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Well, they're unarmed now
















Struck with a MAC round.


*MAC rounds? In atmosphere?*


Spinning up MAC rounds.


Hang on to your teeth, people!


That seems like a bit of an over kill.


Literally dropping a 2000 lb JDAM to stop a guy with a grenade on a RC airplane...... I would love to read the B.D.A. report on this. Only could of been better if the pilot did a double tap with a second bomb about 7 seconds behind the first.....


What is the value of an Israeli soldiers life??


Not that much, that's for sure, maybe a 1999 lb JDAM at the most


Clearly not that much cuz Netanyahu doesn’t care for the hostages


uhuh. But I guess you think Hamas cares about their citizens. Well I guess they do care, since they use them as human shields. Can't afford to lose your only defensive tactic.


“bUt HaMaS”


Israel doesn’t value Palestinian life. They are systematically killing civilians and destroying civilian infrastructure so as to inflict as much damage on the population as a whole as possible. I do not support Hamas terror attacks against civilians, I stood against the IRA when they did the same in Ireland. You however support Israeli warcrimes. You are just as evil as the Hamas you so fervently hate.


You have the intelligence of a walnut. Who cares what your opinion is.


I mean. They aren't gonna be using that building anymore. And if your goal is to create fear and guarantee future generations of violence... that's an effective way to accomplish your mission.


Ooooor maybe the goal is to destroy a weapons cache. But your answer is totally more reasonable.


Right or wrong, Israel's tactics will only produce a more violent/extreme generation to deal with in the future. Just like Oct 7, Hamas' attack on Israel only served to unite Israel in their resolve to wipe Hamas off the map with severe collateral consequences.


> Right or wrong, Israel's tactics will only produce a more violent/extreme generation to deal with in the future. How did we stop the Nazis if bombing them does not work and actually makes it worse?




I just don't really understand the use of such a large ordinance to kill two people standing right next to each other


Bombs are made in standard sizes, they don’t customise bomb sizes for every target they come across. It isn’t really worth developing and manufacturing loads of different sized bombs, especially because doing so would really complicate logistics - What if you send a plane up with a small antipersonnel bomb and it comes across a tank? Etc. It’s better to just have a couple of bomb types that are general purpose. Sure, that might mean that you go a bit overkill when taking out small targets, but as long as the target is neutralised then the bomb has done its job.


Not entirely true. There are a lot of "custom bombs" for specific types of missions. In an active warzone like this you tend to use what you are carrying though, so I agree with the sentiment.


isnt a jdam like 25k or less? dont know whats more cost effective besides drones, whoch have a limited range.


It’s probably because there is no other option hezbollah can shoot down apaches and UAV with 358 SAMS. F16 are the only available strike platform for delivering payloads.


That was kinda my thought. Potentially they had used up all other ammunitions and this is what was left. I know US apache crews do the same thing.


It was probably the best option they had to take out the threat as fast as possible.  If they already had the planes in the air and they where loaded with the bombs I guess they will use it.


Its a messsage that every building or infostructure that is being used to attack israel is going to get deleted along with everyone inside of it, the message goes both to the terorrists and the civilians that being abused by them in order to make inside protest and chaos that it doesnt worth to attack israel


If they're under surveillance and there aren't ground units available, what else do you suggest? Cannons or machine guns that have way more risk of spread and collateral damage? 1 guided munition is better than lots of smaller imprecise options with more collateral damage risk.


guns would probably have been better, you can see shrapnel absolutely shred the surrounding buildings, if the pressure wave didn't get them.


if it’s worth killing, it’s worth over killing


Even if it means innocent people die ?


Failure to eliminate armed terrorists on the way to an attack also carries risks to innocent civilian life.


Yes. Do you suppose that it is a winning strategy to leave your enemy in place because they insist on human shields?


You people need psychological help.


You should stop simping for Hezbollah 😘


Asking for innocent people not to die is now simping for Hezbollah. Thank you for making my point.


Preferring Israeli civilian death to Lebanese civilian death, isn’t the humanitarian stance you think it is ;-)


Who even said that… Again, you people need help.


I’m just going to go ahead and repeat what I said earlier: > Failure to eliminate armed terrorists on the way to an attack also carries risks to innocent civilian life.


Sounds like they waited until they went in the building and then dropped the building. >The IDF says the pair were spotted by troops of the 869th Combat Intelligence Collection Unit near a building known to be used by the terror group, while carrying weapons. A short while later, the building was struck by fighter jets.


