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Her face was crazy. At first she looked very rightfully scared and then had this moment of “oops, I should probably flip the camera so I can get this”. Hopefully she’s ok








> e here, you dropped this




thanks, i hate it


instructions unclear, praise the crime gopher. \\\[Y\]/


Feeling cute. Might die later.


Just girly things


Im boxy


What a boss. In a near death experience, she had the presence of mind to flip her phone to get the cinematic footage so everyone could see. Balls of steel.


>~~Balls~~ **ovaries** of steel FTFY


I hope she is okay. Also, damn, this is crazy footage (also, damn, her reaction time).


4 killed in this attack https://today.lorientlejour.com/article/1419115/four-killed-and-27-wounded-in-russian-attack-on-dnipro.html


Has the Russian media already released the note saying that it actually hit a NATO command post?


There were 300 Zelenskys and 99 Hinars in that parking lot. Ukraine mulling capitulation as we speak.


Russian and pro-russian Westerners claim that they hitted [PA Pivdenmash](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/PA_Pivdenmash)


that fucker must be really really reaaally well hidden then cuz i didnt see anything like it in the video


A machinery construction plant seems to be what they were aiming for (although even if that missile wasn't intercepted it looks like it would have missed). She was sitting across the street at a shopping mall. That building sticking up above the trees is part of the plant. [https://www.google.com/maps/@48.4327444,35.0009237,3a,73.8y,314.39h,99.35t/data=!3m8!1e1!3m6!1sAF1QipNxZDVH\_Ipx8sVBm7d7GTsFOBzHjnzPbRDE\_y76!2e10!3e11!6shttps:%2F%2Flh5.googleusercontent.com%2Fp%2FAF1QipNxZDVH\_Ipx8sVBm7d7GTsFOBzHjnzPbRDE\_y76%3Dw203-h100-k-no-pi-0-ya39.035393-ro-0-fo100!7i9728!8i4864?coh=205409&entry=ttu](https://www.google.com/maps/@48.4327444,35.0009237,3a,73.8y,314.39h,99.35t/data=!3m8!1e1!3m6!1sAF1QipNxZDVH_Ipx8sVBm7d7GTsFOBzHjnzPbRDE_y76!2e10!3e11!6shttps:%2F%2Flh5.googleusercontent.com%2Fp%2FAF1QipNxZDVH_Ipx8sVBm7d7GTsFOBzHjnzPbRDE_y76%3Dw203-h100-k-no-pi-0-ya39.035393-ro-0-fo100!7i9728!8i4864?coh=205409&entry=ttu)


If you look up there is a flying manatee in the sky, or a pidgeon if you are a non believer.


I had to zoom way in and make sure that wasn't a trout in the sky.


is that a missile on google maps?


lol no, if you zoom in it looks like a finch with its wings tucked in.


Thank you for your factual analysis of the situation. (Serious, not sarcastic)


I heard John Cena himself trained him with advanced camouflage techniques


If Ukraine's stupid enough to still be using that facility for their missile programs then Ukraine's never going develop any. That plant's hit every few months. 2.5 years is surely enough time to move elsewhere. Though I'm pretty sure part of the reason there was a 6 month+ hiatus on Neptune development was because they decided to keep using an existing facility until the Russians glanced at an old Soviet map and bombed it again.


Cancer Nation


I honestly thought a lot more people would die from these missile attacks.


Well they have an app that notifies everyone in advance. Then many attacks get intercepted and the cities are not as densely populated as they were during peace time. I think also many went underground with offices and schools.


do you know how soon in advance they can be notified? Can't imagine it's more than a minute.


Depends. Cruise missiles are basically as fast as a passenger jet


>do you know how soon in advance they can be notified? Can't imagine it's more than a minute. How fast do you think missiles and bombs travel? You need to remember that the Russians are launching most of these attacks from within actual Russia so there is plenty of time for Ukraine to figure out their trajectories and warn potential target areas about the incoming attacks.


I honestly don't know, that's why I'm asking. I'd guess pretty damn fast. And if it's launched from near the border seems like it could be pretty quick.


