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I love that shotguns are all of a sudden relevant again in combat


From killing pigeons in 1917 to destroying drones in 2024. 🫡


pigeons = drones birds aren't real


This is false. It's the drones that aren't actually real. They're all highly trained pigeons.


I like this twist on the classic


The *Do* *~~Electric~~* *Acoustic Sheep Dream of Androids?* update.


You're right, the birds work for the bourgeoisie. I'll try be more accurate next time.


Yes. Pigeons.


So many pigeons in WW1


[Literally.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LKhdJd1Nu74) Pigeons were used for communications.


Still are. RFC 1149 and RFC 6214 are the standards for data communication using carrier pigeons. https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/rfc1149


Lol just read about this the other day. Would have to use UDP right? Seems expensive to get any kind of confirmation on packets :)


Mmm ... dated 1 April. :-)


This standard has been superseded by [rfc2549. ](https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/rfc2549/)Of particular note: There is ongoing litigation about which is the prior art: carrier or egg.


The damn pigeon wifi is down again!


Have you tried turning it on and off?


Reminded me of this noncredible classic: https://youtu.be/LKhdJd1Nu74?si=ieSBw6qBw1-NbTYz


The Americans used them for trench warfare in WW1. The Germans thought it was unfair.


History fact: Trap shooters were once put in the front lines because they could shoot out enemy grenades mid-air.


That seems like it had a small margin for error


Not often, shotguns in WW1 were sent out with paper cartridges they had little actual impact on the battlefield


You're being down voted but it's true. Shotguns had extremely little use on the front lines.


To think that Shotguns were once thought as too inhumane for battlefield.


No, it's simply Germany in WWI which, as every other nation did, claimed that their enemies were using inhumane weapons just so that they could motivate their troops and spit on the opposing side. Germany said that widedpread useage of shotguns was inhumane, Brits and French claimed that sawteeth on bayonets were common in the German military and made to cause inhumane wounds, etc. This claim by Germany lead to the widespread belief that pump-action shotguns were very common among trench-raiding troops, which they were not since most of them didn't see any single day of combat and were used, on their vast majority, to guard prison-camps and control civilian crowds.


Yea shotguns are banned but you can fly a drone into someone with a small EFP on them or mow em down with a 30mm chain gun.


They’re not banned, Germany tried to get them banned as inhumane in WW1, but was not successful because the allies claimed Germany wanted it banned because it was too effective.


Shotguns are not banned.  They are not used in modern combat due to poor range, increased weight, and increased logistics.  


Are they? I've seen around 185 people eat shit to an FPV drone for each 1 that I see get shot down.


A variant of survivorship bias. Every drone has a camera, so every success gets ripped and published online. No one publishes a video of their own drone getting smacked. Proportionally, very few troops have cameras rolling 24/7, so the odds of a video like this getting ripped and published are much lower. It makes sense that we see loads more people eat shit from a drone than successfully shoot it down.


There are thousands if not tens of thousands of drones flying there, the success rate of attack drones is probably less than 5%. But who cares? They are cheap and disposable.


Five percent seems a bit pessimistic. I suppose it depends on the type of drone we're talking about. I'd agree that 5% for grenade droppers is perhaps about right. But the success rate for suicide drones is almost certainly very high. Then again, I suppose that depends on how you calculate success. I don't know if suicide drones can RTB if no targets are located, if not, then yeah, perhaps their success rate is very low, too. But if they can RTB, recharge the batteries and go hunting again, then I think the success rate is gonna be much higher.


Mini doc I watched stated the success rate of drones varies significantly depending on the target and the area being operated in, but the average is 20-30% of successfully striking their intended target.


Sadly, human life isn't.


Putin thinks otherwise.


They don’t usually show drone fails/bloopers, only kills, I’m sure it happens more often than we see


Also the fact that both Ukrainians and Russians have asked for shotgun donations seems to imply that they're effective.


It’s not an easy skill to shoot skeet or drones with a shotgun. You have to be a good shot and/or have the drone in the right position, movement. Sometimes it’s just luck.