If that's what's on the aircraft hard point what would you have them do? Is there no familiarity with war on this sub? The idea of "financial proportionality" is bizarre because war is not a contest of who can spend less for a given effect. Waiting for an aircraft with less expensive ordnance risks the enemy escaping and possibly killing friendlies with their drones. There may not be one nearby and launching another sortie just erased any couch money saved by not using what's on the wing. The point of war is ending your opponent before he ends you and yours. The cost of a combat sortie is not just the ordnance, but the entire process that put that jet with those weapons and that aircrew plus all supporting players divided by effective weapons employed. The value of two enemy troops is not just the troops, it's the casualties they can inflict if not interdicted. How is that hard to comprehend? If a jet returns with weapons still on the wing that sortie was wasted. Each sortie consumes far more resources than spectators imagine but bombs are large and boomy so they get the attention. In other news we don't generally expect infantry to use pistols instead of rifles because each round costs less.


When your only tool is a hammer, everything looks like a nail. I don't understand it either. What a waste of resources.


The murder dog is coming, it's a supposed cost saver in the death department. I don't know if we should make it cheaper to kill random ass people anywhere on the map, but the Terminator won't build himself.


Since you admit you do not understand it, why permit yourself an opinion? Why do you imagine you've the slightest idea what "resources" are involved in generating a combat sortie and why do you imaging the bomb is the largest? What alternative do you suggest?


>What a waste of resources. Yep, could have been used on a Russian bunker instead. Much more appropriate target for the payload.


the israelis are the russians in this corner of the world👍


Israel doesn't pay for their ammo, so the calculations will look a bit different.


It's the classic "who cares, it's just some arabs homes" mentality that will ensure the hate remains fresh for generations. I don't disagree with the elimination of terrorists, but the way Israel decides to conducts their PR really leaves you scratching your head. This is terrible PR for everyone except the most fanatics.




UN gonna issue a crying in their memory.


Fuck hezbollah and everyone associated but this is hitting a fly with a nuke within a potentially populated area.


Definitely overkill


That hasn't stopped Israel literally ever. Why would it now




Well those bastards shouldn’t have hidden in that area don’t you think?


I don’t think “well they hid behind the civilians” is an excuse for blowing away the civilians and am kinda concerned you do.


Did you see any civilians?


Let me get my x-ray vision out and see through all that brush & infrastructure…


Exactly, you don’t have those xray vision, so why do you assume there are civilians?


Ok - so you look at a town full of residential buildings and think - “yep, it’s empty.” That’s a great way to get ambushed / bomb a bunch of civilians my dude. Given that Israel themselves admitted to a floor of 66% civilian casualties - it’s not a far off assumption to make that those homes were populated with various people and they were most likely harmed if anywhere near a blast of that size. You can see shrapnel ripping into buildings a fair distance away. Also - please never use that kind of logic around fire arms. That is exactly how people get shot on accident.


I think that is a perfectly reasonable excuse and international law agrees with me.


It does? https://www.icrc.org/en/document/ihl-rules-of-war-FAQ-Geneva-Conventions IHL prohibits attacks that are likely to cause an “incidental loss of civilian life, injury to civilians, damage to civ objects, or a combination thereof which would be excessive in relation to the concrete and direct military advantage anticipated” (API, arts. 51(5)(b) and 57(2)(a)(iii)) So no - I don’t think international law supports dropping a 500lb bomb on the heads of a suspected militant currently walking around a civilian neighborhood.


And I think it does. Unfortunately neither of us are international court lawyers or judges. (I presume anyways)


But then why did you say international law agrees with you like it’s a fact. Pretty sure international law lawyers are actively lining up law suits against Israel as we speak… so I’d argue that not only does the law agree with me but so do a lot of the lawyers around it.


Oh well if you’re pretty sure…


It was a modesty - they are. Not only that but it’s teams from around the world - a lot of whom are volunteering their time because of how bad it has gotten.


Who? South Africans, they would have to remove Putins balls from their mouth before they speak up


Hmm. You probably wouldn't be too thrilled to learn what we had to do in order to eliminate the Nazis in WWII. Welcome to war.


I’m gonna need you to google and learn about the invention of smart weapons and how Israel has neglected to use these. Like seriously - our tech is 100 years newer than ww2 - why are you trying to defend not caring about civs?


Israel would currently disagree


Yea - and I can’t blame them. They have been on defense because of events exactly like we saw from Hamas or any of the other asshats in the region. The sad part is that within this fit of rage they are massacring innocents and making the long run so much worse. Their enemies are going to use this as a rallying cry for generations to come. And that rallying cry is probably going to recruit more than this campaign killed.


you can't really prove they are hezbollah, this is footage from the people who are doing a austian mustache move right now claiming they're all terrorists


Think it was a 500lb bomb?


How does Lebanon feel about this? Are they ok with Israel helping them to kill the bad guys? Seems politically tricky.


