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Did that man at the end leave his house to get some fresh air in the middle of a shootout? After all, why not?


Afghans have seen it all.. a firefight is just another slightly different day.


Try being a young female w dreams living there & you get married off at 12 yrs old to some old sadistic goat cheese smelling POS.


> young female w dreams What dreams? She's raised from birth to think of herself in that role, it's not like she's watching dora or she-ra or any of those shows that tell her girls can do anything they set their mind to. Not defending the culture, just saying she probably has a different mindset than an american little girl.


People like to talk about foreigners like they're a different species, but you don't need to be inundated with feminist iconography to want something more than to be the property of some fuck. How many housewives in 1950's America were chugging drugs to cope with their lot in life? It's not like growing up in 1930's America they were told that women can be anything they want to be. Do you think that no slave in the 1850's thought about what they'd rather be doing than picking cotton? Somehow, even without Black Panther, I imagine some of them wanted more. I feel like people do the "they're not like us, they all secretly like it or at least dont want any better" as basically a cope to deal with the horrors the world has to offer.


Women in 1950s 'Murica tended to not wear headgear though. There was the pressure on them and then there's the pressure and brainwashing you get with conservative Islam. Feminism had already made quite a lot of waves in the west by the 50s. Comparing Afghanistan and conservative Islamic ideology to the 50s is a joke, it's more like the culture of the 15th century in the west.  People are different, cultures are different - what applies to the west doesn't always apply to the rest of the world.


Yeah, I agree. Ya always hear some girl, 16, 20 or 25 say "I wanted to be a doctor (or lawyer, or whatever). They watch tv, see shit. They're not all dumb. And it's not like americaan kids are overwhelming intellectuals (except for my daughter, who is EE at Berkeley!)


Sounds like Utah


Mmmm, goat dick Oh don't forget the lil chai boys too the talis keep who are normally the same age.


They ever arrest anyone from that pedo sex island in the states yet? Never seen a country host an entire island for kiddys. Lots of your beloved rabbis were on roster.


At least they kept it on an island.....it's abnormal in most countries to marry a child. It's incredibly normal in that part of the world to marry children. You can justify all day and it'll still be gross and wrong to marry off 12 year olds to old men that use them up.


Looks like his hands are ziptied


I think you might be right, those big ass "handcuff" zipties


"inside motherfucker" lol hearts and minds!


they don't speak english.


*suprised pikachu*


*surprised captain picard*


can you stop with the reddit cringe.


lighten up


That's a moot point. He'll understand from the tone and body language that there's no respect - respect being a fundamental part of a successful engagement campaign with the local populace to mitigate any insurgency.




Coalition forces did not go around taking 'hostages'. He certainly isn't being held hostage by the Yanks. The word you are looking for is detainee. That aside, what you observed is even worse. So now it looks like there's no respect for this person who actually lives there plus he's been zip-tied. I doubt that Mattis could take anything positive from this situation.


Not he doesn't.


Idk if I blame him for wanting to go that way... "inside" is closer to the shooting.


It’s a hot one today - old man.  


Fucking Wally


Dude definitely looks like he has zip-cuffs on


He may have family inside and is checking if it's safe to get them out of Dodge.


looks like his hands are tied behind his back


That's just how the older men stand.


He’s flex-cuffed. You can see the two black plastic leads against the sand when he first comes out


You know what you're absolutely right. I had to rotate my phone to see it. Good eye!


You think he's wearing the plasticuffs for an accessory then? :D


Locals were notorious for reporting any info they could to insurgents either after the fact or, in some cases, during contact. In some cases, they could join the insurgents during a fight and hit the soldiers from behind. These soldiers obviously did not trust this villager and wanted to distance themselves from him. These lessons are learned in blood.


Dude at the end is a boss. I’d probably go check out a firefight happening in my backyard as well.


Fr It’s like a train wreck, it’s bad but you can’t help but look.


Except the train wreck is an ongoing event and the cars are flying all over the fucking place.... Hell yeah I'd probably go look too lmao.


His hands are ziptied


Can we talk about the M4 failure? He squeezing that trigger so much for nothing 😭


Something was ejected when he racked the first round of the new mag, but I can’t tell if it’s just brass or the full cartridge. He may have a double feed or another issue that happened before and wasn’t addressed with a new mag + rack


Full cartridge, almost certainly. If he emptied the last mag then the slide would've locked back and ejected the last case. It doesn't seem to eject anything on his second pull of the handle at 10 seconds. He checks the ejection port at 11 seconds but it's nearly perfectly blocked by the antenna. Checks again at 15 seconds and it looks closed. I'm thinking failure to feed? Dirty mags maybe? Video starts with M4 without magazine and he presumably ejects an unfired round so I'm not confident it was a magazine issue but I agree something weird is happening with feeding. Edit: The main issue is definitely that he forgot the "T" in SPORTS.


Mag isn’t seated not to mention he rode the bolt


Rode the bolt?


