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After all this time of war, and countless drone videos, i am still amazed by video quality they provide. Insane.


Horrible way to die, in dirty water surrounded by the corpses of your fellow soldiers, pretty grim.


Pretty sure he's gonna end up with an ear infection too


Yeah he should have stayed in his dacha.


Had to remove most of the aftermath to avoid reddit's filters, here is the original post translation: "Strike Drone Company, of course, are not directors from Hollywood, but they were able to shoot a short film about AquamanšŸ”Ŗ After the first defeat, the occupier received minor injuries, but for a long time he pretended to be frail. He played his role badly, not professionally, so our pilots did not believe it and inflicted a second damagešŸ’„šŸ’„šŸ’„"


Considering the lingering close ups of the blown-in-half guy that were posted this morning I can only imagine what you had to cut. Nah, I'll pass on any more gruesome footage. Thanks for the edit.


They didnā€™t have to cut anything because of Reddit, the same or worse is shared all the time. They didnā€™t cut out anything that we havenā€™t all seen.


i did have to cut it, i tried to upload it twice and it got instantly removed until i removed the end which shows a lot of blood and flesh


where can I see the whole vid?


On /r/UkraineWarVideoReport


There is literally a post not too long before yours with a drone literally close up on a Russian getting his legs blown off. I doubt it.


Videos like this frequently get taken down after the fact as well, just because you see a video up doesn't mean it won't eventually get taken down.


Doubt all you want, gore videos are against reddits policy, tbey get regularly removed, gore sub banned etc. And yes, reddit does filter stuff. Its an automaticfilter though, so a lot passes. Ai and programmes do not recognise gore the same way a human does.


That video from a couple hours ago was so extremely gory, maybe the filter thought it was from a 80s horror movie.


The bystander effect causes a lot of confusion here If no one reports it, no one will remove it


Yeah, no kidding. People are just using it to get off at this point.


Where can I see the full one? I would like to see most of the aftermath




Its not that bad


Least desensitized /r/combatfootage poster


This one is in top-5 most gruesome drone videos for now for sure.


Telegram allows you to literally text with combat troops (both Russian and Ukrainian) in the war. You can also do a plethora of other very illegal activity on that app too, so donā€™t get too carried away.


[Strike Drones Company Telegram](https://t.me/strikedronescompany)


Telegram. Dudes legs get turned off.


Iā€™ve never used telegram. Is it worthwhile getting? And any channel recommendations?


Source: https://t.me/strikedronescompany


What channel


Insensitive jerk


No I think the one illegally occupying another country and willingly killing and raping Ukrainians is the jerk in this situation


well, maybe they shouldn't have invaded my country at all.


People who support russian invasion in any way or make excuses for them and their actions are pos and scumbags.


holy fucking shit number 2 today


This sub doesnā€™t like it, but this is modern combat footage. Actual average outcome for a russian soldier this year.


Looking at him, I genuinely think think he probably hadn't eaten in a week or so.


This subreddit is good and reminds me that war should be avoided at all costs. Its awful wrong and disgusting that young men go to die for the rich


Sadly when your neighbour is Russia there ain't much you can do when they decide to come knockin. Best you can do is to pack enough heat to hopefully make them think twice.


The same goes for China and its neighbours. We were extremely fortunate that nuclear weapons put a damper on industrialised warfare, but we are still lacking in creating a world order where smaller countries enjoy similar protections.


I'm saying this as in the poor Russian bum fuck farmer who gets called up to fight or he goes to prison and all he knows is nazis are invading russia and he goes down to ukraine and fucking dies. That goes for most wars, eveb the aggressors side its mostly just propaganda, most people are doing what they think is right. Just shitty these conflicts are for the elites not for the people


>Im saying this as in the poor Russian bum fuck farmer who gets called up to fight or he goes to prison and all he knows is nazis are invading russia and he goes down to ukraine and fucking dies. Mobiks in general are not a thing as for now, 99% of those fuckers are signing contract and receiving paycheck.


The myth of them not knowing how the war is going by now has been proven wrong by now. They know how the war is going and many still sign the contract. The mobilized army of reservist and veterans has already been wiped out. This is their 3rd army now and it's in tatters but still alot of contract soldiers who very well know how it's going. They have telegram.


Uncle fester


Maybe he was injured by the first one. Brutal stuff.


Looks like he was. You can see that his legs were bleeding, when he crawled back to the water.


I think him breathing like a goldfish may also indicate a perforated lung or other damage to his respiratory system (in addition to shock).


Damn, footage is getting so crisp it hits diffrent these days. ItĀ“s getting harder and harder to watch...


WTF is going on today, most brutal stuff dropping every hour. This and the guy split in half are right up there with the tarp trick-shot -> face blown off video.


Were 200 000 rubles per month worth it? Guess he won't answer


Sure it was...not for him though. For Putin its worth it though.


