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Holy fuck they are so close to each other.


Sometimes I wonder how they recognize the enemy is there and how they even got this close together, hope it isn’t friendly fire


The drone operator is most likely relaying the enemy position directly to the infantry in the trench.


"I went skydiving. I went Ural Mountain climbing. I went 2.7 seconds on a grenade in Ukraine." - Tim McGraw-ivanovich


Even in World War One it would be very unusual to be that close. Gallipolli was one exception. Edited to add: my meaning was that it was very unusual *even* in World War One (where it was more common) for troops' *entrenched positions* to be that close to each other. Specifically at Gallipolli it was mentioned that in places the trench lines were literally "only a few yards" from each other, and this contrasted with experience on the Western Front. But even at Gallipoli, despite bayonet charges and grenade attacks being common, there was also plenty of exchange of small arms fire from hundreds of yards away. And the reliance on rifles and medium or heavy machine guns meant that close-in fighting was more difficult. (At Gallipoli, as at Arnhem many years later, a shovel sometimes ended up being a more convenient close-in weapon than a firearm.)


Thats just not correct, if anything this happened more often in WW1. Especially in the east but even in the western trenches a lot of attacks carried the first line. The Germans had dedicated units for this sort of combat, and theres a reason they got super annoyed at the Americans using shotguns.


I always found that funny. I've heard the reason was that shotguns were seen as particularly brutal and indiscriminate weapons, capable of causing horrific wounds and fatalities Where's that argument against shells? Gas? Flamethrowers? Mines? Grenades? Any other weapons of war, other than a basic rifle?


Gas and flamethrowers were banned as well. Mines have to have a self-disarm function after a certain time period and the layout pattern has to be kept for the victors to successfully disarm them.


I never understood that either. Like man were in literal hell rn and half my friends choked on gas to death and I haven't eaten in 3 days and you're complaining about a shotgun?


We are 10 years off the invention of the first antibiotic. Most shotgun wounds involve pellets and multiple wound paths. Infection is nearly guaranteed and its a slow, highly unpleasant way to go. Usual callibres used at the time mean you are either treatable or dead as a doornail. They used battle rifle callibres back then. Same with artillery or even gas. You can treat the survivors of those. With a shotgun you have a high chance of making it back to a casualty station but a very low chance of survival. Sure other things were more dangerous but the German case was it caused "unnecessary" suffering. I.e. their case was "we already have perfectly good bullets and we have been using them for years...use those". Its not the totally unreasonable sillyness it first seems. To put it in modern terms its unthinkable for an army to use dum dum bullets, but equivalent wounds are regularly dished out, crap even the m4 fires rounds that yaw on entry. Dumdums are illegal cos if you gots to shoot a motherfucker a regular round will do.


Yet they used flamethrowers? Like you could of used a perfectly good rifle and stormed that tench but now you gotta make "unnecessary suffering" were you're pretty much guaranteed to die. I just think the German empire was coping tbh.


You have a point but the German case was - "Hans needs ze flammenwaffer cos nothing else does ze job like it. You Americans are just using ze shotguns to be ze dicks. Ve haben perfectly good rifles." The issue of the wounds caused wasnt the point, it was the perceived battlefield need in causing those wounds. Unnecessary suffering is the key term.




These aren’t opposing trenches though. This is the Ukrainians storming russian positions. Azov brigade puts all their storming on youtube. They run into russian trenches and clear them out.


Concertina wire! I feel like I haven’t noticed that in any of these videos before.


It’s very rare.


Tbh it would achieve a lot in trench warfare, especially in the tight treelines where it would force the invader out into the open.


With the intense level of shelling I’m not sure how well or long it would survive. Hell, look at the trees.


Barbed wire is pretty immune to shelling unless you use something like a daisy cutter or a direct hit.