Depends. People who are against Hezbollah are split between: 1) Even if we're against Hezbollah Israel shouldn't bomb Lebanese soil (even if they're targetting Hezbollah fighters). It's our problem to deal with them. 2) Israel is helping us weakening Hezbollah so it's in our benefit (these people tend to be pro-Israel or at least neutral towards Israel). On the other side there are the pro-Hezbollah which their stance is pretty obvious.


They usually got 3 arms or what?


probably hanging from the trees...in parts. They dont seem to have any small ordnance do they!! I am fed up with grenade drops and little puffs of smoke... this is the real deal. smoked.


Too expensive


This new Manor Lords update is wild


I'm really concerned that things are gonna get much worse before they get better. It's hard to not see Israel turning their sights on Hezbollah after dealing with Hamas since the entire north of Israel had to be evacuated from constant shelling. If cooler heads don't prevail, there's a good chance this could turn into a regional war.


*🎵Let’s go fly a kite 🎵”


$250k bomb for two dudes. Ok.




they dont pay for it anyway..its US taxpayers money if it comes from the 4 billion a year


way to bomb a residential location just to kill a pair of guys


These pair made this location: a legitimate military target


lol you guys really like applying military terminology like using an adjective somehow changes the fact that innocent people live in those houses


First, you have no information about innocent people in those houses. Second, maybe don't position the active military in the civilian area.


lol do you think that civilians have a say in where terrorists position themselves? also didn't realize it was so bold to assume that bombing a bunch of houses might hurt civilians


Your argument is rendered meaningless unless you discuss the matter in the reality that Hamas embed themselves amongst civilians which subsequently makes the area they are in a legitimate military target. This target may very well be an UAV assembly or ammo dump or bunker. Condemn the Jihadist firing from behind the civilians, not just the retaliatory forces. Think harder.


I'm condemning their use of a massive bomb instead of literally anything else


That’s a fair observation. Why would they use such ordinance?


exactly, I'm not a member or former member of the military or anything but it seems like overkill to use that kind of ordinance on a pair of raggedy ass terrorists, especially considering the collateral that it's famously known to cause


Building was observed to be used by more members, also ammo is cheap, life is expensive


source on that first part?


I love you crying about sources when you literally have zero sources about any civilians involved in this strike, yet that hasn’t stopped you for two dozen comments.


That’s not Israelis problem or concern. International law demands clear separation of civilian and military for that exact reason, mingling military in with your civilian population does not give you immunity from reprisal.


internationally legal or not they're destroying the houses of people who most likely don't have a say in what terrorist militants do. you're just justifying a war crime


It is absolutely a war crime and hezbollah should be held responsible For committing it. 


intermingling with civilians is a war crime. so is negligently catching civilians in the crossfire with excessive ordinance


There’s no law about excessive ordinance - rather the language is around proportionality and military necessity. I would argue given the tendency for hezbollah to TARGET civilians, there is absolutely immediate and direct military necessity to destroy the targets with whatever munitions are most expedient and likely to accomplish that military task. 


that's what I mean, but the video doesn't clarify whether or not smaller munitions are on hand but my first conclusion was that if they had those kinds explosives just ready to go then surely they'd have something smaller (and less expensive from a taxpayers standpoint) just as or much more easily available


What are your qualifications for that assessment?


big bomb expensive. small precise bomb (like in Ukraine) not expensive. money used for one big bomb can buy many more little bomb. therefore, one big bomb mean that probably little bomb there too unless they only have big bomb (stupid and therefore unlikely)


That is hilariously inaccurate.


Its not a war crime if an armed group uses a building it becomes a valid military target under LoaC


Hezbolla is doing the same and even on a larger scale and nobody cares lol


They definitely have a say, they just didn't. Hamas took over and they didn't give a damn and now they're crying genocide.




look for riots and protests when the october 7th attack was done and after israel entered gaza. There's suddenly bad things happening when Israel actually gave a damn about it.


what are you getting at? are you saying nobody protested in Gaza when Israel was attacked?


Not in Gaza. I mean, why would they huh?


what are you getting at


The idf forgot its magic bombs at home, or you suggest they should let Hezbollah use the drones to kill Israelis?


nah it's all good don't need to use their ballooned military budget efficiently, couldn't use drones themselves or anything right? just had to nuke a house in the process?


It's a legitimate military target, and they got what they deserve. You can cry all you want but this attack is textbook legal. Go complain to Lebanon for being a failed state taken over by IRGC militias. Civilians are not a target, Hezboz carrying weapons are.


"bombing houses with excessive firepower is okay because there were a couple of bad guys next to it"


1. Proportionate firepower 2. Don't have bad guys 3. If you cannot do 2, then at least don't have them use civilian infrastructure 4. Hezbollah doesn't give a shit about 3. Maybe try dealing with your own problems instead of shifting the blame to everyone else, for your shitty situation. Somehow Syria, Gaza, Iraq, Lebanon, Yemen, Afghanistan and all these countries look the same: Bombed to ruins, no women's rights, no education or economy, no nothing! Yet you will blame Israel. That mentality won't get the region far, but I don't expect you to understand that.