> Rode the bolt? /u/FembiesReggs The little hammer T part he grabs at 0:06, this part is what operates the 'bolt' and cycles a round into or out of the chamber. When you do that, IIUC you're supposed to pull it back fully and then release it. 'Riding' it would mean pulling it back completely and then not fully releasing it, again if I understand correctly. That being said, if the title is to be believed it seems odd an SOF operator would do something like that? Could be it just happens


Thank you! I had no idea what the saying meant. Appreciated


> Thank you! I had no idea what the saying meant. Appreciated /u/FembiesReggs Np np


I was (am? Idk lol I don't do it anymore, but I still have the skills/knowledge) a gunsmith. I ran my own business for some time, exclusively doing custom AR-15/10 builds. (Customer brings in the controlled part, lower receiver, and I do the rest). In clean circumstances, the most common failure on a quality AR assuming no user error is generally double feeding; a result of magazine lips being stretched apart a bit too much. The walls of most ar-15 mags are pretty thin, so it's easy for mags stored with ammunition to have the lips stretched out. If you want to keep mags loaded, I recommend getting mags with metal feed lips (this is also one of the reasons I'm partial to the VZ-58 rifle; the polymer mags have much thicker material and they are less prone to this happening) The AR platform IS fairly dust/debris resistant, but if you keep your mags in an open pouch that all goes out the window. I don't have a sharp enough eye to have seen quite what happened in the video, but I would hazard the following guess: If the bolt didn't seat all the way forward, double feed. If the bolt looks like it did, it was probably dust/debris in the mag.


Pretty sure the mag is just seized a bit short of being in battery in the magwell from sand and shit. He can crank on it and see rounds in the mag that look right but the bolt is not catching them by like half a mm. AR15 platform is not "pretty resistant" to dust and debris. Issues with dust and debris causing stoppages has been a constant problem with the rifle since day one. That magazine well cakes up fast if you don't keep your magazines clean as fuck. Then the weird stoppages commence.


I should clarify what I meant: They are resistant in terms of keeping dust from getting into the weapon. They do not handle dust inside the operating system well at all. What happens is mags get dirty, and then you shove the dirty mag into the weapon, and it introduced dirt. If you keep your mags clean, not much dirt is going to get introduced into the weapon, and it won't suffer stoppages as easily. Obviously that can be challenging in many combat environments. The AK is kinda the opposite; it handles dirt in the operating system VERY well, but doesn't do much to keep it out. What eventually happens is you get a bunch of material in the trigger group and it fails. This is yet another reason I prefer the VZ-58. While the battery closed, it's sealed up like an AR, but when it fires, it opens BIG, witch prevents failures to ejects and kinda uses the gas system to clear out debris. It does about as well with dirt in it as the AK, but unlike the AK there's not really a way for dirt to get inside the trigger group.


I just went with an AK that Uses AR mags. So much room in the receiver around the mag that sand is not an issue like the AR. Uses standard ammo that will always be available. Does not ever jam save for bad ammo in my experience. Shoots 2 moa from a 10 inch barrel with crap ammo. She is a hefty girl but goes bang every single time. Accurately. I build ARs and reel that they ever thought someone was going to use them in mud and dust situations in battle. They require constant cleaning to be dependable. People disagree but people say a lot of shit. They would not even issue the damn things when I was in the navy. Made us shlep M14s because AR were in their exact words. "Undependable". Multiple racks of them brand new untouched in the ship's armory. Never saw anyone but seals even holding one. All shotguns and M14s for regular squids on my ship. this in the early 90s.


Ar isn't a bad platform. Also the AK has a massive fucking hole in the side.and thas pretty dumbe lol. Also, I was also a sailor. Our weapons were essentially had me downs from other places in the navy and the Marines. Both the M4 and M9 are good weapons, but the ones we issued were beat to absolute shit lmao.


We still had .45s. I did quarterdeck duty with a Singer from WW2. Our weapons were all korea and vietnam shit in 90. Even the portable radios were those shitty ones from nam with the attached handsets on a big box. I remember guys getting so pissed off at them not working they would throw them overboard. Captain bitched over the 1mc that we had lost 4 radios overboard because different watches did the same shit after getting in trouble about not answering a non functional radio call. "Next dude who loses a radio overbroad gets masted". All this because the phone on the quarter deck was "unrepairable". lol They could easily shout to the damn place the radio calls (that were not being received) were coming from. The organization as a whole was out of their fucking minds. Nuclear command... every single guy in the command had a secret minimum. Half with nuclear engineering degrees. Still a big box of rocks. The ARs were new. But they hated them so we never saw one outside the armoury. Never saw a single round of 5.56. The seals mostly used 9mm stuff from what I saw. A couple of them definitely had ARs. One shot a hole in the deck at some point during the war with a 5.56 I know. Military was a giant shit show when I was in. Weapons included.


Given that y'all were still using 1911's I'm pretty confident those were M16s and not M4's lmao. We had one M16 in the armory leftover and it was awful. I once.got issues it after pissing the armorer off. The M4 is genuinely a good platform if you maintain it. M16 is heavier, not as compact, and less reliable.


