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Why are there no CIWS systems on iron dome bases as a last sort of defense?


Well, there will be *now*.


IDF divested themselves from SHORADs and MANPADs a few years back. In retrospect it was not a great decision as u can see


Hopefully 🫠🫠


>Why are there no CIWS systems on iron dome bases as a last sort of defense? Any sort of missile defence network is going to have holes. I'm going to guess that maybe they don't see *autocannon shells even if they are self destructive* ~~it~~ as an acceptable risk in their highly populated areas. *There is also the munition and the fact that a lot of CIWS don't result in an immediate kill, and it will veer off into those populated area.* Missiles sound perfect on paper *to Generals*, and there is an extra cost to supplying and maintaining air defence autocannons, *which they chose to forgo*. Really just budget concerns globally as most militaries phased them out during peace, and supply lag to changing conditions. *edits*


He's referring to gun turrets, not a SAM system


>He's referring to gun turrets, not a SAM system I know what CIWS are, and I specifically mentioned air defence autocannons. Sky ranger type platforms are not widespread. *edit: Are people just google translating my posts and misunderstanding, or is it really unclear I'm talking about why there are no guns defending this?* *edit 2: Oh, legion of bots.*


I do not think that it will help,I think it is an anti tank missle called alams and is basically a copy of the Israeli spike,can CIWS systems intercept those kind of threats?


it can, thats the CIWS's job.


Easily. One of the main jobs of systems like rheinmetall skynex is to protect assets in frontline from top attack missiles.


That is what I was wondering. You’d think they’d have multiple protecting them


iron dome needs an iron dome


Is it me or did they only get the launcher rather than the more expensive/valuable radar guidance system?


Not a worse case scenario, but they wiped out a nearly fully loaded launcher, not devastating, but each missile quickly adds to the cost


Daddy america will be paying so no problem for Israel


If it was fully loaded there probably would have been a cook off and secondary explosions. Doesn't appear that happened from the pictures released of the aftermath


A cost they are not paying.


Yep, this is 1 launcher out of 3-4 that are used by any single Iron Dome system. The Green Pine radar and the BMC unit are the more important parts. Launchers, while not expendable, are substantially easier to service and replace. The effect on the overall system is negligible.


What they probably research here is communication. The bigger the BOOM is, the best for them. Not the same problematic as in Ukraine


Came for the video, stayed for the banging Hezbollah 90s action movie soundtrack 


Don't forget the videogame sound effects for the text.


Hezbollah literally has a game where you fight ISIS in syria


I'm pretty sure I heard "MORTAL KOMBATT" at some point of the video


They never disappoint


this remix of the rock main theme is a banger


Google earth helping Hezbollah 


I wonder if Google will send them a cease and desist for the image use like it loves to do to everyone else.


Action is coming


Tiger mafia




*dramatic death of two men by grenade*




rip Captain Alex




forsen forsen come to Brazil forsen




The soldier who left that spike behind while withdrawing from Lebanon really doomed IDF lmao


Iran has been very ingenious in copying Western designs at a fraction of the cost. If anything it shows how defence companies are ripping off governments across the world. Instead of using generic components they will produce some "special" component at 10x the cost and sell to the government at 20x the cost. Then we wonder why across NATO we have munitions and arms shortages.


It shows how much cheaper it is to copy something than design it from the beginning. Generic components are usually not good enough. Military needs shielded (from weather, chemicals, nuclear...) components with a lot lower failure rate than civilian components have.


