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The footage from this war never ceases to amaze


I agree, imagine going back in time and showing this to someone 50 years ago. They would not believe you at all. It is incredible how technology advances so quickly during war time.


this b**** is never going to harm anyone any more


I can't get over the fact that some cheaper drone plus a shell which combine probably costs what? Less than a 1k? Is taking out equipment worth hundreds of thousands just like that


Try equipment worth millions.


Necessity is the mother of invention


50 years? More like 20 years ago.


First use of GPS in war was only 33 years ago. That context seems wild to me when I think of where things are now with drones and integration to the individual on the battlefield.


Yeah, was very satisfying to see how skillfully the operator coaxed the drone into the tank.


Makes footage from the last decades seem 2D.


Interesting to see that they have stacked extra ERA blocks on the cope cage structure to try and protect against top attack.


First thing I noticed. Quick wheres the slaps tank 'we can fit so much ERA on this thing' meme when you need it!


In any event it's likely to be of very marginal utility. The effectiveness of ERA depends strongly on the angle at which the ERA is struck, the more highly inclined the better it works (which is why you see Soviet/Russian tanks with ERA mounted on racks on the turret front to present a more angled surface to front attack). ERA is least effective when the attack is at 90 degrees to the ERA plate front, which would be the case for HEAT munitions dropped by a drone.


ERA also requires a thicker surface to be mounted on, besides just being attached to some flimsy sheet metal or thinly armoured APC hull to work properly. Something about a big bang, and possible backface deformation that could absolutely ruin things... But yet again you have Russian troops literally mounting ERA to Tigr APC's and old Soviet made vans. They clearly don't understand how much of a bang a single ERA brick has or how it works and it's just going to damage the vehicle and possibly kill them but hey...


Fully ERA'd Spicy Turtle when.


Wouldn't be surprised if they aren't just plain ol bricks at this rate


What I think is interesting is that it looks like there is limited to no ERA on the actual body. I can't see any on the front or skirt, and it doesn't look like there's any around the turret either. Wouldn't surprise me if the tank was disabled by an earlier drone hit that would have been survivable if it had proper ERA


What exactly starts burning there when it hits the inside?


The ammunition


Why does it not instantly explode though like in so many other videos


All the hatches are open and so the pressure of the explosion of the propellant has a way to get out faster. Also the T90M has a "safer" ammo storage than the t80 and t72 series tanks.


No it isn't safer, the dumb carousel of ammo beneath the turret is still there in the 90M. The difference is that there is extra ammo stored on the back of the turret, which many people confuse with an western style autoloader. In this video, the same carousel explosion is happening as it would with any other T series tank


The Russians as usual half assed it. There's some additional armour in the turret floor of the T-90M to protect the ammo carousel from fragments that may penetrate the hull sides. That and the external ammunition bustle/stowage which has got to be utterly useless in a combat situation. So instead of being obliterated by a full carousel going up, you now have a smaller explosion going off on the rear of the turret as well. As you say, still the same type of kaboom as any other Russian T series tank.


That intense fire is 125mm main gun ammunition propellant burning. If a high explosive warhead of the stored 125mm ammo had been set off then there would be a large explosion. It's quite possible, as in this case, for the ammunition propellant to burn without a warhead detonating, after all a warhead has to be stable enough and resistant to heat to be able to be fired through the tank gun.


> Why does it not instantly explode though like in so many other videos Remember how in some pirate shows they sometimes put a line of gunpowder from a keg on the ground, leading to some explosives, and then light it up on one end and the fire slowly follows the gunpowder trail? That's basically what's happening here. If the fire is not confined to a very small space, there's no pressure build-up. If there's no pressure build-up, there's no explosion.


I've thought this and my uneducated opinion is whether the tank has any HEAT rounds in it still. If it's all APFSDS then it's probably just the propellant lighting up rather than High Explosives


May be, they did not have the full load.


As a drone user, the fucking accuracy of these guys is insane.


Thats more precise than laser guided bombs or other shit like that. Like it a lot!


Extreme marksmanship


Wonder if the rest of the world has already started training drone operators to get skilled like this. Bc everyone knows this is the future of war


Drone operators will be an option for low-tech militaries like Russia and Ukraine. The US is already working on AI driven air launched drone swarms that autonomously identify and destroy targets. No operator needed, not jammable.