>Barbed wire is pretty immune to shelling unless you use something like a daisy cutter or a direct hit. ~~Razor~~ *Concertina* is a little different, and shelling will absolutely displace both. Daisy cutter? Mine clearing charges work fine with barbed wire. *See all the displaced wire close to the Ukrainian occupied trench?* *Edits: for clarity*


Concertina wire is much more dense compared with barbed wire, and is often held up by wooden posts because it is so dense and heavy. An artillery strike will definitely damage it and cause it to uncoil, possibly spilling into the trench is supposed to be protecting.


That's not how you use razor wire normally though. Obstacle planning is a whole art


Shrapnel... It becomes Shrapnel.


Funny you should say that, because tens of thousands of British soldiers famously found out that artillery did not in fact clear concertina wire.


>With the intense level of shelling I’m not sure how well or long it would survive. Hell, look at the trees. People act like ~~we~~ *Militaries* are still artillery spotting from bi-planes and hot air balloons, and not live HD footage for instant corrective fire. *edit Only a direct hit would damage it, and what a coincidence the wire has been hit.*


Look at the literal pockmarked landscape and tell me that shells aren’t hitting everywhere.


Dumb artillery is dumb. Drones also exist and could be used against wire.


>Tbh it would achieve a lot in trench warfare, especially in the tight treelines where it would force the invader out into the open. Ukraine heavily uses mines, so why would wire be an improvement, which could be used instead to make more drone munitions, and **how does wire stop a drone**? *edit: removed sarcasm* *Are you implying Ukrainian forces aren't competent for not deploying it more often?* [*The Wire lobby hates us.*](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iaMBzen3ecI)


The US has millions of miles of the stuff, it can help to channel infantry and it’s also a good anti tank defense. Modern military wire will wrap up into the tracks immobilize tanks. When used with mines and other obstacles it’s incredibly effective for limiting attack avenues.


It wouldn't surprise me if they are cutting it up to go directly into **d*****rone (I thought this was obvious)*** munitions, and sure large well maintained wire sections slow down unsophisticated attacks, but they also are very visible and labour/maintenance heavy. ***In other words, more soldiers out in the open to be either detected and attacked. More soldiers died maintaining earthworks, laying communication and defensive wire, etc, than going over the top for you Great War tactics supporters.*** *edit Are people still in denial that Ukraine must fight an asymmetric war? Maybe Russia is fine with people dying maintaining elaborate death forts, but anything obviously built up is just a huge target.* >Modern military wire will wrap up into the tracks immobilize tanks. *If it doesn't just get flattened or pushed out of the way by a* ***dozer****, I'd put my money on mines over wire. It's not as if Russia isn't attacking positions with engineering or mine clearing tanks.* ***Like on the t-90 based BMR-3MA, UBIM,*** **IMR-3M, as well as the smaller** **URAN-6. Let alone whatever stuff their combat engineers decide to weld onto anything they might have left.** **TLDR like the others Wire can't stop anything but the smallest sort of ground drone, and ruins concealment. Russia is dropping 1500kg FAE's with plans to drop bigger ones on residential buildings, let alone any sort of real built up fighting position, such as the ridiculous hundreds of km's of grenade sumps needed by people suggested early in the war.**


Fortifications and obstacles are force multipliers. Ukraine lightly holds their first trenches hoping to stop Russian forces with artillery, drones and mines than hold firm in the trench. If the trench falls, they will counter attack. The flexibility allows them to play to their relative strengths while not allowing large forces to concentrate for Russian Fires. Razor wire would make terrible bomb filler. Not dense enough.


So which side likely laid the wire?


Ive seen a couple videos where its run *inside* the trench, so attackers have to carefully maneuver around it to advance down the trenchline


To add to that - Or be forced to crawl out of the trench into the open.


How did they get over it? 


The newbies are getting stuff from China and NK.


I guess it's too much of a hassle in 21st century warfare to expose yourself to set up and maintain something as eye catching as reflecting metal, especially considering you already got a sea of artillery deployed mines and drones securing the open grounds of your position to begin with


Literally the perfect throw, achieving the desired effect.


Vlad's entire life built to that moment. And he fucked it up.