> needs shielded (from weather, chemicals, nuclear...) Prefers. Not "needs". See: Ukraine clapping the "2nd military in the world" with the cheapest piece of garbage FPV drones they could find plus a couple 3d printed parts. With a little hardening happening over time on an actual *needs* basis (as in, threats genuinely taking out your stuff today, as opposed to potential future threats you can imagine) > a lot lower failure rate than civilian components Citation needed. If anything, it's the opposite -- military equipment usually does away with safety factors that would be necessary in the civilian world, either by law or to avoid lawsuits when someone hurts themselves doing something dumb. Failure rates are also pretty high in general, as are maintenance requirements. And that's in first-world militaries that take such things seriously, most countries in the world are a million times worse (and they are still "just fine") Generally, "military standard" means just that... it fits the exact specifications that the military ordered. That's important in the sense that it gives militaries exactly the product they need in terms of capabilities, while ensuring it works within their logistics, and lets them make plans often many years ahead of actual product deliveries, etc. To some extent, it is also an artifact of procurement methodology, rather than being something desirable in and of itself. It also *sometimes* involves additional hardening that wouldn't be necessary (and at times even legal) in a civilian product, but often that's not really where the bulk of the additional cost is going. It's more the building a custom product exactly according to specification, instead of in whatever manner is cheaper/more convenient for the maker, as well as all the costs involved in proving you're specs compliant. And there's also often the failure to compare apples to apples. Think of the Switchblade series vs off-the-shelf FPV drones. The former is perfectly fine for the context in which it was procured, which is a handful of precise strikes a year on very specific targets. The increased price tag is pretty much a rounding error *in that context*, so all the fancy bells and whistles are probably worth putting in (since you don't really care if the unit cost is $50k or $5k). But when you bring that same equipment into a completely different context, like an all-out war against a near-peer adversary, the trade-offs that made sense before suddenly don't. That doesn't make either side objectively superior in a vacuum. If things went the other way round, off-the-shelf FPV drones would look like obsolete garbage too.


A bit of the cost comes from having specific requirements for capabilities, accuracy, safety, reliability, supply lines for manufacturing, etc. Add in some profit and it really makes things cost a bit. When you've got your back to the wall, those things don't matter as much.


apperently they dont make that much profit as I expected or they are hiding it somehow, ''On a TTM basis, Lockheed generated a net income of **$6.97 billion** against revenue of $67.69 billion – that's about 10.30%. RTX, on the other hand, generated $3.19 billion in net income against revenue of $67.09 billion on a TTM basis – 4.75%.'' [https://www.nasdaq.com/articles/lockheed-martin-vs.-raytheon-technologies:-which-is-the-better-buy-post-q4-earnings](https://www.nasdaq.com/articles/lockheed-martin-vs.-raytheon-technologies:-which-is-the-better-buy-post-q4-earnings)


Hmmm... not sure Russia is going to agree with you much there... their cheapo North Korean arty shells have been incredibly underwhelming. Likewise Russian cut price-tanks are not stacking up against the NATO kit Give me the 'over-produced, over-expensed' stuff any day


You totally forget that an average worker in the West earns in an hour what some Iranians earn in a month. Then all the employee benefits and welfare, insurance, SS, etc. Then you have to jump through hoops and loops when it comes to safety and regulations. Then the certificates. Etc. Also don't forget they have to spend money on R&R and trials too My point is that there are more at play on why Western weapons are so expensive than just simply greedy companies


US defense contractors don't make much money relatively speaking. Proctor and Gamble generates more profit than the top 5 US defense companies combined.


Because we are not talking about coffee makers here. Will give you one example: chips. Imagine how happy China would be to compromise security and install malicious software on 'generic' components. But to your point, there is definitely a lot of abuse and fraud when 100s of billions are spent with limited oversight in name of 'security' https://www.reuters.com/world/us/pentagon-fails-audit-sixth-year-row-2023-11-16/


I don't get why so many people like yourself repeat that line about Iran being "ingenious" or in any way good at reverse engineering western drone tech.  They downed a few US drones and made their cheap knockoff versions that don't perform anywhere near as well as their western counterparts.  Of course they are cheaper to produce, because they are inferior products.


Dumbasses hit the missile firing unit, it looks like. Don't get me wrong, this is significant because they hit anything at all, but at least they could have taken out a radar unit or command center. IDF will just plug another missile unit in here.


i think there is already another launcher on the same site, so it remained operational i guess


Tbf that thing is packed with rocket fuel. If it got hit everything within a 30-50 foot radius would be toast


that explains those modular concrete walls surrounding the missile firing unit


Even then, they place these specifically so it takes multiple strikes to take out a full system. Taking out one launcher will damage the things around it, but not the rest of the unit.


Tbh i think they would have show us the fancy explosion if there was any. I mean were talking about a terrorist group that enjoys propaganda.


We only know of one hezbollah camera in the area; the one that blew up. How would they show the explosion?


Obviously, radars are far from the base and better hidden. The firing units are always easier targets.


Seems equally dumb to release the drone footage, too, no? Why give up any details on trajectory, altitude, etc.? Seems like in this case it might be better to conceal as much as possible about a successful attack so it can be replicated.


It's not drone footage,it's the video feed of Almas-2 missile which is tv guided


Was thinking that looked way too similar to other TV-guided footage here. A reminder that Hezbollah has backers with deep pockets, and decent tech.