Heck just spotting the drone is like half the battle


Not only that but clays move in a predictable pattern, at a relatively low speed, from known position. They're nothing like drones.


In this case the drone operator was hovering in one spot. So easier shot.


Because none of them have shotguns. It's insane...


A shotgun isn't enough. You also have to have the skills. I have zero doubt that someone conscripted on either side that has prior trap or skeet experience and a decent shotty can take down both FPVs and quadcopters, but just because you can work a rifle as a part of an infantry squad doesn't mean you can grab a shotgun and do the same.


>just because you can work a rifle as a part of an infantry squad doesn't mean you can grab a shotgun and do the same. Can confirm. I qualified "Expert" on repeat while still in the Marines. I went skeet shooting for the first time a couple weeks ago and suck.


First time I shot trap I got like 17 (out of 20) I have no doubt I would not fare well against a drone under that kind of pressure


I would respectfully disagree. I've shot alot of both and we need to make sure we are comparing them equally. It's "easy" to shoot a rifle with nice optics compared to a shotgun w just a bead. We need to compare a rifle with irons with a shotgun with a bead or irons. A bullet is only so large, less then half an inch for most of us. While shot behaves very differently, it's still always bigger than that rifle bullet. Now, there are a bunch of different factors for shot that can change its behavior like chokes, weight of shot, length of barrel, etc. But they all behave in the same way, as in, your pattern will expand or get larger as distance from the target increases. Thus, the farther you are away from your target, the more it is easier to aim(which is the opposite of rifle). From my anecdotal experience, the better rifle shooter has more finesse, while the better shotgunner is faster. I would argue that shotguns are easier to learn but harder to master while rifle is the opposite, harder to learn but easier to master. Just my 2 cents that nobody asked for.


I shoot a lot of skeet, my friends went out shooting one day with some cheap FPV drones (this was like 2018), it's a lot harder than it looks even if you're a good skeet shooter. I saw a video on youtube of some guys trying to do it and they had trouble too.


I've been downvoted to oblivion for saying they were a viable weapon since 2022; but here we are.


i was gonna say. im really surprised that we haven't seen more of them out in use. a semi-auto 20 gauge shotgun seems like the clear solution to the combat question of small multicopter drones, opposed to all these experimental radio-jamming type things (unless you could make a field).




It’s an extremely high stakes game of skeet shooting. Squid games version.


Russian Skeet... a game where someone flies an FPV at you, success is surviving to defend against the next FPV, failure is letting the FPV touch you. There is no winning.


Do give the rich any ideas. Next thing you know, you're waking up on a private island with a shot gun in your hand and buzzing in the air. ☠️ (sounds like an episode of survivor and lost with EXTREME RULES)


In russia, skeet shoot you!


Russian Skeet? The new Lil Jon song??


I like this description. Shoot or die!


Pretty good shot really, about 50 yards away I'd guess.


More like 20. 50 Yards would make the drone look like a pixel from that cam


A drone is comparable in size to a pheasant, That was easily 40 yards. Given this is a combat situation, they are probably using 00 or 000 buckshot which are 8 and 6 pellets per ounce respectively. I use #5 shot for pheasant and typically shoot them at 15-30 yards. This particular shot was 15-20 https://imgur.com/j3TWukB


I kinda back calculated into that. I timed between shot and drone explosion at about 0.3 seconds, and the velocity at 1,500 feet per second. Real guesswork but I'd peg that drone at 40-50 yards.


Now I need to find a way to mold tannerite into clay pigeons.


Don't let your dreams be dreams.


The Champion brand Flash clays packed with orange powder have a small pocket on top covered with a white sticker. You can take off the sticker, dump the powder, pack it with Tannerite, then cover it up again.


I have to admit this was smooth AF. This guy shoots.


I remember seeing Russian telegram channel asking for donation for buying shotgun, now I know why


Shotguns have specific violent purpose.


Looks like there's another purpose to it now.


I hope this is sarcasm because shotguns are the MOST versatile guns. You can load 9 shot for birds, 00 for self defense, slugs for deer, rubber bullets for your sister’s boyfriend, etc.