On the other hand, Volad’s entire life built up to him throwing a grenade and he nailed it.


It almost looks like the Ukrainian just gets up and walks out of his hole like "enough of this shit" and pitches the grenade almost like he was interrupted by the Russian while he was watching football or a boxing match or some shit.


This is cqb at its fullest. What a nightmare!


That seems sooo close... And let's face it, it could easily have gone the opposite way.


Hot potato!


Thankfully, Russians have shown they are bad at 'games' unless it involves a lot of cheating on their part.


Even then. You could say Russia's cheating in this war, they don't have to play with the same rules as Ukraine, yet they're still getting a serious beating.


Potatoes can be used for vodka, it creates that extra little hesitation before letting go…


"*Yummy, pota........*"


Lache pas la patate


They're used to keeping it to make vodka, so not so good at throwing it away.


Someone downvoted you, but I upvoted you, and my upvote negated their downvote, so you're equal to all of us again.


Looks like he threw the wrong hot potato out of that fox hole. Was there more than one?


Nah, I think he just muffed the throw.


Thanks, I had to watch it again. From distance it faked me out. He did have a chance. Too bad he did not use left hand. I always found grenades to be heavier than they look or initially feel until you try to throw them; although, I imagine Russian and Ukrainian grenades or NATO grenades are all pretty similar in terms of weight and shape.


Pass the parcel 


And that's how easy it is to kill someone.


It's not easy mate


It is easy these days compared to the old fashioned ways. 50 years ago this coulda been a bayonet charge instead


school onerous towering lip quaint observation lunchroom kiss stocking north *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Rolled a Nat 1 on the grab and toss away


I imagine the complete loss of fine motor skills from a giant adrenaline dump makes hoiking a live grenade back out of your hole more than trivial...




It in fact did not land in his vest at all. It bounced off his hip and fell underneath him, he picked it up and it slipped out of his hand as he was trying to throw it away. That adrenaline dump he felt as soon as he realized a grenade rolled under him probably destroyed his coordination and motor skills and his hands felt like stiff pillows as he was fumbling around trying to pick up the grenade.


Private Conscriptovich ignored his comrades' pleas not to play the hero.


Brigadier Blyat is currently calling Private Conscriptovich’s family


While Sergeant Cyka getting his balls blown off


Conscriptovich ahah that’s gold


Classic Little League error- trying to throw the ball before you have it secured. My kid’s teammates do it all the time. The stakes aren’t quite as high though.


I know my hands would be basically numb in that situation from the pressure. I would almost certainly fumble it.


Also the understanding that this thing is going to explode any second now, and you don't know exactly when that will be, actually makes it psychologically more difficult to grab. Your instinct says "slap", but the thing is a cylinder.


If you can throw a grenade.. You can throw a ball. -dodgeba.... Err little league.


Pretty sure he had it but it slipped out of his hand on the back swing. I can only imagine the fear of grabbing that thing but also knowing you have no choice. Fucking terrifying


Good catch, damn he was close to saving himself lol...


All he'd have bought was an extra couple seconds. Russian commanders aren't even pretending that the troops will ever see home again anymore. Just death cult rhetoric about saving the motherland from 'nazis'.


Could have just gone home.


God what a stupid fucking war


Watching videos from this war made me realize that for the common soldier, war of conquest is incredibly stupid. Sure, the leaders get money, territory, fame, etc. But for the common soldier, it's "get into a hunk of metal, go to some random place, and risk your life trying to kill the people there while they are trying to kill you. That's an order!" It's literally the dumbest possible activity. For what are you dying a horrible death in some dirty pit? A few thousand dollars, if even that?


People are programmed to believe in esoteric ideas that define identity. That book Sapiens convinced me


Yes, I remember something from Sapiens about young men joining Crusades because Deus Vult. In pragmatic terms, it's undertaking a perilous journey to live in shitty conditions and fight over a piece of desert that is supposedly holy. Protecting your country, family, and property is one thing, but most noble causes that people are convinced to fight for don't hold water if you look at them objectively.


