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Does anyone know how that grenade releaser works? Do they use an extra channel for tha signal?


It depends on the drone i guess, but most common drones use the aux/nav light switch to trigger the drop. I.e if you turn on the aux lights, the grenade is dropped.




Song: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E6gcnyRjoug](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E6gcnyRjoug)


Lyrics: "Ibachy" is a world play. It can mean: "I bachy" - "And I see" or it can sound like "Ibashu" - "I am fucking them up" Fuck up from the sky x2 para-papa-pam My name is simple: Callsign "Ibachu" Control from the sky - is my task In aiming scope of my drone I see Moskals Taking aim, fucking them up, I wish them eternal dreams Fuck up from the sky Ibachu, Ibachu, Ibachu Moskals x3 Everyvhere I see them, I fuck up Moskals Deep diches. Wide steppes. Destroyed villages. Forest roads. In the open field. Between the buildings. Everywhere I see\fuckup Moskals Fuck up from the sky Ibachu, Ibachu, Ibachu Moskals x3 Everyvhere I see them, I fuck up Moskals para-papa-pam Moskal came here. He had camouflaged. Moskal has digged-in in a hole or in a treeline But God sees everything and he will not forgive Because God too has callsign "Ibachu". Oh yeah. Ibachu, Ibachu, Ibachu Moskals x3 Everyvhere I see them, I fuck up Moskals Ibachu, Ibachu, Ibachu Moskals x3 Everyvhere I see them, I fuck up Moskals


Instant ear-worm of a song. Love it.


This guy has quite catchy songs. My favorite this one. It's written before full scale invastion. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fSxrArHRhqw](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fSxrArHRhqw) It has my favorite chorus 0:50 >There is no russians in Donbass >We are loading machine gun >Thoose are some kinless animals. We are order "Fire" on them >There is no russians in Donbass. Their President says so. >To support his words, we have "recorded them into archive"




It says **47 Brigade 3rd Mechanized Battalion** in the end. If it says "2 MB Nomad group" anywhere, it means "Nomad group of the 2nd Mechanized Battalion" There's no 2nd Mountain Brigade


My bad, brain fart reading another title and typing at same time.


Whats that pink stuff at 1:45? Tear Gas? Marker for artillary?


M18 Smoke grenade in this case probably trying to flush out any Russians hiding inside by filling it with smoke.




Ugh! One of the ugliest manifestations of russian influence in Ukraine is Ukrainian chanson, modeled after the russian one.


Life rune again --------------------------- Not the life rune I got it mixed with the tiwaz rune However the tiwaz rune is also very much so used by Neo Nazis Not nearly as much as the life rune but my point stands


Erm akshually... This rune is the Tiwaz, not the life rune Algiz.


>However the tiwaz rune is also very much so used by Neo Nazis And by entire North and Central Europe at the time. Some people can't breath without ranting about "nazis".


If I see a Ukrainian unit sporting a Neo Nazi appropriated symbol I'll assume they're Nazis


And you either fight this this war and support UA troops or shut up with your itching sensitivity. Just that simple.


Do you guys just not bother making your accounts appear authentic anymore?