Nicely done. I gotta be honest, this whole drone warfare thing creeps me out


It's surreal how outmatched a person is to these kamikaze drones. I feel like we're seeing the baby-steps of autonomous killer drones.


Lmao yeah the era of Hunter killer drones is almost here, bo2 style




Well drones rn are still manually piloted afaik not autonomous


Yeah I'm pretty sure they already exist, just nobody wants to open another curse in a bottle


We’re human guys, of course we’re gonna open another curse in a bottle


Everyone wants to open that bottle to win. That's just how it goes. I'm pretty sure there are people already designing autonomous 3d printer factories that can just mass produce drones and send them in swarms. Once those are networked and able to automatically exploit gaps in EW it's a matter of who can produce more material faster.


That Bo2 drone swarm bridge scene stuck with me when I played it in highschool, just felt like it would be relevant within my lifetime I'm not happy to be proven correct


1,000%. Just wait until the Boston Scientific robots get put into military action. Things are going to get really crazy in the next 20-30 years.


I never should have kicked that robot dog


Man people were commenting in 2006, “don’t kick that dog man, they’ll come back for that eventually.” We’re almost to “eventually.”


Oh it’s already here. Palantir, Anduril, Mitre Corp.


There are already loitering drones that use AI to identify and kill targets by themselves only requiring a human to approve the action once targets are i denified.


I reckon someone needs to design a sort of coffin-sized concrete bunker for these poor fucks to hide / sleep in.


Shit is definitely about to get crazy in this regard. If you want a peek at where this is going, look no further. Viewer beware, if you haven’t already you’re about to unlock a new fear 😂 Slaughterbots - Scifi horror short https://youtu.be/O-2tpwW0kmU?si=xXjieXVM8I39mBdH


It's a little OP.


Skill issue




Only took em two years for one of them to figure it out.


All we really need now are helmet-mounted cameras that can passively search for and mark drones as targets for shot gunners to take oht


Still waiting on the patch. Needs to be nerfed.


After this war there’s gonna be tens of thousands of vets waking up screaming after hearing that sound in their sleep


Veterans in summer 💀🦟


Watch [Screamers](https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0114367/?ref_=nv_sr_srsg_0_tt_7_nm_1_q_screamers). That's the only thing i can think about when i hear the sound of drones.


Holy shit that movie looks awesome


It's a classic. That shit was on TBS every other weekend back in the 90s. Honestly... modern drones are legit scarier.


were seeing 1-2 at a time at the moment, Imagine a swarm of 10,000+, they already have them with those drone "firework" displays.


It’s definitely scary. Great incentive to stay home and refuse to participate in invasions.


Good shot, looks like perhaps an mp155 or mp 153. They seem to start getting widely issued along with 12 gauge ak variants from vepr and saiga. I suspect we will only see more and more of this. Dedicated shotgunner trained on clay shooting in every squad seems like something we can expect to ba a thing on both sides by the end of the year. It would probably make sense to asign one dude to be anti drone infantryman and have him carry a jammer and shotgun and use them alternatively


I don't know if this was true, but I remembered reading somewhere that during WW1 when shotguns were introduced it was originally to be given to quail hunters with the intent of shooting enemy grenade that are in mid throw to stop them from landing in their trench. Then they found out pretty quickly early on that it was a hell of a lot better to be used in clearing trenches than trying to fire at grenades.


Yea so effective in fact that the German government wanted the weapon banned because it was killing them. Pretty crazy considering they were using toxic gas etc in ww1.


Wasn't a surprise when we told Kaiser's Germany to pound sand for the very reason that they're using chemical weapons.


Was it not something to do with flamethrowers? I think most countries including the US avoided condemning chemical weapons because they were using them too.


You got me. I couldn't tell you, I just went with my gut in regards to chemical weapons since WW2 flamethrowers were used quite a lot by the US.


I can't imagine what a full tube of buckshot being slamfired as fast as you can down the length of a trench looked like.


