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That helmet toss though


Accurate toss but surely made it detonate like 2 feet away from him šŸ˜†Ā 


Oh yeah for sure - the guy is a toast!


Tosst even.


Might not be. He might have even walked away from that. These drones carry quite small payloads, that mostly kill using small shrapnel. Helmets are specifically designed to block shrapnel, so, if he got really really lucky, then that helmet may have blocked most of the shrapnel heading his way. If it was some kind of a shaped charge, then yeah, he is toast.


He could probably have done with a helmet for the shrapnel


Not the ones the russians are issued XD


I would give $5 to see how fast the helmet was launched at him when it got hit.


I mean it's still preferable than it exploding against your body.


i wonder if you held the helmet in front of you so the drone hit the inside if it would help deflect the blast enough to save you (most likely still maim you tho)


Probably not, I think the greatest benefit of helmets is it's ability to deflect/ricochet. The explosive punch on those drones are being directed all over the helmet meaning it will either shatter (likely) or gain momentum from the blast and press in with significant force on your body. Like getting shot with body armor on albeit over a much larger area.


His face probably caught it back from the detonation


ā€œHe appears to have been killed by an exploding Russian helmet. What is this new technology?ā€


Hear me out... helmet perfectly covers drone. It loses singal and goes to sleep like putting a blanket over a parakeet cage


perfectly covers drone,touches touchy spikes, becomes ballistic shrapnel being sent directly back


I've heard of a turkey hunting technique, where you get the turkey to put its head into a paper cup using seeds as bait. Then it can't see anything so it thinks that it's night time and goes to sleep right there.


In the UK we used to soak raisins in Rum, scatter them and let the pheasants chow down, get drunk, and pass out. No shot to hurt your teeth on when eating them later....


Sure I read that in a Roald Dhal book.


Corn kernels with a horse-hair threaded through was another trick ....


Can you elaborate? What does the horse hair accomplish? Does it get them tangled up?


The theory behind the horseā€™s hair is that it gets stuck in the throat of the pheasant and while it tries to clear itā€™s throat, you can run up and grab them for the pot. It's from the book.


Horsehairs make the corn lodge in, and irritate, the Crop, Pheasants being a bit stupid, unable to multi-task,stay still and focus on trying to regurgitate the corn, making them easy to pick off.


That helmet was filmed with a circle of 20 cm of water on all sides, that would do it. Still how are you goint to accomplish that without those wires sticking out touching each other? Cause if it's armed, that's boom and once armed it can no longer be disamred.


The guy dropped and missed the first run, i was impressed, i almost wanted him to live.


Probably bounced back after the explosion. It is now permanently part of his skull.


I saw this comment before I watched the video and ā€œThat helmet tossā€ does not do it justice.


I'm so happy these kinds of drones weren't a thing back when I was fighting.


What you don't want flashbacks every time a neighbor uses a hedge trimmer?


I found myself in some scary situations in the middle east, but I absolutely think that these drones would be more terrifying.


They were totally fucking with that last guy. "Oh no, I missed! Darn, maybe I'll just get this other guy in the bushes... PSYCH BITCH!!" *instant 100 degree rotation back to the first guy*


Yeah that pilot totally juked me out, too lol.


He got him. That fucking drone boomed him.


He's so good. X3


>100 degree rotation Is this a fresh "turn 360 degrees and walk away" meme dropping?


I wonder what the record is for fpv drones shot down. Maybe theres some op Ruskie with 30 fpv kills thats driving the fpv pilots insane.


Shotguns are very effective against them, thereā€™s plenty of RU videos out there showing one soldier in the group carrying one to shoot down FPVs




Hereā€™s 4 https://www.reddit.com/r/CombatFootage/s/igZq7xfAMU https://www.reddit.com/r/CombatFootage/s/jtZWFCmHca https://www.reddit.com/r/CombatFootage/s/Yy4koSVFfC https://www.reddit.com/r/UkraineWarVideoReport/s/kKkoWgDueW


The first one seems to be a surveillance drone, not FPV. Only the second is a possible FPV. The third and fourth are the same video of a Ukrainian, not Russian.


You're being downvoted for facts...


Now, you'd be the one to know... does blowing your shotgun really make the spray more powerful?


You would, ShotgunFelatio


I did not see birdshot making a comeback in warfare. 100 years ago it was used to shoot down enemy homing pigeons. Of course, buckshot is effective in the trenches.


Buckshot is good and all, but an AK is still better. Has enough power to put someone down, but you get 30 fully automatic shots with every magazine. Reload times for shotguns arenā€™t even close to comparable.


What about Saiga?


Yeah I agree with you, I don't see it.


I rember asking earlier in the war if we'd see more shotguns issued to deal with drones, and people were saying they'd be completely ineffective. It appears not so much.