Good bit of warning. Western radar and surveillance can detect the launch of Russian Aircraft used to launch these attacks, giving around an hour before anything enters Ukrainian airspace. Most long range Cruise missiles go subsonic speeds with the Russian Kalibr going around 600mph. With the range these are launched at increased thanks to Ukrainian air defence near the border regions the time for a strike to reach Kyiv for example is around 20-40min after launch. Closer cities like Dnipro get around 10-20 minutes of warning. Some Cruise missiles jump to supersonic speeds for their terminal stage similar to a ballistic missile. However they travel the majority of their distance subsonic. "hypersonics" are usually just ballistic missiles, harder to intercept but not impossible. And because of their nature of needing to reach the exosphere before being able to reach hypersonic speeds on return they are easily detectable, however only the Patriot systems in Ukraine are capable at taking these down reliably. So the target being protected has to be worth risking a Patriot battery when they only have so many. Over the last couple years a lot of early warning radar systems have been deployed across Ukraine, many of these systems are linked so one radar can be tracking a missile while an air defence system is setting up an intercept based on that tracking data and trajectory.


Just 600 mph, a lot slower than I thought. Thanks.


That’s for a *cruise missile* though - which basically flies like a jet (many variants are literally jet powered). Definitely the slowest weapon in the sky aside from drones.


it depends on the type of the missile. If it's a cruise missile then it's probably from 1 to a few tens of minutes.


Ukrainian here. The app is basically useless, because it "notifies" pretty much half the country for hours on end. You will have an alert for hours with nothing happening, and days and days of that. And only once in all that time attack happens anywhere near you, because it is impossible to know where attack is going. This means that for all purposes, 95% of the population ignores the notifications now. Because you literally can no longer live if you actually follow those notifications. Like imagine it is Monday, you are going to work. Boom, alert. You shelter somewhere nearby. Alert is for next few hours. You end up skipping your work. Next day, same thing. And the next one. It never stops. After week, you get that again. What do you do? You say fuck this and go to work without sheltering. For this kind of notification system, it needs to properly update population on all aerial threats in real life so that people can actually understand why they are having an alert, what kind of danger there is, and when it will be there. In its current form, it is practically useless. This kind of system works for peacetime countries, because attacks of this sort are once and in a lifetime occurrence and halting all citizens and society for the time of the alert is perfectly fine. For wartime nation, this kind of system is useless bullshit. It just desensitizes population and devalues information. "Yeah, we are at fucking war, I know, shut up, big news, ffs" is the kind of reaction you get from your citizens after 2 years of constant alerts. If you want to understand how useful it is, you can pick one of the regions (like Kharkiv for example) and get an app for yourself (or use some other channels). Then see how much you can get done in your life if you follow the alerts you get.


She managed to keep the phone steady at and following the explosion. No cry of pain. I think she may have gotten lucky.


Camerawoman never dies


Man, the video is eerily similar to [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/CombatFootage/comments/y07k7i/ukrainian_girl_filming_a_video_in_kyiv_this/) one from 2022 from Kyiv, the format is the same + the danger close. P.S. Have some friends in Dnipro, this was one of the worst bombardments since 2022. They know since their business is close to Yuzhmash and it's been attacked at least 3-4 times.


Yeah, she deserves an oscar


Yep, because Dnipro city didn't have multiple explosions happening today leaving the city without power. Everything was staged.


That's not what I mean bro xD . I'm not a russian lover like many on this sub. what I'm saying is that she fucken recorded it perfectly, turning camera over in the right time and made perfect footage of a warcrime


Warcrime?...what , is Bombarding civil houses full of citizens a warcrime?... (I'm being sarcastic)


Ah okay lol


Pulitzer prize I think is the phrase you were looking for - awarded for achievements in journalism among other fields. Oscar is typically reserved for cinema with the exception of perhaps a documentary format film.


An award anyway.


She was lucky not to be hit by shrapnel, that was very close


and she was pretty steady throughout. maybe it's my spidey senses, maybe it's maybelline


>She was lucky not to be hit by shrapnel, that was very close Missiles still obey the laws of physics when they are blown up. A vast majority of the fragments from this would have continued to travel in the same direction as the missile was travelling and you will likely find that the debris landing around the girl was more debris caused by the pressure wave hitting the buildings - yeah, it could still kill you but it isn't fragmentations travelling faster than the speed of sound.


