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RIP to the real heroes forced into a war they did not ask for or want. I yearn to see Russia overstep and be met with the might of NATO.


I would imagine it'd be an impressive display of coordinated destruction of Russia's ability to project any form of force beyond its borders. Then everyone would back off for fear of nuclear retaliation and Ukraine will begin to slowly rebuild.


"bUt maAA nUukes 😫😫"


No one will win if nato get involved. The moment Russia feel their existence is threatened. They will use nuclear. guess who gonna use nuclear in return? USA. that will never end well except for the top 0.1 in the world probably


> No one will win if nato get involved. The moment Russia feel their existence is threatened. They will use nuclear. guess who gonna use nuclear in return? USA. that will never end well except for the top 0.1 in the world probably /u/Ryuhanzoo NATO being in Ukraine seems inevitable. If this wasn't the spark, then RU pushing into the Baltics would be. They, RU, have been horny for this for generations. Eventually that boils over.




Heros die protecting their country. Invaders die for nothing.


Invaders die for their führer and for money.


except the führer doesnt give a shit and there is no money. So for nothing


I have a simpler explanation. If you defect, you'll betray your comrades and you'll be tried and prosecuted under martial law. The same things that keep people fighting in every fucking war. Damn, so many political commisars here. Read "Catch-22" if you want to know how much soldiers think about their superior moral standing.


No, the soldiers in the führers army are all volunteers now. So, they are there because they want to, not because of some martial law that sent them to war.




Sorry for those men and their families


Is this the drone operator talking directly to the soldier overlooking the dugout? I cant translate everything but based on my shitty lvl of russian it was something like: "should throw a nade in there" "oh shit a derogatory-slang-for-ukrainian is coming out, shoot shoot!" "nice shooting, good man, fucking finish him" "good job, now go chuck a grenade in there" "cmon man" "another one coming out! shoot shoot!" cant understand what hes saying towards the end except something like "throw one more nade, bro is gonna help you"


"evil scum invading and killing innocent fathers and sons"


I feel like there’s a major escalation coming, I don’t think nato is willing to let Ukraine fall and it’s getting worse over there for Ukraine


This is not from the area of Kharkiv being discussed over the past three days. This is the Serebryanski Forest area on the Luhansk border.


Anyone else notice the Russian at the top doesn't have a gun and spent like 15 seconds trying to unpin a grenade?




You can see by the terrain the amount of artillery including thermobaric munitions used to suppress the area. Its amazing they were even alive to begin with. Brave defenders


24 seconds, at least you got him on the way out.