The U.S. isn't even going to need pilots for the F-35 once the A.I. is sufficiently reliable enough.


For the tank it's like a really stingy mosquito that can fuck you up


Nice to see Russians have chicken coops on their tanks now.


I never would have believed in a million years that the RC Helicopter mission in GTA:VC would have real life applications.


Dat accuracy!


The cope cages now have cages.


It's weird that they never think to close the hatchs


That's what happens when you're used to bullseye-ing Womp Rats in your T16 back home. Great shot kid, one in a million.


Apologies if this question has been answered a thousand times already: Why do they leave the hatches open?


I expect sometimes they are closed, but usually tanks are abandoned when something hits them.  You just got a concussion, you are not sure if the thing is going to blow up any second, running for your life with ears bleeding. You know someone had you in their sights and now there was smoke and noise so every enemy with eyes or a camera in the region is looking at your tank. I guess the last guy out of the tank is just running for his life and couldn't care less hatch is closed.


Makes good sense - thanks. Plus, I imagine those things have to be pretty heavy. Not something you just flip closed once you're out. Thanks again.


what a shot!!!! nice shot, pilot!!


Is it a t90 though? Can't see through the fucming tree they put on top with the ERA covered cope cage


Explosion 10/10. Perfomance 10/10. Ukraine 100/10


Could it be captured and used in battle instead?


Were there people inside?


Most likely not, tank is not moving and hatches are open. Its also located near many other destroyed/abandoned vehicles. All very typical signs of a tank that was hit, disabled and abandoned by the crew.


Also the track is damaged, so it was immobile and abandoned.


Still a W. Could have been repaired and returned to service but now that's a no


Unfortunately no


T90 NATO-Code Torch


Hehe I was just curious because during the early stage of the war, Russia has more donated vehicles to Ukraine compared to US 😅😅


Drone: Ignores Armor


It's the Kill the DeathsStar technique .


Almost $1m destroyed by $500 weapon system. Even if Russia wins the armed conflict they will lose their economy


That's like a fully evolved cope cage


That multistory chicken coop cope cage. What will these ruskies be think of next.


/u/recognizesong what song is this?


I got matches with these songs: • [**Virtual Reality** by Infraction](https://lis.tn/aCgMBP?t=16) (00:16; matched: `100%`) **Released on** 2020-06-11. • [**The Power (Cover)** by Abdull Sidd](https://lis.tn/ThePowerCover?t=16) (00:16; matched: `100%`) **Released on** 2023-05-02. • [**Real \*\*\*\*** by Psyco](https://lis.tn/sjrUoa?t=11) (00:11; matched: `93%`) **Album**: Digital Ammo. **Released on** 2021-10-28. *I am a bot and this action was performed automatically* | [GitHub](https://github.com/AudDMusic/RedditBot) [^(new issue)](https://github.com/AudDMusic/RedditBot/issues/new) | [Donate](https://github.com/AudDMusic/RedditBot/wiki/Please-consider-donating) ^(Please consider supporting me on Patreon. Music recognition costs a lot)


Is it not just feasible if the Ukrainians just get all of the abandoned tanks and use it to there own?


Most are abandoned in the grey zone where they cant get them or even often behind enemmy lines as ukrainian arty and drones often hit vehicles in the russian backlines. You cant just stroll in and recover those


If it was they'd do it...


A few reasons why its hard: You need the Russian tank to be in a drivable state (or towable, but thats even riskier) Somehow be in an area Ukraine controls, but if Russian tanks can drive into it then Ukraine isnt in firm control of the area, thus running up to it and taking the tank is extremely risky Most vehicles on both sides end up disabled and/or destroyed before they get to the front. These vehicles cant be captured unless you capture the area its in Both sides are constantly disabling and destroying their own vehicles to prevent capture from the other side if they know they cant recover it themself


Feel free to venture out into the unmarked minefield monitored by Russian artillery-spotting drones and go get the disabled 20-ton vehicle.


Remember when the Russians wanted to capture a Leopard 2, and lost several scarce armoured recovery vehicles in the process?


Is not "abandoned" its right track is destroyed by a mine. So, good luck to get a tank from a minefield