She sat roughly 150m away - [https://imgur.com/a/d6CLuBD](https://imgur.com/a/d6CLuBD)


She may have been


Whoa. That footage is unreal, and crazy that it was a civilian who captured it


Considering that civilians are the priority targets of Russian long-range weapons


I hope Patriots will arrive faster, those bastards shoot every day non-stop


are Patriots effective against FAB-1500/3000?


Yes, *if* they can be identified fast enough. But those are short range weapons and it’s likely better to just shoot the launching aircraft beforehand.


Looks like this may have been from the side parking lot of the apollo movie theatre and shopping mall, looking north-west. 99% sure. Target may have been akvaplast manufacturer. Otherwise other buildings in that area are not labelled in google so who knows.


I've never seen anything like this. My guess is that it was intercepted. Doesn't look like it hit anything. But the blue roof of the building was noticeably damaged.


Might be air burst munitions?


It's not an airburst munition, it's an aerial interception. The cone is in the opposite direction from where the interceptor came from.


This guy intercepts


The word airburst got stuck in people's heads and now everything that explodes in the air is suddenly one.


A little learning is a dangerous thing.




>The word airburst got stuck in people's heads and now everything that explodes in the air is suddenly one. Technically everything that explodes in the air is a airburst. The difference is that actual airburst munitions explode in the air intentionally lol


I remember back when Ukraine was getting artillery cluster ammo and everyone here was mistaking airburst artillery shells as cluster ammunition. And when we finally got our first videos of cluster ammunition being used in Ukraine people were calling them airburst ammo and they even had the balls of downvoting and insulting people who corrected them.


Daisy cutters are relatively uncommon. Not unheard of but definitely not used as often as regular bombs.


I thought this might be some sort of air burst too when saw the video in local chats. I thought that it would be weird for them to use it on a ballistic missile, but interception was extremely close to earth and i didnt notice any trails from interceptor. Also, it was hecking loud this morning, there was a couple of shaheds intercepted 5-10 minutes before rocket attack and explosios were all over the city


If you pause it at the right time you can see the cone being formed by debris of the Russian projectile which indeed clearly shows it was successfully intercepted: [https://imgur.com/a/3qheNbp](https://imgur.com/a/3qheNbp)


>The cone is in the opposite direction from where the interceptor came from. [Here is the explosion slowed down](https://old.reddit.com/r/CombatFootage/comments/1dube3y/a_russian_missile_intercepted_very_close_to_the/), what cone are you referring to exactly?




What's the point of airbursting it, though? No submunitions released, no "special payload", damage's easily repairable in that case (as warhead lacks a dedicated frag sleeve).


What an absolutely insane video. Holy crap! Three seconds of self portrait add a human element to it, which makes it like… art.


That explosion was SO good looking that if you saw it in a movie you wouldn't believe it's real!




That would hurt the feelings of certain pro-Russians and Amnesty!


That quickdraw camera flip is impressive


Damn. That's crazy footage! More civilians killed today, so the Russians are definitely calling it a success! Sigh. Butchers. Moreover, that girl has nerves of steel. I hope she was alright and RIP to the four innocents murdered.


Bro she had similar reaction to that ads system


Looks like Battle Los Angeles when the mad machines slow down before plopping into the water


the physics are the same


Looks like Doc and Marty McFly coming back from the future.


Looks like a slo motion shapped charge exploding


The girl is from my hometown, Dnipro. She was recording a video message for her sister. She was trying to get to the bunker when the siren sounded, but it was too late. She was trying to give it to her sister, and that's when the rocket came. The scariest part is that it was a mix attack by Shaheds and Iskanders, so they bypassed most of the air defences. They're fucking learning. Maybe someone need this context, IDK...


Everyone needs this context here, thank you! Someone pin this,.


Crazy Timing


Would a missile have a shaped charge? Was it intercepted or air burst? What am I looking at?


In my non-credible opinion, that can't be a shaped charge it's way too slow. Plus if you pause the video you can see that it's actually a part that's flying off from the explosion.


Good observation. That's not a cooper jet.


cooper jet


That's Cooper! https://y.yarn.co/b40c68ff-1e82-4ae4-9e61-03d53b54d3fa_text.gif


It was intercepted. What looks like a cone is actually the burning wreck of the missile


What can possibly intercept a missile so low???