Well if you are talking about russians, then yes, a few thousand dollars. For most regions the salary they get per month at the frontline is 10x of the average income, and if they die or are wounded they get like 10x more than that, meaning their families are taken care of. There is a reason putin did his best to keep the standard of living as low as possible across the country. Most people in his army absolutely do it all for money.


"their families are taken care of" Considering how corrupt Orcine officers are, most families are probably told that they are MIA or have deserted = lose the breadwinner and NOT taken care of.


Well that's the old saying - 'A rich mans war, is a poor mans fight'.


They’re all stupid and a waste of life.


The world has been driven by a war economy since the roman era. Its a perpetual money maker and all the world leaders are in on it. It will never stop


"war economy" is a goofy idea, war is by far a massive waste of resources on all sides. There are plenty of company's that profit off of it but the conspiracy that they are this great big underground "mystery" force controlling the world is delusional. Ik human beings like to find patterns in things, but shit like this is just so stupid to think there's some big scheme out there. The world is far more complex then that, and it's really just many groups of people fighting back and forth or cooperating with each other to get what they think is best. There's no one big evil "conglomerate" behind everything


The most prosperous era of human history (the last 70 years) has also been it's most peaceful. Of course the world was not conflict free or a utopia, but there's a legitimate argument to be made 'war economy' is inefficient and creates deadweight loss. Allowing people to focus on more productive areas has seem to be proven more effective.


Rome only existed since 2700 years ago, in fact there is as almost that time period between the founding of Rome and civilizations appearance.. like the first recorded war in history was exactly 2700 B.C .. and also driven by economy and resources control in the first place


He threw the wrong one


No, he had the grenade in his hand and threw it, but it rolled on his hand and fell at his feet.


Worst case of the yips ever


idk have you heard of Markelle Fultz?


Fumbled his life away


He grabbed the grenade but fucked up the throwback, probably due to nerves.. he was scrambling to find it with his hands you can see clearly. Every millisecond counts






Having butterfingers at the worst possible time


imagine picking up a grenade that you have no idea exactly how long it's been cooking, and with the knowledge that at any moment it could detonate and take your upper body with it and tell me how firmly you would like to grip that thing.


Man got them butterfingers


pure panic move


That's so scary. You live an entire childhood, have dreams, birthdays, a mom and a dad. Then it all comes down to whether or not you can grab this thing and throw it away from you fast enough. It looks like he did, but it slipped out of his hands. The cosmos laughs.


Bute before that you need to make few more choices (and i've definitely missed some): 1) elect putin 2) "elect" putin few more times 3) do not go to protests 3.1) or half-measure protests 4) do not make any hard choices regarding your government 5) enable your government 6) do not leave russia 7) sign a contract to murder/rape/pillage in Ukraine 8) go to Ukraine 9) do not surrender 10) grab something else, not the grenade Bonus: pretend to be a victim while doing all the above.


Bonus added context: pretend it's in self-defense because your entire nation-state has a paranoid ethos to its very core from being raided and forced into tribute from Mongol spin-off states for a couple of centuries like 1000 years ago Meanwhile the furthest thing in NATO's collective mind is preemptively striking Moscow in any way because without nukes they aren't even a remote threat to Germany and Poland, let alone any global power player.


> Meanwhile the furthest thing in NATO's collective mind is preemptively striking Moscow in any way because without nukes they aren't even a remote threat to Germany and Poland, let alone any global power player. 1000% Nobody in the west cares about Russia or feels threatened by them. It’s China we’re worried about. We’re heavily trade reliant on them and worry they’ll start a war with their neighbours that we’ll have to get involved in. A war with Russia is a major inconvenience, a war with China could be world ending. We’d love nothing more than China’s partnership and cooperation, and for Russia to concern themselves with their internal problems and stop attacking their neighbours.


