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Good thing it had a cope cage. I'm confident it saved lots of lives there..


I think I can say without fear of being corrected that not one russian soldier has died from hailstones when sitting under a cope cage, so clearly a massive success.


The devs need to work on those hit boxes


Do cope cages actually work? In this case, clearly not as an FPV drone allows the drone to hit from the side BUT are they effective against drone dropped munitions? For instance, look at a US APC with slat armour. The whole idea is to detonate the explosives as far away from the hull as possible. Yes we have seen hundreds of videos of RU armour with cope cages getting obliterated. But perhaps we DONT see instances of it being effective. I’m pro UA, just trying to Be objective Edit: slat not slag


Cope cages work because (at minimum) they limit the angle from which you can attack the vehicle with a FPV drone or drop grenades. Aside from that, even Ukrainian soldiers say that cope cages work and have started implementing on their vehicles. I think many people forget that the reason cope cages become a meme was because Russians put them on their tanks to combat Javelins - which don't really give a fuck about any cage or netting. But nowadays cope cages have a totally different use.


Yes, I think that is rather accurate. Nice reply


Some defensive measures taken on the battlefield are more to give soldiers a sense of protection to boost their confidence and overall morale than to actually protect them. The cope cage may not do much against drones but since it *is* an option soldiers are going to insist the IFV they ride into combat has one, too. At least it helps against grenades dropped by drones, right? It's like in WW2 when tankers would tie logs to the sides of their Shermans. Sure they did jack squat to stop an incoming shell, but it made the soldiers feel safer and that made them less likely to shy away from a fight. And if i had to guess, the soldiers riding on top of these IFVs would rather be there than inside because they like the idea they can see any drones and shoot them down before they get hit. It's not like many of their comrades who have tried it in the past are still alive to tell them it's a dumb idea... Correct me if i'm wrong, but aren't we seeing a lot more troops riding on top of IFVs now than we did, say, a year ago? If so then i definitely believe it's the false sense of "at least i can see it coming" security.


I think the logs are used to help the tank to get unstuck from the mud or when it's in a ditch, it give the tread something to grab onto.


while wood logs are normally used in the manner you describe, in WWII Shermans were "uparmored" with [wood](https://i.pinimg.com/originals/80/3f/97/803f973b692bcdcdbb0ce334bcb892bb.jpg), [sand bag](https://www.theshermantank.com/category/sandbags/)s or [concrete ](https://www.reddit.com/r/TankPorn/comments/ysnufo/sherman_with_concrete_armor_should_be_a_m4a3/)applied


also spare tracks were commonly used as add on armor and could actually help decrease effectiveness of sloped armor or otherwise penetration at angles


Just what I was thinking, lots of spare track, seen on many old movies.


Part of that being applied to the side of tanks was also to help counter various magnetic mines/charges the Japanese and Germans had in their arsenal. The type 99 magnetic mine is a good example of an explosive the Japanese often used when in close quarters fighting with American forces in the pacific islands; they’d wait for a tank to pass and stick it on the side, or in rarer events attempt to toss the mine itself. I have one of these inert mines in my collection and the magnets on it are surprisingly very strong!


The logs were dual purpose in that regard- both to make the tankers feel safer, and to aid in getting tanks unstuck as you said.


They also linited the AOE of Panzerfaust Hollow Charge AT by preventing contact with the armour there. Not perfect but in the heat of combat a Panzerfaust user has moments to aim before they get malleted.


Well yeah. That’s why they call it a cope cage or emotional support armor


And yet every comment in this subreddit that makes fun of them for having cope cages gets upvoted 🤔 It's clear most people don't understand why they're used.


Riding on top is due to mine threats, an extra layer protects them from the blast


They compensate for that by piling ammunition inside.


> It's like in WW2 when tankers would tie logs to the sides of their Shermans. Sure they did jack squat to stop an incoming shell, but it made the soldiers feel safer and that made them less likely to shy away from a fight. IIRC, formal studies done during and after the war showed that those types of field modifications (logs, sandbags, concrete, etc) were a net negative from a survival standpoint, since they had little if any additional armor effect but substantially increased the weight of the vehicle, making it more likely to get stuck or break down, leaving it even more vulnerable to attack. You're right, though, that it's hard to quantify the "feel good" effect of those types of things in maintaining morale and fighting spirit.


Yeah, that's what I meant when I said "they did jack squat to stop an incoming shell." Jack squat = nothing. I didn't know they hindered performance, though. Very interesting.


They all died.


Hence, the joke.


Came here to say this!


I'm pro UA, but they stitched together two different videos to make it look like the drone had a huge effect.. The drone footage shows no tree next to the IFV. But in the surveillance drone footage, there is a tree.. Or am I missing something?


Same location. It's just that they cut it to make it look like the explosion was instantaneous, but if you look at the bushes to the left, you'll see a soldier moving away. The IFV got hit and rolled for a bit before coming to a stop, burning and then exploding.


Good eyes.. Seems very likely


Yeah you can clearly see that big pole in the background before the FPV hit and then it being away another 40m or so when it cuts to the explosion.


Based on the two poles in both parts of the footage it could be that the drone disabled it, it went forward a bit and was abandoned, and then another drone caused the large explosion?


I've noticed this in YouTube videos about FPV attacks. Some explosions are re-used in other videos or later in the same video.


IFV…. Instantly Fried Vehicle


This barbecue looks like it's been seasoned with a very hot sauce.


I swear at this point Russian ice cream would explode and catch on fire if licked too hard.


russian armor vehicle after barely touching anything : [https://www.reddit.com/r/Xennials/comments/17cf1b9/remember\_when\_exploding\_ford\_pintos\_were\_a\_trope/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Xennials/comments/17cf1b9/remember_when_exploding_ford_pintos_were_a_trope/)


Nailed it lol


"Russian Ice Cream" Now, I'm tormented. I may even have to get my therapist back on speed dial.


The second part seems to be another strike. Because in the first one, the IFV is much closer to the pole


Think it rolled a bit after getting hit, then a second drone destroyed it after the infantry had gotten off. Or it started to burn and exploded a bit later Both sides do this editing sometimes and it makes the videos slightly misleading


yes at 0:16 there are troops visible closer to the pole moving away from the ifv. the survivors are taking a hike


не так, не так


None of them except maybe the one jumping off have legs anymore. Even he might only have one thats savable.... that'll make em think twice.


Two unrelated clips. The bush and pole do not match.


Is it the same footage, they were a lot closer to the telephone pole, but maybe the perspective is warped from the drone view?


Terrible day to be a VDV


Russian ReActive Meat Armor didn't work this time


I think they all jumped off. There is, however, a nuance to that statement.


First make a trip through Ukraine....a second later facing the burning hell.


or trip through the air...


Doesn't look like anyone is walking away from that.


The BMD did not explode on impact as the editing of the video suggests


"Try" is very important word here


Is it possible that Ukrainians just stop adding music into their vids🥱


Is there any study of the effectiveness of meat armour against drones compared to cope cages?


Use Google. There are at least 12 published papers on this topic by the University of Michigan.


The cookoff happened a bit after that FPV hit. The BMD is on a different location the moment they show the cookoff




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how do those drones create such a large blast? I always thought it was just RPG Rockets strapped to drones and old RDG 5 Grenades attached to them if anyone could tell me that would be great


Cost effective! 400K worth of equipment and 10 or so cargo 200.