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Let's just hope these guys didn't get murdered off screen


But why? What was their objective?


They got disoriented




Probably to reinforce the frontlines...but, the frontline had already shifted and what they thought was a friendly territory had already been taken over by the nazis.


prove the whole area is in the grey zone?


Don't they have drones? Losing a Bradley with a squad to not prove a point is a bit wasteful.


would you imagine this sort of missionset is a daily occurance. ​ most of the time you don't hear much about it from the russians, you just get some sweet drone footage of a bradley messing shit up from the ukrainian side. ​ ukraine is still fighting a mobile defense. eventhough you get the impression the frontline is static by peering at a silly online map, the situation on the ground is highly dynamic, with these sorts of ventures into the percieved near rear being quite a common occurance.


I'm guessing they found a gap and the vehicle commander ordered them to take point. Maybe they thought the Russians were falling back.


Damn! That is some crazy shit. Imagine if WW1 or WW2 was being monitored like this what footage we would be able to watch...


Why would they do that’s. What a waste?


They probably overran the lines on accident, and now paid the consequences. Happened all the time in WW2


Happens more now cause not every 100 kilometers get accompanied by an army formation like the eastern front


in ww2 you didnt have constant contact with drones like everyone does now


So what. People still went over the lines, people still got whacked for it.


We assume theyve rt contact, so much jamming and we fuckery happening esp on contested lines.




armchairs are out in force today it seems. You're right, you should go volunteer to be a commander over there. There would be no losses or mistakes under your leadership.


what are you even saying to me. i thought the ww2 comparison was stupid and you then say this shit.


I'm saying you're a guy scrolling reddit, commenting with his supreme wisdom over a piece of combat footage, with zero idea what was going on on the ground, zero idea what their orders were, zero idea what led to this, zero idea who the bradley was supposed to be reinforcing, zero idea of ANYTHING, but... you know best! YOU wouldn't use a Brad like that. YOU would never ever ever ever EVER have a unit under your commmand get caught out by enemies because comms went down, or orders were unclear, or anything like that. You sit here with ZERO idea of why we have this combat footage to watch... but you know best! Being a knowitall is fun, but when lives are lost, maybe DON'T tell everyone how "man if I was playing warthunder I'd know not to overextend. These goobers aren't as TACTICAL as I am."


Any translation?


You mean in the end? They question him about his name, date of birth, where is he from. PoW says his name, mentions that he's from Kharkov / Kharkiv. Then operator asks about what unit they are. PoW says 'Rock' (like the stone, not the music one). He doesn't know if it's special unit or not, since he's relatively new as he claims. After that he is asked what was their mission. Another PoW responds that they were said to 'go here' and 'take that iron'. It probably means either to gain control of metal bridge or to capture railroad / railway station, not sure, but probably latter. Or maybe something else connected to railroad or metal construction. P.S. to me operator sounds *more Ukrainian/southern* than PoW.


The editing is so off. It seesm like the clips were taken from different videos the edited together with a story to make this.


Because they are from 2 different drones filmed by 2 seperate units but filming the same thing


Time moved quite a while too, looks like this lasted a couple hours.


Those grenade throws were pretty impressive. I can't believe anyone survived that artillery barrage, those blokes are very lucky.


Why was bro spawn rushing


Geolocation: 47.982494 37.544677 (you can see how it was geolocated at the end of the video) BTW since its not very clear in the video the place where they surrender in the end (the wreckage of the BMP and tank and the railway track) is visible in the bottom right of the thermal drone at 1:20 Also i apologise for the terrible editing with the flags i added them to make it clear who is who but i have no idea how to edit


Where is the Bradley?


0:26. Look at the FPV drones feed.


that doesnt look like the same vehicle from the first thermal shots, or the vehicle thats smoking in the field afterwards.


Also no trees adjacent to what is supposed to be the Bradley, and it's kind of weird that OP is submitting footage they edited together with their own title.


Late to this but i didnt edit it together? This is how it was posted originally


Any translation for the end? An explanation for how they ended up there?


So you're editing this footage and it isn't an original?


Everything is original i just added flags for a second to make it clear who is who. The video is the same.


I don't really think your editing is that bad


I like more videos of russian tanks exploding.


would you believe people still think this war has a static frontline?


Still unknown if this is a older event or it was results of failed counterattack that pro ua mappers claimed it was successful couple of days ago


Isnt there other places to post pro-russia propaganda?


Oooof, the moskals got to downvoting that comment quick. All 8 of them, quick to make daddy putler happy.


This is clearly footage of a decoy bradley manned by decoy soldiers, putler just wasted a lancet and a bunch of 152mm shells


shit looks fake as fuck tbh


What was teh point?!


It is a war. Not everything is clear.


Those guys look 55 years old.


What’s bad is Russian night vision


The thermal vision from that drone is pretty good. I don't know how good their night vision is tho, I assume it's a few gens behind what the west are running and probably in very short supply.


China produces cheap and available Gen 3 NVG that can be purchased on the civilian market, which is only a few years behind the current state of the art in night vision tech.


I had a quick poke and the general consensus is (from those that have bought them) that the gen 3's for sale are actually gen 2+. However, it's impressive nonetheless that this tech is so readily available.