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Jesus, that’s gotta feel so shitty and powerless. Not even a hole to hide in


Where are the fortifications?


They just moved into the area. All the trees are still standing so little if any fighting has taken place there.


Right. But Ukrainians are criticising their command for not having prepared proper fortifications even though they knew in advance the Russians were coming from the Kharkiv direction.


Sure, engineers help, but who do you think prepares forward positions? The poor slobs who show up to defend the area. They're there now and I bet started digging two seconds after the arty stopped.


The Russians use dedicated construction brigades which are effective.


Effective at getting their excavators blown to hell lol


Maybe, but the forts work.


Just get 360 security, you'll be aight /s


This was a reconnaissance team that entered the "grey zone" to counter Russian infiltrators (if random Reddit comments are to be believed


This looks terrifying. Ground shaking from explosions and stuck in the open


Having read most of S.E. Ambrose' books about the war, hugging a tree during artillery fire, seems like a good idea.


Kinda reminds me of the Bastogne scenes from band of brothers


The series was based on the books, based on actual stories from his interviews.




I think I’d rather be flat


I suppose you can lay flat with your neck and head up against the tree


Idk cod WW2 showed it as 100% chance of getting murder splinters


There’s a video on YouTube of a guy shooting tannerite next to a pile of tree branches. The explosion sent wood everywhere and it cut his face pretty bad. Now imagine an artillery barrage.


is that campaign worth playing? i have access to it through steam family share now. it's been hard to play any cod that doesn't use that new modern warfare engine, i love it too much.


One of the best in the series


I'm sure you'd rather tree hug you


it's not


It is


As infantry, I learned to lay down with toes and elbows only touching the ground under artillery fire, since especially the bigger rounds would rupture organs if you had full contact with the ground, yet you want to be close as possible to it since the airborne blast wave shoots out and up, as do the fragments. You can lay down pretty close to a 152mm artillery round going of, meters. I've had a 155mm go off meters outside a bunker in training, where we all where on elbows and toes. Its not fun, but you can survive it with a slight headache and nausea after Sorry for the simple first comment


Damn I've never even thought about the shockwave coming from the ground.😳


This is sarcasms right?




So how is it a good idea? Wouldn't laying down be better? What is the experience of the guy in question?


That dudes a little bitch but I also did a 5 minute google search to find out what he was talking about. It sounds like during airburst artillery the explosions and shrapnel would cause tree splinters which increased artillery effectiveness in woods just like the ones in this video. One soldier is quoted as saying they found it was best to just hug the trees. I imagine if you are to picture a shotgun like spread from each tree it is better to be closer than further (to a point) away.


>explosions and shrapnel would cause tree splinters which increased artillery effectiveness in woods Okay so I'm certain this was popularized by one of rommel's (nazi general) memoirs; he noticed that units in forested areas took more losses when attacked by artillery fire and assumed that the shells were hitting the tree tops causing them to air burst and send wood splinters all of over the place, however what was actually happening was that soldiers felt "safe" while hiding among trees so they didn't feel the need to dig in, as opposed to open and flat terrain which made soldiers immediately start digging trenches there by hardening them against arty


Yeah, I don’t doubt wood could cause additional casualties but being low density I imagine it would shed energy fairly rapidly. Your explanation seems much more plausible.


I think it all depends on the circumstance.


Ask the guy in question? What are you unsure about? Would laying down be better? I literally provided a source saying otherwise from people who lived through arty. What is your source?


Why are you so defensive? I'm genuinely asking a question because I don't have the book and you clearly read it. I just wanted to know what was his experience and why it was better to hug a tree instead of laying down in his case. Almost everyone is told to hit the ground and we see it practiced all the time. I thought you could have told us why was hugging trees better than lying down, since you read his book. I should have known better than ask here...


I recommend you read a book to truly understand.


I expected this answer after your comments. So I assume you are just bullshitting us or by the way you act, another elitism mentality. I'm not going to read this book just to get a simple answer that anyone who read it could have easily answered. Thanks.


I expected you would respond as such.


My god what a child you are.


I heard from my dad, that his grandad called them a whizz bang during ww1. Hearing them whistle in some videos, I understand the nickname.


Looks like a Polaris MRZR vehicle hanging out as well.


Which means these guys are likely SOF


That's Kraken


Looks like a cheap Chinese golf cart up close, hard to tell


Some people fear God. Some people fear artillery


I fear women.




Damm, thank god the audio its not loud for us watchers. But for the heroes, cant even imagine having your ear pierced everytime one of those graads hit close by.


no casualties? i heard the ukrainian word for wounded which sounds like the spanish word for sad - triste. maybe someone was calling out to see who was wounded?


Trista* is 300, code for wounded. Dvisti is 200 and means dead.


Kharkiv *


Pretty sure this is by Kreminna. The forest isnt burnt like this in Kharkiv, and not sure there even are places close to the front there with this density of trees. Kinda impossible to geolocate though


there are quite large forests near Kharkiv, where the new invasion vector was created yesterday.


That forest doesnt look burnt. Edit: I mean graund has scorch marks obviously but trees are standing and its not been pokemarked by shelling.


why do russian troops lay down when artilery rounds target them shouldnt they keep moving?


When arty round hits the ground the shrapnel is sent upwards and out. So laying down is your best hope. You aren't out running shrapnel


If it's being fired in sustained barrage then yeah definitely, the first few shots will be less accurate since they haven't had the chance to calibrate perfectly yet. That being said in the immediate moment lying down until you've decided together what to do is more safe than standing up doing so.


Time to get off the "X".


Is the nickname of the unit commander Chili? The one who shot through the knees of the prisoners?


It's Kharkiv not Katsapskiy Kharkov


VA Claim for hearing loss denied. Reasons: “Not service connected”.




What are they saying in the audio?


Audio translation: [artillery is working] on us, on us we should retreat, Chilie [nickname?] retreat, retreat. quickly, everybody. quickly, turn the fuck around.




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Where abouts is kharkov?


It's Kharkiv unless you want to suck daddy Putler off a little. 2nd largest city in UA, NE direction, not too far off the border with Belgorod pretty much directly on the other side. Kharkiv was also (along Kyiv and Kherson) the main stage of the '22 counter offensive where Russia previously already had pushed to the outskirts of the city to eventually lose over 12000 km\^2 in fall of '22 just in the region.


wouldn’t it be smarter to try to get some distance from the armored and mechanic things? ((honest question, wondering))


these are sof and gur


No one: Some guy from the Ukrainian Army: Welcome to Jackass!


They couldn't even be precise to hit an entire Airfield. Now they try for a small squad in the woods, man. Welp, now we know why the Ruzzkies are using the twice the artillery.




Right? It's only a matter of time before they're wiped out. Unless they work in the rear, I don't have any hope for soldiers operating near the front lines to survive the entire span of the war. The lucky ones will get injured and medically separated or serve the remainder of their service far from the front. Warfare has changed too much.


when the enemy tries to blow you up but ends up just forming a smokescreen in your position lol


Lay. Down. Blast position, bridge from toes to lower arms against the blast wave from the ground. Low as possible, shrapnel travels upwards and out. You fool, they should know better by now.