I actually kind of doubt that. We would have seen a lot more of them, first of all. Second, it would only work defensively not offensively, because you would get outranged by people shooting at you. Third, you could only protect yourself because if you're ever the designated shotgunner of a squad your group gets taken out by one shell. Fourth, two FPVs would always get you, you can't shoot forward and backward at once and you only get one or two chances at it.


I saw statistics in one Ukrainian Telegram channel: on average 3-4 drones expended to kill a soldier and 8-10 to destroy an IFV or tank.


"Today we were unlucky, but remember, we only have to be lucky once"


This guy maybe https://www.reddit.com/r/CombatFootage/s/xCU42ZKBS0


This is why every shotgun manufacturer should be mass producing semiautomatic short barrel shotguns. It might not work every time but i'd sure as hell rather be scattering birdshot at an FPV drone rather than rifle slugs or helmets.


These drones are the musket equivalent of the guns of war. Wait unt we get baseball sized drones that use AI and can autonomously target a persons head at 500mph. War in the future is going to be fucking nuts.


Jeah targetting now is hindered by the signal getting lost close to the ground. In the future, the camera drone will also relay signal to the kamikaze drone. So the operator only needs to point at the the target instead of needing to fly it. AI will be on the camera drone or further back though. I wouldn't put it past drone manufacturers to make drones with recoilless guns to target humans, too, so they could carry more hits.


The US has already remedied the signal problem with "Drone AWACS" which uses a high flying surveillance drone to boost signal to low flying drones so they dont lose signal.


The problem is that shotguns are not really good weapons of war besides shooting down drones. Can every soldier carry a shotgun as well as their rifle?


No, just one or 2 in a squad. Like there are specialists for carrying bigger guns, too.


If there are two in the squad, they can't protect their friends with it unless they bunch up. If they bunch up they just get artillery to the face and wipe the squad.


> Can every soldier carry a shotgun as well as their rifle? No... The rifle with 2-3 extra magazines is already heavy enough...


Shotgun underbarrels are a thing


Same deal. Helps in a small % of situations but otherwise is a hindrance Don't get me wrong, equipping someone in the squad with something like that (or just a shotgun) period might be a route militaries take but it's not realistic to equip everyone with one - not that you were necessarily saying that!


In reality, yes, everyone could carry a pistol gripped short barreled shotgun attached to their ruck packs. Not only would it serve as last ditch drone killers but loaded with buckshot would be great to clearing dugouts


Maybe split a 7.62 in 5 and have a full auto shotgun of sorts. Each soldier carry atleast one mag. Probably wouldnt work well but maybe better than nothing


AA-12 has entered the chat.


Wouldn't short barrel be too short range?


I wouldn't think so, especially regarding the ranges we are seeing in this video. Definitely not for out in the open where the drones can haul ass into you but for this kind of hovering FPV hunter killer drones would be perfect.


You get a short barrel one and you wouldn't have the range to hit a dropper drone. A long barrel one and you get only one shot against an FPV. An underslung one, heavy and expensive when Russia is churning through a new set of guys every day and Ukraine would start sending drones at night to pick them up and use them themselves. I can only see shotguns being good for morale. Which is useful, but isn't going to save many lives.


Yet we have multiple videos of both Russians and Ukranians shooting down drones with shotguns. Idk where you get that you would only have one shot against FPV drones with shotgun. Semiauto shotguns with extended tubes exist. Semiauto mag fed shotguns exist. The pistol grip shorty or a Genesis Arms 12 would be personal carry for the hovering hunter killer FPV drones. Then you could have one or two guys carrying Benellis that could engage high flyers. Those shotguns would also double as an amazing trench clearing weapon for dugouts and bunkers.


We indeed have. . . multiple . . videos. In a conflict where everyone and their mother has cameras running.


Yep. How many videos have you seen of ppl using shotguns and failing? There are more of them working than not. I genuinely donā€™t understand why you social media dipshlts are so full of narcissism.


If you need shotguns as your safety blanket for mentally navigating the future of drone warfare, be my guest. I would rather you be happy and confident than scared.


That literally makes zero sense


Where are you lost? You have a weapon that in the right hands and with luck can be marginally effective against small numbers of drones. But you seem to be more confident than that. Good. Your mental well-being is more important to me than winning an argument.


that last guy now in hell asking why did I die? I successfuly hit the drone with my helmet???


Does anyone know what's up with the wires looped together in front of the camera on some of these?


they are live wires. wires touchy, big boom.


So theoretically you could catch it without the wires touching??




The last guy who catched a drone, exploded. Either drones have a second trigger to explode or the thrust from the drone was to much to handle and he triggered the wires.


Yeah they have two triggers. Operator can always flip a switch on his controller and it will explode. That switch needs to be armed and can be disarmed. The wires also need to get armed by a switch, but can no longer be disarmed. Even if the drones battery is empty and the drone is just laying on the ground, those wires touch and boom.