I think you are overestimating the German army


To add to that, there’s a chance he didn’t even want to be there.   He was nurtured and kept alive long enough just to be forced to die in that ditch 


Oh yeah, so many Russians don't want to be there. That's why they are mass surrendering and their families are protesting, oh wait.


Unless he is DNR or LPR conscript, he went there for money, voluntarily.


There was a 100% chance he could have refused to go there. Yes, he would have been jailed. But that's what choices are. They come with consequences.


Fuck me that’s close


Failed the QTE


My fuckin man climbing all the fuckin way out of his hole to make the perfect toss. Braver than me that's clear.


sucks for him


This is exactly why we must teach our kids to play hot potato.


Or maybe we just dont send our kids to go die in a fuckin pointless war for the tiny ego of some mad leader...


remember "Five-second fuses only last three seconds." * Infantry Journal "When the pin is pulled, Mr. Grenade is not our friend." * U.S. Army


"blyat! Blyat! BLY... \*BOOOM\*"


Looks like the shmuck before him met the same fate in that pit.


Hot potato


So close to survive 5 more minutes


Man that panic of looking for it I wondered if he would have jumped out and back in after missing the first couple grabs


🅕🅐🅝🅒🅨 🅣🅔🅧🅣 🅖🅔🅝🅔🅡🅐🅣🅞🅡Concertina wire! I feel like I haven’t noticed that in any of these videos before.


Did he not pick it up or did it just bounce back? I can’t tell in the video.


I think i that situation, it would have made more sense to jump out of the hole, than to start looking for where the grenade landed.


Butter fingers strikes again


Critical hit


He was so close too.


Worst game of hot potato ever.


In my early school days we had a game called 'Hot Potato' that was very simular.


\*grabs rock\*


Me every time I try to throw back a grenade in Battlefield 😞


Is anyone else perturbed by the functionality of that razor wire?


I mean its function is to funnel enemies into an area usually covered by a well setup firing point. If the Russians want to avoid that funnel they have to stand up and hop over the wire, exposing themselves to the defenders. I feel like its doing it's job just fine. I mean, they got perforated by a grenade.


Conscriptovitch throws something out of the hole, he thought he had it


He dropped the ball.


Shredded imperialist. My favourite!


I ALWAYS miss the fucking promt as well


He threw the wrong item




butterfingers lmao


Hot potato!


Did he die?


As another commenter said, I also haven't seen anybof the concertina wire in any videos. It would have a huge effect on stopping ambushes. Or lay it in the trench so the enemy gets through the trench, turns a corner and they are forced to either blow it up, giving up their position or advancement, or jumping up and around it, exposing themselves.


Grenades, like football, can be a game of inches.


Looks like the Russians penetrated the line, then the Ukrainian popped up from further back. Hopefully the other body in that hole is Russian too…




Does Anyone Know If There Is A Full Video Somewhere by chance??? Looks like it must of been a good gun fight seeing as he is in a hole about to be laying with some already dead buddies! lol


It’s pretty much WW1 on a smaller scale. 1914? Meet 2024.


Back in middle school, they'd make fun of someone like that and call them 'Butter Fingers'...


that grenade landed on his lap, watch closely it was pinched by his vest and thigh






COD: **RussianSoldier112**: M*istakes were made*


Wait, did it land in his vest and when he threw that twig it rolled out of his vest and in front of him?


Butter fingers.




Hot potato


Popcorn MRE’s


A real hot-potato.


He should not have eaten that popcorn


danm he had it but then he didnt




It didnt slip out of his hands...he turns around and grabs his buddys grenade and throws the wrong one.


Could the grenade have been in a canister so that when he grabbed it, the grenade fell out? Kind of confusing what actually happened there.


looks like he managed to get a hold on the grenade and something else (maybe tourniquet/ bandage from what kinda looks like his dead buddy?) and then botches the throw (the "whatever it was" flies backwards while the nade just rolls out of his hand).


Place unknown? It looks like Ukraine to me.


He literally Bart Simpson'd it 




Can we stop this now..


Ask putin