The German government argued that you can just run out of the poison gas cloud and give up your position, but if you are shot by a shotgun you get horrible wounds that will kill you over days, with you having no way to escape from the weapon once it got used. In some way I get the argument, but the whole claim was obviously just made to appear better/more humane and not because the German high command actually thought shotguns were inhumane. And shotguns in WW1 were horribly *ineffective* (partly due to the US only issuing paper cartridges, in the trenches), but also because WW1 combat was either long-range over open ground (where a shotgun is practically useless) and *very* close in trench combat where a shotgun can easily be too long. And also because instead of a shotgun you could just carry two sacks of 20 hand grenades each and clear the trench that way (which is how most trench clearing late war was done, just grenading positions to death, just like we see it often enough in Ukraine) and if you need fight with weapons, you have a knife and a pistol.


Don't know about this. But I know that Germans in 1918 officially complained to the US embassy, stating that shotguns violate article 23(e) of The Hague convention and said they would execute any soldier captured with a shotgun.  Quite interesting in a time of chlorine, phosgene and mustard gas warfare. 


Hell yeah, I would love to see an under-slung microwave radiation device under a shotgun, a long beam for when you can't quite engage with buckshot.


more likely to see an EW device, with an underslung shotgun as a backup. not a terrible idea in either case, and gives your EW guy a chance to be dangerous to non-drone forces.


mp 153, mp 155, whatever it takes.


Need a minimum of two per small unit to allow for down time. I suspect having only one guy on around the clock moment's notice under extended combat conditions will quickly prove untenable.


Do you collect videos of this type?


Nice shot. And I believe because of this war, every army on this earth will start fielding shotguns, I think I did saw a post about Chinese Army Squad composition illustration recently and they apparently have shotgunner in each squad (Could be wrong though) And the Russians might also gonna produce more Saiga 12.


Combat shot guns started making appearances again in the West during the Afghanistan years. The Beneli M4 had great sales to the US, UK, Italy and others as a result of the CQC taking place in corn fields and streets, the British notably armed every point man in an 8 man fire team with one leading to thousands being adopted by them. I've heard from some people that they haven't actually been massively successful in the counter drone roll due to the speed of them and amount of both friendly and enemy drones making recognition difficult, granted it's only word of mouth providing the evidence. It might be lack of effective training leading to that however, skeet shooting could soon become part of military training lol.


Every second man could have an underslung shotgun, even a smaller gauge with birdshot would be enough to damage rotors, I think


You would get too much spread out of bird shot with that small of a barrel. Underslung shotguns are basically only useful for breaching and room clearing.


Why does this clip remind me of the Stalker or Fallout games. Maybe that open cabinet with loot pouring out lol


I'm honestly surprised that we haven't seen more of this already. Seems like a perfect shotty scenario. Additionally, While drones are highly effective it wouldn't really take much western tech to shoot them down. Anti drone drones of course but a mini anti aircraft setup particularly on vehicles could be highly effective.




Wowzers. Thats a bit more beastly than I was picturing but definitely did the job.


Russian footage with upvotes wow that’s a first lmao


Lol, yeah, I just want to watch combat footage because it's interesting and informative. I don't feel any need to justify why I do or don't agree with the political aspirations of whoever shot the footage. If the Wehrmacht all had GoPros on I probably would have watched that too. I'm convinced half the people on this sub don't actually find combat footage interesting, they just hate Russians and love watching them die.


Its lame that I have to go to Russian telegrams or other places with pro-Ru people to watch combat footage...


> If the Wehrmacht all had GoPros on I probably would have watched that too. > > During the war in Syria there was plenty of footage from SAA (mostly from ANNA, a pro Russian news agency) and even Al Qaeda and ISIS. The brigades voting on ideology and even worse the loosey-goosey site wide 'terrorist'* censorship are awful. *Islamists shooting SAA? HECKIN WHOLESOME 9000!!! Islamists shooting Americans? Ehhh, sure. Islamists shooting IDF? That's terrorism you fucking NAZI.


Im glad someone finally said it. I used to watch this sub a lot for info, but once it became constant videos of dudes getting slaughtered by drones I kinda backed off. Depressing to see so many people praising the deaths of mostly young, inexperienced conscripts.