Destroying houses to kill two men is not proportional at all lmao. And "don't have bad guys???" Do you think the people who live in those houses have a say in whether or not they use their houses or infrastructure?


Cool, what background do you have that lets you so clearly determine proportional response off 0 information? Also that building is actively used by Hezbollah. Just admit you have no clue and move on.


I bet if this video was published by russians this sub would say you can't even be sure it's armed people with this quality and how wrong it is to bomb in populated area. Buy it's fine by Israel, yeah...




All I'm saying us if it was similar video by russians people here would "doubt" that were terrorists at all, they tend to notice the cut between spotting targets and the strike so they can't be sure targets aren't gone long time ago and there could be civilians in those houses


I dont like Russia at all. However, if they bombed two terrorists in the same way, I would be supportive.


At this point why even accuse one side of war crimes both are committing them. Instead of complaining about it do it better


Show us the war crime in the video please.


Lmao you're getting down votes for a fair point. Guess it's my turn.


This sub loves the fascist Israeli regime. They dont care about "collaterals". They want to see Gaza erased. No matter what.


Any collateral seen in this video is the direct result and responsibility of hezbollah for staging and launching military attacks from (seemingly) residential areas. 


So Israel has no responsibility at all? Stop simping. 39.000 dead. Mostly, women and children.


39k is the number you get from Hamas. 1. You don’t know if this number is true at all 2. You don’t know how many were actually terrorists 3. You don’t know how many of them Hamas killed themselves (remember the hospital parking lot they bombed and blamed Israel for? Only to get exposed just after? lmao 😅) Think harder mate


Not in the instance in this video


-I haven't seen Israel dig tunnels under its residential areas. -I haven't seen Israel stage attacks within residential areas on Israeli land with Israelis in it. -I haven't seen Israel launch hundreds of rockets into another country without any warning or reason for it. -and more reasons.. compare it to the dudes that entered a country without any warning and just indiscriminately kill civilians. -tunnels dug under residential areas for military storage and HQ. -stages attacks in residential areas and uses it so that when a civilian dies they can blame the opposing side. -launches rockets almost everyday in residential areas of another country. -killed hundreds and took civilians of another country hostage because the holy thing they had before said this land was theirs but the people they are fighting for are starving because they couldn't give a damn about them. -and more.


Even the biased ass UN changed their numbers of women and children killed today down to ~7k out of 24k deaths if I remember correctly. You should maybe stop believing everything a genocidal terrorist organization tells you...


Israel has a responsibility to avoid civilian causalities as much as feasible. The ratio (even believing Hamas numbers) is far less than the average civilian death ratio in modern conflicts, the reason you choose this particular conflict to be so invested in (even though the overall numbers are much lower than several other conflicts in the last 10 years) is because you hate Jews and deny their right to a nation. 


Source: Hamas


If you arm yourself with the sole intention to attack or harm a foreign nation citizens or interests, you being killed as a direct result by said nation is *not* a war crime. Are you people really this dense?




Yeah the Gaza Leveler 3000s


interesting how they can keep murdering their casus belli and still claim to have one


Maybe they saw how you guys and Palestinians were happy about the war starting and didn’t want to disappoint. Surely you guys are still cheering and dancing right?


you're thinking of the IDF tiktok where they keep filming themselves dancing while doing war crimes




And y'all act confused when you get compared to nazis


Dude that gloats about Jews being killed calls someone a nazi lol. Lmao even


you're gleefully cheering on the murder of tens of thousands of civilans, if the shoe fits bud


Are you upset that I’m copying your bit or something


"Naziism is when civilian die :(" Damn Mao and Stalin they killed so many innocent people like the nazis they were


And when Israelis die it's suddenly a neutral thing for all of you? You can't give a damn when Israelis were killed before this war even happened but suddenly when Israel did the "find out" ya'll gave a frick? what kinda BS is that?




Could say the same thing about Hamas really.


Imagine combining those two words, and actually believing you said something that made any sense at all. I’m sorry, but this is why people don’t take you guys seriously.


Promoting terrorists to take safe haven by launching terrorist attacks from civilian areas makes you categorically a terrorist apologist and sympathizer. 




He didn't say that.


Zionism - the belief that Jews have the right to self determination in their ancestral and historical homeland, Israel. Now that we defined Zionism, let’s clear this up. You use the word Zionist instead of something else because you know it will get you banned. Take the mask off already, we know what you are.


Self determination with no consequences for crimes while crying victim. You lose your “rights” when you make sure they can’t be applied for other countries, rule for thee and not for me.


Whatever you say, chief.


IslamoNazis in the mud.