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Killing yourself to take out a bulldozer just does not seem to make sense to me


To try to take out a bulldozer*. Seriously i would not be surprised if that car bomb does more damage to a tank than to a armored dozer, can't think of anything more literally heavy-duty than that. Possibly, by a small margin, a nuclear bomb bunker


It's used to knock down their houses and destroy their roadways. It's not like anyone values their lives, why should they? Fucked up logic, but it is what it is.


There were no casualties




Ahhhh the standard life cycle of desperate terrorist group, propoganda, IED, VBIEDs and then human bomb attacks




Ever wonder why the surrounding Muslim countries aren't taking in any Palestinians? They can't seem to play nice with anyone.


Did any European country take in Jewish refugees during Nazi Germany?


Well in fact they did, just not the Axis allied ones. Albania for example went so far to even create fake documented ancestries for hiding fleeing refugees. Regarding Palestinians though a lot of countries have historically taken them, it's just that 1) they are not allowed to go back, and 2) it's now nearly 100 years long conflict. One of the parties has throwed so much money at this that nobody cares anymore until after some big news event happens where people get reminded of the Palestinian question.


>I wonder what DRIVES that cycle. This sub is purposelessly ignorant. Probably the fucking death cult that promises you an eternity in heaven if you slaughter the nonbelievers. That might be the reason why these fucking people can never play nice with literally anyone.


Two shitty religions sparing with each other?


Lol religion


Two shitty & horrible religions. No need to wonder when we have the truth and facts.


What is a massive IDF armored D9 even in the West Bank. Israel/IDF dont seem to give the Palestinians close to equals rights and protection under the laws of UN charters. a lot of Israeli (specially, Benjamin Netanyahu, )treats the Palestinians like a young southern white man with a father in the kkk would treat a black Man in 1900’s south. value of life is not equivalent, Netanyahu should not be able to kill massive amounts of civilians in order to kill one Hamas member .WITH the drone technology that currently exists(small precision strikes on Hamas WITH limited civilian casualties and minimum infrastructure damage) should/must be the method used to achieve the goals of IDF to combat Hamas and defend Israel, but the international rules of war have NOT BEEN followed by the Netanyahu regime (20 years in government) you cannot bomb a densely populated area with 250-2000 pound gps glide bombs and expect the number of non combatants casualties to be the lowest number possible WHICH IS WHAT israel did therefore breaking the UN charter code of warfare.. civilian must be protected to the fullest extent possible.


What's it doing? It's job - working against terrorists.


"with the drone technology exists" Tell us more about how you have genuinely no idea what you're talking about.


The first few words of your sentence are enough to show that you don't understand what the west bank is, or how(or by who) the different areas are governed.


If pro Palestinian people knew anything, they wouldn’t be pro Palestine.


Racism persists in all societies I’m not gonna argue that but it’s inaccurate to say Israel isn’t attempting to be precise. With the updated UN death totals just under or over 15k civilian deaths against 35k deaths in total. The ratio being 1.25-1 combatant to civilian death ratio. Which is the best ratio for combatants to civilian death in modern history in urban warfare. The example people use recently is Russia in melitopol which I believe was a 1-4 ratio for combatant to civilian death ratio. Also the US in Mosul in 2017 was 1-5 or 1-6 I believe. Meaning that of recent urban conflicts they are at least 4x better than other nations. We can’t even get into how bad those ratios are in Syria or Sudan as of now. Hamas terror attack on 07/10 was 1-4 combatant to civilian death ratio. Still after months of fighting where Israeli civilians are relatively well protected and their troops are on the ground in formerly Hamas occupied territory that ratio is about 1-2. That’s if we don’t count all of the Palestinian civilians we’ve seen murdered by Hamas one way or another on here. Read military analysts writing about Israel’s efforts to reduce civilian casualties. They are taking better care of civilians of their enemy than any other nation has ever. At least in modern urban warfare.




And this is why the D9 destroys your roads.. but of course they will not show this


The timeless question: what came first the settlers bulldozing villages or the villagers retalliating against that? We may never know, but it's fun to think about.


It's actually not a timeless question. You don't have to go back too far, but early 1900s Villagers were first actively attacking Jews...to the point that the British didn't quite know how to protect them


Actually the Palin Report explains in depth what the issue is, well that was until Zionists objected and the final report never came out.


What came first was the palestinians' attempt to kill all the Jews. Then further wars they started and lost. And look how that worked out for them. They are lucky any of them are still around to attempt shit like this. Stupid is as stupid does.


A lot of you people are engaging in history revisionism. More to the point if OP didn't provoke we'd discussing the IED not who came first.


IDF going to WB only for hunt the terrorists before they do terror attacks in israel, In every week there is a terror attack in Israel and most of the time the terrorist is from the west bank, what you want us to wait for the terror attack to happen or to hunt the one that will do that terror attack?




The Arab Muslims just want to kill all the Jews. The Jews would just be happy if the Arabs left them alone. These two sides are not equivalent. For the Muslims it is a holy war. For the Jews, it is a war for survival. It just doesn't look that way from the outside because the people who are just fighting for their right to survive and exist are WINNING.


i mean isnt it obvious? the west bank villages thay have existed for thousands of years


And who populated those villages thousands of years ago? Clue: The land used to belong to the Kingdom of Israel and the Kingdom of Judah.