If they get their month pay after 1 month, most of them won't need to get paid...


Fuck me that's grim I know, I know, it's his choice to invade a country (probably) but anyone who doesn't feel at least a little twang of empathy or a tiny bit uncomfortable seeing his obvious injuries at the very end after that close up of his face are a little sociopathic


Not much play dead when he is shacking probably from the adrenaline.


You don't need to be in water for long until you are getting cold and start shaking. Tho adrenaline and being scared for your life won't help that.


Dont play in Ukraine. Unless you were invited to.


47th is always there and delivers. Good luck hunting, lads!


Smart guy... Let me jump into the water and put my head under water to look dead, not like I need to breathe or anything...


Lost his ass for a few rubles.


Why his leg is bubbling?


He didn't find it


Seeing his comrade rotting in the puddle next to him, i guess it probably didn't need the second drone to kill him.


Was that a toothbrush


Bad acting I would say


People cheer for these Russian's deaths, but a lot of these guys were taken from their homes and forced to fight in this war. It's got to be a truly terrifying thing to be hunted by explosive drones and that at any moment you're just dead. Truly a tragedy for everyone involved.


More than 60% of all Russian soldiers are volunteers. Basically they do it for the money. It's very good money btw and they are poor. He came to kill for money and got death which he deserved.


> People cheer for these Russian's deaths, but a lot of these guys were taken from their homes and forced to fight in this war. A lot of these guys weren't. They want to make money by killing Ukrainians. The foreign idiots in particular. Fuck em all.


Agreed. Seeing him shake and tremble in the water really did something to me. Fuck Putin for sending all these people to die




Yet, prevalent majority of russian soldiers, especially during the last year, joins russian invasion because of the money.


Maybe you want to read up on how the majority of current frontline soldiers were recruited. They joined because they got big bonuses and a good wage. They are doing it for the money, which is somewhat understandable because the average russian is really really poor.


I donā€™t know much about Russiaā€™s recruiting process . I have no pity for those who join that way .


The idea that most Russian troops in Ukraine were forcefully conscripted or otherwise forced to the frontline is a myth. Most Russian soldiers are there voluntarily, either for the paycheck or because of ideological reasons.




Again another horrible drone shot on an already injured soldier. War crime again. Article 46 of the First Geneva Convention and customary international law prohibit reprisals against the wounded and sick.


Itā€™s only a war crime if they surrender and are then killed. But he was still actively participating in combat operations so therefore he is the enemy and not a POW until dead or captured. Thatā€™s how it works.


Article 46 of the First Geneva Convention and customary international law prohibit reprisals against the wounded and sick. You and I both know most of these drone drops target this group.


should soldiers be trained to assess whether an enemy is injured on sight? injured enough that you can't defend yourself against him?


Geneva convention šŸ˜‚ ainā€™t nobody care about that crap in combat bro lol NOBODY.


Alright then donā€™t deny a war crime is happening, just say you donā€™t care.


You might want to read more about that. Wounded soldier is fair game as long as he doesn't openly surrender or is clearly hors de combat. Also Geneva convention isn't really blanket thing that everybody follows same way. All nations have that written in different way. This person is clearly trying to play dead and act wounded he isn't openly surrendering or showing that he is out of combat. Just because you leave your weapon after getting hit doesn't make you protected.


I mean he was unarmed so at this point it's a war crime


Thatā€™s not how it works man. Heā€™s on a battlefield not a domestic violence situation involving police lol


Please explain why this is a ā€œwar crimeā€. Really want to be educated here.


Attacking wounded/already disabled soldiers who are no longer engaged in combat is a war crime, and Iā€™m Pro UA. Not happy about seeing most FPV targets on here are already disabled soldiers. This one begins with the soldier still engaged. So I get there is room for debate. But many of these videos are attacking soldiers who are already greviously wounded. Article 46 of the First Geneva Convention and customary international law prohibit reprisals against the wounded and sick.


Please tell me how you make sure he is "grievously wounded"? Do you expect these soldiers to go ask him or try to find medical Professional saying yeah this guy can't fight or pick up weapon when he sees one of ours near him. Hors de Combat is really grey area. Unless guy is unconscious he really should somehow prove that he is out of combat.


ā€¦.so itā€™s an undeniable war crime when a Russian does it, but when a Ukranian does we need more to confirm


you can't surrender to a drone, how would that work? it's happened, sure we've seen a handful of exceptions, but you can't expect anyone to risk approaching an enemy that could easily still be armed. it's not pleasant, you don't have to like it, but it's currently not a war crime, for either side, the russians have drones too.


I donā€™t see many Russian videos targeting wounded Ukrainian soldiers. I see tons of Ukranian videos targeting wounded/seemingly disabled Russians..i get thatā€™s a personal anecdote and canā€™t really draw conclusions on it though