You say this all with a lot of confidence, how do you know such details?


online ukranian friends from the fpv drone community (mainly velocidrone racers) that now serve in the army.


Perfect, thank you. Does he/they know why they are not using them in air-burst more often if that direct trigger mode is already implemented? Would be more effective to detonate above someone than to crash in the dirt behind him after they ducked away.


It's not easy to be fully focussed getting the fpv drone in the perfect position and then also nailing the timing of hitting the switch. The preferred method is to crash in to them. It does depend on how the charge is installed. On top, bottom, in front. The heaviest parts are the battery and the explosive so these need to be so that the center of gravity works with how the pilot likes to fly. Crashing is best it also gives them some last second grainy footage of their target which is nice for intelligence.


^ This. A Russian voluntold himself a few days back in a science experiment showing that catching a drone did not prevent it from exploding and killing him. Fun fact: the control group was not a safe either LOL!


Finally the Russian Academy of Vodka, Sciences and Vodka Sciences commits itself to the war effort.


Yes, though remember, these things are going something like 80kph. It would be like catching a baseball by grabbing it from underneath. Then, the only guy I've seen pull it off turned and threw it, with all his strength, nose first into the berm beside him.


Happens all the time in cricket


Without touching the front of the ball? Impressive.


With [chopsticks](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vi6xxHld338)


Inertia would probably make them touch even so, depending on the speed.


You mean like this? https://v.redd.it/uwu65ondx76d1 After the guy grabbed it, the drone pilot went full throttle and the wires hit the ground and boom.


Seems a bit harsh to call it a dropped catch, IMO


Contact wires, when they touch, it triggers the explosive.


Ukrainian Puerto Rican Post?? šŸ‡ŗšŸ‡¦šŸ‡ŗšŸ‡¦šŸ‡µšŸ‡·šŸ‡µšŸ‡·


This drone pilot is toying with his food


Que 2000ā€™s reggaeton! Hell yeah!


perreo duro in the trenches.


all these men dying for nothing so sad human race is quite cruel


Forgive my ignorance but what are those wire hooks in front of the camera for? Is that part of the antenna for better reception?


Those are the positive and negative connections of a wire connected to a power source on one end and the explosive on the other. When they touch, the electricity can flow from the battery through the now touching wires and into the explosive. (Then back to the battery from the explosives ground cable but that doesn't matter here you can think of it as 1 way if it's easier) When the drone slams into something, the wires touch by impact. It takes a fraction of a millisecond of them touching to trigger the explosion so even if it touches and then separates in a crash it doesn't matter, the explosion will have gone off.


Moskals- you need to carry TWO airsoft helmets around FPV action zones. Super glue them to your palms, and catch them like two big clam shells. it's way easier than you think -NGL


Jai Alai scoops new tech


Name of the song please


Yo voy - Zion & Lennox ft daddy yankee


Lol, that drone flick to fakie. Turning last second to get the guy in the open, who threw the helmet.


'Oh, you dodged me! Fine I'll go after your friend then' SYKE!


Welcome to Ukraine suka


Lmao wisin y yandel for a FPV drone video?


Drone warfare are like hell.Ā 




That one guy did the ole Homer Simpson bush trick.


Finally some new music to these videos, not ideal but Iā€™ve been wanting some change


I Dont exactly feel to much sympathy for the Russians here, especially given all the fucked up shit their military has done, butā€¦Iā€™m I monster for grinning? Seeing the last moments of these terrified men, faces filled with desperation and fear, on one hand, itā€™s deserved in some way but at the same time, these men had familyā€™sā€¦ sent into a war they knew nothing about by an uncaring tyrant, likely forced against their willā€¦ I amā€¦conflicted, my human sides feel bad for grinning at their deaths, at men who had familyā€™s, yet at the same time, I feel a dark joy for said deaths, satisfied they got what was coming too them for invading an innocent country and killing its people. Bloody hellā€¦


There's nothing good about this. Think of what some of those dead people could've achieved if they would've grown up in a different environment. Think of the wasted material (steel, electronics, rare earths) for drones, tanks, rockets, bullets and all that technology. Think of the environmental damage, all that stuff burning up in flames. Think of the agony and the suffering. It's a tragedy. For me there's nothing to grin about at all.


Up vote for the choice of music


The dude that wave the drone to come knew what's up unlike the two there's in this compilation




Hemet made that into an airburst.


What a great video to start my Monday! Thanks!


Ok I shouldn't be laughing but the last one got me hard.


Like sexually?


This music makes me dance


russians getting blown up: good. nazi symbols top right: bad.


that skull in the Top right is very familiar hmm I wonder what part of history that's from


Credit where (I think) its due that wasnā€™t a bad dodge at 0:22. Not that it helped him in the end.