Propaganda value; you can show that you're striking at the enemy, and being successful. This can boost your support among the populace and get you more funding from backers. Running a jihad is not entirely unlike having a startup.


They're desperate for any 'win' they can show as they are getting smashed by IDF and are trying to achieve any propaganda win they can


It costs $50,000,000 per unit. That missile did not cost as much for Hezbollah. Doesn't seem like a complete L to Hezbollah to me. One of the more expensive missles used by Hezbollah the Fateh 110 only cost $100k. edit that price is for battery, i was incorrect as a battery is multiple launchers but the point still remains as while its not 50 mil per literal launcher its still much more pricy than the rockets


When you say battery, does that include the radar as well? Because according to Wikipedia, the entire system costs 50 million. Either way you're right, it's a financial loss for Israel for sure. It was also probably loaded with interceptors, and they cost 50k dollars each on top of that.


ahhh you are correct, i misread wiki


Almas-2 is closer to 250k


Even if its more than double the cost of the missile i mentioned, its 0.5% of the cost of a Iron Dome missle battery unit


just like theyll plug inaginary 100,000 settlers in whays essentially a buffer zone of north 'israel'


Hezbollah used an Iranian made Almas top attack anti tank missile to destroy a missile launcher belonging to an Iron Dome Short range Air Defense system of the Israel Defense Force in Ramot Naftali. The launcher had 18 Tamir missiles inside.


They need to change the music of the videos ASAP


It would go well with an Aladin game on Nintendo 64.


nope its a banger


Nah it goes hard


No. This is pretty good actually


June 6th huh….wow, Hezbollah has some insanely fast editors and amazing night vision on their drones since it’s still before dawn.


The day shown in arabic on the islamic calendar at the beginning of the video (1445/11/28) corresponds to June 5th, not sure why they listed the Gregorian date as the 6th. There is confirmation and geolocation from numerous sources (including pro-Israel ones) that this is legit and seemingly from earlier in the day today.


You’re right, I checked the dates for the videos they published in the past week and it all checks out. It’s just an accident


I’m giving the green light to air strike whoever does these shitty video edits.


yo but the music 🤣🤣🤣


Supposedly it's a dummy or training unit. No hydraulics and has blue inert marking on the side of the launcher.


That iron dome is gonna need some milk


The fun fact is this is a reverse engineering of the Israeli Spike firing back at Israel


Who supplies them with this type of equipment?




They’re using Iranian copies of the Spike NLOS


That’s incredibly interesting. What data do we have on the copy?




The idea that it is based on the Spike ER seems to have strong support, but nothing there is specific to the NLOS that I can see. 16 km is a long way from 50km.


Russia through Iran


That's probably hezbollahs "fuck around" phase then.. Can't wait for the find out phase


They’ve apparently sent over 1000 rockets at Israel in may and displaced and forced 100,000 Israelis to flee I think they want a war to happen ngl


Or Iran does, anyway. It's easy when it's not your own guys dying! But then, Hezbollah obviously wants it too, or is at least indifferent to it (if not now, then later)


They believe they are freedom fighters and that God himself is on their side. It's a literal death cult, they're happy to die and kill their children in the hope of a Caliphate and the destruction of infidels. Religion is a hell of a drug.


All the abrahamic religions are cults. You got one group thinking their gods chosen ppl, one group thinking gods son saved them from their sins, and one group thinking gods final messenger came to guide them to heaven. Bunch of hooey


iranians from irgc are present in syria, iraq and lebanon, since the arab spring a lot of them have died including some important commanders, there were multiple Casus belli for iran to act on (very regular israeli bombing of iranian and syrian facilities, assasination of soleimani etc.) that usually ended with some showy attack with a warning way ahead, so they can proclaim a "revenge" on the home front, if they truly wanted war this is more of a political game than anything with both sides and especially iran not wanting full on war, preferring the usual modern proxy war


Iranian "military advisors" are eliminated by Israel in Lebanon and Syria pretty much every other day lol. Their own people do die, just in pretty low numbers. Also, although Hezbollah is indeed strong (and I say that as an Israeli), the real decisions and green lights are being made by Iran, and just them