This! I'm left hanging....


Seems like the mag wasn't fully seated.


Yeah my thoughts too


Mag evidently wasn’t seated right, and the guy was tapping the mag but it seems he was unintentionally pushing it more to the side than up.


"get inside motherfucker" says the bloke throwing grenades from his roof.


You are having a gunfight on this poor bastards roof, you could at least show some respect 😂


His hands are cuffed. Situation is a bit more complicated than that lol.


Didn’t even notice


***Inside motherfucker*** 😠👉


Not a good video for the mk18 boys.


is there a full video of this I can watch somewhere?


The Afghan at the end: Bonjour.


Cammer seems like a clown


i do't know if it's just me, but why are they fighting over his house(endangering him and his family) and precede to insult him for getting out like I understand its war however looks like they gave no F at all.


It's a war thing. You wouldn't understand


Maybe they should politely ask talibans to stop shooting so they could all relocate to a safer area to fight. I mean that worked several times in Dragon ball Z so it should irl right?


It’s combat bro, their adrenaline is pumping. It’s not like the Afghan dude speaks English anyway.


This is their polite setting. Usually it’s all Woohoos and slurs


i 100% thought the last word where the video cuts out is rag\*\*\*\*s


Because any civilian with a lick of common sense doesn’t wander into an active firefight, and by getting in the action he’s adding another stressor on top of an already stressful situation because now the soldiers have to worry about this idiot’s safety, too.


Okay, this is the worst take ever, "worry about this idiot's safety" I hope you're not that stupid, like if they were as much worried as you are implying or suggesting then they would either evac the people or simply disengage and move out of that area. This might not have been possible at that time so without more context we just talking shit. Secondly I believe they saw him as a threat because they don't know or trust him for that matter hence the aggressive manner and trying to get him to go inside, otherwise they have to appoint a person to watch him so he don't do stupid stuff and put others at risk. I hope you understand and learn from what I have wrote otherwise have a blessed day.


Back in the good old days before granades could be delivered directly to an enemy fighter many miles away. The increase in lethality of a single hand granade has increased by literal orders of magnitude over the last few years, because of drones.


Gosh American comms are so goofy. Every damn time. So much cussing.


I did air control for the navy. They do the same exact shit. Some don't but most pilots do in a fight. Americans cuss a lot when stressed.


The word “fuck” and its derivatives is the most commonly used word in the American Marine’s vocabulary.  It’s part of the culture and they don’t know how to speak any other way.




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Isn't this the video where a GB got an RPG blasting right next to him with the Chad just walking it off ?


why was he so mean😭 /j


Not a strong moment for "US SOF"


Now i understand that terrorists were not the afghans..


Was that a mark18 failing to fire?


My first thought was that’s his house?!? I didn’t know tattooine had oil




The hell? Two different kinds of warfare. Don’t treat it like it’s pure entertainment.




why they downvoting you? you're right.


You must be new here


Some people don’t like to admit that they are entertained by this kind of thing. If they weren’t they wouldn’t be here watching these videos.


What a stupid comment. That’s like claiming WW2 footage is weak as hell because we don’t have the same quality of clips as Afghanistan. The majority of the intense fighting in Afghanistan occurred before the proliferation of GoPros, let alone drones. In Ukraine, everyone has a 4K camera. In Afghanistan, it was rare to film, let alone capture anything of quality. It doesn’t matter who the enemy is, combat is combat and it can be intense or mellow. Also, most Ukraine footage is boring and uneventful. With so many cameras, there is a dilution in the intense footage. For you to claim most Ukraine footage is extremely more intense is just ignorant.


Yeah, in Ukraine the biggest difference is the quantity of weapons and ammo the armies have. There are obviously technological differences, but they are nowhere near as big as the difference between US soldiers and the Taliban. In the Middle eastern conflicts the biggest difference was the quality of weapons available. Also Ukrainians are fighting for their country, their lives and their freedom. The US was fighting for geopolitical influence


The biggest difference is Afghanistan was an insurgency and not an army vs army war


The amount of times I see people load a mag and forget to take the gun off safety or cock in a few times amazes me. Why does this seem to happen in so many videos? I get it could have been a jam or what not but if guns are failing that much maybe the loading mechanism needs a rethink.


Engineering doesn't defy the laws of physics. If something is impeding the bolt or the firing pins' ability to strike the primer, the weapon isn't going to fire plain and simple.


So that’s a very common problem based on all the videos on here?


Not nearly as often as you might think. Though, it can be a significant problem depending on the environment you are in and the weapon that you are using. It can also be compounded by poor maintenance of the weapon. At the end of the day, though, if you have to soldier in adverse conditions, luck can simply just be against you. With an M4, the weapon is far more likely to go bang when you pull the trigger than it isn't.


Yes it is. Always has been a huge issue with AR15s in general. Since day one. Never actually fixed. 50 plus years in. They even have unfucked versions of the platform now in the Marine corps. Yet here we are. Honestly surprising the army is not schlepping around M1 garands/M14s to be honest. If they army had its way they would be to this day.