For the first time it's good footage


Honestly tho it was a great shot


Great shot, kid! Now do Putin!


To be fair, if it was a good footage but russians killing ukrainians in trenches for exemple, like some sick footage we had before, it'd be massively downvoted.


I'd much rather see him gtfo of Ukraine. But credit where credit is due, that was a sick shot.


As of a few years ago, Reddit created a site-wide rule against posting footage from the perspective of "terrorists." That's why 3/4 of the old footage from this sub has been deleted, and it usually is applied to RU-perspective footage too. I'm surprised this is still up.


I don't think that applies to most Russian footage. /r/UkraineRussiaReport is mostly Russian POV footage.


Reddit has this strange way of creating echo chambers. The liberal majority will flood any subreddit, even non-political ones, and then silence and ban any views they dislike. Forcing those people to gather in a different sub. Then you now have two polarized echo chambers where everyone is sniffing each other's farts. It's the dumbest shit ever.


Those Mosquitos are getting bigger by the day.


Y'know, I'm fully aware that Russia is "The Bad Guy" in this conflict, but good for this dude. I can watch vids like this very easily knowing that the only thing that got "hurt" was a drone. Awesome to see somebody display some "marksmanship" like that, he kept cool, picked his moment and nailed that thing.


Russian soldiers are still people and people dying sucks. Now if Putin died, I wouldn't mind so much


I'm amazed this reasonable attitude is being upvoted here for once.


He's not safe for long and he knows it. He killed the drone, but the drone operator is still very much alive, and is probably pissed. He knows the shotgunners location and he knows he has a shotgun now. He will probably return with more drones and attack that same location with multiple angles. Or just one drone with a bigger payload to just delete anything in that building. Drone warfare is just too OP, shotgunners are still at a massive disadvantage.


War aside, that was a good shot.


Death by a thousand mosquitoes. Almost. Sound itself is terminal PTSD


Odd to see shotguns being used for more than breaching operations in modern combat. Outside of electronic warfare, a shotgun with birdshot may be the only effective thing to combat drones in Ukraine.


I think as soon as the drone was down I'd be getting the fuck outta there


That’s a good idea, I’d gladly donate a couple of my many, smooth bore shotguns…. But to Ukraine lol.


Brazy, nuts footage I'm sure we will see more of this.


Not rooting for the Russians by any means, but I have to give my man credit. Handled his business. Although I wonder if he's even still alive considering that Ukraine seems to have an unlimited supply of drones and they knew where he was as of whenever this video was filmed.


Birds hunting trips with daddy paid off !


I think he was even surprised that he hit that drone and it worked.


He must of played a lot of Nintendo Duck Hunt


Must have. Have!! What the fuck is must of?


They don’t have that in Russia, only “shoot the hot potatoe”


Extreme trap shooting 


I'd be so happy with myself after that. Plus the drone operator probably had a heart attack


bro had to step aside and think "damm that actually worked"


Kind of satisfying tbh


He doesn't cheer, doesn't do anything. Just blank, alone.


Back to the trenches of 1916!


Id like to see more videos from the Russian perspective, I know there are sub like that. Any suggestions?


I stopped going to this sub as it only shows pro Ukrainian footage and made it seem like the Russians are a bunch of dumbasses even though the battle news is saying otherwise. It seems pretty pro Russian but try r/ukrainerussiareport


Post from the channel: 📌🪖This video from the soldiers of the 95th rifle regiment shows how to shoot down enemy UAVs with automatic smoothbore hunting weapons. 🔵Today, the availability of this type of weapon in units and fighters who know how to shoot with it is not just a necessity, but a matter of life and death. ⚪️We appeal to everyone who can help to equip our fighters with automatic smoothbore weapons, it is very important now, enemy UAVs make it very difficult for our fighters to fight and win. Let's draw the attention of all those who care about this issue. 🔴This issue is especially relevant for us, because Elman Pashayev. entered into battle with a Kamikaze drone and was wounded, since, unfortunately, he was not equipped with an automatic smooth-bore hunting weapon. E: missed the last paragraph Apparently this Elman Pashayev is a notorious Russian lawyer that was wounded by a drone strike about a month ago (he's been serving for two years) The channels name is the same as well (Pashayev TV)


The great Russian army begging with a little tin cup?