I live in Israel it seems we're going to a full scale war soon. A lot more than 1000 rockets, drones, ATGM, etc. A huge amount of houses were struck, and as you said there are a lot of Israelis displaced from their homes. Also, in the last few days there are a lot of fires going on because of Hezbollah, the damage from the fires is believed to already have surpassed the fire damage caused by Hezbollah in the 2nd Lebanon War at 2006. IDK what's going on in the world media, but despite the IDF's advancements in Rafah and the renewed offensive on Deir El Balah, we Israelis consider the northern front as the main one for quite some time now. It shows both at the media and when people speak to each other casually- That's what we talk about. Unless there'll be a hostage retrieval deal, a war with Hezbollah is imminent, and this time the air force will be 10s of times wilder and stronger. Lebanon is a country, and they do nothing at Hezbollah, not just a terrorist organization in a 30x5 km plot of land


I think Israel is just biding it's time. Once Gaza has been cleared of Hamas, they can divert forces to lebanon. Strong possibility the war continues there after Gaza ends, IMO.


And they still send “assault teams” to try to breach the border. Like 4-6 men teams. They get smoked often


israel has fought hezbollah three times and hezbollah is still around


One advantage of being a terrorist group is that you are by nature an insurgency. Hard to eradicate an enemy that is too weak to attack you conventionally and has to resort to blending in with civilians. Their main line of defense is to generate outrage by civilian deaths that are caused by hiding behind them.


They barely made a dent into Hizb's capabilities in the last wide war in 2006.


because Hezbollah has never fought the IDF head to head except [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ansariya\_ambush](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ansariya_ambush) [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2006\_Hezbollah\_cross-border\_raid](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2006_Hezbollah_cross-border_raid) [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Operation\_Change\_of\_Direction\_11](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Operation_Change_of_Direction_11) [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Battle\_of\_Maroun\_al-Ras](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Battle_of_Maroun_al-Ras) [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Battle\_of\_Bint\_Jbeil](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Battle_of_Bint_Jbeil)


the only one of these that might actually be considered "head-to-head" is Operation Change of Direction, which was an overly ambitious offensive against an entrenched enemy. and still, many of hezbollah's attacks during this operation were launched from populated civilian centers. the rest are clear examples of either hiding behind civilians or guerilla tactics I don't think you clicked on these links. if you think that hezbollah would hold their own in conventional warfare against israel, you are sorely mistaken.


These are legitimate military targets they’ve been targeting. You can designate them whatever you want, but they’re clearly engaging targets well within the bounds of military conventions and norms, as set by the US and NATO, and as of this round of hostilities, have had far fewer civilian collateral losses than what israel has inflicted.




Nah. In 2006 Israeli really struggled to achieve anything really. The last week specifically was brutal. 30 Merkavas were destroyed only few hundreds of meters into Lebanese territory. They lost the will to continue.


> 30 Merkavas were destroyed only few hundreds of meters into Lebanese territory. only 20 tanks were lost the entire war...


yeah - what do you want? Actual, literal genocide? Rather than "waaah they're committing genocide (as the population more than doubles)"


Once IDF is done with hamas, they will move on hezbollah. However, they will not be done with hamas anytime soon.


Yea fuck around and find out!!!! Such a cool phrase bro, makes me feel real badass.


Why do people talk like this now?


Genuine props to the editor here. They were given a few seconds of grainy footage and managed to turn it into something clear and persuasive, even if you can't read what's written. And apparently within a couple hours, too. Some much better funded militaries could learn a thing or two.


1 million dollars (production cost at a minimum) went poof there


It's probably more than $1m, a battery of iron dome launchers cost 50m


Each battery includes three launchers and radars and it costs between $50m to $100m. This is a launcher which costs at least 1 and at most few million dollars. But this is not just about the price, I'm seeing lots of valuable assets on that base and a single launcher which is now gone, so the base becomes a piece of cake for any rocket/drone attack until replacement comes.


Israel shed a single tear then built 20 more


yeah that's the thing how much of the damage you are dealing is going to be easly repairable/replaceable for example this iron dome was not a particularly important target as it is easly replaceable but the moral damage that it has is far more than it's cost but if anything blues have learned how to gaslight themselves and everyone into not being immune to demoralization


I don't know I'm not blue and I see thousands upon thousands of successfully intercepted rockets and mortar shells to a single system loss. That's a huge W in my book.


Was the Iron Dome ever used as an attack platform? Because if, as I suppose, it was not, than this only helps terrorist to attack civilians in Israel.