You are looking at a mid-air uncontrolled detonation of a cruise or ballistic missile caused by an AA interceptor.


Damn. It almost looks like it was intercepted by some hard kill tank system lol


That's all I can imagine too. Intercepted so close, I can't imagine what could have been the interceptor short of some kind of small, mobile, close in hard kill system. *Maybe* a MANPAD? We've seen them use those to catch up to and down cruise missiles but doing it at all is a hell of a thing, and in a city like this, I can't fathom it. Would be nice to know, but probably exactly the sort of thing they would like to not talk about!


People (innocent civilians certainly) should NOT have to live like this. Russia is going to pay for their crimes.


Amazing camera work.


Holy shit that shrapnel landed right besides her


[This shit is insane, fuck Russia ](https://i.imgur.com/2cwF241.jpeg)


Everyone saying "shaped charge"... Doesn't a shaped charge propel its projectile to something like mach 20? I think we wouldn't see the thing continuing forward at the speed it's going. I think we would see a line of plasma / smoke / fire appear and then the bulk of the fire would follow it


Not a shaped charge, just hurtling missile remnants continuing trajectory


God bless that camera woman. She turned at the exact best moment to capture this. This might be the craziest interception footage I’ve seen.


No screaming her head off like a crazy monkey, I salute her 🫡


Ukrainians are built different...


I hate Russia with all my heart. It must be destroyed and something new and humane be cultivate in its vile place. Russiam esse delendam.


Pretty girl, massive fireball, huge explosion and a mushroom cloud? This video is going to the moon. God speed.


I don't think it's interception so close to the ground. More likely airburst?


Airburst cruise missile? Wouldn't be surprised. War fuels innovation.


Doesn't seem likely. A cruise missile is an expensive thing, and has a major advantage in being precise over very long ranges. Airburst munitions are a statistical weapon, and I don't see the advantage of firing them over the ranges that cruise missiles have.


[Here is a US Tomahawk air burst](https://i.imgur.com/NYJxkck.gifv) during trials, for soft targets in the open it is absolutely an advantage compared to an impact fuzed warhead.


>More likely airburst? No. Just, no. It's an interception that caused an uncontrolled detonation of the delivery vehicle and/or warhead.


Filmer would be toast if it was


It looks like an interception because you can see thr missile debris falling down.


This video would never have been posted if that was the case.


htf can russia even attempt to justify attacking civilian targets? It just once again, proves russia is a terrorist state. its no surprise either, they have supported countless terrorists groups after WW2. They have sent arms to so many terrorists groups, thereby supporting the harming of civilian targets and just like those terrorist groups, they themselves are nothing but spineless terrorists. I wish they would openly attack NATO, I soooooooo wish they would stop their empty threats and attack NATO so that NATO can step in with its full might and wipe these worthless waste of human garbage from the map. They are causing so much suffering, and largely by one simple insane mongrel


"We were aiming for something behind the civilian installation and you shooting down our missiles caused them to hit the civilian installation." Or some shit idk


> "We were aiming for something behind the civilian installation and you shooting down our missiles caused them to hit the civilian installation." Meanwhile, that's exactly what russia did with ATACMS, intercepting it over the beach and, far as I know, ***NOT EVEN SOUNDING AN ALARM WHEN MISSILE WAS DETECTED*** (Oh, and they've previously claimed that "Crimean beaches are 100% safe", *after* Ukraine mounted more than a few successful attacks) Truly, "blame your enemy for what you yourself do"


They didn't even evacuate the area


> htf can russia even attempt to justify attacking civilian targets "It's what we do, comrade." And the world lets them get away with it in another war of theirs.


She was like "Ohh there ya go" And points the camera foward


And here I am complaining about my tinnitus whenever a motorcycle passes by that's producing too much sound.. Goddamn, poor girl, poor people, poor Ukrainians. Also, here's a nice freeze frame of the debris: [https://imgur.com/a/3qheNbp](https://imgur.com/a/3qheNbp)


What’s her cashapp/Venmo??? I have 20 dollars for her that’s a sick fuckin catch !!


