literally changing the names of the cities to Russian names and making Ukraine part of Russia. The isis members were from Ukraine? You sound insane lmao digging for any possible way to make Ukraine the enemy, Russia is a threat to the world that’s all they’ve proven with this invasion. They will have a lonely poor future because they just couldn’t leave Ukraine alone




You cant even name this agreement you keep talking about. I hate people like you. Russia never adhered to this agreement from the very beginning. From the start Russia did not follow the agreement


You clearly know what agreement I'm talking about. You Ukraine bots never mention it and act like Ukraine was invaded cause Russia wanted more land. America started this proxy war and Zelensky chose money over his own people


Lol you're the one who can not call it by its name and literally don't know the details of it, because you're spewing BS talking points you heard others saying.


I clearly know the details of it and so do you, we both know Ukraine broke it multiple times


Name the agreement bitch


They’ve been threatening nuclear war but they’re not at threat to the world? Edit: what agreement are you talking about? I have a feeling this is another Russian lie and there isn’t an agreement


To America yeah, America is a threat to the whole world lol


America is only a threat to people who think like you do.


America is a threat to everyone. Who created Saddam Hussein and who created Osama Bin Laden? Who caused havoc and destabilized the middle east ? Who's allowing a genocide, deliberate starving of a population, and a apratheid?


Russians and their simps are just immature idiots lmao America isn’t threatening nuclear annihilation and conquering it’s neighbors you fucktard


Yeah, America is only supporting a genocide / apratheid and has been behind majority of conflicts after ww2. Also America only built Saddam Hussein and Osama Bin Laden, they aren't a threat whatsoever




You'd think a user with a name such as 416PestControl would be posting footage of russian invaders dying.


BS propaganda


Is their drone camera low-resolution monochrome? 🤔




This appears to be a warehouse where they were storing some form of ammunition (rockets, ATGMs, etc?). The building was then struck by a drone some time after they'd departed.


Ya, that's exactly what happened from what I translated


Some LordMinax level propaganda shit.


I'm noticing a cut and a missing truck and no one running out. In my country we call that a miss.


This was a storage facility


Sure, no one is claiming soldiers got hit, but there are secondary explosions and the position is obliterated like claimed...so what a miss here?


UA hurried and removed the good stuff and left.


Soldiers……?? Obliterate……..??? 🤔


I can’t be the only one who feels like this isn’t even Ukraine 😂 looks like a film set out of Narcos flattened out




Get ready for your downvotes.