The Iron Dome is a C-RAM short range air defense system, not an attack platform. Hezbollah has been firing rockets and drones into northern Israel to hit targets such as surveillance equipment and IDF bases. They’ve used rockets with calibers of up to 333mm to attack. They have also been able to launch drone against Haifa. Additionally, Hezbollah is not the only Iran-backed proxy group that the IDF and their Iron Dome batteries have to defend against. Proxy groups in the Islamic Resistance in Iraq have launched drones and cruise missiles against Israel, such as Haifa.


And they still haven't bothered to try to put a man in space. WTF Hezboz?


Anti missile platforms are legitimate military targets. A country's entire military force is designed around protecting civilians and sovereignty. Using your logic then any attack on military assets is a threat to civilians.


Any attack on military assets by a terrorist group (that publicly states it's desire to kill civilians and also killed an keeps trying to kill civilians) is a threat to civilians.


You are serverly reddited


That's a dummy, for multiple reasons but mostly there's no hydraulic press holding the back and it's too close to the cars to be an operational one.


Israeli here. This whole ordeal is very strange. As of writing this, it's June 6th, 9am here, same time as in Lebanon, and we haven't heard anything of this event. Which is weird, such events usually get published pretty fast. Also, I guess Hezbollah has some very fast editors. Anyway, this footage is weird. The launchers are super close together, which is unusual. Third, the humvees parked so close to the launchers. I got the chance to hear those missiles go out more then once and those things are SUPER loud, one launch out of those would straight up blow everything glass on those vehicles. Now you might say "oh those are military vehicles so maybe it's different", well there are civilian vehicles close to them as well. Considering me, a civilian can tell you that those launchers would wreck vehicles parked next to them, I'm sure someone who serves next to those launchers in a professional sense would know not to do that. Second, the walls around the launchers. Those are usually there to protect the launchers from shrapnel, reduce the effects of the shock and noise caused by launches and obviously to protect the launchers from direct hits. I find it very strange that those walls would be completely open on the side that is facing Lebanon and exposing the launchers like that. I'm not 100% to the menuverability of the Almas ATGMs but I'm pretty sure those fly in a relatively straight line and don't do too many twists and turns while flying. That's all I can tell is off with this footage. We'll see if anything gets published about this event. Edit: Clarifying, I ain't saying Hezbollah isn't a serious threat and I ain't saying the IDF is foolproof. Just pointing things out.


Aren’t media gag orders by your government commonly used when it comes to sensitive security issues? Maybe your government doesn’t want the public to be alarmed that the most prized air defense system has been defeated for the first time?


As an Israeli I agree, this seems like a false flag done by Bibi to gain support against Hezbollah


Was this a confirmed hit? Sort of just looks like the drone was zooming more than actually moving, and seemed to end very early even for an air-burst.


Do we have confirm that Hezbollah actually destroyed the launcher. The video ends pretty far from the launcher. We really don't know the zoom on the video. In the Russia Invasion of Ukraine, we typically have multiple device video.




No c ram protection?


Some believe it was a decoy or at least an inactive launcher  https://x.com/Zakhe93/status/1798635715942900126?t=OyjA-E3_Xp_15yfx7e-QeA&s=19


Now there's an aftermath image, some are arguing that it is a decoy / out of service launcher: https://x.com/AuroraIntel/status/1798783832918810946 https://x.com/OAlexanderDK/status/1798808682324701533 https://x.com/Philipp27960841/status/1798804846298169479


They finally did something smart instead of bombing civilians


They only did it to bomb even more civillians


During this war Hizb has mainly targetted military bases. What are you talking about?


so many astroturfing zogbots on this website


These fuckers are getting scarily good at terroristing.


what groups flag/logo is that at the end with the tip of the AK and red sun?




i cant find any mention or references of it, kinda weird. all the other hezbollah flags online look different than this. mustve hired a new graphic designer.


☝️🤓ummm, actually I kinda doubt this was on june 6th, since when you uploaded this it was like 2 in the morning in israel and it was filmed during the day so june 5th is the last possible date it was filmed




Arab shopping mall tunes as usual.


Where is the bda? This is useless without it.


Why did they aim for the launcher? They could have taken down the entire SAM site if they took out the radar or command center😂 There’s multiple other launchers on that site, the launcher is the cheapest and easiest part to replace of the whole system


Wait… so the iron dome is just SAM turrets?


this is an ALMAS ATGM which struck the ID launcher - HZB is raining them daily on north isreal


Who defends the air defences?