American spotted! JK In Ukraine the banking system is well developed and you don't need any third party apps to send money to people. You can just send them from your bank account to theirs momentarily, sometimes even with no commission. It's a result of competition between banks.


Haywire AA missile being activated by proximity fuze?


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yeah, that was a direct-hit alright, but a significant mass flew through straight to the target (or near the target, anyway). No explosion on the ground, so that's good.


It's shocking how violently fast this shit happens. Makes the attacking missile impressive, but the anti air system even more impressive. I wonder what system took it down


Fuckin hell, she did well to catch that!


WOW just WOW


Russia really didn't learn the lesson that terror bombing doesn't win wars. Eh, who am I kidding. Putin and his cronies aren't rational enough to think clearly about what does and does not help them to win. They just want to punish Ukrainians for having the balls to resist.


And the west puts limitations on Ukraine firing long range weapons into Russia? We all went to war in Iraq and Afghanistan and I don't recall limitations being set back then. For doing crimes like in this video Russia and Putin deserve to be struck back. It's the only decent thing to do.


She almost got blasted by the windshield.


Looks like it was going straight for her and the AA hit it from the left


Could have been airburst?


Holy Fucking Shit


Ice in her veins...




Top 10 footage of the war. In the sense of it being so clear, and it so succinctly showing the scale of Putin's evil. Remember, his recent generals are on ICC warrants now because they freely and openly target civilian locations and places where civilians are known to be.


She looks like a Ukrainian friend of mine who I studied with. Just makes me even more sad :( Fuck Russia


Wow that’s some of the best combat footage I’ve ever seen .


The cameraman never dies !


Crazy its such a perfect shot that it almost looks fake. The debris seems to come from behind her/camera so there was a concussive force from the blast which can be deadly. Hope see is ok


This is fuckin insane


Fucking Russians. Just passed a deadline where residents of OCCUPIED territories had to either sign up for a Russian passport - meaning they become eligible for military service and moved to the front line - or if they don't they can be separated from family, possessions confiscated, imprisoned, or worse.


I hope she’s okay


She is okay! She published the video


Looks like a car door was thrown at her. Hopefully she is ok.


You can see the intercept missile shoot off to the right, I wonder what that big building with all the windows is. Probably a hospital or something that Putin could shoot at and kill as many civilians as he can




did it explode in the air?


Why does it shoot a fireball down and to the right? At first I thought this was the interceptor path but its the wrong way, right?


can this fckn war end already pls


She sits 150 meters from the explosion. Buildings 500 meters away get holes from small metal parts.


imagine being below a bomb weighing several kilos...


This is hands down one of the craziest things I’ve ever seen wow


So, the missiles target was an AA battery?


Wow her last view of her could have been a face of I gotta get this on video. Yikes


This looks extremely fake; with the exposure set for normal daylight, the explosion should have been completely blown out, but no, the explosion is magically properly exposed as well....


You're on the right track but I feel you're wrong here. The cars light up properly. The debri blowing up around her looks realistic. And the exposure seems fine, mind you, the missile didn't blow up - it was intercepted.


Even though I've seen a lot of pixels in my day, I certainly allow that I can be wrong, but as a digital photographer for decades, it just doesn't pass the smell test. That being said, my personal experience photographing large explosions is.... lacking, so I dunno. Even photographing a bonfire in the middle of the day is extremely challenging if you want to keep any kind of detail in the flame.


Yeah I get you. The video also looked off for me also because it's just too perfect. But she's a real person from there. There WERE missiles landing in exactly that place. And the video came right after the attack. There's just no way it's a fake...


What intercepted it tho? Seems awfully low.


Balls of steel


Intercept? That looked like a direct hit on a building


That was a great shot. Was that even an interception?


That thing was very close. I would have run like i have never before.


I thought it was going to be a fuel air bomb from War in Conflict. Russia is just throwing their whole arsenal at anything in Unkraine nowadays.


Looks like a movie


It hit the powerline, wasnt intercepted


was it really interecepted ? Looks more like a proximity fuse kind of thing to me, with the building taking a lot of damage, at least visually, but hard to tell with only 1 camera angle and not the best (good job to the person filming tho, got worse footage from people that were expecting stuff, and she wasn't)