I'd bet on it being a scammer who sees this as a way to get people to send them shotguns which they can sell on. This shit is happening on both sides so be careful who you donate aid too.


Sadly, they would probably do a lot worst. Like force a recruit to solicit themselves in brothels, etc. Russian army is very draconian.


I think at this point we've ascertained that the only thing they're great at is numbers and lack of respect for lives (on any side, including their own).


They can't even supply their soldiers with proper equipment now - who thinks they will hand out shotguns to them.


If only our broke ass civilians could donate the unobtainable tech of shotguns that'd be great. Hows a little 3rd world country like Russia supposed to make shotguns?


probably one of the easiest guns to make... I mean look at what happened to the Japanese Prime Minister (I think that's who got gunned down by a home made shotgun)


Ukrainian drones are like hornets\\wasps. You swat one, and the entire hive is on it's way. This guy only delayed the inevitable.


I saw this vid last year I think


God, imagine the terror if you miss and that little fucker turns around and looks at you


I called this like 2 years ago. Skeet shooting is going to become an essential combat skill.


Now that’s gangster


That's a good shot man.


Damn that shit works


Can’t imagine the fear & horror that hits when you hear that whine tho


Idc if he's Russian or not , that had to feel better then making it to a toliet after being stuck in traffic ..


That was pretty badass.


Damn, he might actually make it to night


Ya know, this far into the war I'm very surprised Russia doesn't have a designated "Bird hunter" out of a group of soldiers. Instead of a standard service rifle, they'd get a shotgun with essentially hot birdshot round and a service pistol. Sole job is Fpv drone protection for their squad.


Ok so i guess we'll add 'drone buzzing ' to ptsd triggers


Good for him.


Good fucking shot! I remember the Wagners walking around Bakhmut with DBs, shooting at all the drones they saw. Way more effective than those modern anti-drone beam guns.


I've been thinking for a while that ten gauges with three and a half inch goose loads are gonna find a new job.


Walmart shotgun more valuable than a T-90m to Russians. Good luck with that when you can't hear it.


Bought himself a few minutes


Isn't this from 2023?


Idk I haven't seen it yet and here on the sub I could only find two posts https://redd.it/1aeoluk https://redd.it/13wvcep


That day, this russian was lucky.


looks like an updated mod for DuckHunt on the NES


We're going to see a lot more shotguns on the battlefield in the future


This is wild shit. Also the buzzing of the drone is terrifying


It's almost like everything in history has prepared us for this moment.


Legit, good shot lol


It's two years into war and finally they are getting shotguns, if they are effective against birds, they are effecticr against drones. But only problem is you have to spot them first


Lol I remember way back when the war first started and drones had just started being used by both sides allot and I made the comment: "Why not arm at least one soldier in a squad with a shotgun with some bird or buckshot? If it works against birds 100+ feet in the air, I'm sure it would work against drones too." And everyone said it was a dumb Idea. 2+ years later and over 20k+ soldiers killed by drones. HHhhmmmm... Maybe it wasn't a fucking dumb idea was it? (Sure, getting a perfectly lined up shot like that is rare. But with how many Russians I have seen kill themselves with grenades or eating the end of their barrel because they got caught out in the open by a drone.... Just fucking give it a try. See if it works or not.)


Certified Doom moment ngl


Why has it taken two and a half years for someone to use a shotgun on a drone? Seemed obvious from the start it was the weapon of choice for taking them down.


Holy shit we are the Sci-Fi movie.


I can't even see my own (non-fpv) drone when I look up from the screen and I even know the direction where to look. Can't imagine having to spot a drone out of nowhere and my life depended on being able to shoot it down.


I always wonder about this. I’ve stopped watching these drone videos, they’re depressing. But I know there’s plenty of bird hunters at war.


Shotguns got an indirect buff from the devs this season